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Everything posted by quozaxx

  1. quozaxx


    I have mentioned that my super school (Teen Champions) will be starting enrollment for the football. In fact, my newest player's character has a Martial Arts form of football. This made me wonder. If one school of super powered teens played a game of football against another super powered school - what would the additional rules be? One player has an inter-dimensional type of stretching. What's to stop him from simply grabbing the ball and placing it over the goal line in one Phase - each and every time he plays? I don't want the players to feel too constricted from the rules, but I also would like to make it semi fair.
  2. How long does a PER roll (not asked by GM) take in combat? If it is half a Phase, please direct me to the exact page in 6th Edition where that is mentioned.
  3. I typed in "www.dojlogistics.com" and it said that website cannot be found.
  4. If a Character has the Environmental Movement - No Penalty in water; would Flight work normally in water as if you were flying in air? Or would this still be considered Swimming?
  5. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The famed potion maker Green Leaf has announced his desire to retire! Lord Green Leaf is taking on students to learn his craft! All interested should meet him at his cottage at the next full moon before sundown! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Join now on Hero Central. Need at least 2 or 3 more spots to fill.
  6. quozaxx


    I've never heard of a Dvorak keyboard before. Please enlighten me.
  7. quozaxx


    How many knives should they carry (realistically, not for the knife wielding character, who would have more)?
  8. quozaxx


    Thank you both so much. Now, the only question I have is What is a Lucius Alexander, and how does an adventurer carry it? Oh, and what is a Palinromedary?
  9. quozaxx


    In a fantasy game. Everybody should have some of the same things. For example. A horse, rope, and a knife. What other very basic items should every Fantasy Hero Character have?
  10. Do you know what website I can go to, to get the PDF version (with American money)?
  11. They are already on the Fifth Doctor Sourcebook? That's great! I only have the First Doctor Sourcebook right now!
  12. I wish I had the Time Travelers Companion. But, I'll have to put it on my Christmas list.
  13. Live Action: Smallville (first 2 seasons) Animated: Justice League Untilmited Live Action: Marvel's Avengers!!!!!! Animated movie: None springs to mind.
  14. I agree. I hope it catches on. I have the 11th Doctor version. BTW: I love the First Doctor Sourcebook.
  15. Has anyone out there bought this rpg besides me? Do you like it? Do you have players?
  16. I usually prefer a character sheet and stats, but I have worked with just a description before too. I don't mind super Martial Artists. But Martial arts is pretty powerful for their low cost, and I want teens that are basically just starting out. So, how about just a few MA slots and give the chance to gain more martial arts or other abilities?
  17. As you all may know. Hero Central went "down" a while back. For about a month it was gone. And thank goodness it is back! Well, during that time. I had a Teen Champions game called "Yet Another Teen Game". When the site was brought back up, Many player never came back. But I kept the game going with 4 players. Recently one more player dropped out. (without notice) I need more players! About 3 more. Exciting things are happening. Stewart, a bully and normal kid, has been teleported 2 times now, and his parents are members of the IHA. He's bringing a mutant scanner to school tomorrow. The Headmistress has just revealed a secret super hero training area to the remaining PCs Ms. Wallace, the English teacher is helping the headmistress. And there is something strange going on in her classroom. Hint: Ghosts or magic All that, plus cheerleaders in the area robbing jewelry stores. An npc who's hands can turn to fire. And that's JUST on the surface. Who knows where the adventure may lead. Go to Hero Central and see what all the fuss is about.
  18. As you all may know. Hero Central went "down" a while back. For about a month it was gone. And thank goodness it is back! Well, during that time. I had a Teen Champions game called "Yet Another Teen Game". When the site was brought back up, Many player never came back. But I kept the game going with 4 players. Recently one more player dropped out. (without notice) I need more players! About 3 more. Exciting things are happening. Stewart, a bully and normal kid, has been teleported 2 times now, and his parents are members of the IHA. He's bringing a mutant scanner to school tomorrow. The Headmistress has just revealed a secret super hero training area to the remaining PCs Ms. Wallace, the English teacher is helping the headmistress. And there is something strange going on in her classroom. Hint: Ghosts or magic All that, plus cheerleaders in the area robbing jewelry stores. An npc who's hands can turn to fire. And that's JUST on the surface. Who knows where the adventure may lead. Go to Hero Central and see what all the fuss is about.
  19. quozaxx


