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Everything posted by quozaxx

  1. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! I would rep you again if I could. This is great stuff!
  2. The Hand-to-Hand (HTH) normal Attack has the mandatory Limitation of HTH Attack (-1/2), but the HTH Killing Attack does not. Why is that?
  3. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! Just gave you rep. So any specific, really memorable moments from the game?
  4. quozaxx

    Sun missing

    In a recent commercial, (hair commercial, I believe), 2 men show a newspaper headline that says "sun missing" and asking the lady where she put the sun. So; What would your character do if the sun was missing. I mean literally one minute it's there and the next it isn't. Note: It would probably take a couple of minutes for the Earth to realize the sun is missing, since light, heat, and energy from the sun takes a couple of minutes to reach us (OK, I'm not exactly sure, how long that is. I think it says it in the new Star Hero, but I don't have that book in front of me).
  5. quozaxx

    Sentry City

    Re: Sentry City Wow, I printed all of this in 2009! That was 3 years ago. The original Sentry City has been replaced by a new game "New Players Welcome". It's the same city (basically), but a lot has changed. Fast Freddy's player dropped out of the original game for good, and the game slowly died with it. Ocular's character died in the story and the player opted out (this was before Freddy dropped). So with only a few players left, the game died. Lucy Lu was actually the name Freddy gave his contact in PRIMUS. It sort of stuck. So, Lucy has been in the background since almost day one. Lucy Lu was brought up in and around Chinatown. At an early age she was taught the importance of doing what is right. When she was only 21, she joined the police force and worked there for 5 years, quickly rising to the a Sergent But Lucy thought that superheroes should be more involved with law enforcement. In fact, many cases get thrown out because superheroes don't know how to follow up on paperwork and procedures. Lucy transferred over from the police force over to PRIMUS. She worked there another 8 years, again quickly rising in ranks. Lucy started to find a way to teach, hire, and train former convicts a better way of life so they don't just fall back into the cracks of society. That's where she met Freddy. Freddy had an excellent record while in jail, and she liked him because of the fact that he also gained superpowers in prison. Lucy set up Freddy's early release in exchange of him joining the Guardian program. The program to rehabilitate former convicts. It wasn't long before the Guardians were changed into the local superhero group. The rehabilitation program was renamed "Second Chance".
  6. quozaxx

    Time Hero

    Re: Time Hero Do you think that if you decided to run a campaign that hops from time zone to time zone; that you would need a good grasp of history?
  7. quozaxx

    Time Hero

    Re: Time Hero You've been time traveling since you were 9???? What time are you really from anyways?
  8. quozaxx

    Time Hero

    Re: Time Hero Favorite method of time travel: Flux capacitor and 88 miles per hour!
  9. quozaxx

    Time Hero

    Re: Time Hero No wait, I forgot another favorite Dr. Who episode... The Five Doctors. Yup, a classic.
  10. quozaxx

    Time Hero

    Re: Time Hero Next question: What is (or was) your favorite time travel show / episode? Please note the show the episode refers to. As for my favorite: Dr. Who. Nothing beats him, in my opinion. Followed closely by Quantum Leap (until the last season. I was really hooked on that show up to the point where they leaped him into a chimp.) As for my favorite episode of Dr. Who.... "The Keys to Time" series of episodes.
  11. quozaxx

