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Aberrant Conversions:The Church of Astaroth


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These are some preliminary conversions of the charactesr from Reignofevil.com, a supplment for White Wolf's Aberrant game.


This character is taken from White Wolf' Aberrant game. More correctly he is from Reignofevil.com, the supplement detailing the "satanist" Church of Astaroth, a group of demented Nova losers that believe they are incarnate demons. The subject matter in these conversion may be objectionable to some and the book itself is reccomended for mature readers. No challenge to white wolf's copyright is intended.


This my first conversion so be gentle, but I welcome feed back.


It should be noted that this character is described as "weak" in his setting. I converted with the assumption of a 75 DC cap.





Astaroth:The Body of the Beast

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

50 STR 40 19- / 20- Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 / 11d6 HTH damage

15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

30 CON 40 15-

13 BODY 6 12-

10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

16 EGO 12 12- ECV: 5

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

30 COM 10 15-

10 PD 0 Total: 16 PD (16 rPD)

6 ED 0 Total: 12 ED (12 rED)

3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12

16 REC 0

60 END 0

53 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 133

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

22 Intuition: Danger Sense (13-) (Intuitional, Sensitivity: Any Danger)

14 Demonic Toughness: Armor (6 PD / 6 ED) (18 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (added to Primary Value)

4 Demonic Form (Six Arms): Extra Limbs (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

10 Demonic Form: Growth (+5 STR, +1 BODY, +1 STUN, -1" KB, +0 DCV, +0 PER Rolls to perceive character, 2 m tall, 1 m wide, 0" reach), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistant (+1/2) (10 Active Points) (added to Secondary Value)

35 Shockwave Attack: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. PD), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2) (87 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Only vs Targets on the ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 9

34 Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 4d6 (plus STR) (vs. ED) (60 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 6

10 Nova Toughness: Damage Resistance (10 PD / 6 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (10 Active Points)

9 Face of Terror: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Limited PowerOnly to Terrify (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (not added to totals)

16 "Mr. Nobody": Invisibility to Sight Group (No Fringe), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Limited Power:Social only, conceals DFs, Com, etc no other effect (Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness; -1 1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

33 Crushing Strength: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3 d6 +1 (plus STR) (vs. PD) (50 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2) 10

7 Incredible Willpower: Mental Defense (10 points total)

10 Demonic Insights: Clairsentience (Sight Group; Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, Precognition) (50 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Blackout (-1/2), Vague and Unclear (-1/2) 5

30 Elemental Mastery:Fire: Elemental Control, 60-point Powers

30 1) Enhance/Diminish/Shape Flame: Change Environment 8" radius (Long-Lasting: Permanent), Varying Effect (Very Limited Group; +1/4) (50 Active Points) 5

20 2) HellFire Blast: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4), Limited Power:Does not work underwater (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 6

25 3) Hellfire Storm: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (vs. ED), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4), Limited Power:Does not work underwater (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 7

36 4) Aura of Flame: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. ED), Damage Shield (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (75 Active Points); Limited Power:Does not work underwater (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 7

17 5) Hand of Fire: Telekinesis (40 STR) (60 Active Points); Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Limited Power:Can only grab not manipulate (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4), Limited Power: Does not work underwater (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 6




30 Follower:Church of Astaroth flunkies (x32, 25 Base, 25 Disad)

5 Money (Well Off)

4 Contact:(Important member of the Satanist underground) (8-) (Contact has: useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact)



20 +4 with HTH Combat

9 +3 with Small arms

15 +5 with Axes

1 Combat Driving 8-

2 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Coasts) 11-

3 Oratory 12-

1 KS: Rune Magic 8-

1 KS: Demonology 8-

1 KS: Norse Mythology 8-

3 KS: Body Building 12-

4 KS: Satanic underground 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Language: English: Completely Fluent, w/Accent

3 Language: German: Completely Fluent, w/Accent

4 Language: Norwegian: Idiomatic, native accent


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 474

Total Cost: 607


300+ Disadvantages

10 Distinctive Features: Huge, pierced, tattooed ranting juggernaut, Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

