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Remote Sensor Drones?


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I'm trying to figure out how to load little, autonomous sensor drones into a vehicle. Basically, they are little balls that fly around for recon and transmit data back to the character or the vehicle's computer.


Now, I was originally going to use Clairsentience, but I wanted 1) multiple drones and 2) senses on the drones not on the vehicle.


So my next idea was Duplication on the vehicle. Vehicles however, get jack for being "tiny." Since they are always tiny, Shrinking Always On seems an option, but that seems against current design philosophies. Also, it would require additional computers to run them... since they're duplicates, who pays for the computers? The vehicle? No, that definitely doesn't seem kosher. The character? But the dupes don't exist most of the time...


So what if the duplicates were "characters?" Again, the Shrinking thing seems against current design philosophy. So outrageous Concealment and Stealth seems like a good angle to take. Buy down most of the stats to make them fragile, a little flight. Wallah.


So my last idea, and the one I think works best, would be a couple computers bought by the character with clairsentience (thus, multiple independent operation) and defining them as part of the vehicle (just like normal computers). This would require some sort of lim to allow the tiny guys to be seen and swatted out of existance ("visible" just makes it visible... these are supposed to be sneaky...)


Whew.... any better ideas? Or do I seem to have it covered?



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That seems like a reasonable approach. As far as swatting the sensor drones, I'd run this as an IIF Lim on the Clairsentience. They're supposed to be hard to spot, but not actually invisible, so Inobvious would probably cover that. Individual drones can be taken out with one good smack (essentially Accessible), but there are multiple drones, so disabling all of them would take a little time; the new clarifications on downgrading the Accessible Lim to Inaccessible for multiple Foci would seem to apply here.


As a suggestion, you might define how small the drones are based on the sizes in the Shrinking chart, and then assign them DCV and Perception penalties based on that. You might also consider keeping the Fragile Limitation, reflecting that any solid blow will take them out - and an Area of Effect attack would probably wipe out the whole swarm.


Hope that helps. :)

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One of my players has something like what you are describing:


Sensor Drones:

Computer: 10 INT, 15 DEX, 3 SPD



Tiny: +5 DCV

Propulsion: 10" Flight, 0 END

Sensors: Clairsentience: Sight & Hearing Groups, 0 END

Memory: Eidetic Memory

Radio: Radio Hearing/Transmit, Concealed: -5



Concealment 11-

Stealth 12-

Shadowing 11-



Fly to specified area

Watch specified area

Seek specified targets

Follow specified targets

Transmit data

Remain Concealed

Follow transmitted orders


He put an OAF Limitation on everything, and then bought x4 drones for +10 points.

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My Method is this: A summons (Probes)


then on the vehicle use a clairsentience with only the senses of another


You will also want a Mind Link for controling the buggers


The summons should be 100% loyal, and if you wanted could arm them with micro lasers or some such


This is an interesting idea I will need to expllore in more detail later

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Originally posted by AlHazred

Star Hero handles this on page 53. I'd tell you what it says, but, you know, it's copyrighted and stuff... :P

Those Sensor Drones work as well, but they do not work well if the character just wants to start them and let them go (not wanting to keep track of them). The Star Hero Drones require the character to move them, and to always be paying attention to them (just like any other Clairsentience). The computer version does what you tell it to do without requiring information from you. It can also record and transmit data as needed, instead of you having to be paying attention.

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My first option would be to build them as Automatons rather than Vehicles, because of the semi-autonomous nature. x2 per 5 pts. They should look a lot like Monolith suggested. Maybe a mind link instead of a radio procedure, depending on the nature of the link.


If they are of a more passive type, I would go for Ranged E-Senses, maybe with some telescopic capabilities and penality skill lvls. If Claisentience is used, maybe think about a limitation regarding opacity. All should be OAF. Maybe this is best if they have little importance in tactical situations -fights.

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I hadn't thought of putting movement ON the computer. That would elimate the need for clairsentience if they can transmit the data.


Is that even allowed? Computers don't have def and body and such...(although that would be overcome if I bought the computers as a focus, yes?)

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Originally posted by Acroyear

I hadn't thought of putting movement ON the computer. That would elimate the need for clairsentience if they can transmit the data.

The computer still needs to buy senses of some type. Computers do not get senses for free.


Is that even allowed? Computers don't have def and body and such...(although that would be overcome if I bought the computers as a focus, yes?)

If you are using the Focus rules, then yes, you can use the DEF and BODY scores determined by a Focus. Personally, I prefer to use a fixed number. The Sense Drones my player designed were given a 8 DEF and 1 BODY (meaning they get taken out with one "good" hit).

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Originally posted by Acroyear

Senses, yes, but not clairsentience on top of those senses - because the drone will physically be there and I don't have to simulate its presense.

Yes, but Sight and Hearing cost the character 45 points. This is the same cost as the Clairsentience, and you get a free "telescopic" effect.

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That would require both. It's my understanding that you can only receive clairsentient input with senses you already possess. Since it's the computer with the clairsentience, it would need the senses (I assume so, since you can buy it groups.)


Is that not the case?

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Originally posted by Acroyear

That would require both. It's my understanding that you can only receive clairsentient input with senses you already possess. Since it's the computer with the clairsentience, it would need the senses (I assume so, since you can buy it groups.)


Is that not the case?

You might be right. I am not sure on that fact. Either way the cost is the same (45 points).

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