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Posts posted by GhostDancer

  1. The same martial arts movie made me think of something weird, a Presence Damage Shield, Fascinating Injury, whereby your attacker is so interested in the blood spray from your mouth or the crunch of your rib or such that s/he may miss a beat.  Ha!  Perhaps your foe turns their back to you, and shakes their fists in the air to an audience.  You're kinda like Moon Knight, wearing opponents down by being their punching bag.

  2. I seem to recall a note somewhere about how Flying Dodge was designed for Speedsters.  Can anyone point me to that reference?  After watching another martial arts movie yesterday, where some of the characters would back-flip away from an attack, it seems that could be a Flying Dodge too.  As our local George King says, "I bust a flip!"

  3. Kung Fu Hustle

    In the film, during the last fight with Beast, Sing uses the Buddhist Palm leaving a massive palm-shaped hole in the building. In the real Buddhist Palm fighting style, however, the fighter delivers powerful punches using his palms. A relatively modern Southern Shaolin style of Kung Fu, Fut Gar Kuen, or the “Buddhist Family Fist,” utilizes mostly punches, palm strikes, low kicks, and evasive footwork to beat the opponent.


  4. 1790

    The United States Coast Guard is formed by Congress at the request of Alexander Hamilton as the Revenue Marine.  It is the oldest continuous seagoing service of the United States.



    • allensworth_allen.jpg
    • 1492 
    • Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain. 

    • 1908

    • Allensworth, California was cofounded by ALLEN ALLENSWORTH, an escaped slave who became the first Black Man to rise to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army; among many other accomplishments.

    • 1914 

      Germany declared war on France

    • 1923 

      Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th president of the United States, following the death of Warren G. Harding

    • 1949 

      The National Basketball Association was formed. 

    • 1958 

      The nuclear-powered submarmine Nautilus became the first vessel to cross the North Pole underwater. 

    • 1981 

      U.S. air traffic controllers went on strike. 

    • 1987 

      The Iran-Contra hearings ended.

    • 1990 

    The title character of a syndicated comic strip was shot to death right in front of readers. John Darling was murdered in the second-last episode of his own comic. The final episode was about his funeral.

  5. krazy-kat-1.gif



    A famous newspaper comic assumed the name by which we know it best. George Herriman's The Dingbat Family, where Krazy Kat was first seen, became The Family Upstairs.

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