15 Conversion Bonus

15 Enraged: When belittled or humilitated, Uncommon, go 8-, recover 14-, Berserk

10 Accidental Change: To "Demon Form" when enraged or frustrated, Uncommon, Frequently (11-)

15 Hunted: Church of the Archangel Micheal, Less Powerful, 11- (Frequently), Harshly Punish, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

15 Psychological Limitation: Prone to childish tantrums and excesses, Common, Strong

20 Psychological Limitation: Utter Sociopath, Common, Total

20 Psychological Limitation: Believes he is the incarnation of Astaroth, a living God, Common, Total

10 Reputation: Ranting, Satan Worshipping mad man, Sometimes (8-), Extreme

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

10 Distinctive Features: Six Armored, naked, horn tentacle faced demon, Easily Concealed, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses


Total Disadvantage Points: 607


Background:The man that would be known as "Astaroth" to his online church was born Leif Morgaanstern. Naturally a small boy, "Little Leitie" was the target of much abuse from his peers. The fact he was fascinated by the occult and satanism (even founding a "cult" called the Sapphic Brotherhood(?)), painfully thin and had a wormish personality did not help. He seemed to be one of those people not only destined for a life of mockery but to derserve that fate.


After years of beatings, Leif discovered some new obsessions, among them bodybuilding. Soon muscle rending workouts and a fondness for steroids added 10 kilos of new muscles to "Little Leitte". He then proceeded to beat the hell out of everyone he could lay his hands on. The teasing stopped. Nautilus machines and head banging weren't his only new discoveries. Leif, or "Thor" as he now called himself also took to the notion that the Christian God was a wimp fantasy. He embraced tales of pagan slaughter and high fantasy. Body art, piercing and satanism became his new calling.


After several uncomfortable encounters with the police, his parents tossed him into the street. Thor drifted from place to place, eventually becoming a low level enforcers with local criminals. And addicted to any number of hallucinagens and built his obsession with black magic to a new high. He also learned english and began taking "business" trips over seas quite frequently. The emergence of Novas in the world gave the wandering Thor a new goal. He wanted to become a living God.


In 2000, Thor met his future companion Belial at the Burning Man Festival. The two felt an immediate kinship and have been close since. In fact, it was Belial that in some ways inspired the birth of Astaroth. After ingesting six tabs of blotter acid, Thor was struck with a hellish vision in which he was gathered up by demons, dismember into five pieces and dragged threw the gates of Hell itself. The vision returned months later and continued,. This time, a voice asked what he would renounce for power. Thor answered eagerly "God, Friendship, Family and finally "Life" In that instant he was consumed by fire and reborn as his "true" self. He awoke to find his bed room charred to ashes by the "hellfire" that had followed him back. Leif (Thor) was gone. There as only Astaroth. He has taken his vision to mean that he is a Demon God, sundered into five pieces. He must gather the components of his true self to together and join them to reach his true power. The other Domitori of the Church of Astaroth are his components. Once he has them all, he will consume them in a cannabalistic ritual (they are, of course, unaware of this) Even Belial for him he does feel true affection will become one with him And then, all will feel the fires of Astaroth and know true despair!


Description:Astaroth has two distinct form. In his "weak" human form, he is impressive. His physique is almost grotesquely muscular and covered with twining intricate tattoos of Nordic design. He favors leather and bondage gear and bears as much as her body as possible even in the cold northern weather. A lavey goatee and an intense stare complete the demonic image. His "true" form is a scaled monstrosity, well over eight feet tall with six arms, tentacle covered face and a huge spiked penis.

