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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? Well first as to your question of appeal. Villians are always more fun than the good guys. Hence the appeal of bad boys and girls. Batman- catwoman Spider-man - Black Cat Dick Tracy- Breathless Mahoney Their beautiful, fun, and willing to do the things we wish we could do. Oh we may never admit to wanting to do it cause it makes us look bad, but for however brief a time we do want to follow them. As to why these particular two have gotten under his skin, uhm sorry a complete expalanation of attraction is beyond the scope of this book:) As to getting him to back off, as you like dreams putting that in is fine. Though before going nuclear you might want to try a few other things. From what I read Multigirl is more the fun loving in it for the kickjs bit. Also as she often robs criminals, he may just be writting that off. Here I'd say go for a classic. She sets him up. Harry is going along minding his own buisness. Suddenly Multigirl surprises him. She slinks up to him. She stares lovingliy into his eyes. She whispers sweet nothings into his ear. Suddenly another Multigirl runs by at full speed. Shouting that the hoods are after her, she throws Harry something. As he catches it both Multigirls take off. They are pretty well out of sight when gunmen in unkown uniforms arrive. Seeing Harry has the item, they demand he surrender. At this point there is probably a fight. When the police arrive Harry gets dragged downtown. There he spends hours having to explain why he has the goods stolen from the philanthropist, and why he attacked the security gaurds. As to the Demon. Oh Boy. I don't know what you mean by saying he lets her do whatever she wants, but letting her trade for people's souls? Here he's probally thinking hey I sold my soul, but got it back. No big deal. Alarms go off. Harry investigates, and finds someone shooting at people or threatining too. The moment they see Harry they start shouting about how he's a monster whoes damened him to hell. He then tries to kill Harry. When Harry catches him, the man explains that he sold his soul to Infernis. Now they are damed to hell. But unlike the sick monster that Harry is at least they don't have others blood on their hands. At this point Harry points out they were shooting at others. They reply who cares they are the damned. At least they had the guts to look in the face of those they destroyed, unlike the cowardly Harry. They are carted off swearing to get revenge on Harry before they rot in the hell he sent them too.
  2. Re: Collective charecter Dex Kiran Irish/Indian 15 STR 5 15 DEX 15 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 8 INT -2 13 EGO 6 13 Pre 3 16 Com 3 6 pd 3 4 ed 3spd 5 7 rec 36 end 39 stun 7 run 1 2 swim O.k. checking the language chart as we went with Irish first his free language is either Galeic or Welsh. Any preferences? And with that I declare the fun stuff open. Talents, perks, and skills. Just a few words before we begin. Since unlike the physical stats there is no regimen feel free to put in whichever you want, but lets try not to use up half his remaining 91 points with 2 ubertalents. And I know the laddie is a ta dense, but lets give em a ks or 2 anyway:)
  3. Re: Singing Cowboy Rough draft Drop his STR to 13 (above Normals, but not quire StrongMan) -2pts Drop the Body Blow & Jaw Breaks maneuvers (this is pure points shaving) -7pts Drop 1 Level with Pistols (more points shaving) -3pts Drop High Society (less social, more Country) -3pts Change KS: Guitar into PS: Guitarist and drop PS: Entertainer (he can act, but he's better at playing) -2pts Drop The Money Perk (not an established wealthy actor yet) -6pts Total drop: -23pts. Should get you there. Gets him there with 4 points to spend. So put the level of pistols back in. He prefers singing to fighting, but can shoot with the best of them. And 1 point ps entertanier 8-. I'm no professional at this acting thing, but it taint that hard.
  4. Re: Collective charecter 15 STR 5 15 DEX 15 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 8 INT -2 13 EGO 6 13 Pre 3 16 Com 3 6 pd 3 4 ed 3spd 5 7 rec 36 end 39 stun And so we almost come to the fun stuff just three more before we can go wild. with 92 points we come to movement. Run 6 swim 2 unless some one wants to change them. And for no points what is his first language. Or what sort of nationality does the name Dex Kiran suggest to you:)
  5. Re: Collective charecter Dex Kiran 15 STR 5 15 DEX 15 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 8 INT -2 13 EGO 6 13 Pre 3 16 Com 3 And so with 100 points we move on to figured stats. Which at present stand at 3 pd 4 ed 2.5 spd 7 rec 36 end 39 stun So for pd if you want to add just put in the new figure or keep it the same just say pass.
  6. Re: Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company I was wondering about that. So its a real store. Then I just have to ask what exactly is in those oddly named bottles? I'm not paying 10.99 for some Kool-aid even if it does come in a metal canister labeled truth serum or mind control.
  7. Re: Collective charecter OOps. Thanks Bob I short changed us there. Sorry guys. So we are now at Dex Kiran 15 STR 5 15 DEX 15 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 8 INT -2 13 EGO 6 And with 106 points to go we move on to Pre
  8. Re: Collective charecter Hold on reality bubble about to burst. Pop! Whoa thinks suddenly look very different:) Dex Kiran 10 str 15 15 dex 15 16 con 18 4 body 12 -2 int 8 And that brings us to ego with 102 points left.
