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Everything posted by Shakram

  1. Shakram

    Civil War

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_War_(comics) So what does your hero do in the case of the marvel comics "Civil War"? The government decides to arrest all hero's or villans, because their dangerous.... Either your with the government or your considered against them. Once arrested, or you turn yourself in your thret level will be assesed. Those who are arrested are then sent to a mind probe(telepathy) and mind controll program..... Which involves a super computer that has mental powers. Do you fight it and it's agents, or go get chipped? Chipped people can have their powers turned off and on at the governments will, or you can get a mandatory power suppression shot(2d6 uncontrolled, 0 end), and are free to go with a tracking device(just in case).
  2. Re: suppress Can you supress someones supress, to free others of supression
  3. Re: With even greater power.... Great plot hooks: You could always try to birth a golden age for your fellow man. Of course evil will always try to stop you. You rule the world so, you can finally make laws that help people and not hinder them. Aliens preaching so called goodness would then arrive with words of balance saying you should allow energys of free will to be poor/rich, sick/healthy, and suffering/pleaseing into your world. These would help your people evolve they say... But are only there to take over your society.
  4. Re: Players or DM's using fantasy online games? Yes I have checked the site, but I wanted to begin some dialog with players & DM's about what type of build they currently need/allow, and to help me make a player character to fit into their game.
  5. So heres the thought: 1. If you get whatever groups of powers you want say 300pt's worth what powers would you want in real life? (post your sheet) 2. Would you want any limitations on your powers? How about power advantages? 3. Would you want to keep limitations on yourself for balance of your own power? 4. What would you do if others say you are overpowered, and you having super ability's takes the fun out of there lives.... 5. How about government and some people who just want to stay normal not meta & think you should be normal too?
  6. 1. So are there any Players or DM's using fantasy online games? 2. What kinds of reqirements do you have for character creation at this point in your campaign. 3. Whats banned? 4. Whats the theme of your online game? 5. How long has the game been going? 6. Character deaths? Do you have them? 7. Whats the power level of the game, including items... 8. Whats your group doing now? 9. Would you be willing to help me make a character for your campaign? Do you have a spot for one more? (Namely me)
  7. 1. I am looking for online games that will allow fantasy hero. 2. Where can I get online charcter sheets? 3. Is there a page that will calculate the powers for you, theat is just put in numbers and it does the work?(Advantages & Limitations)
  8. Re: ~ All Out War~d&d Vs Hero Vs Palladium So ugh guys.... What about in a actual battle between 3 adventuring partys, which party puts the smack down on the others? WHY?
  9. Re: Variable power pool? Questions... Couldn't you have a transfer or absorption, not in your variable power pool that boosted the power pools power? If the transfer was bought seperatly, would that work?
  10. Re: aid question Can aid boost various characteristics at once? Boost all 2d6?
  12. 2012 Super Hero's (What are YOU gonna be?) There are a multitude of scientists, X government staff, guru's, nutcases, alien channelers, psychic's, ufo people, black ops community, mayan prophecy, planet X, time travelers, government worst case scenario planners in underground bases etc... These factions all believe that 2012 is to be a time of great transformation for mankind. Now to get to the point of the thread: One of the most interesting stories I have herd is that we as a solar system are moving into a new part of the galaxy which is permeated with high energy photons. These photons or cosmic rays also go into our sun which shines a new higher frequency of energy on the earth. The cosmic rays also empower mankind with the same photonic energy's essentialy making many humans superhuman. This entire planet is said to be moving into the 4th dimention. So the final questions: 1. What kind of super powers would you want in real life if this scenario does actually take place ? 2. What would you do in your real life if the above changes occured, and you get those powers you want? 3. What changes would occur on earth and in particular, your area? 4. What problems would you challenge in the world, in your life, if you actually had the power to do so? 5. Would you be interested in playing a super heroic campaign that deals with this scenario? 6. What types of realistic 2012 challenges do you think could happen in this environment that would challenge the players? 7. Would you like to be a DM or player for the said campaign?
