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Mark Rand

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Everything posted by Mark Rand

  1. Since the old gods do exits, in alternate dimensions, in the CU, I'm assuming the SGC keeps a discrete eye on anyone who claims to be a god or have been given powers by them. Now, for the SGC's own metahuman team. Victory, from Champions Universe, would be a good choise. Being an air force officer who can travel FTL, she might've been briefed on the SGC. The book Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season One for Alderac Entertainment Groups Stargate SG-1 RPG mentions that the Asgard train chosen women as Valkyries, their special forces, and assign some to planets covered by the Protected Planets Treaty. (Earth is one such planet.) One could be assigned to the SGC. She might've even been chosen from the women assigned to SG teams.
  2. According to her medical records, Denise has an eczema-like rash on her hands. This has been confirmed by physicians at Mercy Hospital.
  3. Since the team's founding, Dr. Merlin's student, Lady Arcane, has replaced him on the team and Guardian has replaced Cat. Cat's daughter now wears her mother's armor and is an independant heroine. Wendy Brooks, who served as Dr. Merlin's housekeeper, continues in the same role. She has no interest in fighting crime. Electronics engineer Christine Hunter has a masters in electronics engineering, races an Eagle Talon in SCCA-sanctioned events. was a gymnast in college and is a ninja who prefers working on equipment to fighting crime. Guardian, the team leader, occasionally manages to talk her into joining the team for a mission. Homeland Security liaison Denise Dumont, an elegant blonde, always wears gloves. A skilled actress, she served as a CIA agent before being transferred to Homeland Security. She and Christine get along well.
  4. Actually, I'm trying to see if the Stargate SG-1 universe, Goa'uld, Tok'ra, Asgard, and all can be used in the fifth edition Champions Universe. If it can, the gate is under military control. Does the general public know about its existance? If they do, what are the reactions of the general public, academic community, news media and various governments? What protection, besides the military, does the complex have against a metahuman attack? I see possibilities here. SGC is located in or near the campaign city. Agents from any number of military/spy shows could arrive to create or investigate problems. Of course, the heroes get stuck in the middle of it.
  5. Is the stargate, from Stargate SG-1 possible in the CU? If so, the following questions must be asked. (Please assume its the current season when you reply.) Where is it? Does the general public know it exists? What kind of defenses from metahuman attack does it have?
  6. If I was Witchcraft, I'd turn him into a frog and, if possible, turn him back after he spent five minutes that way.
  7. Dr. Tachyon from the Wild Cards novels had a living starship named Baby. She might be in the Wild Card Conversions section of Mike Surbrook's site near Dr. Tachyon.
  8. Hi all, As you know by now, I like to take an existing universe and change it. Here's my version of the CU for a campaign that I might set in Millennium City. There are no known beings from other planets in the world. The federal government sends two liaisons to each team, one, usually a bureaucrat, from the DOSPA and one, usually a field agent, from Homeland Security. The Champions, Millennium City's best-known superhero team, was founded by Dr. Merlin, a mage, and Cat, a heroine whose powered armor is felionoid in appearance. The support staff is a secretary/receptionist, maid, electronics engineer and a nurse. The team uses Dr. Merlin's Groose Pointe mansion, a fastness, as its base. The site of Homestead on the map that came with the book is a public square. Terry Kestler is Millennium City's silver avenger.
  9. Amber actually gets the proper amount of sleep a healthy screech owl needs. She just doesn't always get the full amount at once.
  10. Actually, it's four-color superheroes. As I see it, among other things, the magic that made Amber, a screech owl, Lady Arcane's familiar, enables her to be active during the day. Of course, this doesn't prevent her from sleeping when Lady Arcane's studying or being heiress Lisa Thomas. As Amber, who was named for the color of her eyes, put it to Lady Arcane, "I still need my beauty sleep."
  11. I like my hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but I also like the San Angelo universe. Basically, in it magic and people from other worlds aren't believed to exist. A mage is believed to be another kind of super. I'd like to have the team's headquarters of an occice building owned by their sponsor. I'm using something I found on the Hero System FTP Archive, I think, as the basis for the headquarters. Seeing that there wasn't enough room for the team and the live-in staff, team member Lady Arcane asked permission to create two gates. One leads from the base to her residence, only she and her familiar can use it. The other leads to a pocket reality where there are more living quarters, other buildings and places to do other things. What should it be, a hall with doors leading to rooms and buildings or an open area where buildings from an earth where all life died out in 1969 were placed after being cleaned, by the Powers That Be, of anything harmful to humanity? Also, what government agencies would send live in liaisons to the team?
  12. The mage, Lady Arcane, is a one of the characters I'm running in a campaign I'm going to GM. Since its a four-color team, she often has to fight crime during daylight hours. I'd like her familiar to be a Screech Owl, which is small, but they're generally active at night. Of course, I could give her a Snowy Owl, which is active both day and night, but that bird weighs four pounds.
  13. If a mage gets a familiar that, like most owls, normally sleeps during the day, will the animal's activity cycle change to meet the mage's?
