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New to the system, running an Ultimate Marvel Game


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I'm new to the Hero System (been roleplaying for ten years), and am preparing to run a game set in Marvel's Ultimate Universe.


I'm still working on getting a feel for the character creation rules, and I figured that writing up some of the established characters would help out - but I'm very interested in suggestions as to how to go about it.


I'll start off by trying out Ultimate Spider-Man. I’m going into a lot of detail with each step, because as I said I’m trying to get a feel for character creation. Commentary is welcome.




A fifteen year-old science nerd who gained spider-like powers from an accident in a genetics lab, Peter Parker took up crimefighting as Spider-Man out of a sense of responsibility fostered by his late Uncle Ben. Despite having a lot of power, his inexperience means that he frequently messes up.


This priofile represents Spider-Man at the end of issue #21, following his defeat of Doctor Octopus and Kraven the Hunter.








Spider-Man is a Superheroic character, and so not subject to Normal Characteristic Maxima. None of his Characteristics have Limitations on them.


Strength (STR): Spider-Man has superhuman strength, enough to lift several tons. We haven't seen him test the limits of his strength, so we don't have an absolute value to base his rating on (as we do with the Marvel Universe Spider-Man, who can bench press about 9,000 kilograms under optimal conditions). Ultimate Spider-Man hasn't fully developed physically, and hasn't shown quite so much raw power, so let's give him a strength limit of around 7,000 kilograms.


41 STR: costs 31 character points, Roll 17-, lift 7,200 kg, 8d6 damage, base forward leaping distance of 8".


Dexterity (DEX): Spider-Man has superhuman dexterity, enabling him to effortlessly enage in acrobatic feats greater than any Olympic gold medalist. He's clearly well above the human maximum, but not so much that he's impossible to hit.


34 DEX: costs 72 character points, Roll 16-, base OCV and DCV 11.


Constitution (CON): The tests performed by Osborn's scientists indicate that Spider-Man has a metabolism "somewhat akin to... that of a long distance runner or an Olympic level athlete." In practice, it seems even better than that, but not quite superhuman.


20 CON: costs 20 character points, Roll 13-.


Body (BODY): We've seen Spider-Man take beatings that would kill an ordinary human and still walk (or swing) away, but we've also seen a few powerful blows take him down.


16 BODY: costs 12 character points, Roll 12-.


Intelligence (INT): Spider-Man is a genius, able to grasp highly advanced concepts with no difficulty, to process ideas far in excess of his education, and to solve problems that have stumped experienced scientists.


23 INT: costs 13 character points, Roll 14-, PER Roll 14-.


Ego (EGO): Spider-Man has a strong will, able to push himself to limits that he didn't know he had. However, he can still be flustered by situations, and proved susceptible to mind control in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #12-13.


13 EGO: costs 6 character points, Roll 12-, ECV 4.


Presence (PRE): Spider-Man has a distinct lack of presence. He has difficulty getting people to take him serously (even when displaying superhuman power), and is hardly the most forceful of people.


7 PRE: sell back for 3 character points, Roll 10-, PRE Attack 1d6.


COMELINESS (COM): According to Ultimate Spider-Man artist Mark Bagley's daughter, Spider-Man looks "a little nerdy but cute." He doesn't take any steps to accentuate his appearance.


12 COM: costs 1 character point, Roll 11-.


Physical Defense (PD): Spider-Man has proven highly resistant to trauma, able to coming out ahead when pitted against a brick wall (which happens more often than he'd like). He's taken blows from Doctor Octopus that would kill normal humans, but seems to have less resistance to deadly attacks like bullets. His STR gives him a base PD of 8.


12 PD: costs 4 character points.


Energy Defense (ED): One blast from Electro took Spider-Man out, but only stunned Ox (a normal, if very tough, human). Same thing with Doctor Octopus' taser-arm. So Spidey seems to be lacking in the ED department. His CON gives him a base ED of 4.


4 ED: costs zero character points.


Speed (SPD): Spider-Man is extremely fast, able to take on multiple opponents with only some diffuclty. His DEX gives him a base SPD of 4.


6 SPD: costs 16 character points, acts on Phases 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12.


Recovery (REC): Spider-Man is able to swing around all night without getting tired, fight crime, and only fall asleep in class once or twice the next day. In addition, he is able to recover from unconsiousness quickly enough to save himself from falling off of a skyscraper. His Characteristics give him a base REC of 9.