  13. Re: Looking for a online fantasy game Super heroic fantasy thing isn't a must.... Just it's the kind of character I would want to play, if I got a choice. Hey you can't have it all even in a fantasy world. I would take whatever DM's allowed, and what would be the best for the group in question.
  14. Re: Is the term "bastard", gender specific? BWHAHAHA Let me guess Johnny Dangerously? How about for women a three word combo TEST TUBE BABY!
  15. Re: Cool characters you'd never use 1. Shakram is a character with a 200 pt variable power pool(cosmic). 2. He then Purches a seperate aid 50pts which affects and boosts his vpp pool & characteristics(1000 year fade rate). 3. He uses his power pool to make an aid boost his other aid with a (1000 year fade rate, uncontrolled, autofire). 4. He continues this until his aid has become about 1000, then boosts his power pool for 1000 points. 5. This continues forever, him boosting his aid, which then boosts his charateristics, and again his power pool. 6. He becomes the lord of infinate universes he create with his power pool.
  16. Re: Super Heroic Fantasy Games Great Job Killer Shrike! You do alot of good work! One of my ideal fantasy worlds has normal orc's with occasional super orc's, the same as humans, elves etc... But fantastic monsters are always unknown as to their true power level. Villans and monsters are usually killed to ensure the safty of humanity. Some creatures however cannot be killed, they are special and can be returning villans. For example the litch has a phalactery, the demon can only be killed in his own realm, bust destroy the mummy kings burial chamber etc... So when their outer forms are destroyed by the hero's the villans spirit returns to it's abode to regenerate. As far as how hero's get their powers? Heres a few Ideas: 1. Experimental wizard imbues himself with arcane power transforming himself forever. 2. Wizard guild/organization does magical experiments on a normal person. 3. Cosmic/Magic/Elemental/Kinetic/Magnetic energy naturally manifest in you, due to an ancient bloodline, natural evolution, accident, magical explosion etc. 4.Training you have honed your mind or body to superhuman levels. 5. You graduated from the guild of your choice and have mastered your art, no need to train anymore; Green lanterns, Psions, Mages, Clerical, Archery, Sword Manuvers, Unlocking your Mutant Power, Pilot of a Magical Armor with a symbiotic bond to you, Demon Slaying, Transforming yourself, Elemental controll etc... 6. You and a creature have a bond giving you their power. 7. You found a book of summoning, after years of study and practice you can now call the creatures, use their abilitys, or be the creatures yourself! 8. You had a run in with a magical or cosmic creature and it bites you mutating your DNA giving you special abilitys. (Mr. Phenox) 9. Your blessed by the gods. 10. You find an ancient tomb and unlock the power within fuseing with the power. 11. Mom or dad was sleeping with a god, or mom and dad are gods... Wait a sec you are too! 12. Mom and dad were famous adventurers, you found their old stuff and now your just as powerful as they were. 13. Mom and Dad were adventurers and obtained immortality, they endow you with some of their power hoping that you will also become immortal someday. 14. Your from a heaven. 15.Your from another plane of existance where everyone has powers. 16. Your a fantastic creature pretending to be a human wizard for the thrill of adventure.
  17. I am a big comic book fan as well as fantasy. But over the years fantasy has always had a better feel to it. While comic books had better characters. How would the avengers handle a fantasy environment or the X-Men? Better yet superman in a fantasy setting battling powerful demons that are just as powerful as he? I have noticed normal hero's mop the floor with fantasy hero's... Why? Why does fantasy need to be weaker, more limiting, and lame by comparison? To get to the point I would like to know if anyone else has interest in superheroic fantasy campaigns? In D&D characters often generate 7-10 level characters instead of starting at first, for a higher challenge oriented adventure. How about fantasy hero's that start with super heroic starting points to choose the kind of character they want to make? So does anyone like the idea?
