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Everything posted by quozaxx

  1. Re: Dodgeball question My player came up with a really good question. "I'm not sure what skill is applicable - what governs catching or throwing a ball? Acrobatics? PS: Ball Skills?" The character wants to be a football player in the game. Catching and throwing a ball. So what would help him do that (especially catching a ball, since that is kinda hazy)
  2. In our pbp game, we are playing dodgeball. (it's a teen game). Now, a ball is being thrown at you and you want to catch this ball. Now, kids do this all the time, and it doesn't seem "too" hard to do (so I don't think it would be a tremendous minus), But what do you go by? Block? Grab? Grab By? Dive for Cover? Grab would seem most appropriate, but the minus on a moving small ball would probably be pretty large, (and their OCV's are not that high being teens and all) Block would seem appropriate, but the word "Block" is throwing me off. Can you "catch" a ball to "block" it? The ball is moving, so would Grab By be more appropriate, even though it's the ball and not the character that is moving? Or perhaps (suggested by a player), it is a Dive for Cover move. The name "Dive for Cover" seems like you are trying to avoid the ball, not catch it.
  3. Re: Tranquility Haven during WWII Thanks. Anybody have any more? (Since somehow I don't think that the new Golden Age Champions will be out before I write my article for Haymaker)
  4. Here I am once again, talking about my mental institute. Tranquility Haven Psychiatric Hospital (TH for short). I am writing up a detailed timeline for TH, depicting what happened in each era. The Pulp era and anything after 1945 has lots of great material. But the timeline during WWII (1940 - 1945) is severely lacking. During the Pulp age, I fit in snippets of Masterminds and Madmen characters. And anything after 1945, has snippets of Champion's Characters from all 3 Villains books. But I don't have much to go on for WWII. I know that Hero Games made a Golden Era Champions, but that was before I started getting back into hero games. (forth edition, I think). Now, I do have The Fires of War: The Algernon Files Volume 2, from BlackWrym Games. But I've never felt like that was an "official" book. (not like Champions). So maybe I need some more generic things that might happen (or have happened) to TH during WWII. TH is located in Oklahoma. I would prefer to only have "official" Champions Character (like Captain Patriot) if a one is mentioned.
  5. Quick question: I looked over the book and I don't see anything preventing a dodge to a mental power. Am I overlooking it, or can you use a simple Dodge maneuver to dodge a mental power?
  6. Re: Book of the Empress - in stores? I actually did ask my local game store, and they didn't even know it was out and available. (Hence why I asked the question). Then I called the other 2 stores in Oklahoma, and neither one of them had it either.
  7. The Book of the Empress has made it through Kickstarter! Wonderful! But when will it be in stores? I'm thinking that everyone who had funded the book through Kickstarter should have their book by now. Unfortunately, because of financial things, I've gone to a mostly cash only mode of thinking. I don't think that the Hero Games Store takes gift cards (the site asks for a security code, and gift cards don't have security codes), so I can't put the money on a gift card and get it that way. So any time table for when the stores may have it? I'm hoping by at least next month.
  8. Re: Mental Institute equipment Add on question: Who (besides Foxbat and Black Harlequin - who I actually think would make great editions to the hospital) in the entire Champions / Pulp / Dark Champions universe do you think would be sent to this Mental Hospital for evaluation or treatment. I'm talking about characters so out there (like Foxbat or Black Harlequin) that they BELONG to in the hospital.
  9. Re: Mental Institute equipment How super? Standard Champion's game super. So anti-mental power, anti-meta human power, anti-magic power, and anti-teleportatiion devices would be standard. (Dampening not total removal) It is a mental hospital that you would not mind you loved one going to. Even if they had meta human powers. According to the history, they actually have a high success rate in helping patients overcome addiction, coping with mental problems, and even understanding and dealing with meta humans with psychological problems.
  10. Not long ago, I asked for a Mental Institute name. I chose Tranquility Haven Psychiatric Hospital (Tranquility Haven or TH for short) Well, I have "borrowed" a lot of information from the Hero book New Bedlam Asylum. It has been very, very helpful. It has information on syringes, Basic Tranquilizer Guns, Advanced Tranquilizer Guns, Straightjackets, EEG Machines, EKG Machines, and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)(aka electro-shock therapy) But Tranquility Haven is located in a super powered setting. What other "equipment" would a Mental Institute have that is set in the Champion's Universe?