12 REC: costs 6 character points.


Endurance (END): Spider-Man is able to fight for long periods without getting worn out, making frequent attacks. His CON gives him a base END of 40.


50 END: costs 5 character points.


Stun (STUN): It takes a fair bit of damage to knock Spider-Man out, but a concentrated effort can bring him down in just a few Phases. His Characteristics give him a base STUN of 47.


47 STUN: costs zero character points.


TOTAL CHARACTERISTIC COST: 183 character points.


continued next post...


Patrick J McGraw

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The Ultimate Universe is a Modern setting, so Spider-Man gets most of the Everyman skills.


Acrobatics: With his superhuman agility, reflexes, and equilibrium, Spider-Man is able to perform unusual tasks without really thinking about it.


Acrobatics 16-, costs 3 character points.


Acting: Spider-Man has had to lie frequently to maintain his secret identity, but he isn’t very good at it, having only the familiarity of an everyman skill.


Breakfall: Spider-Man is highly adept at avoiding damage from falls and landing on his feet – it seems to be almost entirely instinctive, and he uses techniques that are… highly unorthodox.


Breakfall 16-, costs 3 character points.


Climbing: Spider-Man’s climbing ability is entirely based around his wall-crawling powers, so he only has everyman familiarity with climbing as a skill.


Combat Skill Levels: Spider-Man has no real fighting skill (as he observes in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #15, he fights like a spaz), relying instead on his superhuman agility. He has practiced a great deal with his webshooters, and is able to hit very difficult targets routinely with them.


+2 with Webshooters: costs 6 character points.


Computer Programming: Spider-Man has a part-time job as a web designer for the Daily Bugle, and it seems like he handles most of their other computer problems as well. He has demonstrated a competent level of computer exopertise.


Computer Programming 14-, costs 3 character points.


Concealment: For someone who has a secret identity to hide, Spider-Man’s abilities at concealment are more like those of a sitcom character. Everyman familiarity.


Contortionist: Spider-Man has superhuman flexibility, but he has yet to practice the ability and test his limits.


Contortionist 16-, costs 3 character points.


Conversation: Spider-Man is not very socially adept. To put it mildly.


Conversation: Sell back everyman skill for 1 character point.


Deduction: Despite his need for this skill, Spider-Man hasn’t really exhibited deductive thinking very often. Everyman familiarity.


Electronics: Spider-Man has some skill with electronic devices, but it is hardly his primary technological interest.


Electronics 14-, costs 3 character points.


Inventor: Spider-Man is your basic “kid genius inventor,†designing and building his webshooters from scratch.


Inventor 16-, costs 7 character points.


Knowledge: Spider-Man has displayed good knowledge of New York City.


CK: New York City 11-, costs 2 character points.


Paramedics: Spider-Man has exhibited basic knowledge at patching up his frequent injuries, but not much else. Everyman familiarity.


Persuasion: See Conversation, above. Heck, beating up Ox and his allies and taking down the Kingpin wasn’t enough to persuade Ox to change his lifestyle.


Persuasion: sell back everyman skill for 1 character point.


Professional Skill: Peter has some ability as a photographer. Not much, but some. Enough to qualify for the 11- Everyman skill.


Science Skills: Lots of these for Spider-Man the science nerd, but he still has a lot to learn before he matches his Marvel Universe counterpart.


SS: Biochemistry 14-, costs 3 character points.

SS: Biology 11-, costs 1 character point.

SS: Biophysics 11-, costs 1 character point.

SS: Chemistry 14, costs 3 character points.

SS: Inorganic Chemistry 14-, costs 3 character point.

SS: Organic Chemistry 14-, costs 3 character point.

SS: Physics 14-, costs 3 character points.


Shadowing: Spider-Man has proved extremely adept at shadowing people – later on in the series he will successfully shadow Nick Fury for over an hour without being spotted.


Shadowing 15-, costs 5 character points.


Skill Levels: Spider-Man has a natural aptitude for science along with his phenomenal agility. These bonuses are not included in the skill ratings listed here.


+1 with all Agility Skills, costs 5 character points.

+1 with all Science Skills, costs 5 character points.


Stealth: Spider-Man hasn’t displayed any particular skill at stealth, despite his agility. Everyman familiarity.


Transport Familiarity: Spider-Man does not even have a learner’s permit yet.


TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, sell back everyman skill for 1 character point.




Spider-Man clearly has the Scientist Skill Enhancer.