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Belilal (Mature readers)


The following conversion contains language that some might find offensive. Belial is the copywritten property of White Wolf game studios, as is Aberrant and Reignofevil.com





Belial:The Mind of the Beast

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 HTH damage

15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

15 CON 10 12-

10 BODY 0 11-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

25 COM 8 14-

3 PD 0 Total: 3 PD (1 rPD)

3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (1 rED)

3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12

6 REC 0

30 END 0

26 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 68

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

12 Enhanced Perception: Enhanced Perception (+4 to PER Rolls for All Sense Groups)

5 Enhanced Perception: Increased Arc Of Perception (240-Degree) (Sight Group)

17 Quantum Awareness: Detect:Quantum Signatures A Class Of Things 16- (Analyze, Discriminatory, Sense) (21 Active Points); Sense Affected As Another Sense (-1/4)

27 Natural Empathy: Telepathy 6d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (60 Active Points); Empathy (All Emotions; -1/2), Limited Power:Must be engage in close social interaction with target (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 6

50 Weather Manipulation: Multipower, 50-point reserve

10 Extra Sensory Perception: Clairsentience (Sight Group) (20 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -3/4), Character is totally unaware of nearby events (-1/4) 2

32 Mind Blasting Magic: Ego Attack 4d6 (40 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4) 4

22 Hypnosis: Mind Control 10d6 (50 Active Points); Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Limited Power:Hypnosis Only (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4) 5

7 Visions of the Future: Clairsentience (Sight Group; Precognition) (40 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1 1/4), Character is totally unaware of nearby events (-1/4), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -1 1/4), Character May Take No Other Actions (-1/4), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Vague and Unclear (-1/2) 4

14 Mind Sifting: Telepathy 10d6 (50 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -3/4), Character is totally unaware of nearby events (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Requires Gestures throughout (-1/4), Requires both hands (-1/4), Receive Only (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 5

10 Trickster: +4 with any three related Skills:Persusion, Seduction and conversation (12 Active Points); Limited Power:Cost Endurance (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4)

15 The Devil's own Luck: Luck 3d6

25 Soul Sword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance (Half END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) 1

1 Nova Toughness: Damage Resistance (1 PD / 1 ED)

20 Dormancy: Multiform (100 Character Points in the most expensive form)

50 Weather Manipulation: Multipower, 50-point reserve

5u 1) Summon Storm: Change Environment 128" radius (-2 PER Roll: Normal Hearing, -3 PER Roll: Normal Sight) (48 Active Points) 5

4u 2) Call Lightning: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. ED), Indirect:Above (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4) (37 Active Points) 4

5u 3) Wind Riding: Flight 25" (50 Active Points) 5


Martial Arts: MA NAME

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

5 Slash +1 +3 STR Strike

4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; +10 STR to Disarm roll

4 Riposte +2 +2 STR +2d6 Strike, Must Follow Block

4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort



5 Money (Well Off)

25 Follower:Church of Astaroth flunkies and ex lovers (x16, 25 Base, 25 Disad)

3 Well-Connected

6 1) Contact:Former romantic conquest (13-) (Contact has: useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) (7 Active Points)

5 2) Contact:Former romantic Conquest (8-) (Contact has: very useful Skills or resources, Contact is slavishly loyal to character) (6 Active Points)

2 3) Contact:Open Slot (12-) (3 Active Points)

8 4) Contact:Satanist Underground (11-) (Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (+2) (9 Active Points)



3 Acting 15-

3 Conversation 15-

3 High Society 15-

4 Language: French: Idiomatic, native accent

3 Language: Latin: Completely Fluent, w/Accent

4 KS: The Occult 13-

5 Stealth 13-

3 Sleight Of Hand 12-

4 KS: Satanic Underground 13-

3 Persuasion 15-

3 Seduction 15-

3 Combat Driving 12-

6 +2 with Swords

5 +1 with HTH Combat

6 +2 with Pistols

2 PS: Gothic Romance Author 11-


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 463

Total Cost: 530


300+ Disadvantages

5 Distinctive Features: Bishounen good looks, extreme beauty, Easily Concealed, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

5 Enraged: Accused of being homosexual, Uncommon, go 8-, recover 14-

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physique, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