  11. Re: Total Drama Metahumans I've never actually played it like it needed a roll. And the few that have actually used Universal Translator have never rolled to understand someone. So, I guess I should rewrite that to remind players that they would have to roll to understand someone - especially a mutated animal. As for the events. The game would progress a lot like the show itself. From making it to a specific destination, to finding a specific item and so on. Each contest would be resolved based on the challenge itself. Which means a teleporter would have an incredible advantage over a non teleporter. Besides, how would your character know what the final challenge would be if Chris hasn't told you what it is yet? More than likely I would take snippets from the other Total Drama shows and actions reality games like Survivor as a basis of a challenge and see how a meta human would solve those games.
  12. From time to time, I get the urge to try out a new game. Unfortunately, I usually don't have time to actually put it together or play it. But I thought you'd at least like my concept. If you've seen the Cartoon Network cartoons Total Drama Island (TDI), Total Drama Action (TDA), Total Drama World Tour, (TDW) or even Total Drama Revenge of the Island (TDR) then you know the premise of this game. You are a teenager (15 or 16 years old) doing various competitions and trying not to get voted off so you could win one million dollars. The only difference between those shows and this one is that you also have meta human powers. Basically it's Survivor meets teenagers meets Champion's characters. Basic Rules: Don't ever mess with the host. You can compliment him or try to get on his good side, but you can't use your powers on him to influence him. You make two (that's right 2) characters to play. One male and one female character. If both of your main characters get voted out, you can play an npc character. Make characters with strong personalities. Let's face it; the more grounded the character is; the more likely they are going to make it to further levels. (which means I won't vote against them) Character are 6th Edition, 150 points with 50 points in Complications (150 points total, not 200 points total). Each of the 2 characters that you make should have different personalities. No Frameworks, No VPPs, No Multi-powers, if you have martial arts, no more than 5 maneuvers and no extra damage classes. The max of one Exclamation Point or Stop Power (not both). You do not HAVE to have any powers if you don't want. You could have all skills. I want to see some Skills! The game is all about skills. No peeking! Don't look at reduced visibility threads. Do not look at other character sheets. Do not look at npc sheets. The confessional is an iconic part of the game. I want player to use it knowing that other players are not going to peek. Please see notes in the below for more information and notes. For more information on the show itself, please go to either http://totaldrama.wikia.com/wiki/Total_Drama_Wiki or http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/total-drama/index.html?atclk_gn=link_shw_Total-Drama-Revenge-of-the-Island Cheating: In the TV show, contestants have cheated in the game. But what is cheating? What are the actual rules of the game? (Besides what is listed above) You can't mess with voting. You can't switch names (even though the character Harold did this in TDI.). If you are found out, the character voted out will return and then you will have to deal with them. You can't attack another player, unless it is part of a challenge. (Save it for the challenges folks) You can't steal or mess with the money. (Or CAN you????) If you get voted off, you must leave the island immediately. Which means that if you DO cheat, you may get caught or found out, which may lead to other complications along the way. Voting: I am having each player make 2 characters. The reason being; You can get voted off. And what fun is it if your only character gets voted off too soon? You only get one vote per character, even if you have followers or duplicates. When we are down to less players available, you will get to be on the jury, and be able to still role play (so you don't get bored waiting for the game to play out) Characteristics sell back: Would Cameron (TDR) be as memorable without his lowered STR, or Lindsay (TDI) without her lowed INT. Yes, you can sell back Characteristics. Limits: You may be wondering why I chose no VPP or MP. I wanted the game to still be able to won with just skills. VPP are very, very powerful. And Martial Arts can be very effective with relatively low cost; and thus can be sometimes even more powerful than a super Power. Powers are usually based on up to 45 Active points. The point values will probably round out to about 30 Active points. This also captures the feel of a teen based game, just learning their powers. I am not going to require Limitations, but you can purchase more Skills, and other Powers if you have them. Characteristics: I usually prefer using the Characteristic Maxima, and anything above that going into the Powers section. So if you want a 45 STR. You'd have a base STR of 20 and +25 STR in the Powers Section. Skills: I prefer role playing vs rolling dice when you are playing against another PC. Skill rolls are mainly vs npc's or inanimate objects. (or to show off. Like with Actobatics) Assume you have the proper equipment. Like assume you have bugging equipment if you have the Bugging skill. However, it is probably an OAF and probably needs to be backed up with additional