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Posts posted by RexMundi

  1. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ?


    Re-Reading all my old Doc Savage books since I found the box with them stashed inside in the storage area clean up the other day. Need to go root around some more because I know I got some other goodies buried in there, heh...


    ~Rex....does note there are some new "The Shadow" and "The Spider" comics out there..... Great Stuff and better on the horizon

  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    What's a slamburger power house' date=' Rex? Is it similar to the bad guy from [i']Astro City[/i]?


    Heh, well he's not a super strong pile of sulfur breathed Hamburger but basically, a classical brick type where the Powerhouse factor is the primary thing. Was making archetypes for entertainment the other day and I really liked the way his sheet came out.....



  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine




    And as of yet unnamed character I cobbled up for my next Epic City attempt should that ever occur heh. Total Amerindian (was looking through the old family album and decided to channel my native roots thin as they are heh) slamburger power house....


    Could have a naming contest for the guy I suppose.... Kinda leaning towards Amerindian myself :D



  4. Re: 7 Sci-Fi Series Ripe for Movie Reboots


    Likewise. Still, I'm a season and a half into the old series, plus the Pilots (including the very campy but oddly entertaining Glen Larson pilots, heh). The 6 Million Dollar Man was a mighty fine show, and even a lot of the SFX still hold up well against some of the SyFy CGI drek I've been subjected to as of late.....


    You don't need much to pull off something good. The Bionic Man comic is a good time as well I just wish they could have kept Smith on board longer.



  5. Re: 7 Sci-Fi Series Ripe for Movie Reboots


    Well, got got the collected DVD series for the 6 Million Dollar Man back on my birthday. Damn I miss shows like that. It's so ripe for a revival yet they keep trying to tank with the Bionic Woman instead of going with the tried and true (Still thinking Adam Baldwin as Steve Austin myself, more Caiden style).....


    Space 1999, not sure how they can pull that off really and make it work. Science Channel had a really good special on the other month I recorded to watch called "What if Earth had no Moon.." (or some such)... Was fascinating to watch, and I can see a two sided angle to a Space 1999 show provided there is a good way to launch the Moon some random direction. You could do a ton of stuff with it and still have it in the solar system for seasons even....


    Either way I'd be down for a Space 1999 revival, provided they don't do to it what they did to the Flash Gordon attempt or a few other SF shows I can think of..



  6. Re: Time Bomb Blast Effect


    Yeah that's kinda of open to the GM really. I'd sit down and discuss it with the GM, then use the point cost of the advantage as a sort of guideline for maximum delay on the time delay chart....


    To use Boom Boom as an example, her Official Delay is something in between 3 and 10 seconds, though later she could pull off more with effort. 3-10 seconds is a long time in HERO combat, heh....



  7. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO?


    Just tossing this Idea out here before I run with it in my own thread. Who wants, to join Rex in a "Living City" style Build Off, contained in one thread to serve the purpose of this thread? I've basically got, Piles of notebooks here of various writing that could mesh together very well into a sort of a HERO BOARDS Universe project.


    We'll hash out the infrastructure details between the participants, get that all laid out and then open the floodgates. We've had bits and pieces of things like that before here, but this would coral it all into one big cat herd and give it a bit of direction.... Just a thought. if folks wanna pitch in with me drop me a PM and I'll send you the outline of the idea as it stands so far ......


    In the meantime, something from the Idea itself, a sort of rehashed blast from the past so to speak......This was put together by a good friend and old player of mine and myself way back in the pre ultimate 4th ed days, modified by myself again, since I have to do this from memory. The Character Mark/Psych was his, and everything else was a major fixture in the campaign at the time, so let's see if I can unwrap this from the cobwebs in the old noodle....


    From the Paragon Files: Tales of the A.T.A.X.


    Mark plodded across the yard, dust rising from the scuff marks left behind by his worn leather work boots. The creased and wrinkled leather of the boots matched well with the beaten and faded jeans, and his shirt; such as it was, lay draped over the top of the fence next to the galvanized metal watering system that fed the plastic trough used to water the livestock.....


    Soaked black hair gave testimony to Mark's self inflicted Dunking a few moments before; the dripping water cutting channels through the layered dust and dirt over his heavy upper torso, revealing the light pink and sunburned skin under the deep brown of dirt and grime.


    With a carefree shrug, the heavy metal maul resting over one shoulder was flipped end over end into several bales of hay resting at the base of a chute leading down from the loft of the nearby barn, and Mark plopped down heavily on another bale, with a sigh and settled back into the shade offered by the old wooden structure. With another sigh he eyed the weather scared sides of the building, and glumly realized that his next doldrum task would most likely involve a scrapper and a small paintbrush for the seeming acres of dust bowl era barn walls....


