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Everything posted by Acme

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Hood, an archery Weaponmaster, discovers a hostage while reconnoitering the scene of battle. The hostage is connected to a bomb which prevents moving him. Hood rejoins the group and calls out: [heavy Cockney accent] "Anyone know anythin' about bombs? There's a bloke in there wired for sound - that sound bein' 'Bang!'" The GM actually used the quote on his e-mails for about a week.
  2. Re: We Loves Us Some Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs
  3. Re: We Loves Us Some Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs
  4. Acme


    Re: CthulhuTech? Having played CoC and Cthulhu Now, the impression I got was that the tech was irrelevant to the adversaries you fought. Modern weapons make a bigger boom, but the monsters are still scary. Space Horror is a subgenre where even with shiny toys, there are still things out there which can kill you (or worse). I refer to movies such as the Aliens series, Starship Troopers or even (shudder) Jason X. I think a CthulhuTech campaign could work with mecha. Hitting a Great Old One with a railgun would hurt/annoy it, but that's about it.
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