    Time Hero

    In the book Star Hero, another book is mentioned: Time Hero. I personally love time travel stories, movies, and television. But I figure that if Time Hero ever is to be a reality, it may take a long long time before we see a physical copy of this book (considering it has to be written, and then sent to Kickstarter, then it has to have a high enough bid to be printed, and then it has to be sent to Kickstarter supporters, and then (and only then), would it be available to the general public.) Well, that's too long of a wait for me, so I thought I'd start a thread discussing the subject of Time Travel. So first question: Has your character ever time traveled in a game? If so; details please.
  12. Re: Spider powers activate! The web (aka Entangle) has a trigger on it too. So if your tripping over the web, you're probably caught in it as well.
  13. Re: Spider powers activate! The thing is that I don't want my spider creature to HAVE to touch his web to know someone's in it. I want him to even be in another room. If you vibrate the floor (or web) in apartment 12A and spider creature is in apartment 1C... You see my dilemma?
  14. I am making a spider type creature. The creature makes a web and a victim unknowingly gets caught in it. (Entangle with the trigger option). When a victim is caught in the web, the spider creature KNOWS that they have been caught. The spider creature does not have to be in the same room to know this. How would you write this up? Detect with a trigger? Clairsentience? Or Other option?
  15. Recently I asked Mr. Long the following question: I have a thought provoking question. In the original 1984 movie Gremlins, the main character Gizmo can duplicate when he gets wet. In the original movie, he produced 5 Mogwai (later to be called Gremlins after they eat after midnight). I figured Gizmo's (being the base character) Duplication at 31 points. Given that each Mogwai/Gremlin can Duplicate and should pay for the original cost of Duplication AND the cost of Duplication again per the rules. (again assuming 5 duplicates per Gremlin / Mogwai). How much extra should the Gremlins cost? Also, should Gizmo's Duplication be a 25% Duplication considering that the produced Mogwai are so much different in personality than Gizmo? I'm thinking the later question is a “no” since each Duplicate can have it's own personality. His response was So I was wonder if anyone else would like to do the math? Note: I figured the original Gizmo at 132 total points, (Skills, Powers, Complication, etc), which is how I came up with the Duplication cost of 31 points. So is anyone out there up to the challenge?
  16. I have a thought provoking question. In the original 1984 movie Gremlins, the main character Gizmo can duplicate when he gets wet. In the original movie, he produced 5 Mogwai (later to be called Gremlins after they eat after midnight). I figured Gizmo's (being the base character) Duplication at 31 points. Given that each Mogwai/Gremlin can Duplicate and should pay for the original cost of Duplication AND the cost of Duplication again per the rules. (again assuming 5 duplicates per Gremlin / Mogwai). How much extra should the Gremlins cost? Also, should Gizmo's Duplication be a 25% Duplication considering that the produced Mogwai are so much different in personality than Gizmo? I'm thinking the later question is a “no” since each Duplicate can have it's own personality.
  17. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! [ATTACH=CONFIG]42553[/ATTACH] What's wrong with my baby?" "It seems as if you have a twin boy" "Well don't sound so disappointed. I'll love them both." "No, Mrs. Glen. You have "A" twin. A conjoined twin." "You mean like you might find in a sideshow? Is is fixable?" "It's a little hard to tell from this ultrasound. But I think that it's feasible to un-join your twin when it is born." "Even if you don't, I will still love him or them"..... About 6 months later at the hospital... "Are my boys out of surgery? Did they both make it? I can't take it, I want to see my sons! " The doctor.... He's coming right now. The doctor enters the room, not smiling. "I'm sorry to say that we were only able to save just one of the twins. “Can I hold my other baby?” “Soon.” Later that day Mrs. Glen is holding her new born baby. She stifles past the tears as she holds her new son in her hands for the first time.. “Your name is Thomas William Glen, but everyone will call you 'Tommy'. And you would have also had a little brother. His name would have been Samuel Abraham Glen, but he would have been called 'Sammy.' I honestly don't know if I'll tell you about Sammy or not, when you're old enough to understand. 7 years pass by... “Thomas William Glen! How did you get into cookie jar? It was on top of the refrigerator!” “Sammy helped me mommy. I'm sorry.” And Tommy's mother drops the cookie jar because she's never told her son about Sammy, and never told anyone else what his name would have been. 3 more years pass... “Mrs. Glen, your son is stronger, and more agile than any other student I have seen, but he's rather disruptive in class. He, well, he talks to himself consistently. Like a real conversation is going on.” “My son is rather reclusive. I know about his conversations with himself. He calls him 'Sammy'; his imaginary friend. He sometimes gets carried away with the conversations. He never really knew his father... Look, I'll talk to him about that. “Have you considered therapy?” 