Scientist (-1 to cost of Science Skills, minimum cost 1): costs 3 character points, saves 5 character points.




Contacts: Despite the events in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up, at this point Spider-Man doesn’t really have any actual contacts (though that will change shortly).


Reputation: Hero +1 (11-), known to the residents of New York City; costs 1 character point.




Spider-Sense: Spider-Man’s “spider-sense†is still pretty new to him. While he’s learned how it works, he has yet to really develop it or integrate it into his fighting style.


Danger Sense (PER Roll 17-, functions as a sense functions out of combat, functions against any danger). Total cost 30 character points.


Contortionist: Spider-Man has inhuman flexibility, able to bend his joints in directions they aren’t supposed to go in.


Contortionist: costs 4 character points, adds +1 to +3 bonus to Contortionist and Breakfall rolls, depending on the circumstances.


TOTAL SKILL, PERK, AND TALENT COST: 92 character points


Continued next post…


Patrick J McGraw

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Here we go. The Power design system is the part of the Hero system that I’m having the most trouble with, so I’d especially welcome commentary here.


Wall-Crawling: Spider-Man can cling to any surface, and traverse it as if it were level ground. The Clinging power obviously represents this ability. Given the tendency of objects breaking when Spider-Man is pulled away from them, he has the power at a very high strength rating.


Wall-Crawling: Clinging (STR 80). Total cost: 23 points.


Healing: Spider-Man has an enhanced healing factor, enabling him to recover from a severe beating or major injury within a day or two.


Quick Healer: Healing 1d6 (Regeneration; 1 BODY per 6 hours), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Extra Time (6 hours, -2 ¼). Total Cost: 5 points.


Jumping: Spider-Man is capable of prodigious leaps.


Leaping: Leaping +5†(13†forward, 9†upward). Total Cost: 4 points.


Dodging: Spider-Man is normally hard to hit, but when he focuses on avoiding attacks he becomes nearly impossible to hit.


Spastic Dodge: Missile Deflection (all Ranged attacks). Total Cost: 20 points.


Running: Spider-Man’s enhanced metabolism enables him to run at high speeds, comparable to those of professional runners.


Running: Running +4â€. Total cost: 8 points.


Webshooters: Here comes the problematic one. From what I understand of Power Frameworks, Spidey’s webshooters act as a Multipower with the OIF Limitation and Boostable Charges in a clip. I am, however, confused as to how many clips one receives. The rules list a base of “x2 the number of clips,†which I guess means that the character has two clips, each containing the listed number of charges. So how does one get more clips than that?


For now, this isn’t too much of a problem, since Spider-Man has yet to build the web cartridge belt that his Marvel Universe counterpart carries, and so apparently carries no extra webbing. So, no clips for the moment.


The other problem I’ve run into is uncertainty about how to represent the fact that Spider-Man has two webshooters. This isn’t simply cosmetic, situations have come up where Spidey has had one webshooter lost or destroyed. I can’t find any rules for how to represent having two webshooters.


I also can figure out what power to use to represent Spidey’s ability to make web-nets. He uses these to catch himself when falling, and they also act as a trampoline (I know that part is Leaping).


Webshooters: Multipower, 100-point reserve, 50 Boostable Charges (+3/4)(175 Active points); all OIF (-1/2). Total reserve cost: 117 points.


Webs: Entangle 10d6 (100 Active points); Nonresistant DEF (-1/4), OIF (1/2). Total Cost: 11 points (flexible).


Got Web in Your Eyes!: Sight Group Flash 8d6 (40 Active Points); Does Not Work Against Desolidified Characters (-1/4), OIF (-1/2). Total cost: 2 points (fixed).


Webswinging: Fairly straightforward Swinging, but…. One problem I see: Swinging cannot be boosted with extra charges, but the modifiers for charges are only applied to the reserve. Should I give the swinging power a -1/4 limitation “cannot be boosted with extra charges,†since that the value of boostable charges? Second problem: Swinging ought to cost END as well as Charges. Should I give it the “Costs END to use†limitation, even though it normally applies only to powers which naturally cost no END?


Webswinging: Swinging 15†(15 Active points); (OIF (-1/2). Total cost: 1 point (fixed).


TOTAL POWER COST: 191 points


I have to leave for work now, so I’ll post back with the Disadvantages and standard-format writeup later tonight.