    There are many dimensions in the Champions' Universe. One is a place where plants have become the dominant sentient species, with animals coming second. No humans exist on this earth. The timeline is much like the Champions Earth. Grape Washington was our first president. Abraham Lettuce was our 16th, and we fought Nutzis and Acorn Hitler in WWII. Dr. Deggstroyer destroyed Detrout and it is now Melonium City. And they have a group much like PRIMUS. But it is called PLANTS. What I need is what PLANTS stands for. I figure the P would stand for Planetary. But after that, I need help figuring out a name. Thanks for your help with this.
  20. quozaxx


    I've just started a new Sliders game on Hero Central!!! Now's the time to join.
  21. I must admit, I am surprised that no one has added any words to the dictionary. I was figuring at least android, robot, cybernetic, and cyborg would have been added. Right now it's looking more like a glossary.
  22. I've cut down the questions to only 50. Thanks
  23. I've just opened up a new game and want to ask the players questions that their characters could answer so the can really, really get "into" their character. I know I have seen questions like this before, but I don't remember where. I know it had questions from everything to who was your best friend in school, to why they chose their profession. So, please help me think of questions to ask a player about their character that's more than the normal questions you see. I want to try to make it to about 100 questions. More than any job interview. Thanks
  24. quozaxx


    SLIDERS What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you could slide into 1000 different worlds? What if it's the same year and you're the same person but everything else is different? And what if you can't find your way home? Some of you may recognize the words above as the opening title sequence from the TV show Sliders. (later on in the series) Well I'm starting a Sliders type roll playing game on rpol.net. Of course it would not star the original stars, but the player's own creations. Five seasons of the show aired, and they visited a lot of different worlds. (About half of which I haven't seen – like none of Season 3); but this game only uses the TV show as a format. It does not follow the show. As far as you know, Cromags don't exists, and you've never heard of Sliding (unless you are the one making the device) but will hopefully coin that term. I am going to try my hand at freeform. I will warn the players that I have NEVER tried (or even played in) freeform. So, please be patient with me. Each character must be very realistic in human terms. If a real person can't do it, you can't do it. Martial arts will have very maneuvers (probably only 3 or 4) . You can choose (if you want) to play one of the characters from the show. I have each of the TV character written out. If there is a question about rules. I will default to Hero Game rules for any disputes, but I will try to keep it in the very background so those that do not know that system can still play. I have some very simple rules. Have fun. Even in the series, the group was joking around and trying to make the best of a difficult situation. Rating PG please. The original series was about a PG rating and I want to capture the “feel” of the show. So, no cursing. Even killing was done sparingly. In fact, many of the characters talked someone out of killing someone else. That doesn't meant there WON'T be any killing. Wars happen, and sometimes that is the only way to do things. Post, post, post: This is a very, very character driven game. I post about every other day. I would like if if the PC's tried to match that. Don't be afraid to interact with other players. This doesn't mean you have to agree on everything. (they didn't on the show, so why should you), It means you do your best to get along. It's going to be a long (hopefully fun) ride. Talking about long rides: Let's face it, it's going to be a long, long, long time before anyone gets back to the prime dimension. I wouldn't doubt that each place visited will take the minimum of a month to play out. So please be patient. I am a very easy going GM. I love the concept of freeform for this game, and I doubt that many battles will occur. But they do happen, so I may need the most help with that situation. So you may be asking yourself "Hero Central is up again, why not start the game there?" I'm having an unusual problem with Hero Central When most of you log on, on the left hand - top side of the screen, you usually see a dropdown menu where you can login, choose campaign Messages, Start a new game, Read or post to the General Messages, etc. Mine used to have that but doesn't have that anymore. I think it's my new computer. In order to go anywhere, I have to change the words in the main address. For example. If I'm in [url=http://www.herocentral.net/characters.htm?campaignId=1033864]http://www.herocentral.net/characters.htm?campaignId=1033864[/url=http://www.herocentral.net/characters.htm?campaignId=1033864] I have to change the word characters to CampaignMessagesBoard to post in the campaign messages board. Or change it to StoryBoard to reply to a story. I don't have a clue how to change this. So, I don't know which words I have to type to start a new Story thread, or start a new campaign Messages, or even what to type to tell the administration my problem and see if they can suggest a solution
  25. quozaxx