15 Psychological Limitation: Considers everyone else but Astaroth tools or victims, Common, Strong

15 Psychological Limitation: "Lover not a fighter" likes to be low key and quiet, Very Common, Moderate

10 Psychological Limitation: Despises "Rednecks" and goes out of his way to hurt and humiliate them, Common, Moderate

5 Hunted: Church of the Archangel Micheal., Less Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish

165 Weird Gothic Pretty Boy Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 530


Background:"Son," asked Brian Petford's father,"Are you a faggot?" Most people just assumed the elfin effeminate child was and he caught the required ton of abuse for it from peers and family unlike. In his teenager years, he became quite the "pretty boy" and despite the questioning of his sexuality, girls still giggled when they whispered about him. But by that time, Petford had retreated into his own little world, withdrawing from the taunts and frequent beatings his looks brought him.


It wasn't long after that he was "adopted" by the local goth community. And there, Petford came into his own. He soon discovered he was anything but gay. Surrounded by women that found his good looks and gothic manner charming, Brian went from hermit to satyr. He collected quite a library of occultism (most of it bull) as an additional lure for young girls interested in a "black magic". High Schoool blurred into college and a series of "undeclared" majors. After being thrown out of college, Petford was disowned by his parents and lived for awhile as a vagabond, drifting from Ren fair to Ren fair between leeching of his romantic conquests. During this time, he renamed himself Belial, Demon Prince of sensuality. Women seemed to like it.


Belial met the future Astaroth at The Burning Man festival in 2000 in an orgy tent. After ingesting a great deal of drugs both men went on a "visionquest" across the desert. Neither erupted at that time but it did forge a bond between them that remains to this day. They remained in touch over the internet when Thor returned to Norway. The visions he'd had during the journey struck Belial deeply. He'd see himself stretched across the face of the world like the Crawling Chaos described by Lovecraft, howling with mad joy at the capering hordes beneath him. All the while Astaroth burned with cold fire. Obsessed, he returned to his reclusive ways trying to grasp the vision yet again.


One night, he succeeded.


His eruption was quiet and subtle. He sees himself as the Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotepe (though he's given up using that name. No one can pronounce it). When he found his "brother" Thor had found revelation at approximately the same time he knew their destinies were intertwined. Belial is completely unaware of the murderous climax of Belilal's plans. Exactly how he would react if he did find out is anyone's guess.


Appearance:Belial remains tall and effeminate with elfin tendencies. His white blonde hair streams pasts his shoulders and his pale skin seems to glow by candlelight. Clothing wise his prefers black lace and metal, with touches of red to contrast against his pale skin. Unlike his brother and Devil head peers he doesn't got for body art and has no tattoos of any kind. To gothic tastes, Belial is an entrancing specter and he milks it for everything its worth

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Beltaine:The Voice of the Beast


Mature readers


Beltaine:The Voice of the Beast

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift 75.8kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH damage

10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3

40 CON 60 17-

13 BODY 6 12-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3

31 PRE 21 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

10 COM 0 11-

2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (2 rPD)

8 ED 0 Total: 8 ED (4 rED)

2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12

10 REC 0

80 END 0

37 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 86

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

30 Durability: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

30 Durability: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

50 Tireless and Eternal: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: Alcohol, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 400 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep)

4 Hardbody : Damage Resistance (2 PD / 4 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (4 Active Points)

22 The Voice: Mind Control 12d6 (60 Active Points); Limited Power:Command must be something the target can do immediately, in a few seconds (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1), Limited Power:Target must be within 20 meters and able to hear her (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 6

10 Dreadful Mien: +6 with DCV (30 Active Points); Limited Power:Only aginst one target within 3 meters (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1), Limited Power:Instantly negated f she attacks the target (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Requires A Skill:Pre vs Pre Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests -1/4) 3

20 Astral Projection: Clairsentience (Sight Group) 2

32 Blinding Pain: Ego Attack 4d6 (40 Active Points); Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 4

17 Debilitating Pain: Drain 3d6: Dexterity and Intelligence (30 Active Points); Linked to Blinding Pain (-1/2), Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value (-1/4) 3