Patrick J McGraw

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Re skills

The Missile defense to model dodging will work but you've already sank points into that high Dex. You might find it more satisfying to buy him some martial maneuvers like Martial dodge, Flying dodge, Martial escape and a few skill levels to get his dodging dcv to 20 or more. I saw that he fights like a spaz but these maneuvars are well suited to him and you could just call it dodging like mad, just my two cents.



Re Pete's Pre

7 prescience is a bit low, I think it reflects a pre spider bite Peter Parker well enough, but, a superhero should have more, otherwise every villain would paralyze him with fear.


Re Pete's ED

4 is way too low for the point total of this game. I know his main defense is not getting hit but I'd seriously reccomend you double or triple this, that only stops 12 stun from a normal eb. A hit from an energy rka would really do a number on him. It may not reflect the actual comic but it will play more like it.



If you want to keep the dichotomy between Peter Parker buy him some extra presence, say 8 points, usable only in costume ID. Doesn't the Ultimate Pete have Mary jane as a girlfriend? I'd think that and the powers would atleast average out his natural shyness. It might not feel right if he didn't have some social problems.



Re Clinging

80 is a bit much, I can see where you are coming from but his 40+ strength is probably enough, it already requires super strength or equipment to dislodge him. There is also the matter that certain low friction surfaces should be difficult if not impossible to stick to.



Re Boostable charges

That burnout roll is going to be rough if he boosts a lot. Considering Pete's technical aptitude and that he invented the web shooters you might let him preform amaintenance on them in between missions. I'd use Inventor or a mechanical skill with a minus 1-3 to his roll for every boosting he used.


Re Webshooters

10d6 seems a little high to me. I'd go with 8d6, enough to keep a normal wrapped up but a medium or higher brick should be able to snap through them, That may just be my tastes though.


The flash wouldn't work vs damage shields, and probably most force fields and transparent force walls. Whether you want to include that in your write up is up to you.


You might buy some of the webshooter slots with the personal immunity advantage as I can't remember spiderman getting stuck to them himself.



re clips

you get another 2x the number of clips for dropping down one step on the charges table, thus 1/4 less of a limitation -Fred pg.182


re 2 webshooters

If you want to be able to launch 2 shots from a webshooter at a a single target in a phase you could buy it as a 2 shot autofire but the boostable charges seem to model this already in your write up. I'd just play it that the IAF webshooters are two of the same Foci- Fred pg. 190, last paragraph-Multiple foci.


re making a net to catch himself

You could buy it as a forcewall that costs a charge from the webbing. The entangle power already lets you make a barrier by connecting the entangle to adjacent structures but if you plan to be able to use it on a semi regular basis buying the forcewall power in the multipower is a bit more proper. Leaping is right on the money for the trampoline effect.



re swinging

Swinging does cost endurance normally, but charges take care of that. As you say just give the Costs End limitation to it. As to boosting it, you don't want a burnout of your swinging when your 40 stories up so maybe you could buy a additional multipower slot with longer range more charge costly second multipower slot. The range seems too small for a megascale advantage but a 2x noncombat. Fred pg 83


I was wondering if you are planning on statting out all the Ultimate characters. Do you read the Ultimates?



That mass teleport that Thor used to save the Shield battle group when they tried to strike the alien's base should cost some serious points.

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Re: New to the system, running an Ultimate Marvel Game


Just a few thoughts on the characteristics you gave him...


Originally posted by Allandrel



Strength (STR): Spider-Man has superhuman strength, enough to lift several tons. We haven't seen him test the limits of his strength, so we don't have an absolute value to base his rating on (as we do with the Marvel Universe Spider-Man, who can bench press about 9,000 kilograms under optimal conditions). Ultimate Spider-Man hasn't fully developed physically, and hasn't shown quite so much raw power, so let's give him a strength limit of around 7,000 kilograms.


41 STR: costs 31 character points, Roll 17-, lift 7,200 kg, 8d6 damage, base forward leaping distance of 8".


Dexterity (DEX): Spider-Man has superhuman dexterity, enabling him to effortlessly enage in acrobatic feats greater than any Olympic gold medalist. He's clearly well above the human maximum, but not so much that he's impossible to hit.


34 DEX: costs 72 character points, Roll 16-, base OCV and DCV 11.


Constitution (CON): The tests performed by Osborn's scientists indicate that Spider-Man has a metabolism "somewhat akin to... that of a long distance runner or an Olympic level athlete." In practice, it seems even better than that, but not quite superhuman.


