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Posts posted by tabascojunkie

  1. i thought exactly the same thing about 8 years or so ago when me and a few friends started playing Champs. then i found out we could do fantasy with it. "you mean i can make a fighter the way i want it to be, not the way the way the book says i can?" haven't touched "that other game" since.

  2. a few weeks ago i found one at Half Price books. its the palladium RPG Book 2: The Old Ones. has 34 towns and cities, 21 forts, and some other miscellaneous stuff. it has a layout of an entire kingdom and where the cities are within it, but i don't think i'd use the entire kingdom, just plant the cities in my own world. some of the towns and such are detailed more than others and they have names for shops and everything else. i saw a current edition in my LGS. mine is from like 1984 and used but it works.

  3. it's funny i was thinking about this same thing yesterday. i'd like to use mechs in a game sometime and it seems that their huge arm cannon or whatever might be written up as a 3d6 KA. a normal person could have a small blaster rifle and do the same damage. seems alittle out of balance. i know someone will respond to this telling me that mechs have more defenses or something, but it would be nice to see a game mechanic for the effect.

  4. i took my wife through a BS fantasy game the other night to introduce her to roleplaying a little. i gave her a generic fighter i had made, you know, 20 STR dumber than a box of rocks farmboy who knows how to use a sword. the PC is waiting in a tavern for a friend who lives in this new town. two guys see the greenhorn country boy and decide to pick on him. one walks over and grabs him by the shoulder and says "my friend over thre says you owe him a drink! " the pc replies "i don't think so." so the bad guy takes his best roundhouse to the PCs nose. after PD and all that is figured in his best roundhouse has absolutely no effect. the PC, still sitting down, just looks at him and says "i thnk maybe you should buy ME a drink." bad guy scampers away quickly

  5. i'm trying to make a quiver that never runs out of armor piercing arrows. how about RKA AP with only with a bow limitation, special effects are the endless quiver, blah blah blah.completely wrong direction or what do yall think? trying to figure out something with charges just made me get a headache.

  6. something i hadn't given much conscious thought to is the hyperspace being. it's briefly mentioned in one of the star hero books, but it went in one ear and out the other. it's a cool idea though.

  7. what races, if any are all of you using from the Terran Empire book? so far i've only started a zurite with about 60 active points of mental powers. i'll probably use the mon'dabi and ackalians at least also. if i can get my wife to play she'll want to use a fex i'm sure. what do some of you have in mind?

  8. i AM that petty GM! that game was just another example of how those pesky superheroes do nothing but cause trouble. one day my plan will come to fruition, and the champions will pay! (now lapse back to reality.) he's not really banned from playing witchcraft, although i might have to eliminate some spells ; )

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