50 Induce Submission: Mind Control 10d6 5

22 Second Sight: Clairsentience (Sight Group; Additional Sense: Normal Hearing, Precognition, Retrocognition) (65 Active Points); Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Time Modifiers (-1/2), Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2) 6

45 Unleashing the Inner Darkness: Darkness to Sight Group 3" radius, Conforming (+1/2) (45 Active Points) 4

20 Dormancy: Multiform (100 Character Points in the most expensive form)



2 Reputation:Top Notch Dominatrix (A small to medium sized group, 11-) +2/+2d6

10 Contact: "Slave" with important position (15-) (Contact has: useful Skills or resources, Contact is slavishly loyal to character)

5 Contact:Another "slave" (11-) (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has: useful Skills or resources)

1 Contact:Blackmail victim (12-) (Contact has been blackmailed by the character)

20 Follower:Flunkies and "pets" of various sorts (x8, 25 Base, 25 Disad)



5 Resistance: 5 points



6 PS: Dominatrix (PRE-based) 18-

7 Sleight Of Hand 13-

3 KS: Torture Techniques 12-

3 KS: Psychology 12-

9 Interrogation 18-

2 KS: Fetish Fashion 11-

8 Survival (Urban) 15-

5 Stealth 12-

2 KS: The Occult 11-

6 +2 with knives

5 +1 with HTH Combat


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 451

Total Cost: 537


200+ Disadvantages

15 Psychological Limitation: Sadomasochist, Common, Strong

20 Psychological Limitation: Loves to torture and torment, can't help it. , Common, Total

10 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (the dead can't be made to suffer), Common, Moderate

5 Distinctive Features: Slender, elfin girl that generally goes naked except for body paint, Easily Concealed, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

10 Hunted: Church of the Archangel Micheal, Less Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

5 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology, Infrequently, Slightly Impairing

5 Money, Poor

5 Social Limitation: Conceals the fact she's a minor, Occasionally (8-), Minor

262 Little Bitch from Hell Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 537



Monica Bellemead took up black magic as a hobby at 10. Previous to that she inflicted various levels of distress on people by purely mundane means. Her parents were powerless to control the girl. Nothing dissuaded. Monica actually seemed to like punishment, particularly beatings. After a specially satisfying whipping she called Social Services and got her parents thrown in jail for child abuse. Thus followed a spree of terror threw dozens of fosters homes until she was thrown into the street at 15.


A few misadventures as prostitute and heroin addict later and Bellmead fell in with a group of "satanists". She picked up quite a bit of their art before she was expelled even from this pathetic group, after driving three member insane with her tormenting. Beaten and left for dead, Monica erupted quietly. After that it seemed like nothing could hurt her. She easily survived on the streets, even the dead of winter.


By spring, Monica looked old enough to work in some of the seedier strip clubs and S/M parlors.Given her sky high resistance to pain one would think she'd make a good sub, but it turned out she was a better Dom. With little more than a word, she could reduce even the strongest client to a whimpering mass. Sometimes it didn't even take that much. It was during this time that Monica met the future Mammon. She dubbed her companion "a trembling bowl full of Halloween flavored jell-o" but Mammon recognized talent. Using her proxies she introduced Monica to Astaroth and Belial. And the rest, as they say, is history.


Appearance: A tiny waif of a girl with bright red hair and elfin face, Beltaine is 17 but seems more like she's 12. She favors latex body paint over clothing which only highlights her bone thin figure. Her frail looking body hides a cruel and devious mind that delights in causing misery to others. With her quick wit and impish smile, she almost seems like a perverse innocent among the other members of the Church. Perverse, certainly. Innocent? Never.