20 CON: costs 20 character points, Roll 13-.




Ego (EGO): Spider-Man has a strong will, able to push himself to limits that he didn't know he had. However, he can still be flustered by situations, and proved susceptible to mind control in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #12-13.


13 EGO: costs 6 character points, Roll 12-, ECV 4.


Presence (PRE): Spider-Man has a distinct lack of presence. He has difficulty getting people to take him serously (even when displaying superhuman power), and is hardly the most forceful of people.


7 PRE: sell back for 3 character points, Roll 10-, PRE Attack 1d6.




TOTAL CHARACTERISTIC COST: 183 character points.


OK, well, if you take a good look at the characteristics, there are numerous breakpoints in terms of figured characteristics, combat value, damage and so on.


Some of the characteristics you have chosen aren't optimal in these terms, but are close enough that changing them won't make much difference.


There was an article written back in first edition Champions days called "The Goodman School of Cost Effectiveness", which went into these questions in considerable depth. It went a long way towards establishing an orthodoxy in character building, that still persists over twenty years later!


So, "Goodmanising" your character gives you the following changes:


* 40 STR: costs 30 character points, Roll 17-, lift 6,400 kg, 8d6 damage, base forward leaping distance of 8". You get one less point of STUN, but hey, you can always buy it back again!


Your approach here was actually fine, but a lot of people get a bit twitchy about the possibility of fractional damage. You see, if you had bought 43 STR, you would technically be able to do 8.5 dice damage, and everybody just loooves half dice.


The difference between 7,200 kg and 6,400 kg is usually ignored by everyone bar the fussiest GMs.


* Either:

33 DEX: costs 69 character points, Roll 16-, base OCV and DCV 11. +1 point to maintain 6 SPD. => 70 points.



35 DEX: costs 75 character points, Roll 16-, base OCV and DCV 12. -1 point to maintain 6 SPD. => 74 points.


* 18 CON: costs 16 character points, Roll 13-. This loses you 4 END (2 pts to replace) and 1 STUN (1 pt to replace), leaving you ahead by a point if you feel the need to replace them. If you don't, you've just save 4 points. There is a slight advantage in having a higher CON in terms of avoiding being stunned, but that is difficult to quantify, especially since we are dealing with very marginal cases where two points of CON can make a difference.


* 14 EGO: costs 8 character points, Roll 12-, ECV 5.


No point really, except for the extra ECV, which is nice to have.


* 8 PRE: sell back for 2 character points, Roll 11-, PRE Attack 1.5 d6.


At least he'll be a little less likely to run away...


TOTAL: 179 points, using cheap DEX option. 181, using the expensive one. Actually a bit over the original total if you feel the need to buy back all the STUN and END sacrificed, but I generally wouldn't bother.


This marginally cheaper character is as effective in most situations and more effective in some. In the case with the 35 DEX, he has a slight but potentially decisive advantage in combat against the more expensive version.


Actually, the savings are very minor, aren't they, given the kind of points you are burning overall! I guess they mattered more when characters were built on 200-250 points...


They still matter when you are building "normal" characters.


One last point: you are building a faithful rendition of the character. That's good, but he may not quite "work right" under the Champions system. You might want to give him some Combat Luck, so he doesn't get taken out by normals with guns too often.


And don't try and match him up against characters that aren't designed for your world. They may be balanced entirely differently. As long as he's operating within the parameters of your own world, he should be fine.



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Dependent Non-Player Characters: One of Spider-Man’s primary concerns is the safety of his loved ones. However, only Mary Jane has been endangered as a result of his adventuring.


Mary Jane Watson: DNPC 8-, competent: 10 points.


Hunted: As of issue #21, Spider-Man’s enemies are mostly in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.


Hunted by Green Goblin (As powerful, NCI, 8-, enslave): 15 points.


Hunted by the Kingpin (Less Powerful, NCI, 8-, kill): 10 points.


Watched by S.H.I.E.L.D. (More Powerful, NCI, 11-, watched): 15 points.


Psychological Limitations: Plenty of these.


Code Versus Killing (Common, Total): 20 points.


Novice Hero (Very Common, Strong): 20 points.


Protective of Innocents (Very Common, Strong): 20 points.


Reputation: Despite Spider-Man’s best efforts, more people have read J. Jonah Jameson’s anti-Spider-Man tirades than have heard of his heroing.


Reputation: Menace, 14-: 15 points.


