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Modeling a Superpower

Michael Hopcroft

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I'm trying to figure out how to create a character who can summon anything he desires from his pocjets with the following limitations:


1. It has to be able fit inside the pochet he pulls it out of.

2. It can;t be worth more than 20 real points (no pkcket-sized Doomsday Devices).]

3. It cannot have excessive monetary value (no handfuls of diamonds).


Basically this would be with OIF Magic Coat. Essentially this is used to produce tools, gizmos (need an untracable cellphone?) and small weapons (he can produce a fully-loaded snubnose pistol at need, but not a machine gun).


I thinking of putting this coat in the hands of a street-level superhero.

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One of my players is doing something similar with a Magician's tophat. She bought it, after checking with me, as a Summon, amicable (+1), OAF unique tophat (-1), Objects must be able to fit through tophat sized opening (-1/2), Real world objects and or animals (-1/2) Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


As a side note of warning, did you know a LAW rocket fits nicely through that sized opening? You might want to go over with the player just what is and isn't acceptable. It was an awful abuse of power but I was really proud of her nascent gamer sensibilities.

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