rolls (like a Concealment Roll for Bugging equipment) Combat Skill Levels: I'd prefer no more than a +2 on any attack. This will represent the fact that you are still a teenager and still learning to use your powers. Perks: Most perks are not allowed in this game for the simple reason: I don't know how you can do it without cheating. Access, Anonymity, Computer Link, Deep Cover, and Bases will be seriously questioned, and may not be allowed. Contact can be used: Dakota (TDR) used her contact of her father to get back onto the set (as an intern), and Courtney (TDI) used her lawyer contacts to get back into the game after Harold Cheated. Followers: I will probably limit the number of followers you have to 1, and you must have a separate write up of that follower, (and an explanation of why I should allow them to follow you) Vehicles: I've never actually seen a vehicle on any of the Total Drama characters. If you choose a vehicle, you still can't use a Framework on it. And it is considered an OAF and thus can be taken away or destroyed. Talents: None of the talents have any conditions to them except, Lightning Reflexes and Universal Translator. Lightning Reflexes: Let's face it; this can be a abusive, especially in this game. I will question why you need it instead of just raising your DEX, and probably limit how much you can have. Universal Translator: You must have the “Requires a roll” Limitation on this. The mutant animals have their own language and share only a small connection with talking with normal animals. (Basic conversation) and require a minus on your roll. Martial Arts: Like I mentioned before Martial Arts are very powerful for the low cost they have. If you have a 20 STR and a certain maneuver, you then have the STR of a person with 30 or even 40 STR – and that's without extra Damage classes! This is why I'm choosing to have no extra damage classes or more than 5 maneuvers. Powers: As I have mentioned, you may only have, at the MOST one exclamation point, or Stop Sign Power. The only exception may be an individual that wants to be an Automaton. Then I may allow both Automaton Powers, and Does Not Bleed. Adjustment Powers: They should have the normal return rate. Duplication: I will probably limit the amount of Duplicates you can have. Probably no more than 1. Killing Attacks: I may limit the number of BODY you can do against another PC. Let's face it; I don't want you to kill each other. Luck: Luck will be capped at 3d6 and can only be rolled once per competition or story arc. Multiform: You may only have one form you can change into, and it must follow all the rules set above. Shape Shift: There should be some way to determine that you were not who you shape shifted to look like. And thus I will not allow the Cellular Adder. Transform: Transform can only be used if the antidote is easily available. Like recovers in less than a half hour, or splashed with water, or some other very easy method. Advantages: The limitation of only one Stop Sign Power or Exclamation Point Power also applies to Advantages. Instead of the word “Power”, exchange it with the word “Advantage”. Thus you can't have a Transform Power with the Indirect Advantage. Limitations: The Exclamation Point Limitation are NOT included in the list of things you cannot do. Thus, you CAN have a Transform Power with the Unified Power Limitation. Complications: Dependence: How will you get a hold of your insulin on location? Think about that. DNPC: If you have a DNPC; They are an intern, or part of the crew. They will not help you. That's called a contact or a follower. Distinctive Features: You must explain how this inhibits you after the other get used to how you look. Psychological Complication: Let's face it, you should have at LEAST one of these. Social Complication: How can you have a secret ID, if you have cameras on you 24 hours a day? Unluck: This is capped at 3d6 What you can take with you? You can take one object with you. Most likely, if you have a focus, that is the item you took. Lightning (TDR) brought his protein powder, Sam (TDR) brought his hand held games (he counted a LOT of games as one item). And Noah (TDI) brought his book along Romance: What is the game without some on camera romance? This is part of the reason I am asking you to make at least one male and one female player. Don't be afraid to make a “love connection”. Language: This is a PG show, (or at the most TV-14), and thus the language should reflect that in the spirit of the show. You don't hear bleeps every other sentence, and I actually don't like swearing. It's a pet peeve kind of thing. If you feel your character HAS to or NEEDS to swear. The Bleep, F***, Hades, etc work wonders getting the point across. Anyone ignoring this rule will probably get at least one vote against their character that swore from an npc. Can you afford that? *************************************** Again, I think this would have been a fun game if I only had the time and energy to keep up with it. I hope you like the concept.
  13. Re: Hulu: An evil plot to destroy the world, Enjoy. So... the heroes from other countries will have to rescue the United States???? This is a good thing right?
  14. Re: Hulu: An evil plot to destroy the world, Enjoy. I just realized why there are no "what would your character do" responses: They've all been taken over by HULU!!!!
  15. Re: Hulu: An evil plot to destroy the world, Enjoy. OK, 100 views and only two responses, and the last time I posted something, I got over 75 views and absolutely no responses. Maybe I should just stop while I'm ahead.
