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Wyrm Ouroboros

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Posts posted by Wyrm Ouroboros

  1. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


    I'm also not sure why he couldn't say 'damn I'm good a this'? What am I missing? Again' date=' fire away I can take it :D[/quote']


    Yes, you can do throws. Part of the whacky kung-fu goodness of martial arts, however, is that it makes you 'better' than your normal +0 OCV +0 DCV +0 Damage Grab/Squeeze or Grab/Throw, or your base Dodge or Block or whatever you happen to be using. With a 29 Dex, Defensive Maneuver I-IV, Combat Sense at 13-, and a +3 overall, yes, you are amazingly good at it -- and I suppose that's what you're aiming for.


    I also just saw the +40 STR, only to mimic martial maneuvers, so that fills in for a lot of it; not sure I'd give you more than -1/4 for it, though. Dunno. I guess with the way you put it all together, it really does reflect all the things you can do with most of the martial maneuvers.




    You know, if I was Bunny, I'd almost have to go with Ms. Octavia Banner-Romanov. (Yes, there's a major mental disconnect there for me; I simply can not imagine the Black Widow hooking up with Bruce.) The effort put into the background, personality, etc. is amazing. Kudos to the job, Vondy.

  2. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


    Now as to the real reason I'm posting this Wyrm' date=' you mentioned that I might be missing some valuable points, to be honest, no I don't know :P what do you mean?[/quote']


    With the face, not sure if you're serious, but ... you can't do throws, mobile blasts, grabs, the whole 'damn I'm good at this' sort of thing. On the other hand, that's the way you wanted to put it together, so ... :)

  3. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


    You know, I realize you're trying to help and all, but um...


    You wanna run your own Marvel Universe world? Go right ahead. Don't tell me how to run mine. Yeah. Kinda PO'd right now.


    Somebody get his switchblade.




    On the other hand, maybe if we just replace it with his switch-scythe ...

  4. Re: Stats for barbed wire


    Re: the 'Vs. ED' bit -- no, of course not. HC just has that as the default, and I didn't think about changing it.


    In regards to building the fence as an Entangle, well, they are avoidable. And even if you're 'caught', for someone with manipulating digits it isn't too hard to get yourself off them -- IF you take the time to do so. Yes, cattle can get killed on barbed wire fences, and the rolls of barbed wire in WWI and WWII were nasty things (and they'd have a different build), but for the most part the above is what I'd see for a fence topped with barbed wire. They slow you down, and if you're not careful, they hurt you.

  5. Re: Sweep or Autofire for melee?


    Our recommendation to make sure he doesn't feel it to be too overpowered, of course, is to make sure that you don't use it TOO often -- or several/many times on the same opponent. Don't bother Sweeping the poor little speedster running on the ceiling; reserve your Sweeps for the 6-story megamachine that everyone's trying to take apart.

  6. Re: Punch-Through


    Lightsaber, rapier, plasma lance, whatever, yes. The problem lies in that the rapier / lightsaber / plasma lance may not do enough Body to kill the person, but because of its nature -- penetrating, generally -- it may go right through and damage whatever or whomever is behind that target as well. So Sgt. Major gets shot through the arm by a plasma lance (taking, say, 2 damage), and the superhot jet continues on through to nail Lt. Wheed right between the eyes, killing him dead.


    I suspect I may have wing it. A 2d6 x2 Penetrating attack might be able to do its damage to two or three non-rED targets before 'burning out'... ... hmmm. That's not a bad rule of thumb.


    'A Penetrating attack, if it can reach (e.g. rapiers can't go much beyond 1' behind their thrust-through target), can damage a number of targets in a row equal to 1 + the number of Penetrating multiples they have taken. Resistant Defenses are considered to act as 2 'people', while a target with hardened defenses cannot be punched or blown through.'



  7. Re: Finger & Palm Print Mimic


    Technically, palm readers do the same thing his eye does -- look at the palm print. Shapeshift to sight group would be the trick if there is no chance of failure.


    Cybernetic Handprints: Shape Shift (Sight Group, limited group of shapes), Imitation, Instant Change (35 Active Points); Hand / Finger Prints Only (-2), Must Possess Print Information (-1), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Cyberware; -1/4): 8 Real Cost.


