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Wyrm Ouroboros

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Posts posted by Wyrm Ouroboros

  1. Re: A Playable Black Bolt


    Put together the Brick portion of the character. Talk with your GM about appropriate limitations on that 20/40/60/80/100d6 EB (you know, the one that's 10x the campaign maximum) and see if it isn't possible to whittle it down to a comparatively few points. Some nasty things like 'always happens when character speaks' and 'proportional to character's speaking volume' and 'minimum (3x campaign maximum) to start' could work, if the GM agrees these are appropriate and gives you some decent penalties for them. Don't forget the Psych Lim of 'Will Not Speak'.


    As for the power, you might just consider a regular EB, but with insane KB. (Hey, if you KB it up to 11.2 km/s, that's escape velocity ...) If you have Double KB and Megascale it, say up to a hundred or a thousand miles, and no space-capable supers, you've essentially got your Black Bolt shout -- wipes everything off the face of the earth (by flinging it all into space) ...

  2. Re: I'm building a gold dragon on 350 points


    I don't see why biting a character and holding them would be considered a multi-attack

    but grabbing define by champions does not indicate one could apply a KA instead of just squeezing.

    This is why a bought my teeth as a weapon element .

    A martial artist can use KA to define his attack damage martial grabbing with a KA whip for example


    Yyyyeah, sort of... not. If the martial artist has a KA weapon that can entangle -- which is to say, something bought that way, or pre-defined that way (the way a whip is, though it's not a KA) -- then yes, he can grab with it. Still doesn't mean you need to purchase 'teeth' as a bloody weapon element; you have the teeth/mouth/tongue as additional limbs ... enh. Not going to keep telling you if you aren't going to listen.


    that's a shiny quarter and hardly a limitation considering the range modifier from 65 to 124 hexes is -10 OCV anyway

    I suppose it would come up if the character wanted to hit the side of a barn so I think it's fair.

    The limited range also adds a physical aspect to the fuel in the fire that could only reach so far be burning out.

    It certainly is not as limiting as "reduced by range" -1 DC(damage class) per 4" range


    Well, yes, if you really want to do it that way. (The range, btw, was meant to be Active Points worth of inches, as compared to the regular AP x 5".) If you want to reduce by range -1 DC/4" or whatever, and have a 20" flamethrower, well, you go right ahead. Me and the boys are going to stick with the 45" (or whatever) breath weapon -- which, considering the size of the dragon and thus its DCV penalty vs other ranged attackers, is actually an issue. Also, consider that several of the dragon's attacks are AoE -- and so at the normal range of 225", the big lunk could STILL have a decent chance of setting Target X on fire. A sticky, uncontrolled burning line 15" long, or a cone 12" on a side is still going to roast a lot of something, no matter the -12 OCV on that Hex DCV of 3...

  3. Re: What If: You were the world's 1st superhuman?


    Hmm. You aren't invulnerable, really fast, or anything -- excessively human, so to speak, but still just your normal intelligence. (Sure, memory can count for a lot, but memory != brains.) You aren't faster than a speeding bullet, or even a jet fighter; no Hancock here. I ... don't know. Enjoy myself, yes; possibly work on becoming a batman-sort. (Eidetic memory CAN help with some stuff, I'll grant you.) But without an otherwise-extended lifespan, intelligence, or truly extra-ordinary ability (e.g. magnetics, mentallics, or whatever), you're just a one-man army -- killable with effort, but that's all.

  4. Re: Need some plot ideas for a campaign


    Before you jump all over a) yourself or B) the list, stop and talk to your players. What kind of players do you have? Is combat after combat after combat all they want, or is there a major RP interest in there? What kind of RP -- mystery/detective work, love triangles, vengeance, etc. etc. etc.? What the players want, give them -- granted, on YOUR terms, but it's what they want, right? ;)


    If they want lots of RP, give them the Mystic Mastermind -- some quite-powerful-on-his-own bad guy (or even just 'not-good-guy') who has certain goals and sends minions off to work on achieving small steps towards those goals, such small steps being things the PCs can quite enjoy stopping each in turn, even though MM seems to keep crawling closer and closer to whatever-it-is -- world domination, absolute mystic mastery, or just a really good cup of tea. Make sure MM plays it smart, has lots of lawyers in every country on-tap, and that his minions KNOW he's going to bail them out if they keep their mouths shut.