  9. Re: Collective charecter Well slooking like when we get to skills he's going to need a huge door shattering fist talent. Still here we are so far we have Dex Kiran -5 str 5 15 dex 15 -6 con 7 10 body 15 And so wqe move on to the mental stats with Int and still 136 points to spend.
  10. Re: Collective charecter lol:) Odd start. O.k. dex is up and we have 155 points to spend.
  11. O.k. let's try the kind of thread that everyone either loves or hates. We'll all make a charecter. After I start, each succesive post fills in the next piece. As I've started the thread I get to do the first three. The charecter is a male named Dex Kiran. He is a two fisted hero type based on 75 base points and 75 disads. Obviously we next move on to stats. So the next post assings str, the post after dex. You can assign whatever you like, but be sure to post point costs. Espically when we get to skills and perks. Cause we have to switch to disads at 150.
  12. Re: Need An Archnemesis You don't mention your hero's personality. Remember the perfect archnemisis also effects the hero on a personal level. The Joker isn't Batman's archfoe because of the ancient bat clown fued. It's because Batman tries to mantain order, and the Joker is a nut who tries to drag everyone down to his level. With this in mind have you tried.... Anthiesis Shelly Kraos Shelly was always one of the little people. Pushed around by people bigger and more powerful than her she could never quite accept the menial place life put her in. Then the Gods returned. She didn't know it at the Time./ Zues was too busy tryist with your hero's mother to notice her. But the blood she inherited as a direct decendant of Nemisis didn't. She gained the powers of a demigod, and now she is the powerful one. But she has no interest in keeping down nobodies. She wants to take out the people who kept her down. Your charecter might talk to her about divine destiny and the responsibility to help others. You would. Son of a King trying to tell others how to live. Well no ones going to tell her what to do anymore. And if people get hurt? Well awasn't hurting people the very jonb your daddy gave her great whatever grandmother?
  13. Re: Help naming my character for Champions MMO Well out of the list I'd say the 5 best are Forgewire, Ethan ROM, Compiler, Avatar,Gridman. Though Construct comes close to the list, as he creates constructs as a main power that should more be Constructor. A few more to consider just off the top of my head Digios because he's a digital being. Unreal cause he's from a different reality. And depending on what he and the creatures he summons are like Replicator/ Replicon.
  14. Unless your doing a Viper or Demon campain at some point your going to need to make up a villian group. Do you lean towards supervillian teams? Gangsters with superpowered musle? Do your orginizations plot to take over the world or just get rich? What do you think makes a villian group interesting? Whats the neatest group you've ever created? To get hings started here are a couple of villianous groups I use. C.R.I.M.E. Criminals Resolved to Infiltrate and Master the Earth An international orginization dedicated to the conquest of the world. Or so they claim but it's a lie. The truth is a loan shark, burglar, conman, and ome other criminals were sitting around a bar watching as the Until broke up a Viper nest. The assembled criminals were amazed at the number of agents and expensive equipment being carried out. They began discussing how Viper could be so big while being such an obvious target for law enforcement. Not to mention how unlike there own men Viper agents don't talk to the cops. So they decided to fake it. They designed some uniforms, came up with a mission statement, and tolsd people they were a superrich international criminal group. Much to their surprise it worked. Now if superheroes would just stop breaking things up the lie might become true. The Daughters of Darkness Thero joined the cult not because he believed in any of their teachings, he did it for the free drugs and orgies. During one he suddenly had a vision. A woman whoes face he couldn't see sat on a throne of skulls in the middle of a lake of blood. A commanding voice said, "Find the Queen of Darkness." When the drugs wore off Thero felt compelled to do as the voice commanded. He now beleived in magic, and began to study it in earnest. He thenn approached various Supervillaness who supposedly used magic. He told them he was going to determine if she was the Queen of his vision. Having barely survived he decied as the word find had been used he needeed to look for an unknown. So he began kidnapping beautiful succesful women he thought would beome the Queen of Darkness if her evil was unleashed. All he got were a group of women he had broken mentally and spiritually. As their nubers grew he got an idea. A queen needs servants, so he mystically empowerd the women. Then he sent them out to orginize a criminal enterprise. Between their beauty, brains, and mystic might the Daughters soon became a powerful force in the city's underworld. Perhaps too successful. Now that Thero is in charge of 13 lieutenants of a powerful crime group he's starting to wonder if he really wants to find the Queen after all.
  15. Re: I need a function! The Silver Sphere of Sea Atol A mystic orb crafted by wizards. It is made of silver and engraved with mystic ruins. In order to create one you must be standing at the waters edge. As the fibnal act of it's creation the sphere is trust into the water. At this point the sphere becomes connected to the water. The weakest of spheres permit the wizard to walk on water, or summon the local fish. The strongest permit actual control over the waves. Users of the spheres have been known to sink ships with a summoned wave. The Tarkasi Chest
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