  16. Re: Hulu: An evil plot to destroy the world, Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m71m-LBqFQ
  17. Have you ever seen those Hulu commercials? As funny as they are, WWYCD if you found out it really WAS an evil plot to destroy the world? And to make it worse, they already have thousands if not hundreds of thousands of loyal Hulu followers that would attack you or get in your way if you tried to stop them.
  18. quozaxx


    "Weird Al" Yankovic made a funny song about Charles Nelson Riley. I will print the lyrics below. Charles Nelson Riley was a mighty man, the kind of man you’d never disrespect. He stood 8 foot tall, wore glasses, and he had a third nipple on the back of his neck. He ate his whole weight in coal and excreted diamonds every day. He could throw you down a flight of stairs, but you would still love him anyway. Yeah, you know you’d love him anyway, oh. Charles Nelson Riley won the Tour de France with two flat tires and a missing chain. He trained a rattle snake to do his laundry, I’m telling you the man was insane. He could rip out your beating heart and show it to you right before you died. Every day he’d make the host of Match Game give him a piggyback ride! Yeah, 2-hour piggyback ride. Giddy-up Gene. A ninja warrior, master of disguise, He could melt your brain with his laser beam eyes. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. He had his own line at the DMV. He made sweet, sweet love to a manatee. Oh, yeah!, Oh yeah that was something to see, I tell ya. Charles Nelson Riley sold his toenail clippings as a potent aphrodisiac. He ran a 4 minute mile with an engine block strapped to his back. He can eat more frozen waffles than any other man I know. Once he fell off the Chrysler Building and barely even stubbed his toe. Had a tiny little scratch on his toe. Didn’t even hurt! Charles Nelson Riley figured out cold fusion, but he never ever told a soul. I’ve seen the man unhinge his jaw and swallow a Volkswagen whole. He’d bash your face in with a shovel if you didn’t treat him like a star. ‘Cause you can spit in the wind, tug on Superman’s cape, but Lord knows you don’t mess with CNR. ************************************************************ Now how many powers, skills, and even Complications can you find in this song?
  19. Re: I like Playing Bricks! Is that wrong? Happy belated B-day Let me ask you some questions about the bricks you play: Do they have different skills than your other bricks? Do they have skills at all? Do they have different personalities - even slightly different? Are they all the same "type" of brick? Like are they all just super strong? Or do some have STR from growth, density Increase, or other sources? Even if you answer "no" to the above questions, there is still nothing wrong with playing only bricks. I personally enjoy playing super powered detectives. I have made a pulp type detective (never played), a brick detective (Named Mr. Stone), and a mentalist detective (named Emerald). Note: the mentalist detective would NEVER use his mental powers to "spoil" a mystery. The problem I have is that most GM's and players don't play mystery type games. I once tried to GM a game that started out as a mystery and a player left it because I didn't "tell" him it was going to be a mystery. Sigh. Now they just sit on the shelf, and I only GM post-by-post games. And the only GM that actually was trying to play a mystery type game posted not often enough for my taste. At that time he posted about twice a week (post-by-post) and I was a daily (now an every other day) posting personality. So. the game actually lost interest for me.
  20. quozaxx

    My evil plot

    Re: My evil plot Well, obviously this is a female teenage super villain wannabe. She's going to go into the mall where the Orange Julius is located, steal the boots, and make her get away to the exotic dimension. And when it's all over brag about it on the Facebook page challenging other girls to do one better. New evil plot: Items: A deserted island, a space suit, and 5 carrots (not the diamond kind either).
  21. Re: Damage reduction Actually I'll probably say something like 'Was that supposed to hurt?" And you can draw your conclusions from there.
  22. Re: Damage reduction How did you know it involved Gargantua? Yup, you're right. Which means the heroes are not going to like his response.
  23. Quick question. Does Damage Reduction affect Drains? I don't have my book in front of me and I need a quick answer.
  24. Re: Mental Institute name needed I like this one the best, but I may add the word Sanitarium, or Institute (or something else) to the end of it.
  25. In my past game Sentry City, I featured the Sentry City Mental Institute. This is a mental institute specifically designed to assist with patients with meta human powers. They have a special secure area for dangerous (in other words villains) patients. They also have standard treatments for non meta human patients, but they do specialize in that sort of treatment. But the name "Sentry City Mental Institute" sounds so bland. It doesn't have the feel of "hey, I could send someone I love there!" So, I need a better sounding name for this mental institute, but I can't seem to come up with anything decent. Any ideas?
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