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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. This is for the create a hero/villain threads, not for board centered campaigns. CES
  2. The tomb is in such a remote part of the jungle that air transport was required for part of the trip. When the curse was unleashed, bush pilot Cabrie MacDougal was caught up while in flight and became one with his plane. The nearby tribes speak of his predation as the Flying Caiman. CES
  3. Nell Carter has adopted the heroic identity of Diamondelle after after acquiring the ability to turn into a diamond hard creature that explodes on demand. Viper is very interested in her since she seems to be one of their test subjects that got away like so many do. CES
  4. Rueben Hash the seventy eight year substitute bus driver who dragged one of his kids a mile without noticing quit before he could be fired. CES
  5. Juan Valdez surrounds himself with green flame to become The Emerald Toro. This allows him to ram any target hard enough to send them flying. CES
  6. Professor Boris Kasimer longed dreamed of the day that he would discover the tomb of the ancients. Various ancient texts indicated it would be under certain star formations. When the curse struck, he had been reading more of its history that he could glean from the carvings on the walls. It inflicted him with knowledge of what star did what to humanity and what he must do to bring about the end of the age as the Astrogeddoner. CES
  7. The Journal reports that school bus driver is going to be fired for dragging a kid a mile by trapping her arm in the door and stepping on the gas. CES
  8. Pedro Manos is a native guide. He has profited from graverobbing various sites while leaving the expeditions he has guided to their deaths in the jungles. The curse has manifested in a mental third hand that encourages him to do things in the most murderous way possible. Sometimes it does things on its own. CES
  9. While the Tiger Squad is the paranormal army of China, one man wears its flag proudly as The People's Champion of Light. He is wanted on various charges of self-defense by the government CES
  10. Finished the second Bannon and Clare book the Red Plague Affair. A viral weapon is unleashed. Clare and his Moriarty, Dr. Vance, search for a cure while Bannon searches for the maker. It's presented that the Crown commissioned the weapon without realizing that it would run out of control if released. CES
  11. Arvin Ardman suffered an injury to his face. When his insurance wouldn't pay, he decided to make them pay in other ways. He became The Accident, and arranges sabotage that puts insurance companies in debt, if not foreclosure. CES
  12. Taking on the Star of David, Solomon the Mighty protects the boundaries of Israel from attacks from within and without. His power centers on his command of mystic forces, both personal and artificial with his possession of the demon binding ring of lore. CES
  13. Remember the prosecutor I told you about that was trying to bribe her rival's wife. She wound up with Community service and a suspended sentence. CES
  14. Mercedes Madder is the Night Nurse. She targets the helpless in hospitals and puts them out of their misery for the good of humanity. CES
  15. Darren Lerner is Awol. He has teleportation that he uses to get away to the scene of the crime. CES
  16. David Banque is a hacker who uses his abilities to expose security holes while ripping off companies. He also publishes any embarrassing or criminal information he comes across as benefiting society. His calling card of a pop up screen demanding money for the poor has become his handle of Ransomware CES
  17. Alphonse Avery is the Anchor. He has the ability of immovability. Anything he touches remains in place with him. CES
  18. Keenan Wales is the star of the local little league. When recess changes him, it changes him into Bat Man with a bat and a supply of baseballs to use on his enemies. CES
  19. Robyn Lox is the heroic Bobbin Spool. Her command of thread allows to act like a spider as long as she has a supply close at hand. Naturally like her predecessor in Sherwood Forest, she robs from the rich to give to the poor. CES
  20. Wanted by the police for his burglaries, the scientific community for his ability to survive hostile environments, Casey Roan can flatten himself out to squeeze through any opening as the Tapeworm CES
  21. Gloria Gay Hardy is the unkillable Survive. Anything lethal thrown her way just misses. This is an ability that can cause problems for her allies as much as it saves her from trouble. CES
  22. Henry Lane is the hero known as The Copier. He has the power to copy his friends' and enemies' powers. It makes him singularly powerful, but limited to whomever is in range of his ability. CES
  23. The locals know to get out of way of the man in a bear costume known as Super Crisp. This is a blaster capable of burning through anything he notices. He can power up with a extra powerful blast by eating any sugar/honey products. CES
  24. The Mudroot Menacers are a staple of their small town and the surrounding county. These five lowlifes are frequent enemies of the Farm Belt. Their theme is cereal mascots. CES
  25. Floyd Pinkerton is the Lunatic. His life draining ability is enhanced by his mental power of personality reworking. Anyone Floyd decides to victimize suddenly have strange outbursts, the need to be clean at all times, hallucinations, and mild strokes, then death. CES
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