  14. Continuing with the Mobius, the rest of the first floor and the whole second floor stays as in the book. The only change on the third floor is that the connection between the woods and bedroom one, the housekeeper's bedroom. The basement has one addition, Gate G, in the main room, leads to the mansion's sublevels, all of which are connected by an elevator and stairwell. Restrooms are on each floor. There's nothing magical about this section. Sub level one is the hanger complex. The two quinjets are kept here, along with skymobiles and, if they're built, the Mark 2 aircars. Sub level two has the medical area, labs, tech shop, and administrative offices. Sub level three has the computer, communications, security and meeting rooms. Sub levels four through seven are the training complex. Sub level four has the locker rooms, showers and a hot tub. Sub level five has the gymnasium running track, danger room control booth and the upper level of the danger room. Sub level six has the gymnasium (including an Olympic-sized pool), the lower level of the danger room and the room's computer, which is accessable from the booth. Sub level seven has the pool pumps and filters and the danger room's machinary area.
  15. We were talking on another thread relating to the San Francisco based California Avengers about having a superhero act as one of the team's liaisons for the team. It occurred to me that the hero in the mech-inspired power armor might be a good choice. Tony Stark and his company created the armor as a prototype for an air force pilot "on loan" to the agency. The project's senior engineer is the team's technical manager and the Avengers reservist Spirit Cat (a kunoichi, or female ninja).
  16. Since the superpowered police agency liaison is going to be an assistant liaison, the hero will have to know how to take orders. What about a military pilot who was "loaned" to the agency by the air force to test a prototype powered armor, the one that'll come out of the mech inspired powered armor thread?
  17. Since I've read only one issue of the comic book, I'll tell you what I remember from the television show. In its passive form, the Witchblade is a metal bracelet with three reddish stones. Its usual active form is a plate armor gauntlet that covers her right arm and the back of her right hand. It has, however, become a full suit of plate armor. Sara, the wielder in the comics and the television program, has been able to see the past of a room by looking into a mirror, see and hear her dead partner, and see herself in full plate armor just before she is attacked. The witchblade has formed itself into a sword that appears on the back of her hand and she has deflected bullets with the blade or gauntlet by moving her hand. In the pilot, it has produced fire and once she turned back time. (This power can be used once by each wielder.) She has also had dreams of past wielders.
  18. Witchblade, for those of you who don't know, is a Top Cow comic book, about a female NYPD detective and the self-aware, mystical gauntlet that has bonded to her. It was also the name of a television program, that lasted for two seasons, dealing with the same characters. How do we write the witchblade itself up?
  19. What do you think of a 6-foot (more or less) Raideen? The screamer hawk missile could be a hawk-shaped energy burst and the screach comes from the emitter. The rest's easy, as is the conversion to Firehawk, it's supersonic form. If it doesn't pan out, I'll either follow JmOz's suggestion, and my first thought, and go with Lion Force Voltron or use the C.A.T. armor that's on another thread
  20. I was thinking of placing the mansion, actually the Mobius, just west of the Presedio, This way, the quinjets can be launched over the water. Most of the gates are on the first floor. Gate A, in the garage, leads to extra parking spaces. Gate B, in the living room, leads to the conference room/ballroom. There's a small stage on one side with microphone jecks in the floor and an electrically-lowered projection screen above it. Along one side are the coat room, rest rooms kitchen and storage rooms. (The kitchen is used for preparing food for press conferences and one storeroom is known as the A/V room because the PA amplifier and audio-visual equipment are in there.) Gate C, in the dining room, connects to one side of a pantry. Gate E, in the kitchen, connects to the other side. Gate D, on the back porch (and the only one in the original plans) leads to a pocket reality containing buildings from an Earth where all life died out in 1969, In it are additional living quarters, a church, a rec center, a medical clinic, and a high school. (The team's nurse found the white uniforms she wears instead of scrubs here.) Gate F, in the library, leads to a Japanese garden. Lady Arcane, the mage, and Spirit Cat, the ninja (a reservist and the team's technical manager) like to meditate here.
  21. Most of the gates are simply extra rooms. The garage has a football field-sized extension to it, the library leads to a Japanese garden, the public conference room has a coat room, restrooms, a small kitchen and storage rooms. Most of the ghosts could be explained, in a non-magical house, as solid-light holograms, like Star Trek: Voyager's doctor, generated by a complex AI system. The medical area could have either a white uniformed and capped nurse or Dr. Alyssa Ogawa from Star Trek: The Next Generation. (I know she's the head nurse, but in one episode, Worf traveled to other realities and in one Alyssa was an M.D.) The bedrooms could have, if the occupant wanted, a personal assistant uniformed like an airline stewardess from the 1960s. (A menu on the room's computer would let the occupant select the exact uniform she'd wear.) The ghost that haunts the mansion is Rose, a beautiful, kind-hearted woman, from 1905, wearing a short-sleeve black, red-accented and sequined evening gown, a beautifyl necklace and long white gloves. She can become solid when she wants to and always enters and exits through the door. Of course, she could always be a hologram, too.
  22. Okay, I can find the plans for a swankyer mansion. Any problem with it being a fastness, the gates or ghost(s)?
  23. Since the California Avengers team, which is based in San Francisco, has a mage, I'd like to use the Mobius from the fourth edition book Mystic Masters as the basis for Avengers Mansion San Francisco. This version would have more gates, a resident ghost that can go only in the living quarters and, possibly, others that are tied to specific rooms or areas. I'm working on a list of what the gates lead to, and I'll post it here soon.
  24. How's this? The NSC provides the official liaison. The DIA, FBI, Homeland Security, NSA and the superpower police agency provide assistant liaisons. What are we going to call this superpower police agency and what kind of agent will it send as a liaison?
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