    If, on the other hand, there's still a chance for failure, make it a bonus to the Security Systems roll.

  8. Re: Stats for barbed wire


    Barbed Wire:

    • Barbed Wire Fence: Change Environment 1" radius (2" Line; +0), -4" of Running, Long-Lasting Permanent, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (51 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Character May Take No Other Actions, -2 1/4), OAF Immobile Durable (-2), No Range (-1/2), Avoidable (Effects Can Be Avoided By A Dex Roll Or Moving At 1"; -1/2): 8 Real Cost.
    • Barbs: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage Shield (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), +2 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/2) (15 Active Points); OAF Immobile Durable (-2), Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), No STR Bonus (-1/2), Avoidable (Damage Can Be Avoided By A Dex Roll Or Moving At 1"; -1/2), Linked (Barbed Wire Fence; -1/2), No Knockback (-1/4): 3 Real Cost.


    So: 11 points to be able to set up your barbed-wire fence in a 2" line. It usually slows people down by 4", and causes them damage if they don't either a) slow down to 1" movement to go over it, or B) make a Dex roll to avoid it. Subject, of course, to the usual acrobatics rolls to go over a fence without slowing down...

  9. Re: Avengers: The Next Generation on Hero Central


    I give to you Captain Quasar. Baad things have happened in the Universe at large, and he's here to save the triumphant Skrull race.


    ... yeah, it's sort of complicated. What's worse is that he's hearing Captain Marvel, Quasar, and all the rest of the previous users of both the Quantum and Nega-Bands...

  10. Re: Earthquake and Move Earth


    The volume of earth you're moving, of course. What is it, 5 Body for each cubic hex of earth? Going by damage stats, you need +1 Body for each additional inch radius? So if it's a 10" wide, 20" long, and 3" tall chunk, you're looking at 600 cubic inches worth of earth; volume of a sphere is 4/3 (pi) r^3. Reversing it and plugging 600 in, you'll need to affect ... 3.63" worth of earth, rounding to 4" -- or 8 BODY worth of earth. (That, by the way, is a hill roughly 60' wide, 120' long, and 18' high.)


    That might really be considered ridiculously easy; I might alter it so that the radius is be 'radius outwards', and then increase it by the base amount for every doubling of inches 'deep'...


    For your future information, the inches is equal to the cube root of (Volume * 3/4) / PI. Or, if you use Excel, '=((A1*3/4)/PI())^(1/3)'


    Just don't forget that many 'hills' are only a few feet of soil, with rock underneath. Moving rock increases your difficulty ...

  11. Re: Earthquake and Move Earth


    Earthquake: This localized spell in its original system had varying chances of knocking people in the area down (it came in progressively stronger versions) and of collapsing structural features; in Hero I suspect the best I can do with the latter is have it do some damage to structures.


    Move Earth: This is the odder of the two; it would allow you to "walk" a small terrain feature; for example you could move a small copse of trees by having the ground they were set in flow along in a direction at a low rate of speed until the duration of the spells wore off.


    Suggestions? Currently I'm doing the first as a linked Instant Change Environment (for the fall) and Body Doing NND (only against rigid structures) but that seems overly baroque and fussy. And I can't figure how to do the latter at all, since TK would simply pull up whatever it was that was being moved (which is not what the spell does).


    Earthquakes are nasty long-term things; I'd put it on a Continuous Charge or Uncontrolled, with a short (1-2 Turn) duration if the character makes it 0 END. However, the Change Environment rules are all you could wish for in that regards, reducing movement or forcing DEX rolls, doing damage ('only to structures'), and the like.


    'Move Earth' might be trickier, but you could probably do it with a Change Environment as well. Failing this, a Transform might be necessary.

  12. So you have a really nice, really vicious attack, or something that by all rights should go through A and into B. Good examples would be rapiers, lightsabers, plasma lances, and the sort -- in short, attacks that may do only a certain amount of damage to the first thing they hit, but that can go through that target and into another, again doing damage.


    This damage may not necessarily be enough to kill the target; you can run a man through with a rapier (for example) and punch into the guy holding him, and yet kill neither of them directly. (Bleeding rules, of course, take care of the slow, lingering death they both deserve ... or something.)