    Or there might be a group, like this Council of Shadows, but while not in direct opposition, at least they might be at regular cross-purposes. (After all, why bother having access to arcane secrets of the universe if you have to live in a 10x12' hovel?) See, perhaps, the alternate ideas for the Zodiac -- a group with their own leaders, their own networks, spread out and working on ... whatever.


    So: once you have an idea of what your players want, you can build a villain/group to oppose them, and from there craft encounters to further the story you have in mind and to give your players what they're looking for ...

  5. Re: 'Desolid' till next phase after teleporting


    If the character's 'out of phase', use Desolid. Make it Instant, link it to the teleport, but then also add in the "Lingering" advantage. Poof, the character can't USE the desolid unless they teleport -- and can't keep the desolid up unless, again, they're teleporting.


    Desolidification , Lingering +1 Phase (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Instant (-1/2), Linked ("Bamf" Teleport; -1/2): 70 Active Points, 40 real cost.


    Granted, that's 5th Ed, don't know precisely how they do it in 6th, but it should give you a place to go from...

  6. Re: I'm building a gold dragon on 350 points


    You wouldn't. 'Bite' is either a special effect of a purchased attack ("Bite", HKA Xd6 nastiness, as compared to "Claw", Yd6 nastiness) or, if you go ahead and purchase your teeth as an extra limb as done above, just another limb you're smacking people around with.


    Hell ....


    I don't know how many points this creature is currently built on; he seems to be adding abilities and powers left and right. On the other hand, the poor thing looks to be able to be outthought and mind-controlled in two twitches of a cerebellum, so here's a cut-down version (sans, you know, skills and stuff, 'cause apparently the dragon is naught but a fighting machine...) for your delectation:

    Gold Dragon
    Val	Char	Cost
    45	STR	35
    15	DEX	15
    25	CON	30
    20	BODY	20
    18	INT	8
    18	EGO	16
    25/50	PRE	5
    14	COM	2
    25	PD	6
    25	ED	10
    4	SPD	15
    15	REC	2
    50	END	0
    60	STUN	4
    6"	RUN	0
    2"	SWIM	0
    9"	LEAP	0
    Characteristics Cost: 168
    Cost	Power
    Draconic Body
    2	1)  An Entirely Different Life Choice ...: Life Support  (Eating Character 
    	only has to eat once per year; Sleeping Character only has to sleep 
    	once per year) (4 Active Points); Character Must Consume Vast 
    	Quantities (Equiv of 52 Large Meals)/Sleep For 2½ Weeks At Once (-1)
    9	2)  ... But What I Do Is My Business: Life Support  (Extended Breathing: 1 
    	END per 20 Minutes; Longevity: 1600 Years; Safe in High Pressure)
    4	3)  Hind Legs, Tail, Wings: Extra Limbs  (5) (5 Active Points); Limited 
    	Manipulation (-1/4)
    4	4)  Climbing: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Wall-Crawling 
    	(Requires All Four Limbs; Four-Legged Climbing; -1/2), Lockout 
    	(Cannot Use Leg/Arm/Claw Attacks from MPows; -1/2), Damages Surface 
    13	5)  Sheer Impressiveness: (Total: 47 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost) +10 PRE 
    	(10 Active Points); Fear Only (-1) (Real Cost: 5) plus +25 PRE, 
    	Lingering up to 1 Turn (+1/2) (37 Active Points); Increased 
    	Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 1/2), Fear Only (-1), Instant (-1/2), 
    	Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Incantations 
    	(Roar; -1/4) (Real Cost: 8)
    10	6)  Big 'Un: Knockback Resistance -5"
    37	7)  Scales: Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points)
    29	Dragon Might: Elemental Control, 58-point powers
    21	1)  Dragon Size: Stretching 8", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active 
    	Points); no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4)
    16	2)  Mighty Wings: Flight 12", x4 Noncombat, Costs END Only To Activate
    	(+1/4), Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; Limited Group of 
    	Advantages; No Turn Mode, Usable Underwater, Combat Accel/Decel, No 
    	Gravity Penalty; +3/4) (58 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), 
    	Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/4)
    32	Breath of the Dragon: Multipower, 45-point reserve, all slots Personal 
    	Immunity (+1/4) (56 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2), 
    	Limited Range (60"; -1/4)
    3u	1)  Hellish Fire: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (vs. ED) (45 Active Points); 
    	Restrainable (-1/2), Limited Range (60"; -1/4)
    2u	2)  Superheated: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 1/2d6 (vs. ED), Reduced 
    	Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (44 Active 
    	Points); Restrainable (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4), Limited Range 
    	(60"; -1/4)
    2u	3)  Close Quarters: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (vs. ED), Reduced 
    	Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (19" Cone; +1 1/2) (45 
    	Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), No Range (-1/4), Limited Range 
    	(60"; -1/4)
    2u	4)  Precision Burn: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (vs. ED), Reduced 
    	Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), 
    	Continuous (+1) (41 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Limited 
    	Range (60"; -1/4)
    3u	5)  Burn: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (vs. ED), Uncontrolled (+1/2), 
    	Sticky (+1/2), Explosion (Line; -1 DC/5"; +1) (45 Active Points); 
    	Restrainable (-1/2), Limited Range (60"; -1/4)
    3u	6)  Bursting Spray: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (vs. ED), Sticky (+1/2), 
    	Uncontrolled (+1/2), Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/4"; +1) (45 Active 
    	Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Limited Range (60"; -1/4)
    30	To Fight With All The Rage and Power ...: Multipower, 45-point reserve,  
    	(45 Active Points); all slots Limited Arc of Attack [61-180] Degrees 
    3u	1)  Snap (Bite): Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR) (vs. 
    	PD), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (44 
    	Active Points); Limited Arc of Attack [61-180] Degrees (-1/2)
    2u	2)  Gorge (Bite): Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR) (vs. PD), 
    	Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Area Of 
    	Effect (2" radius; +3/4) (37 Active Points); Limited Arc of Attack 
    	[61-180] Degrees (-1/2)
    3u	3)  Rake: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR) (vs. PD), 
    	Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (44 Active 
    	Points); Limited Arc of Attack [61-180] Degrees (-1/2)
    3u	4)  Tear: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR) (vs. PD), Autofire 
    	(3 shots; +1/4), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Armor Piercing 
    	(+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; 
    	+1/2) (45 Active Points); Limited Arc of Attack [61-180] Degrees
    2u	5)  Tailsweep: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; 
    	+1/4), Double Knockback (+3/4), Area Of Effect (7" Cone; +1) (45 
    	Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Limited Arc of Attack 
    	[61-180] Degrees (-1/2)
    2u	6)   Wing Buffet: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; 
    	+1/4), Area Of Effect Limited Radius (3" Radius; +3/4), Double 
    	Knockback (+3/4) (41 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), 
    	Limited Arc of Attack Sides (-1/2)
    Powers Cost: 237
    Cost	Martial Arts Maneuver
    5	Flying Grab:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 55 STR for 
    	holding on; FMove
    5	Flying Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
    3	Flying Tackle:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 9d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, 
    	Target Falls; FMove
    Martial Arts Cost: 13
    Total Character Cost: 418
    Base Points: 200
    Experience Required: 218
    Total Experience Available: 0
    Experience Unspent: 0


    Clip out some of the unnecessary stuff -- the martial arts really aren't necessary, for example, and the Stretching you can probably get away with NOT having -- and perhaps cut down the APs on the MPows in order to save points, and you have a serious death-dealer...

  7. Re: I'm building a gold dragon on 350 points


    "Teeth" are not a bloody weapon element. (Well, bloody, perhaps...) "Teeth" are part and parcel of your body, e.g. the 'Unarmed' weapon element. You may have to define the attack as being a bite, but you don't have to purchase your teeth as a weapon element, especially as, according to the above, the 'neck, wings, tail, back, claw' are all bought as actual extra limbs...


    I have my own dragonform, but I can't seem to manage to get it down to 350 points. Ah, well ...

  8. Re: When sfx lie


    Ah, but with a shield, you can SEE the F/X -- and thus determine how to 'get around it'. 'Personal Force Wall' shields tend to be 'limited coverage' or something of the sort -- which means an AoE is still going to blast 'em. The Dodge-based 'Supertough' thing is more obscure.


    Speaking as a GM, I WOULD permit the 'Supertough' DCV advantage, but I'd also make it clear that it was versus specific single attacks -- perhaps putting a limitation of 'Only vs. One Attack per Segment/Phase', so as to represent the slight attention needed to turn the superdefense in the direction of that attack. It'd also force the player to decide who was the more dangerous foe, and so mitigate the 'omigod we can't hurt him' effect. If the player wants the enormous amount of 'can't touch this' that they seem to be wanting, force 'em to purchase Damage Reduction or its 6e equivalent...