Powers and liberties taken:Beltaine is currently the conversion I took the most liberties with in writing up her abilities. They're rather vague and don't seem to make such sense as Aberrant write ups don't take pains to explain what the sfx of a character's powers are and just use the generic power names. Beltaine's powers are based on pain mainly. She can cause intense pain in her targets with though, powerful enough to distract and slow them, and eventually render anyone unconscious. She uses Second Sight and Astral Projection to gather dirt on her victims, learn their phobias, etc the better to psychologically torture them. Beltaine is not a combat character, having almost no means of physically hurting someone. Dreadful Mien is her ability to focus her displeasure on a single target and make them shirk away or pull their punches out of pure fear. The Voice must be used for single quick command that can be accomplished in a Phase or so such as "Drop the Gun!". Induce Submission is a burning pain and maddening voice in the victim's mind that makes them do things (I would consider making it Cumulative). She could use some levels with her Mental powers as her low Ego makes it difficult for her to use them, but most she just "aims" for long periods of time if the GM allows such things with mental combat. If I really wanted to go hog wild with changes, I would make her Ego attack and drain Continous and give her a Transform that turns the target into a mentally broken slave over a long period of time. I would drop the darkness or link some sort of Pre Drain to it that only affects targets inside it.


Beltaine is a sort of "pet" of the other and rarely placed into danger. She stays at the group's "base" and is used to break captives and as a source of income. In a fight she'd fold pretty quickly against all but normals even with her durability. Adding much more defense would make her more a viable combatant. .

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Grimskull:The Might of the Beast

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

50 STR 40 19- Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 HTH damage

8 DEX -6 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3

30 CON 40 15-

12 BODY 4 11-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3

10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6

8 COM -1 11-

10 PD 0 Total: 16 PD (16 rPD)

6 ED 0 Total: 12 ED (12 rED)

2 SPD 2 Phases: 6, 12

16 REC 0

60 END 0

52 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 80

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

60 Crushing Strength: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3 d6 +1 (plus STR) (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

43 Shockwave Attack: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. PD), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Explosion (Normal (Radius) -1 DC/1"; +1/2) (87 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power:Only vs Targets on the ground (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) 9

10 Hardbody: Damage Resistance (10 PD / 6 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (10 Active Points)

5 Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12); -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 1

18 Naturally Tough: Armor (6 PD / 6 ED) (added to Primary Value)

50 Pain makes him Stronger: Absorption 10d6 (max. Absorbed Points: 60): Physical/Feeds into Strength

50 Electromagnetic Mastery: Multipower, 50-point reserve

5u 1) Electrical Blast: Killing Attack - Ranged 3 d6 +1 (vs. ED) (50 Active Points) 5

4u 2) Manipulate Electricity: Change Environment 32" radius, Varying Effect (Limited Group; +1/2) (45 Active Points) 4

2u 3) Emp Blast: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (vs. ED), No Normal Defense (Standard; +1), Does BODY (+1) (45 Active Points); Limited Power:Only vs Electronics (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1) 4

2u 4) Magnetic Storm: Change Environment 8" radius (-3 PER Roll: Normal Sight) (24 Active Points); Limited Power:Requires alot of loose ferrous objects (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) 2


37 Magnetic Storm: Energy Blast 4d6 (vs. PD), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1 1/4) (65 Active Points); Linked to ??? (-1/2), Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value (-1/4) 6


Martial Arts: MA NAME

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

3 1) Punch +1 +0 STR +2d6 Strike

5 2) Haymaker -2 +1 STR +4d6 Strike

3 3) Tackle +0 -1 STR +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove

4 4) Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND



12 Contact:Several Black Metal bands and groupies (12-) (Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (+2) (12 Active Points)

20 Follower:Ex Fans and Church of Astaroth Flunkies (x8, 25 Base, 25 Disad)



4 PS:Heavy Metal Drummer 13-

7 Computer Programming 14-

4 SS: Computer Science (INT-based) 13-

1 Lockpicking 8-

1 Security Systems 8-

4 SS: Electrical Engineering (INT-based) 13-

7 Streetwise 13-

3 KS: Black Metal Underground 12-

2 KS: Occult Underground 11-

25 +5 with HTH Combat

9 +3 with clubs


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 400

Total Cost: 480


300+ Disadvantages

10 Physical Limitation: Nova Metabolism, Frequently, Slightly Impairing

15 Physical Limitation: Brain Damage -4 on any task requiring fine motor skills and raging headaches, Frequently, Greatly Impairing