5 more years pass. Tommy still talks to himself. But he plays it off as a joke, or a prank. Tommy has been practicing with 'working” with Sammy for years now. But being different altered Tommy. He hates everyone who is "normal". Personality / Motivation: Tommy plays life as fun loving, and loves pranks and jokes. It's how he's gotten “away” with Sammy for years. He loves comic books and secretly calls Sammy “Duplex”, whenever he tries something sneaky or prank related. But in reality, he's biding his time when he figures out how to get back at the world for making him different. He still prefers to be called “Tommy” and pretends that has never really outgrown being a little kid at heart. Quote: My imaginary friend saw where you went! Powers / Tactics: Sammy spirit has merged his spirit somehow with Tommy's spirit. So, when Tommy taps into Sammy's spirit, Tommy gets stronger, faster, etc. So if that Strength, or speed is drained. All of those other aspects dwindle as well. Tommy can “send” Sammy to do something, like get a cookie out of a cookie jar, or look around the corner for Tommy. And together they can pack a pretty good punch. Campaign Use: Duplex is a type of Duplicating character that doesn't actually use the Power of Duplication. Since The basic rules don't have duplication. The closest thing it has is Follower. Duplex is only 15 and neither a full fledged villain, but he's no hero either; and could easily be either one. If he is continually misunderstood and not taken for granted, he'd become a worse villain. If he's ever shown real friendship, he's liable to become a hero. To make Tommy weaker and more like a 'real' teenager, drop his base stats, and / or combined stats considerably. To make Tommy stronger, beef up the same stats, or have Duplex be a 'real' duplicate. To make it more full 6th Edition. Add sense modifiers to his clairsentience, or more options to his Danger sense. (or simply give him real duplication) Plot Seeds: Daddy! Tommy want to know who his father is. And all of the information lead to the PC's secret ID (or significant npc). Where did he go? Tommy is sent to a therapy session – again. But this time the next day Duplex is nowhere to be found. He tries desperately to get one of the PC's to believe him and help him find his invisible imaginary friend. Alternate plot: Duplex can't find Tommy and tries to get the PC's attention to illicit their help. No! You talk to him! Tommy and Duplex have a big fight. Is Tommy being childish, or is Duplex pulling a prank on Tommy. Or something is happening behind the scenes. Appearance: Tommy is a 5' 8” Caucasian teenager. He still hasn't hit his full growth spurt. He has bright red hair and a small nose, and brown eyes. Many individuals have mentioned he has a “mischievous look: Tommy often wears blue jeans or short pants (depending on the weather). He has a variety of shirts, and hasn't wore a costume – yet. Duplex is invisible and possibly all in Tommy's imagination to cover his powers. But he has been described (by Tommy) as Caucasion, Black hair, thin nose, and very tall.
  18. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!
  19. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!
  20. With the popularity of the Hunger Games, and reality show competitions like Survivor, Amazing Race, etc. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried a game based on a competition. Did it work for you? Are you supposed to kill each other? and other info would be nice. If not, would you play in a game where you are supposed to kill each other? (Like the Hunger Games)
  21. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! Yes, but they also had Find Weakness and Elemental Control. The full 6th Edition rules has VPP, but the Basic Rules don't.
  22. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! If only the Basic rules had that.
  23. Re: A new Enemies book: What would you want to see? Something to represent the 7 deadly sins?
  24. Re: A new Enemies book: What would you want to see? A villain using the 25% Duplication, and a villain using the 50% Duplication. I've seen exact duplicates and 100% Duplicates, but I don't think there are ANY at the 25 or 50% levels.
  25. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! [ATTACH=CONFIG]42402[/ATTACH] Background: John Forte has been an actor as long as he could remember. He started off as a baby in a diaper commercial, moved up kid background shots, and even became the star of the teen based show Corey Inmann Teen-PI. The well-known comedy drama. By the time he was 23, he was so very well known, not just for his acting skills, but also his party skills. Oh, yes, John LOVED to party! One day, he was drinking just a little too much. He left one party to drive to another party. He drove drunk that day. Barely remembers swerving to miss a small animal in the road, and hitting a tree. The limb of the tree broke the windshield and was piercing his heart. He was dying. He "knew" that nothing holy would have him if he died, so he cried out a deal. "Look , devil. If you allow me to die. Who will lead all those fans into sin? . Allow me to live and I'll do your bidding. . You'll call the shots. Come on! What do you have to lose ?" The next thing John knew, he was waking up in the morgue. He didn't need to breath. Now the devil (his boss) calls the shots and tells him who to kill, or ruin. He turns into the Dark Specter. Personality John is selfish, and self seeking. Everything he does is for his own benefit. He has no qualms about killing - at all. Powers / Abilities: John is a specter that can kill, stun, or mentally control someone else. And he doesn't need to be solid to do it. Quote: "I sentence you to death. What did you do wrong? Did you NEED to do something wrong to be sentenced to death?" Campaign note: Dark Specter is very powerful if there are no magic casters in the group. He can be very powerful. All of his slots can be mixed up for a variety of effects. To make Dark Specter more powerful. Raise his MP to 75, or give him money, vehicles, or bases. To make Dark Specter less powerful. Make his Desolid use END to use. Or add extra END. To convert to full 6th: Thy some Selective Desolidfication form APG. Or make only some of the slots in his MP as variable slots.
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