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Posts posted by Tonio

  1. Re: Finger & Palm Print Mimic


    Technically' date=' palm readers do the same thing his eye does -- look at the palm print. Shapeshift to sight group would be the trick [i']if[/i] there is no chance of failure.


    Cybernetic Handprints: Shape Shift (Sight Group, limited group of shapes), Imitation, Instant Change (35 Active Points); Hand / Finger Prints Only (-2), Must Possess Print Information (-1), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Cyberware; -1/4): 8 Real Cost.


    If, on the other hand, there's still a chance for failure, make it a bonus to the Security Systems roll.


    I'd say it's a Touch Group SS, not Sight Group (you're changing the shape, not the appearance). Also, doesn't the Imitation modifier already include the "Must Possess Print Information" deal, as in "you can't Imitate what you haven't examined"?

  2. Re: Stupid EC Question


    What LL said. But to expand (and so I won't be accused of post count padding ;))' date=' the *Active Cost* of a Power must be at least double the slot bonus. With the EC you have there, the first slot is the power with the lowest possible Active Cost for this EC. So that last slot is perfectly legal.[/quote']


    It's badly calculated, I think, though. It should be (82 - 22) / (1+Lims), not (82/(1+Lims))-22. Limitations apply to the cost of the slot. (Then again, no Limitation value will make an 82AP power into a 38RP one, unless you're using 8ths and rounding using only one decimal place, hehe.)

  3. Re: Would you allow this


    Many times END reserves actualy serve to limit a power' date=' but you are spending points for that privlidge, or if bought big enough serve to be a benefit are more expensive than 0 END versions of the power[/quote']


    Can you describe a situation where an END Reserve is "spending points to limit a power"?


    And if you're buying an END Reserve big enough (or that recovers fast enough) to be effectively 0 END, then you're not reasoning from effect properly. You should've bought 0 END on your power (or powers). "My plasma rifle is powered by an antimatter reaction battery which will run out after seven quintillion shots" is not a ginormous END Reserve and it's not a humongous number of Charges; it's 0 END.

  4. Re: EC's cannot have non-END powers!!!!


    Yeah--sometimes though' date=' I prefereed to keep the armor--more NND's were aimed at 'not versus armor' than 'not vs resistant PD'--yes, munch-maxing the fx. Oh my dark evil past...[/quote']


    Which is why I HATE NND's that are resisted by mechanics rather than SFX. Two characters, built the same, except one has "Armor, Visible: Stony Skin" while the other has "FF, 0 END, Persistent: Stony Skin"... same exact "ability", but one will stop NND's against FF's, the other won't. Makes no sense!

  5. Re: 250 character points vs 350 character points


    Yeah, that's the one. With an INT, EGO, PRE and COM over 20. Oh yeah, and the cantrips only VPP, plus multipower for 30 point spells. That character certainly couldn't kill any gods in any campaign I've ever run.


    You asked for a 400 point character that wasn't an uber powerful, and he showed you one. Falling back to "well, he COULD have spent those points and been uber powerful" doesn't really make your point, which I thought was only "monty haul god-killing uber campaigns" have 400 point characters. Sure you could certainly make a pretty powerful combat monster in a heroic campaign with 400 points. There is however no requirement that you do so.




    I think the initial opposition to "400pt characters in FH campaigns" comes from the fact that you need very mature and fair-minded players and GM to run a working FH campaign on 400pts. Otherwise you get absurd CVs, damage, and/or defenses, or disgruntled players ("but WHY can't I buy a 7d6 RKA Fire Bolt spell?! I have the points for it!!!").


    Which is to say... ~150 is a good default, 400 is not. Then again I don't recall anybody claiming it was. :)

  6. In a recent thread you said:

    To use your example, Hero A starts with OCV 20. He Blocks one attack against himself at -0 OCV (20). He Blocks another attack against himself so he’s at -2 OCV (18). Then he wants to Block three attacks being made against Hero B. Those Blocks are at -4, -6, and -8 OCV, plus the additional -2 OCV for Blocking for someone else (14, 12, 10) respectively. If he then wants to Block another attack against himself, that will be at -10 OCV (8).


    Is that last "(8)" a typo? Hero A starts with OCV 20, which would be 10 if at -10, no?

  7. Re: Dodge Giant Blows


    Let Gnomes buy a Flying Dodge' date=' only v Giants.[/quote']


    I'd expand on this, and make "Giant Fighting" a Martial Art (that's what it really is, ain't it?) which includes Flying Dodge, some KS's, etc. You can rule that only Gnomes or other small races can train in this Martial Art, if that's how you like it in your campaign.

  8. Re: Guess Who Finally Read the Powers Chapters


    The Laptop is a Focus for the power. The fact that you need to have a chip implanted for it to work is immaterial. Look at it from a purely rules PoV: to be able to use the Power (Mind Link), you need to have an object (the Laptop). That's pretty much the definition of the Focus Limitation. The fact that you can, or do, buy other powers that also have that object as thei Focus is immaterial.

