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Posts posted by dsatow

  1. Though this is of dubious origin :ugly: it does pose a valid question:confused:. Its sort of like a wand of wonder


    A character has a magic wand which does an Autofire Aid built something like the following (I've left out limitation/advantage values defined in book)


    5d6 Aid Autofire 5, 64 charges, variable effect (single stat at a time), OAF Wand, Act 11-, Limited: Activation occurs for each shot due to side effects (-1), side effects only affect target ( target has something enhanced they do not want - Transform major), always at full power (-1/4)


    The idea is the character aims the wand at a person and fires, hits him 3 times. Does the "variable effect" allow three different stats (if he is lucky) to be Aided or that he only Aids one stat?


    PS: I know of another way to do to get the correct effect but this does pose the question correctly.

  2. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    Just entering my $.02 (Think I am at about $.32 on these forums :) )

    Note most of these I think you already have covered.

    1. Definition of an apocalypse campaign

      1. Is there a government
      2. Role of Tech
      3. Role of Magic
      4. Role of Psionics
      5. Power levels

    [*]Types of apocalyse settings

    1. Nuclear - We bomb each other
    2. Biological - We throw anthrax at each other
    3. Chemical - We cover the world in toxins whether war inflicted or pollution
    4. Alien attack - Aliens attack
    5. Superhero/Villain war - High powered supers go at it
    6. Machine war - The machines rebel
    7. Magical/Religious - The second coming
    8. Self inflicted decadence/decline - We get so lazy and decadent that things fall apart
    9. Dying world - sun going superhot, sun going out, world stops spinning
    10. Overlapping - Due to our laziness/decadence making us a target, nations have to bomb invading aliens adding nuclear and biological terrors to the pollution of a dying world while our machines rebel against us and follow the leadership of the false prophet in the Second Coming.

    [*]Equipment lists and net worths

    1. Money/Barter
    2. Wealth perk
    3. Sample weapons and equipment
    4. Figuring value of items
    5. Kitbashing or how to make the Mad Max dune buggies
    6. Kitbashed items and value


    1. Sample Beastiary for Nuclear
    2. Sample Beastiary for Biological
    3. Sample Beastiary for Magical
    4. Sample Beastiary for Mechanical
    5. Sample Agents for use
    6. Sample modes of transportation

    [*]Random mutation generator for characters and creatures

    [*]A couple of sample campaigns at varying power levels

    1. Low power
    2. Mid power
    3. High Power

  3. Personally I don't care too much about it, that being said, I know some people that are irkked by the phrase.


    Is the term Stunned or CON-Stunned?


    If CON-Stunned, can you be EGO-Stunned using EGO instead of CON for mental attacks?


    If CON-Stunned, if you lose a phase from presence attacks, are you actually PRE-Stunned?


    I know it sounds stupid, but I'd like to say '"Officially" HERO says the exact term is , but I don't care.' at the beginning of my open games and end the problem and discussions for and against during the game, during the breaks, etc. You might say I am getting TERM Stunned. :P

  4. Re: help! multipower at random?


    The situation described by the original poster is a limitation on the Multipower as a whole' date=' affecting the ability of the character to distribute his reserve points. Either the selection of a slot is random or it takes extra time. I cannot see any restriction within 5ER on taking Variable Limitations [b']only on the reserve[/b] when the limitation is acting on the Multipower as a whole.


    This has been noted before but my taking a Variable limitation on the multipower the limitation can cycle back and forth from the extra time to side effects. However, I think I may begin to understand the confusion. If you are thinking that setting the limitation would then affect the power on the slot each time its used (ie: the PC changes slot with extra time on one phase but does not use the power. On the next phase he wants to use the power without either the random effect or the extra time). I don't think most GMs would hold that against the character and hold to the idea of the configuration. However there is another way.


    The one other method not mention yet is using a VPP with limitations on the control cost. This would affect changing the pool only and would be universally accepted especially if the pool had a strict limitation affecting what powers could be drawn from it.