Social Limitations: The secret identity, of course.


Secret Identity: 15 points.


Unluck: Spider-Man has some of the worst luck of any superhero.


Unluck 5d6: 25 points.




Patrick J McGraw

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Originally posted by Redmenace Re skills

The Missile defense to model dodging will work but you've already sank points into that high Dex. You might find it more satisfying to buy him some martial maneuvers like Martial dodge, Flying dodge, Martial escape and a few skill levels to get his dodging dcv to 20 or more. I saw that he fights like a spaz but these maneuvars are well suited to him and you could just call it dodging like mad, just my two cents.


I find the Missile Deflection more satisfying, as (to me) it feels more like Spider-Man's instinctive dodging than Martial Maneuvers and Skill Levels would.


Pete's Pre

7 prescience is a bit low, I think it reflects a pre spider bite Peter Parker well enough, but, a superhero should have more, otherwise every villain would paralyze him with fear.


Well... they often do. His PRE should definitely increase, but at the time of this writing (that is, Ultimate Spider-Man #21) he tends to hesitate whenever villains try to intimidate him.


Re Pete's ED

4 is way too low for the point total of this game. I know his main defense is not getting hit but I'd seriously reccomend you double or triple this, that only stops 12 stun from a normal eb. A hit from an energy rka would really do a number on him. It may not reflect the actual comic but it will play more like it.


Each time in the comics that an energy attack hit Spidey, it took him down. His low ED could be seen as a vulnerability to energy attacks.


If you want to keep the dichotomy between Peter Parker buy him some extra presence, say 8 points, usable only in costume ID. Doesn't the Ultimate Pete have Mary jane as a girlfriend? I'd think that and the powers would atleast average out his natural shyness. It might not feel right if he didn't have some social problems.


I'm thinking of giving him +8 PRE with the OIHID limitation, or possibly with the Power Restriction "only when ridiculing opponents." Then again, his tremendous success with ridicule usually has more to do with the egos of his victims rather than his own ability.


Re Clinging

80 is a bit much, I can see where you are coming from but his 40+ strength is probably enough, it already requires super strength or equipment to dislodge him. There is also the matter that certain low friction surfaces should be difficult if not impossible to stick to.[/i]


Spider-Man sticks to surfaces by altering the molecular cohesion of his body, and no force has ever broken his cling. Anytime that anyone incredibly strong has tried to pull him off of a surface, the object broke rather than the cling (which the Cling rules already cover).


Re Boostable charges

That burnout roll is going to be rough if he boosts a lot. Considering Pete's technical aptitude and that he invented the web shooters you might let him preform amaintenance on them in between missions. I'd use Inventor or a mechanical skill with a minus 1-3 to his roll for every boosting he used.


The problem with the boostable charges is that Spider-Man's webshooters don't jam. I suppose one could remove the burnout roll with an extra Advantage of +1/4 to +1/2.


Re Webshooters

10d6 seems a little high to me. I'd go with 8d6, enough to keep a normal wrapped up but a medium or higher brick should be able to snap through them, That may just be my tastes though.


Spidey's webs are too strong for him to snap. So far the only character to have successfully snapped his webbing was Doctor Octopus, and he should have no trouble with 10d6.


The flash wouldn't work vs damage shields, and probably most force fields and transparent force walls. Whether you want to include that in your write up is up to you.[/i]


Thanks. I'll be sure to include that.


You might buy some of the webshooter slots with the personal immunity advantage as I can't remember spiderman getting stuck to them himself.


Spidey's costume doesn't have any sort of non-stick treatment. It hasn't been addressed in Ultimate Spider-Man, but Marvel Universe Spider-Man has been stuck in his own webs before.


re clips

you get another 2x the number of clips for dropping down one step on the charges table, thus 1/4 less of a limitation -Fred pg.182


So every step doubles the number of clips? Got it.


re 2 webshooters

If you want to be able to launch 2 shots from a webshooter at a a single target in a phase you could buy it as a 2 shot autofire but the boostable charges seem to model this already in your write up. I'd just play it that the IAF webshooters are two of the same Foci- Fred pg. 190, last paragraph-Multiple foci.


Got it. I'll probably use the rule wherein each webshooter has half the Multipower's Active Points.


re making a net to catch himself

You could buy it as a forcewall that costs a charge from the webbing. The entangle power already lets you make a barrier by connecting the entangle to adjacent structures but if you plan to be able to use it on a semi regular basis buying the forcewall power in the multipower is a bit more proper. Leaping is right on the money for the trampoline effect.


