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Everything posted by Cygnia

  1. Not familiar with Chuck Tingle's work, I see?
  2. The hubby, on Buttigieg: "If I wrote this guy in a story, I'd be accused of creating a Marty Stu!"
  3. Blue Moon's creator launched a cannabis beer that sold out in 4 hours
  4. If I was twenty years younger, twenty pounds lighter and my self-esteem was totally shot to hell and back, maybe I'd have been desperate enough to find you attractive.
  5. Shelter Animals Named the Official State Pet of Ohio
  6. Please don't go to the WWE, please don't go to the WWE...
  7. The 7-Eleven of the Future Is an Organic Hellscape of Turmeric Slurpees
  8. After pro wrestler King Kong Bundy's death, his cats need new homes
  9. Robots enable bees and fish to talk to each other
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