  5. Re: help! multipower at random?


    My $.02,


    I was trying to make the artificat ring from AD&D 1st edition (I think its the Ring of Gygax or something). Basically, like the original poster, if you take time, you can accurately configure the ring to do what you want. It came out very cheap when you look at it this way.


    Each slot has a skill roll based on active points. Failure to make the skill roll activates the Major Side Effects (random power in multipower). Since effectively the limitation doesn't change, it can be applied to the whole multipower.


    To simulate the random setting each morning, I just put a -1/4 limitation (first roll each day at -20).

  6. I understand that you can simultaneous activate two attack powers which are not linked so long as both powers are targeting the same target. I have a different question. I want to know about using an attack power simultaneously with a non-attack power.


    But being a fan of Naruto, I have been wondering if its legal to activate a movement power and images at the same time (what the TV show calls the substitution jutsu). I've decided its a t-port with invisible power effects and images with sight, sound, and touch sense groups.


    The $24 question is...

    If I use it for the substitution jutsu, do I need to put a trigger on either the images or the t-port (or both) so that the images gets the attack rather than the aggressor just seeing the ninja t-port away?


    Also, since the images have the touch sense group, this would mean that if someone was holding the ninja and the power activates, they would still think they were holding the ninja (as long as they didn't attack the images with a squeeze). Is this a correct interpretation of the images touch group?

  7. Re: Desolidify/Tunnelling


    Here is my $.02 (running out of pennies 8D )


    Desol, invisible power effects, through solids, only vs. metal (-1/2), Always on, 0 end, persist.


    Affects Solid on strength, limitation on advantage, not vs. metal.


    Life support need not breath, only while in metal.


    N-Ray vision only through metal (possibly with an additional limitation or disad can't see metal)


    In a more modern world this is a bigger problem.

    Most utensils are made of metal, the character will have to use plastic or wooden utensils like chopsticks.

    More susceptible to diseases. Needles used in inoculations are metal. Defibrillator pads use metal.

    Unable to use private transportation. Car handles are metal. Motorcycle controls are made of metal. Even bicycle brakes and pedals are made of metal.

    Most mail boxs are made of metal.

    Most elevators and escalators use metal in almost all components, from buttons to things to stand on.

    Most door handles are metal.

    Most public bathroom stalls are made of metal. Talk about embarrassment!


  8. Wings - a (surprise!) winged character has flight and gliding in a multipower. (I'm leaving off all the standard advantages and limitation which do not apply to the argument)


    20 multipower (20)

    2u flight 10" (2 end)

    2u gliding 20"

    2u gliding 5" x16 NCM


    he's gliding around town at high speed (80" per phase). Suddenly he spots the evil Mouseman. He dives down and switches his pool from gliding 5" with NCM to 20" gliding and does a moveby.


    This is patently illegal right? He needs to decelerate to combat speeds in slot 3 before he can change to slot 2 correct?


    We continue the combat and Wings moves a half phase with gliding going 10" switches to slot one and uses 5" of powered flight to regain altitude. Is this correct?

  9. Re: "Bag of Holding"


    I played a character who's stomach was a bag of holding. He just put stuff in his mouth and pulled it out later. I used the STR method with Invisible power effects. I also put some concealment levels on it.


    Ack! I can just see some bad situations...


    Asking the hero to hold another hero's lunch...:D


    Asking the hero to hold the dead body as a clue...:eek:


    Asking the hero to hold his favorite signed picture or Lindsy Lohan only to get it back covered in stomach slime. :idjit:

  10. Re: "Bag of Holding"


    Well, theoretically, both have their advantages and limitations. Using EDM, an extradimensional traveller could by effect and mechanic travel to the dimension of the hole and take items without being noted. (Note that in other game systems this is a danger of using those items and part of the fun!)


    A shrinking version would require a targeting of the item and be more difficult to take an exact item without the users knowledge.


    It all depends on what floats your boat.

  11. Re: "Bag of Holding"


    This could be considered the classic Tardis. How I would create the Tardis would probably be something like this...