  9. Re: Super Law: Power stealing


    Yeah, I think three counts of aggravated assault would cover it. Presuming the victimized individuals are PCs, I'd concentrate more on how the PCs regain their powers instead of the long, stupid, boring court case re: whether or not Absorbatrix Man is convicted.


    Understand that Mr. Hamstrung's attorney might very well be able to make a case of 'accidental uncontrolled power use', and quite possibly plea-bargain it down to time served or community service -- especially if 'Power Stealer' always permanently steals powers, 'cause that's just the way his powers work. It'd be something similar to losing control of the car you're driving and slamming into the aforementioned weightlifter...

  10. Re: Hard sci-fi adventures?


    Define 'important stuff'. A brain? Three, four inches. The heart? Again, three to four inches. Hell, a person is only 6-8" thick anyhow. A frangible round -- poor penetration, near-complete transfer of energy -- isn't going to penetrate your 6-8", no. The hydrostatic shock and near-complete transfer of energy into that area of the target (instead of, y'know, exiting out the other side) means that yeah, the pirate might 'block' that frangible round with his arm, but having your arm slammed with the full energy of that charge is going to either a) damn near rip your arm off or B) make you think it was. Either of which are going to c) drop the pirate idiot enough to block a bullet with his arm.


    And yes, hard armor would protect against penetration, but you still have a large portion of the energy transferred -- which means getting shot in the chest is still going to hurt like a son of a bitch. 1 Shotgun + 1 Frangible + 1 Target = 2 Ouch.


    Still, ouch != damage. Which means that gel rounds (that transfer ALL the energy), chemical loads (which splatter/soak in around the 'hard' armor), all that sort of stuff (which we COULD have today, if we wanted) start becoming viable options...

  11. Re: Any house rules on a different dice system?


    Psychological cues, mostly. Purely player-driven, used to the 'roll high!!' mechanic practically everywhere else -- even in the HERO system itself, re: damage.


    Doompriest, it's pretty much opposite-day; take 21, subtract the actual game mechanic (11- becomes 12+, 10- becomes 13+, 9- becomes 14+, etc., while 18- becomes 3+) and that's what your players have to roll. This seems slightly odd, because the average roll on 3d6 is NOT 11, it's 11.5 -- but that's the way you go. Levels can add directly to the roll, so if you roll that 7 and you needed an 8+ and you have a level, well, there you go -- you have an 8. Just remember to reverse all your penalties and bonuses...

  12. Re: Telekinesis Martial Arts


    ... but the point is it is clearly a GM call - there's no 'right' answer at present.


    Correct, there is none -- but that's my logic on it.


    If TK is STR at range' date=' why can you not use it in a similar fashion?[/quote']


    Because TK is essentially ONE 'STR at Range', from a giant boot to a hand to a pair of tweezers. To get more than just that, you need AoE, Selective, whatever the GM requires for you to 'do two things at once' with your TK. Some GMs may let you use your TK twice; most I know wouldn't. So to Martial Punch instead of Martial Grab with your TK, you have to change the TK focus -- drop the Grab and use the Punch.


    There's also the question as to whether or not your Martial DCs have to be 'assigned', instead of automatically applying to everything used in that Phase, but that's something I'm not qualified to answer. :P

  13. Re: Fallen Avenger


    Sorry, I'm of the DFV camp -- that and I'd want to stay away from the whole mystic thing, because that has too much of the 'I instantly become a bad guy!!' sense about it. This, IMNSHO, should be the one where all the heroes are going to say to themselves and maybe each other, 'You know, he really is just on the other side of the line from us -- we could become him if we were only a little more obsessed, a little more final about things...'


    The Last Avenger.

  14. Re: Telekinesis Martial Arts


    ... we have to remember that the 'base' position is that you can not use ANY combat manoeuvre except punch and grab with TK. Of course, looking at that, the reason a martial punch does extra damage is because you are throwing it efficiently - getting your full weight behind it - keeping your arm and fist at the right angle so all the bones line up at the point of strike - and I'm not so sure such considerations could ever really apply to TK. That's another argument though.