    SLIDERS What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you could slide into 1000 different worlds? What if it's the same year and you're the same person but everything else is different? And what if you can't find your way home? Some of you may recognize the words above as the opening title sequence from the TV show Sliders. (later on in the series) Well I'm starting a Sliders type roll playing game on rpol.net. Of course it would not star the original stars, but the player's own creations. Five seasons of the show aired, and they visited a lot of different worlds. (About half of which I haven't seen – like none of Season 3); but this game only uses the TV show as a format. It does not follow the show. As far as you know, Cromags don't exists, and you've never heard of Sliding (unless you are the one making the device) but will hopefully coin that term. I am going to try my hand at freeform. I will warn the players that I have NEVER tried (or even played in) freeform. So, please be patient with me. Each character must be very realistic in human terms. If a real person can't do it, you can't do it. Martial arts will have very maneuvers (probably only 3 or 4) . You can choose (if you want) to play one of the characters from the show. I have each of the TV character written out. If there is a question about rules. I will default to Hero Game rules for any disputes, but I will try to keep it in the very background so those that do not know that system can still play. I have some very simple rules. Have fun. Even in the series, the group was joking around and trying to make the best of a difficult situation. Rating PG please. The original series was about a PG rating and I want to capture the “feel” of the show. So, no cursing. Even killing was done sparingly. In fact, many of the characters talked someone out of killing someone else. That doesn't meant there WON'T be any killing. Wars happen, and sometimes that is the only way to do things. Post, post, post: This is a very, very character driven game. I post about every other day. I would like if if the PC's tried to match that. Don't be afraid to interact with other players. This doesn't mean you have to agree on everything. (they didn't on the show, so why should you), It means you do your best to get along. It's going to be a long (hopefully fun) ride. Talking about long rides: Let's face it, it's going to be a long, long, long time before anyone gets back to the prime dimension. I wouldn't doubt that each place visited will take the minimum of a month to play out. So please be patient. I am a very easy going GM. I love the concept of freeform for this game, and I doubt that many battles will occur. But they do happen, so I may need the most help with that situation. So, you're probably asking yourself, "Hero Central is back up, why not post there?" Well, I have a problem: When most of you log onto Hero Central, on the left hand - top side of the screen, you usually see a drop down menu where you can login, choose campaign Messages, Start a new game, etc. Mine used to have that but doesn't have that anymore. I think it's my new computer. In order to go anywhere, I have to change the words in the main address. For example. If I'm in [url=http://www.herocentral.net/characters.htm?campaignId=1033864]http://www.herocentral.net/characters.htm?campaignId=1033864[/url=http://www.herocentral.net/characters.htm?campaignId=1033864] I have to change the word characters to CampaignMessagesBoard to post in the campaign messages board. Or change it to StoryBoard to reply to a story. I don't have a clue how to change this. So, I don't know which words I have to type to start a new Story thread, or start a new campaign Messages, or even what to type to tell the administration my problem and see if they can suggest a solution.
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