  18. Re: Looking for a online fantasy game Yeah I would write out the basic spells ahead of time and post them on a spellbook internet page. Adding various modifiers to them to change them could also be pre-recorded. So the character wouldn't be making powers on the fly, but before and after the adventure. Reality shaping spells and limited wishes would however be on the fly. For example I wish Bjosen the dwarf didn't open that trapped box, unleashing a plauge upon the world. There's no way to write that up, powerfull spells are a part of D&D. If as a DM you will not allow your players to gain access to powerful spells, feats, powers, and artifacts thats your choice. But higher powers do exist. There are more effecient ways to use power, and perhaps funner. Some people enjoy restraints put on them, some people loath them. I think it really depends on the type of group thats playing, not just what the DM wants but also what the players want. Have you thought to ask your players what level of gameplay is comfortable for them? Or do you, like most DM's set up a game and dictate what you will allow them to use and play?
  19. Re: Looking for a online fantasy game And who said anything about first level? Since when do all games start with weak characters? Most D&D DM's tailor the level of the characters to the type of campaign he/she has in mind. For example Red Hand of Doom is 5-6 level starting by the end 10-12. What I want to do is step away from the D&D system that you must all have levels.
  20. Re: Looking for a online fantasy game Not you can do anything thats completly wrong. What you can do is learn spells and spellike abilitys, and craft your own spells. A wizard from D&D can fly cast fireballs thansform themselves and even stop time, he can do this according to how many spell slots he has plus any scrolls he has scribed which can be infinate. A Psion can do all that without any of the gestures material components and incantations. Both characters, the psion and wizard can do research to make their own power. Whats stopping the warrior from using a variable power pool to express his sword skills and powers. For example crouching tiger hidden dragon, or a sword master with many manuvers that all use physical characteristics. Thor whirls his hammer to make a shield blocking arrows, then slams it to the ground making an earthquake, he then pummels the villan with autofire etc... Warriors in D&D 10th-20th level dan do insane damade like 400d6. Just because your a warrior doesn't mean you cant do amazing damage or be powerful. For example tome of battle has lots of manuvers much the same as a wizard. Barbarian is capable of massive damage at 20th level and can do things that you would probably have most dragons dead in one hit. Some like the fighter some like the magic user, I happen to like both. Why the power pool? Because I don't see another realistic way to design most characters that have spells.
  21. Re: Looking for a online fantasy game The idea of levels is a bit annoying. Templates in my opinion are are not good for character generation. Why? Because every character is the same, and it doesn't allow you to make your own character. So I don't see any freedom with the use of pregenerated characters. In a campaign where you cant make your own spells, decide your own use of magic, craft magic arms and armor, or pick your own advantages and limitations .... Just seems like your playing the DMs character ideas not you own. I want to get away from D&D:thumbup: not play a D&D version of hero games:thumbdown. To sum it all up I would want a Psionic, Divine or Magical character that could have a wide range of spells which emulate various powers. The hero could put more power into a spell to have a greater effect. For example: The hero Shakram wants to use a heal spell on one person giving them fast healing for X amount of time, then on his next turn he tosses a magical bolt at a goblin raider, now a big serpent bursts from the tunnel wall next to the party and he and the party needs to become intangible or be smashed under the huge bulk of the magical beast so he boosts his intangible power to usuable by others in the partys radius. Finally the partys warrior squares of with the beast so he and the other wizards all concentrate their power "aid" on the warriors blade to slay the beast with an added autofire giving him multiple attacks. etc...etc... Just having spell uses, creating new spells within limits(after an adventure), and learning powers/skills which are crafted into spells. I am wanting to do this without all the gestures, material components, power point depletion, spell slots, of D&D. Basically not have limitations of a D&D template, but to be more free in character creation and development. Transfer and Absorption would be used to give him a better controll of his spells as his power level increased. Rather than the D&D level system he can get stronger by transforming evil energys into his power pool to be used for the cause of good. Of course this would be done within limits and at a gradual progression say 30 points a month(real time). Equals 320 points after a year(real time) which is the same as a 20th level D&D character. I used to play D&D and Rifts but I am tired of their systems, especially the templates they give the characters. I bought my hero games books to try something new and experience more freedom in character creation & gaming. That being said what I am wanting to make is something similar, but different to the D&D(psionic)Erudite or (magic using)Wizard or even the mimic of rifts~hero's unlimited . Both of the characters are able to pick up new psionic powers and spells as they find them. Usually the Psionic & Wizard charcters must make a skill check to learn a new power, then they can use it at will according to their psionic power points or assign their magic slots. As far as the hero's unlimited mimic goes he just needs to be in the general area and he gets all skills, powers, and special stats. AHH THEN THERES THE WISH SPELL.....