    Interior = Base on a different dimension. Build as base. Add mind link to call box. Add physical limitation actions affecting call box affect base in proportion.


    Exterior = a vehicle with extra-dimensional movement on passengers to Interior. Vehicle has mind link to base. various movement powers available. Add physical limitation actions affecting base affect call box in proportion.


    However, the classic cosmic clown car would probably be like how I described the bag of holding probably requiring a contortionist skill roll to enter.

  12. Re: "Bag of Holding"


    What about ...


    Bag of Holding/Robe of Useful Things/ etc.

    1d6 Major Transform (to 1/16 size object or patch) Continuous +1, Persistent+.5, 0 End+.5, Difficult to dispel x16 (+1)Untransformed when removed from object (-0), OAF (bag) -1, Real Object (requires search time when full, rips if sharp object placed inside, etc.) -1/2


    Disadvantage: Susceptibility to E-spaces -15 points.


    Active: 60 pts.

    Real: 24 pts. - 15 pts disads. = 9 points.

  13. For the most part, I understand a lot of your answers or the reasoning behind the answer, but this one has me confused a bit. I was expecting a yes.


    The reason I was expecting a yes was from a logic standpoint, if you have growth which gives you "stretching" defined as reach, the target could effectively move slightly out of way but still within the reach of the character and the haymaker would become invalid.


    Also, it seems to penalize HTH combatants and stretching advocates since even if a target moves and you do a haymaker with an EB, they still get the EB haymaker off.


    Also, in several stretching character scenes (Plastic man or silly cartoons like Bugs Bunny) the stretching character would pull back thier hand way back and then shoot thier fist foward smack a target after a sec.


    I know you don't usually answer game philosophy questions here but the logic here kind of eludes me. Can you explain why?

  14. Re: [Fight Club] Firewing vs Gravitar


    As far as I understand, this ruling has always existed in HERO. Lets revisit the scenario...


    First off lets change the dexs to be near equal. 35 dex will now be 36 dex and 1 dex will now be 35 DEX. Note the capitals to keep things trackable.


    Next we will note when 35 DEX aborts and his percentage chance to deflect. We will drop range mods to keep it simple. Also, we will go one phase farther than previously shown.


    Phase 12: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX aborts and deflects (62.5%).


    Turn Ends.


    Phase 2: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX deflects again at -2 (37.5%) and shoots back on thier phase.

    Phase 4: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX aborts and deflects (62.5%).

    Phase 6: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX deflects again at -2 (37.5%) and shoots back on thier phase.

    Phase 7: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX aborts to his deflect (62.5%).

    Phase 8: 35 DEX aborted.

    Phase 9: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX deflects again at -2 (37.5%).

    Phase 10: 35 DEX shoots.

    Phase 11: 36 dex shoot, 35 DEX aborts to his deflect (62.5%).

    Phase 12: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX deflects from his abort at -2 (37.5%).


    Turn Ends.


    Phase 2: 36 dex shoots, 35 DEX deflects again at -4 (16.2%) and shoots back on thier phase.


    Not good odds but then again 36 dex is tactically acting stupid and not taking advantage of his speed. If on 2, 6, and 9, 36 dex just delayed. Then, 35 DEX would have no attacks and on 10, 11, and 12 the chances of deflection are 62.5, 37.5, 16.2. If 36 dex allows one attack on 9, then on 10, 11, 12, and 2 the deflect chances drop slowly drop to 4.6.

  15. Say I have a mage called Curseworks.


    Curseworks, curses a Captain Con so that if he takes a recovery, he takes 1d6 NND Killing triggered on taking a recovery, thus preventing Captain Con from resting (assuming recovery is a visible action).



    1) Is the recovery on segment 12 visible?

    1a) Does the trigger take effect on post 12, 12, or 1?



    1b) If it takes effect on post 12, does regen occur before or after the trigger?

    2) Can one opt not to take the post 12 recovery if thier stats are down in such an instance?

  16. Say you have two supers.


    Shadow, a darkness elemental, and Lightbeam, a light elemental.