    Turning aside from his resigned examination, his gaze was pulled towards the far off pastures. At Mid-day, most of the livestock were either out in the pastures, or within the barn itself. The occasional cat prowled the edges of the buildings of the sprawling farm, stalking through the shadows and weeds in search of whatever it is Cats occupy themselves with. The small horde of Dogs lay about various patches of the property as well, contemplating that which dogs contemplate whenever cats prowl about. Beyond that, stretched fields of corn, wheat, and a rolling pasture all under the bright and unforgiving sun, stretching far to the horizon. Life really wasn't to bad if kept simple.


    A scruffy little cat, solid black except for a single white sock on it's front paw, came from around the corner of one of the slightly askew shed doors. Unlike the other felines of the property, this one apparently had a purpose and a destination in mind as it made a beeline across the packed dirt of the yard towards and unsuspecting Mark. This approach was made unobserved as the intended target was facing the other way. Stopping a few feet from Mark, the cat sat and fixed an un-winking gaze from oddly yellow eyes on the broad back in front of him. For all the intensity of this stare there was was no response from it's target, as Mark had slipped into that state of relaxation referred to by folks his age as, "Zoning Out".


    Then, the little cat did a remarkable thing. This was no earthshaking event, but nevertheless, it was unique. After a tiny cough little cough, the Cat intensified it's gaze, and said "AHEM!"


    It was a dry voice; a voice that sounded utterly disinterested in the world around it. That it was entirely out of proportion to the tiny set of lungs that produced seemed to make no difference in the state of things. "Seems you have made rather a mess of yourself, Hmmm?" the cat continued on in the same dry disinterested tone, it's unblinking yellow gaze never drifiting.


    Mark started, disturbed from his reverie. "Oh, uh," he stuttered, glancing around wildly until his gaze settled upon the cat. "Uhmmm, yessir, I suppose I have."


    The unwavering glare of the cat did not shift an inch. "On your way to clean up I presume." The question was made with such a lack of curiosity that it came out as a statement.


    "In a bit..." the young man drawled lazily as he started to get up from his haybale.


    "Be QUICK about it then," the cat gave in a tone that any supervisor would sell their soul to have. The cat already had. It brooked no argument. "As soon as you have washed off some of that, Mud, I want you to come into the Sanctum. I'll be needing you for a few things." Mark blinked in suprise and noticing this, the cat quizzically raised a single brow. "YOU"LL need ME?!" Mark nearly squeaked in reply, the heavy emphasis on the "You'll" belying his own surprise.

    "YES. I Will need YOU." The cat, his voice now laced with irritation, turned and started marching back off towards his shed across the rutted dirt of the yard. "As Superior as I am, I do occasionally find myself with the need for an opposable digit. Rest assured this is not out of the desire for your sterling presence or sharp as a tack intellect."


    Mark watched the retreating figure for a brief moment before he rose and headed for the shed the cat was quickly approaching. Thinking he should actually go clean himself up, Mark quickly followed. There were certain things in the world he never intended to ever try, and seeing what THAT cat would actually do to something that truly annoyed it, was one of those things on the list.....


    to be continued.....



  8. Re: reference material for Street Heroes


    It was pretty close, slightly more action but good point on not catching the original fans. Was a lot of bad timing and expensive, as far as actor paychecks went. My problem with it was all the main cast were to young and pretty, so while the story was watchable, it just didn't fit the young perfect faces when you were really looking for old hardboiled Kolchak.



  9. Re: The villain Nitro


    Nitro has a good gimmick, but it's pretty easy to figure out. Officially, he's got a small punch attack that's the equivalent of 10 pounds of TNT, and his Big "explode himself!" power is 250 pounds of TNT. Now even though I'm not a fan of the scale used in the HSEG (Doesn't jive well with my real world explosives experience, not to mention a few recent things on the science channel and such which provided much amusement throwing 40 ton front end loaders straight up into the air and ripping them apart) it's still game functional.....


    So going by Nitro's official write up.... that gives you a small attack of base 12 d6 + 9d6 scale up for amount for 21d6 Explosion (with personal immunity though there are a few other ways to build it), and his big blast, is 262 d6 Explosion (that's 250 pounds of TNT, so Base 12d6 + 1d6 per .45 KG extra... After his big blast though it can take him a few minutes to reform depending on how much he was dispersed in the blast......


    That's right off the OHOTMU write up so, pretty dangerous right out of the box.



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