  22. Re: Variable power pool? Questions... To sum it all up I would want a Psionic, Divine or Magical character that could have a wide range of spells which emulate various powers. Of the hero could put more power into a spell to have a greater effect. For example: The hero Shakram wants to use a heal spell on one person giving them fast healing for X amount of time, then on his next turn he tosses a magical bolt at a goblin raider, now a big serpent bursts from the tunnel wall next to the party and he and the party needs to become intangible or be smashed under the huge bulk of the magical beast so he boosts his intangible power to usuable by others in the partys radius. Finally the partys warrior squares of with the beast so he and the other wizards all concentrate their power "aid" on the warriors blade to slay the beast with an added autofire giving him multiple attacks. etc...etc... Just having spell uses, creating new spells within limits(after an adventure), and learning powers/skills which are crafted into spells. I am wanting to do this without all the gestures, material components, power point depletion, spell slots, of D&D. Basically not have limitations of a D&D template, but to be more free in character creation and development. Transfer and Absorption would be used to give him a better controll of his spells as his power level increased. Rather than the D&D level system he can get stronger by transforming evil energys into his power pool to be used for the cause of good. Of course this would be done within limits and at a gradual progression say 30 points a month(real time). Equals 320 points after a year(real time) which is the same as a 20th level D&D character. I used to play D&D and Rifts but I am tired of their systems, especially the templates they give the characters. I bought my hero games books to try something new and experience more freedom in character creation & gaming. That being said what I am wanting to make is something similar, but different to the D&D(psionic)Erudite or (magic using)Wizard or even the mimic of rifts~hero's unlimited . Both of the characters are able to pick up new psionic powers and spells as they find them. Usually the Psionic & Wizard charcters must make a skill check to learn a new power, then they can use it at will according to their psionic power points or assign their magic slots. As far as the hero's unlimited mimic goes he just needs to be in the general area and he gets all skills, powers, and special stats. AHH THEN THERES THE WISH SPELL.....
  23. Re: Looking for a online fantasy game Does anyone know any games that would invite in a new guy? I am really interested in having a variable power pool charcter, that can learn new spells and powers he sees. Without all the incantations gestures or limits of D&D. The spellthief and erudite from D&D are interesting builds, because they can learn new powers. I also dislike the level system and would prefer the charcter to have something like absorption or transfer to increase power levels. Here's something someone recomended(I would love to do this in a fantasy campaign): Let's take the example of the cosmic power pool: 1. You decide how much the biggest power you want to have should cost, which will set your pool size. Let us assume we are going for 40 points, which allows us to buy pretty much any power in the game. 2. You pay for the pool: 40 points in this case. Put that on your character sheet. 3. You then need a control cost which is half the pool cost, 20 points in this case. 4. You add advantages or limitations to the control cost: in this case 'cosmic' (0 phase to change powers, no roll) is +2, so we pay 20 x (2+1) = 60 points.
  24. Re: Variable power pool? Questions... I am wondering can you have transfer or absorption in the pool? Can transfer and absorption give the pool more points?
  25. Re: Adventures Stories I read through your threads before posting this thread, and I loved them. Reading your adventurers and others from other players were what gave me the idea to start this thread. Thanks!
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