  9. I think I asked this once, or read about it, but my search fu is weak today...


    Can I perform a Disarm with a ranged attack by default, or do I need to purchase some martial maneuver for it? That is, is the Disarm maneuver usable with ranged attacks, or only hand-to-hand? If only hand-to-hand, is there a free ranged equivalent, or is it only available through martial arts?

  10. Re: Which one? They're both confusing.


    Consider using Force Wall rather than Force Field. Force Field doesn't really (necessarily) create a force field, it adds protection to the user. Force Wall creates an actual wall. If your idea is to make the target of the spell better protected, but otherwise unaffected, Force Field is the way to go. If you're thinking of blocking access, both ways, so that the target would have to break through the field in order to attack anything outside it, as well as the other way around, then you want Force Wall.


    Regarding UAA vs UBO, look at it this way: UAA has the caster putting force fields (or walls) around targets, while UBO has the caster granting a power to targets, the power to put force fields (or walls) around themselves. Forcegirl uses her Force Field, UBO on Normalguy. Now Normalguy can protect himself with a Force Field as if he had the power, spending his own END to power it, and turning it on and off as desired. If Forcedude used her Force Field, UAA on Normalguy, then she spends her own END to put a force field around Normalguy. The force field is under her control, she can turn it on and off as she wants.

  11. Re: Language Chart


    Thanks Edsel


    There are no slaves in Tursh, but there is in the neighboring country of the Ennas Commonwealth. They've collected slaves from so many different nations over the centuries that this 'Slave Pidgin' no longer has a solid enough similarity to other languages to even get a 1pt. relationship.


    "Pidgin" might be a misnomer, then, since it refers to a simplified form of a language. You might want "patois", rather than "pidgin". =)


    Really just a nitpick, tho!

  12. Re: Web Fluid Canisters


    I am currently working on a Spidey homage for 250PT Dark Champions campagin and I was wondering ig I built the Web Fluid canisters (ie endurace reserve for webbing) correctly. Let me know what you think.



    3 Web Fluid: Endurance Reserve (75 END, 0 REC) Reserve: (7 Active Points); 6 Charges (-3/4), IIF Expendable (Webbing Canister; Easy to obtain new Focus; -1/4)


    Am I right in assuming the way I built it when 75 endurance is used up then that charge is expended and then I get a new charge of 75 points.


    That's not how it would work. Consider the same power but w/o Charges. Now you run out after 75 END, and don't have any more... ever. Adding a -3/4 Limitation shouldn't give you 6 times the power. =)


    Mebbe just get rid of the Charges, and just pay +5pts per x2 items if you want to carry around extras?

  13. Re: Level of success


    Sean, I understand your rationale completely. One thing that irks me about that system, though, is how it works counter to the general die-rolling feel. Rolling a "3" in the current system gives you a "YEAH!" feel, while rolling higher, closer to your exact-roll-to-hit, might even prompt you to re-calculate to see if you actually DID hit. So while it makes sense, mathematically, it doesn't "feel" right. If I roll a "14", and it turns out I hit, I feel like "phew, almost didn't hit". Yes, if I manage to hit on a "14", I'm probably better enough than my target to warrant big hits, but I don't think those big hits should come when I roll "14".

  14. Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ?


    Hm. If you're trying to mirror Bourne himself -- at least in the first movie -- you might simply apply No Conscious Control to the skills. He reacts instead of choosing to act; he doesn't know he knows all of these things. This, of course, is noted in a PhysLim of 'Amnesia, Frequently, Slightly Impairing (10 Points)'. He can speak, has muscle memory, etc. etc., but doesn't know who he is -- or all of what he can do.


    I like the conversation in the truck stop best.


    I disagree on the NCC on Skills. His skills aren't really limited at all. He can, and does, use them whenever he needs to. While he doesn't quite know what he can do (and this is covered in the Phys Lim), he does act like he has to act (i.e. while he might not know he can defuse a bomb, he still run towards it and starts fiddling with it... and defuses it).


    If his Skills sometimes worked when he didn't want them to (like, say, he kills someone with a MA Killing Attack when he intended to knock him down and run past, or if he started monologuing (Oratory) when he wanted to be stealthy), or didn't work when he wanted them to (pretty obvious), or worked in ways he didn't intend (re-rigs the bomb to go off in 2 minutes, rather than when someone crosses the IR beam, Seduces the girl into marrying him instead of into going into the gun shop and getting him a gun), then NCC would be in order.


    As it is, the fact that he's surprised by what he finds he's able to do is SFX and Roleplaying... in truth, he's not hindered by his lack of background knowledge of his skills (i.e. where they came from).

  15. Re: another EC question


    Imma BigsTupid,


    I wanted to peg it @ a 5d6 Major Transform. That puts the active points @ 75. Heres how I did it: Subtract the base cost from the active point cost (75-20=55). Now apply the limitation Rapid Recovery (BOD every 6 hours) -1. That should make it 27 real points which is what the slot now costs, aye?



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