I hadn't thought of the Entangle wall that way. It should work just fine. The leaping should probably be Linked to entangle, with the Power Limitation "Only when making a trampoline."


re swinging

Swinging does cost endurance normally, but charges take care of that. As you say just give the Costs End limitation to it. As to boosting it, you don't want a burnout of your swinging when your 40 stories up so maybe you could buy a additional multipower slot with longer range more charge costly second multipower slot. The range seems too small for a megascale advantage but a 2x noncombat. Fred pg 83


A 30" swing sounds pretty appropriate. The range can't really be increased too much, as his webshooters are limited to about 60 feet.


I was wondering if you are planning on statting out all the Ultimate characters. Do you read the Ultimates?


I read every Ultimate Title but Ultimate Adventures, and plan on statting up everyone (since my players will eventually meet just about all of them).



That mass teleport that Thor used to save the Shield battle group when they tried to strike the alien's base should cost some serious points.


Not to mention Iron Man's forcefield that protects the entire battle group from the nuke.


Patrick J McGraw

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Re: Re: New to the system, running an Ultimate Marvel Game


Originally posted by assault

Just a few thoughts on the characteristics you gave him...


One last point: you are building a faithful rendition of the character. That's good, but he may not quite "work right" under the Champions system. You might want to give him some Combat Luck, so he doesn't get taken out by normals with guns too often.


I am trying to build a faithful rendition, so I'm not too worried about optimizing my points. As for being taken out by normals with guns... that's just what happens in Volume 5. Spider-Man is very hard to hit, but he still gets the crap beaten out of him every other issue or so.


And don't try and match him up against characters that aren't designed for your world. They may be balanced entirely differently. As long as he's operating within the parameters of your own world, he should be fine.




I don't plan on him fighting anybody but my writeups of other Ultimate characters, or my PCs (who will have a much lower point base anyway).


Patrick J McGraw

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Re: Re: New to the system, running an Ultimate Marvel Game


Originally posted by assault

...There was an article written back in first edition Champions days called "The Goodman School of Cost Effectiveness...


I believe this was 2nd Ed, but that was a great reference that sure brings back some memories. I can just see that illo of Goodman in glasses and looking quite professor-like.


With the Webshooters...you can always buy another identical piece of equipment for 5 points (like a 5 point Multiple Objects Adder).


The Low PRE I think is perfect because PRE should be used to inspire a reaction in others which Spidey lacks at. You can always use PRE or EGO (whichever is best) to resist PRE Attacks.

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I built Spidey's spider-sense as a multipower. Thirty points, I believe and it had two slots to begin with. One for out of combat and one for in combat.

Just swinging around he'd have it on Danger Sense and the other slot was DCV levels to represent his spider-sense warning him of danger. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. I used to play Spider-Man in a champions campaign and I never liked how his danger sense was built. It never seemed very useful in combat. It didn't seem very useful out of combat either, but the DCV levels have a real impact on combat for 3 pts.

Later, I planned to add a slot for his spidey-tracers if I ever felt like it. But I never really liked them that much.

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Forgot to mention this, you migh include a streching slot in his web shooters to denote he can snag objects with a web line and yank them to himself or fling a tethered enemy into a wall. You said he had 60' feet max weblines so


10" (ie 10(2meter hex) maximum range), Stretching 50 points


Limited body parts (-1/4) to reflect that he is only shooting a web line


Range Mod applies (-1/4)


Grab only, analagous to the Cannot do Damage (-1/2)


No Non Combat stretching, (-1/4)


Plus whatever advantages and disads are already in the Multi


As always this is a suggestion only



PS- You might checkout the Sinister Six mini series currently going on. Several of the events are going to drastically change Peter and Spidermans existence in some substancial ways. Maybe I've got this very wrong but I was under the impression that it is in the Ultimate's official reality.

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Originally posted by Redmenace Forgot to mention this, you migh include a streching slot in his web shooters to denote he can snag objects with a web line and yank them to himself or fling a tethered enemy into a wall. You said he had 60' feet max weblines so


10" (ie 10(2meter hex) maximum range), Stretching 50 points


Limited body parts (-1/4) to reflect that he is only shooting a web line


Range Mod applies (-1/4)


Grab only, analagous to the Cannot do Damage (-1/2)


No Non Combat stretching, (-1/4)


Plus whatever advantages and disads are already in the Multi


As always this is a suggestion only


I like this. I'll be sure to include it in the final writeup.