    Is this just F/X, and GM determined as to whether and/or when it happens? Could/should this be defined as an Advantage, that it does X damage to the person, and possibly Y damage to anyone/thing directly behind them? Might it be considered to be an attack that is AoE Line, but for a limited length (and presumably width) of Line?


    In short, what option would you take, and how would you build?

  13. Re: EC's cannot have non-END powers!!!!


    I've always permitted two things inside an EC, so long as it was appropriate:

    • Armor
    • Strength

    These two are typical brick powers; you should be able to build yourself a decent semi-invulnerable 50-80 STR Colossus without having to totally gut yourself. I know some GMs don't permit Strength, but for the brick it's a primary power. Likewise with the Armor; I'd otherwise might as well drop 'Force Field, 0 END' into it instead. (Yeah, I know -- it'd need Persistent, too. Anyhow.)


    Otherwise, though, it depends on the intended power level of the campaign, at least for me.

  14. Re: Game of Thrones


    I wonder if he gets sympathy letters from JK Rowling? I imagine she knows exactly how that feels. :D


    I sincerely hope not. Rowlings hasn't nearly the chops George RR has; comparatively, she got lucky.

  15. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central


    I still have plenty of room for skills (A whole 100+ points left). I just need to find the time today to add them.


    Also the reason I didn't make this super strength is because it isn't super strength. This power is basically shifting the momentum and inertia in a stationary body to the opposite direction, causing it to be pushed away from the character. This strength can only be used for that, not for HTH, leaping, lifting, etc. It is just a push.


    What do you think leaping and lifting are? Kinetic control on a contact level, causing a defined effect -- 'my body to go thataway' or 'that object to go thataway' or whatever. The Marvel campaign characters seem to be characters who are already comfortable with their powers, and are focusing less on 'gain control and experience' and more on 'doing good in the world'.


    My own revisions/take on Artillery:


    Val	Char	Cost
    13/32	STR	3
    20	DEX	30
    20	CON	20
    13	BODY	6
    20	INT	10
    14	EGO	8
    20	PRE	10
    16	COM	3
    4/24	PD	1
    10/24	ED	6
    5	SPD	20
    10	REC	6
    40	END	0
    40	STUN	10
    6"	RUN	0
    2"	SWIM	0
    2 1/2"/6"	LEAP	0
    Characteristics Cost: 133
    Cost	Power
    37	Kinetic Control: Elemental Control, 74-point powers
    38	1)  Kinetic Flight: Flight 20", Position Shift, x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance
                 (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points)
    39	2)  Kinetic Field: Force Field (20 PD/14 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced
                 Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (76 Active Points)
    41	Kinetic Stability: (Total: 45 Active Cost, 41 Real Cost) Knockback Resistance
                 -10" (20 Active Points); Nonpersistent (-1/4) (Real Cost: 16) plus Physical
                 Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (Real Cost: 15) plus Energy Damage
                 Reduction, 25% (Real Cost: 10)
    32	Kinetic Well: Absorption 5d6  (Physical, into END), Can Absorb Maximum Of 60
                 Points' Worth Of Physical Damage (40 Active Points); Limited Phenomena
                 (Not Vs. Cutting Damage; -1/4)
    51	Kinetic Alterations: Multipower, 76-point reserve,  (76 Active Points); all slots
                 Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    4u	1)  Kinetic Slap: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8 1/2d6, Double Knockback (+3/4)
                 (75 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both
                 hands; -1/2)
    5u	2)  Kinetic Sting: Energy Blast 12d6 (vs. ED), STUN Only (+0), Reduced Endurance
                 (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; Handclap;
    5u	3)  Kinetic Bolt: Energy Blast 15d6 (vs. ED) (75 Active Points); Gestures (Requires
                 both hands; Straight-Armed Handclap; -1/2)
    4u	4)  Kinetic Blast: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. ED), Explosion (+1/2) (75 Active Points);
                 Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)
    4u	5)  Kinetic Lance: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6+1 (vs. ED), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (75
                 Active Points); OIF (Significant Object of Opportunity (Double-Fist-Sized or
                 Larger); -1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    4u	6)  Kinetic Dart: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. ED), +2 Increased STUN Multiplier
                 (+1/2), Penetrating (x2; +1) (75 Active Points); OIF (Small Object of Opportunity;
                 -1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    4u	7)  Kinetic Impact: Energy Blast 7 1/2d6 (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4),
                 Double Knockback (+3/4) (76 Active Points); OIF (Object of Opportunity; -1/2),
                 Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    3u	8)  Kinetic Wave: Energy Blast 8 1/2d6 (vs. ED), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Explosion
                 (+1/2) (75 Active Points); Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), No Range (-1/2),
                 Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    4u	9)  Kinetic Touch: +60 STR, No Figured Characteristics (+0), Only Touch Required (+1/4)
                 (75 Active Points); Cannot Do Damage (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    5u	10) Kinetic Freeze: Teleportation 1", No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Ranged (+1/2),
                  Usable As Attack (x256 maximum weight per inanimate target; Defense is Kinetic
                  Manipulation powers, being stationary, or having Position Shift on a movement power;
                  +3) (76 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    4u	11) Kinetic Barrier: Force Wall (15 PD; 3" long and 2" tall), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END;
                 +1/4), Transparent to ED Attacks (+1/2) (76 Active Points); Gestures, Requires
                 Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; -1)
    3u	12) Kinetic Sponge: Force Field (14 PD/9 ED), Limited Range (+1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2),
                  Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (75 Active Points);
                  Ablative (-1 PD/ED Per BODY Over Defense; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2)
    6	+19 STR (19 Active Points); Can Only Be Used With Martial Escape (-1 1/2), No Figured
                 Characteristics (-1/2)
    Powers Cost: 293
    Cost	Martial Arts Maneuver
    4	1)  Block:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
    4	2)  [i]Coup de pied bas[/i] (Low Kick):  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4 1/2d6 Strike
    5	3)  [i]Coup de pied chasse[/i] (Side Kick):  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 6 1/2d6 Strike
    4	4)  [i]Crochet[/i] (Hook):  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 4 1/2d6 Strike
    5	5)  [i]Direct[/i] (Jab/Cross):  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 2 1/2d6 Strike
    3	6)  Footsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 3 1/2d6 Strike, Target Falls
    4	7)  Martial Escape:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 28 STR  / 47 STR vs. Grabs
    Martial Arts Cost: 29
    Total Character Cost: 455
    Base Points: 450
    Experience Required: 5
    Total Experience Available: 0
    Experience Unspent: 0


    The martial arts help him both fight and break free if his hands have been Grabbed; he's got 145 points left for other skills.

  16. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central


    I like alot of that. I think I will wait for the force wall to come at a later time. Also I decided not to multipower because I had wanted to try and fill up the 600 points (This was originally a 350 character).


    Not meaning to offend, but this simply means that instead of having ten powers independently, you should have your MultiPower(s) and plenty of skills, talents, and other 'add-ons'. Trust me, I'm the first to applaud a concept that has a boatload of non-combat / background support action going on; if it's combat-effective to boot, bonus. There is no reason, with 600 points, to NOT build to both your concept and to an effective character.


    Additionally, I really don't understand why you have 50 Strength TK with No Range instead of a boost to your strength. Inside a MPow, it isn't going to affect your figured characteristics, and if you're touching it -- which, with No Range, you'd have to -- why couldn't you add your own strength to the maneuver, or vice-versa? Functionally, you're grabbing something and heaving it around at a 50 Str; just do it that way instead of the more-expensive-Active-Points version of TK, No Range...

  17. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central


    Considering Maddox sent out his dupes across the world' date=' that is a very plausible idea that he may have several children... that's a scary thought.[/quote']


    'Several' is a potentially wild understatement. How many duplicates can he make? For how many years? X * Y * (Lovers) = !!!

  18. Re: Help this person


    Didn't say they worshipped the sky....RIF.....didn't say Cats and Dogs were stupid......what's with all the grief........trying to give Nexus and example and I get jumped by members of PETA for suggesting dogs and cats aren't as smart as humans.....


    Lighten up Francis....


    Yes, well -- it's a bad example.

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