    The two get into a fight over who gets the last Eggo Waffle.


    Both have the same speed and dex and are right now delayed to grab the Eggo Waffle. To make the game more dramatic, the GM makes them fast draw each phase to see who can get to the waffle.


    Lightbeam plans to AoE flash Shadow and take the waffle. Shadow uses his delay and puts up his darkness w/personal immunity. Does Shadow get flashed? My guess is no, as the darkness will block the flash.


    Not wanting to be seen, Shadow leaves to the rear of darkness field and uses his darkness based stretching power to reach around and grab the Eggo. Seeing Shadow's action in a mirror that Shadow hadn't noticed, Lightbeam releases an AoE Line flash against Shadow's hex. The line goes through the darkness field. Does Shadow get flashed? By mechanics, this should be yes. By special effects, this should be no.


    Undaunted, Shadow gets his Eggo, but Lightbeam is pretty miffed. He is hungry afterall. Lightbeam releases an EB against Shadow. Will the EB penetrate the darkness field? If we rule by SFX from the above, don't we have to rule yes to this also? If we rule by mechanics, how does should Shadow create a field where light can not penetrate but everything else can?


    BTW: In conclusion to the scenario, a little kid no one notices, steals the Eggo and makes off with it.

  17. Re: Remote Control


    Gosh, my universal remote control is really expensive!


    It activates all my devices' (TV, VCR, TIVO, DVD, CABLE, STEREO) buttons. (obviously a TK with fine manipulation)


    It can turn on several devices at one time (the TK gets AoE hex with selective).


    It can be used to program many of the items in question and has its own count down timer (Transform? and maybe triggered also on the TK with absolute time sense).


    Seriously, though


    I would think it would depend on how much of an effect you can do "realistically" and how the GM would rule the target works.


    For instance in my world, to control a car, you could purchase TK with the limitation to only manipulate the target. This would allow you open a car doors, start the car, turn on the radio, move it around, fasten seatbelts. Fine manipulation would allow you to do complex driving manuevers, set the radio to a station, adjust the air conditioning.


    Summoning an AI, would allow it to act autonomously. It could make its own decisions based on its own thoughts.


    A Transform, would change it into a transformer-esque car. Allowing it to hit people with tire like fists.


    Mind control to machine intellects would allow the user to control the computer aided items. Mess with the trip computer, adjust the gas regulation, affect the diagnostics, reset the clock or take control of the AI if you summoned an AI into the vehicle.


    Note that this is just my $.02.

  18. (See NOT a healing question!)


    If you buy TK with fine manipulation, it says you can use martial arts at range.

    I assume that this means if you have 20 STR TK and do a martial strike with it that has one extra DC (for +3d6 total). You would do 6d6 in damage.


    This would also be the same for Strength with Affects Solids advantage where the martial damage is reduced to represent the advantage.


    I have talked to some people who say as long as the damage output isn't affected by the advantage (like AP vs Reduced END), the martial arts dice do not decrease. Since I have a character with TK thinking about martial arts, this would be good to know what is "official".

  19. Re: Ego vs EB (BOECV)


    There are three possible differences.


    1) Already noted, when stacking modifiers, the EB becomes cheaper.

    2) When using damage reduction, theoretically, an EB is still an EB and could be reduced by Energy Reduction.

    3) An EB w/BOECV could also be missle deflected.

  20. Why would Healing Always On not be legal? In the example I gave, it was based on Healing Stun (I agree Healing Body should be Regeneration). This has several problems that I can see.


    Such a character can never realistically be put under anesthesia as he would constantly be waking up.

    For example, I had a shrinking mind controlling villain which would desolidify into people. The villain would then resolidify inside the person and mind control them. The non-superhero way to remove him was through surgery.

    If tortured, he would constantly be awake throughout the torture.

    While a normal human being may fall blissfully unconscious during a torture session, this character would stay awake throughout the session.

    Side Question: Does Regeneration always have to be Body? Could you have Int Regeneration or Con Regeneration?

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