PS- You might checkout the Sinister Six mini series currently going on. Several of the events are going to drastically change Peter and Spidermans existence in some substancial ways. Maybe I've got this very wrong but I was under the impression that it is in the Ultimate's official reality. [/b]


I follow all the Ultimate titles except for Ultimate Adventures. Ultimate Six has been very interesting. I'm looking forward to see how it resolves.


Patrick J McGraw

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Ultimate Spider-Man


Here's the final write-up (apologies for format problems, I lack skills)




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

41 STR 31 17- Lift 7,200 kg; 8d6

33 DEX 69 16- OCV: 11/DCV: 11

20 CON 20 13-

16 BODY 12 12-

23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

8 PRE -2 10- PRE Attack: 2d6

12 COM 1 11-


12 PD 4 Total: 12 PD (2 rPD)

8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (2 rED)

6 SPD 17 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

12 REC 6

50 END 5

47 STUN 0


Total Characteristic Cost: 186


Movement: Running: 10â€/20â€

Leaping: 13â€/26â€

Swinging: 16â€/32â€


Cost END Powers

150 - Webshooters: Multipower, 100-point reserve; 50 Boostable Charges (no chance of burnout, +1 ¼)(225 Active Points); all OIF (-1/2)

11f 0 1) Webs: Entangle 10d6 (100 Active Points); Nonresistant DEF (-1/4), OIF (-1/2)

2u 0 2) Web in Your Eyes!: Sight Group Flash 8d6 (40 Active Points); Does Not Work Against Desolidified Characters (-1/4), OIF (-1/2), Does Not Work Against Transparent Barriers (-1/4)

1u 2 3) Webswinging: Swinging 16†(16 Active Points); Costs END (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)

2u 0 4) Yoink!: Stretching 10†(50 Active Points); Always Direct (-1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), Cannot Do Damage (Grab only, -1/2), Limited Body Parts (Weblines, -1/4), OIF (-1/2)

4 0 Jumping: Leaping +5â€

5 0 Quick Healer: Healing 1d6 (Regeneration; 1 BODY per 6 hours), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Persistent (+1/2)(20 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Extra Time (6 hours, -2 ¼)

8 1 Sprint: Running +4â€

20 0 Spastic Dodge: Missile Deflection (all Ranged attacks)

2 0 Tough: Damage Resistance 4 (2 rPD, 2 rED)

13 2 Trampopoline!: Leaping +20†(20 Active Points), Linked (to Entangle when creating horizontal walls, -1/2)

23 0 Wall-Crawling: Clinging (STR 80)



1 Reputation: Hero +1, known to the residents of New York City, 11-



30 Spider-Sense: Danger Sense 17 (out of combat, any danger)

4 Flexible: Contortionist



6 +2 OCV with Webshooters

5 +1 with Science skills


3 Scientist


3 Acrobatics 16-

0 Acting 8-

3 Breakfall 16-

0 Climbing 8-

3 Computer Programming 14-

0 Concealment 8-

3 Contortionist 16-

-1 Conversation (no everyman familiarity)

0 Deduction 8-

3 Electronics 14-

7 Inventor 16-

2 CK: New York City 11-

0 Paramedics 8-

-1 Persuasion (no everyman familiarity)

0 PS: Photography 11-

2 SS: Biochemistry 15-

1 SS: Biology 12-

1 SS: Biophysics 12-

2 SS: Chemistry 15-

2 SS: Inorganic Chemistry 15-

2 SS: Organic Chemistry 15-

2 SS: Physics 15-

5 Shadowing 15-

0 Stealth 8-

-1 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles (no everyman familiarity)


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 328

Total Cost: 514


354+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Mary Jane Watson (girlfriend) 8- (Normal)

15 Hunted: Green Goblin 8- (As Pow, NCI, Enslave)

10 Hunted: Kingpin 8- (Less Pow, NCI, Kill)

15 Hunted: S.H.I.E.L.D. 11- (More Pow, NCI, Watched)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Novice Hero (Very Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents (Very Commong, Strong)

15 Reputation: Masked Menace, 14-

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Peter Parker) (Frequently, Major)

20 Unluck 4d6


Total Disadvantage Points: 160


Next up: the Green Goblin!


Patrick J McGraw

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