    Which very strongly suggests that unless you DO have Fine Manip, you wouldn't be able to do anything but a basic punch-and-grab. With it, more opens up to you. Again, extra damage = proper technique; proper technique with TK = Fine Manipulation. YMMV.


    The point about a 10 STR TK is that you can get most characters off the ground - if only just - with it. That means that they can not move (even fliers who would pit their flight+str against the hold STR' date=' not the lift STR). Can't move, can't get away, you hold them they have penalties to hit you (if they have a way to hit you at range), meanwhile you pound them with your TK punches.[/quote']


    Well, here's the thing -- unless you allow a 'multi-power attack' with their 'one' TK (whether straight power or MPow or whatever), they're sort of locked up holding onto them. That'd be my interpretation, anyhow. If you DO allow it, then, well, that's exactly what you're asking for. Again, YMMV. I don't think TK MA is unbalancing; it's STR at Range, and you get the 'you can't kick my head in' advantage for the additional 1 point per 2 STR. Apparently you do. Again, you pays your money...

  15. Re: Telekinesis Martial Arts


    You do not have to take fine manipulation to use martial manouvres' date=' just ones that require finesse, like nerve strike. You can specifically use grab and punch without fine manipulation.[/quote']


    Precision is what gives Martial Maneuvers their bonuses. You don't actually GAIN 10 Strength when you Grab onto the guy; you grab the guy in such a way so as to make it more difficult for him to escape -- by '10 STR' worth. TK's base Grab, like the normal Grab maneuver, is a bear hug; compare this to a Martial joint lock, which requires finesse. Martial Strike is a precision strike (compared to, you know, just whaling on the sucker) wherein the 'precise' use of your force nets you what, two DC? It doesn't mean you're 10 points worth of STR mightier, or that you hit harder; you just hit the right points. IMG, Fine Manipulation is a requirement for TK Martial Arts.


    ... dodgy damage adding.

    That's an important bottom line, but look at this, to take an extreme example:


    15 Telekinesis (10 STR) 1

    3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 60 STR for holding on

    3 Martial Throw +0 +1 10d6 +v/5, Target Falls

    4 Martial Strike +0 +2 12d6 Strike

    1 Weapon Element: Default Element, Empty Hand

    32 +8 HTH Damage Class(es)


    Now that comes to 58 points and you get enough TK STR to lift 90% of opponents off the ground and enough TK Grab STR to keep them from breaking loose. Once you have them you can raise them up to 75" in the air, and, if your TK punches are not enough to KO them, you can drop them. The dropping tactic does not work against fliers, but you can still pluck them out of the air and hold them (you use the grab STR for that).


    You're missing a few things, I think. Your 60 STR grab is still only a 10 STR lift -- see previous note about Martial Maneuvers being precision-based, not 'directly adding to strength'. Does that mean you're lifting 90% of the people with that 100kg lift? Sure it does. You can do that with regular TK too. However, by spending 3 points on Martial Grab and 32 points on +8 Martial DCs, you grab them in such a way that they're practically paralyzed. Compare this to gaining another 20 points of TK -- which won't let you pin supers like they're pretzels, but will let you lift, oh, I dunno, a minivan and dumping the damn thing on their head.


    Are TK Martial Maneuvers (and major Martial DC expenditures) exceedingly efficient for ranged kung-fu kickery? Sure is. But it isn't going to help you save the carload of teens about to go off that bridge. You pays your money and you makes your choices, just like everything else in the game system. Kick righteous a$$ and ONLY kick a$$, or be a bit more versatile...

  16. Re: Master of Several Martial Arts


    Going by the technicalities of SF/X, yes, Split, you do. A kind GM will do as JmOz has said. A semi-kind GM will allow you to take VFX (+1/2) on the 'actual' cost (3, 4, 5) of each maneuver, thus adding a point or two to each maneuver to represent all the various things the character can do, and that putting him in handcuffs isn't going to reduce his ability to Martial Grab you....

  17. Re: "I am so cute, you don't want to attack me" field


    No need to put the Affects Desolid, though; as a Mental Power, that's an automatic. The 'Indirect' is also inappropriate, especially since you have 'No Range' as well.


    I'd also strip down the 20" Radius AoE if the GM permitted a low-end Megascale (1" = 100m, perhaps?) effect on the Radius. This is effective against most people, but of course 3 (or 6) points of Mental Defense will protect you against it completely.


    Otherwise, nice build. I'm going to need to raid this for my supervillian squirrel.

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