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Everything posted by Steffen

  1. Re: Need help for a low-level / street-level-campaign Here's an update if anyone wants to know: Based on the suggestions of Captain Obvious I got the player/pc interested in working with the "evil" company. Thinking he could get more information about their superhuman condition Taser contacted ProTech offering them information in return. I hope to make him trust the company at least for a while but in the end he should find out about their true intentions and fight them. Hopefully I'll manage to pull it off without making the other characters/players distrust Taser forever.
  2. Re: Need a name for batlike hero The player decided to keep the original name "Sentinel". Thanks for all the suggestions anyway.
  3. Re: Need a name for batlike hero
  4. Re: Need a name for batlike hero Sounds good!
  5. Re: Need a name for batlike hero Sorry, I forgot to thank all of you for your ideas. Unfortunately a lot of the names seem to be so good that the player is unable to take a decision... Right now my campaign is taking a break and I hope that he will choose a name when we continue next year.
  6. Re: Need a name for batlike hero Thanks. Nightwing was also mentioned but there's already a character called "Nightangel" and the player didn't like the overlap. That's why "Nightdemon" was also ruled out.
  7. Hi! Can you help me find a name for a male character in my campaign? The character has a slightly animalistic appearance (elongated canines, pointy ears, retractable claws and glowing eyes), can meld into shadows, attack with fists wrapped in cold, black fire, climb walls with his claws and glide with bat-like wings that appear to be made out of smoky shadows. Despite his appearance the character is not “dark” but quite nice and even reserved. We came up with “Darkwing” but the name is already broken as we keep adding “Duck”. Another name is “Shadowbat” but maybe you can come up with something more creative? Thanks for your input!
  8. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) I'm glad that's not general knowledge...
  9. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) A player in my superhero campaign chose to name his electricity wielding energy projector Benjamin Franklin. He was none too happy when another character told a journalist during their first interview that the EP's name was "Taser" because everyone hated the name...
  10. Hi! I can't find any hearing perception modifiers for listening to conversations or hearing noises behind walls. Do you use the wall's BODY, PD or ED as modifier or something else? Thanks for your help!
  11. Re: Need clues for an investigation Thanks, that's quite a lot to think about. I'll have to consider if any bodies turned up. Maybe only the scientist's victims resurfaced, covered with ulcers and unidentifiable. A closer examination may reveal an unknown virus in their blood.
  12. Re: Need clues for an investigation That's a good thought. A friend suggested that the scientist or one of his henchman is working on an ambulance that regularly visits several homeless shelters gathering blood donations and giving free treatment in return. That way the scientist could gather information about suitable subjects. The scientist is working on a gene therapy that's supposed to improve the regeneration of human body tissue. So far he mainly caused his victims to die from an accelerated form of cancer. Only two test subjects survived with increased muscle mass and heightened strength. Unfortunately they are completely disfigured and driven insane by constant pain. The scientist can control them a little by administering pain killers.
  13. Hi! Homeless people are vanishing and the culprits are a devil-worshipper in need of victims for a human sacrifice and a scientist who needs test subjects. They don't know each other and are in no way connected. The scientist is probably paying someone working at a homeless shelter to choose suitable victims and has them abducted by criminals or a street gang. I don't know yet how the devil-worshipper finds his victims. What clues will lead the PCs to both criminals? Thanks for your input!
  14. Re: Obviousness of Telekinesis The initial question was not if IPE was necessary (it is) but what the value of the advantage for the given examples is.
  15. Re: Obviousness of Telekinesis Please read my initial post.
  16. Re: Obviousness of Telekinesis No, it's not odd, it's absolutely fair. The problem is that IPE increases the Active Points so that the power is not very useful besides being completely invisible. I'm looking for a way to keep the special effect invisible to sight and hearing while not being completely invisible in game terms.
  17. Re: Obviousness of Telekinesis Thank you. That's interesting, you built it fully invisible with "gestures" as a limitation.
  18. Re: Obviousness of Telekinesis The character is just a telekinetic, not a jedi. The player would like to have a fully invisible Telekinesis but as it's quite expensive so I'm trying to figure out a build that does not include any light or sound effects.
  19. I would like to build a power similar to the Telekinesis of Jedis which cannot be heard nor seen except for the hand gestures. As an Attack/Standard power Telekinesis is obvious to two sense groups, probably Sight and Hearing. I think the Jedi Telekinesis is invisible to the Hearing Group (+ 1/2) and because of the gestures inobvious to the Sight Group (+1/4). Is this correct? Now I change the concept a little and define one of the sense groups as Radio instead of Hearing. I visualize it influencing electric/electronic devices so acoustic noises are heard on nearby phones or radios and electronic displays flicker etc. Is this obvious or inobvious? Thank you for your comments.
  20. Re: Coming up with terminology for humans who turn into superhumans using "-thrope" I may be wrong but as the word "lycanthrope" is derived from "lykos" (wolf) and "anthropos" (human) the word should end with "-anthrope". However, Metanthrope would probably still be correct.
  21. Re: Rescue/Kidnap Teleport According to the rules as written you're right but for this power I consider the target only Grabbed when his attempt to break the Grab with casual STR did not work.
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