10 Reputation: Berserker Black Metal drummer, Sometimes (8-), Extreme

10 Hunted: Church of Michael the Archangel, Less Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find

10 Distinctive Features: Huge ugly fat man in smelly clothes, Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses

10 Enraged: Taunted or Humiliated, Uncommon, go 11-, recover 14-

15 Psychological Limitation: Likes to hurt people and enjoys killing, Common, Strong

10 Psychological Limitation: Prone to Childish tantrums, Common, Moderate

10 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to the other Domitori, Common, Moderate

80 Slightly Pathetic Monster Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 480





Fond of black clothes, heavy metal and Marilyn Manson, Michael had the ferocity of a born mistit. Despite a natural apetitude for computers, Michael preferred smashing things. Anything. He channeled this desire into a rather impressive career as a heavy metal drummer for black metal band called "TripleSixxx". His natural energy combined with the stunning vocals of the band's lead singer Shadowvayne soon made Triplesixxx a hit on the Black metal scene.


Unfortunately, Micheal developed a crush on Shadowvayne. A crush she met with indifference. The tension built and built until Michael couldn't take it anymore. In a methanphetemine and sexual frustration fueled rage he smashed he smashed his kit to pieces during a performance hurling the wreckage at the singer, the rest of the band, the audience and beat himself bloody with his own drum stand. And with each blow his body grew and grew..


After the demise of TripleSixxx, Michael found himself unable to get work. No one wanted a drummer that might put them in hospital. Not to mention the damage to his skull had left him scarred. Savage headaches and twitchy reflexes destroyed his drumming skills. Michael fell into a depression, locking himself away and playing online video games for months. But he had gotten something from the deal. His MR Node expanded and grew across the damaged portions of his brain, increasing his natural strength and toughness to superhuman levels and gifting the now gigantic drummer with instinctual control of electricity and magnetism.


Belial found the Micheal and took pity on him, also seeing some use in the giant's sheer physical power. Now "Grimskull" lives in Belial's basement, sampling all the newest and most savage music he can find and occasionally venturing out with his buddy. When Grimskull goes out, things break. And that's the way he likes it. He knows nothing about the greater plans of the Church and couldn't care less. As long as he treated with respect and gets to take out his frustration on something warm and screaming, he doesn't give a damn about anything else. .


Appearance:Grimskull was once a passably handsome young men with messy brown hair, a quick smile who dressed mostly in black jeans and t-shirts for popular heavy metal bands. Now he is a huge ugly mass of flab, nearing 400 pounds with a distorted balding head and pudgy face. He still dresses in black though with a leather jacket emblazoned with an inverted pentagram. His hand twitch constantly and he smells of sweat and old food. Grimskull's speech is peppered liberally with profanity and expressions like "dude!" He is loud, as if that makes up from the slurred voice his adventure with drum stand left him with.

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Mammon:The Heart of the Beast


Mature readers


Mammon:The Heart of the Beast

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 HTH damage

8 DEX -6 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3

10 CON 0 11-

10 BODY 0 11-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

16 EGO 12 12- ECV: 5

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

8 COM -1 11-

2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)

2 SPD 2 Phases: 6, 12

4 REC 0

20 END 0

20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 25

Movement: Run: 6"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END


10 Money (Wealthy)

20 Many, many contacts and favors

2 Deep Cover

1 Fringe Benefit (License to practice a profession:Lawyer)

3 Well-Connected



7 Acting 15-

7 Bribery 15-

7 Bureaucratics 15-

5 Computer Programming 14-

7 Conversation 15-

2 Forgery 13-

1 High Society 8-

3 Interrogation 13-

4 KS: Corporate Law (INT-based) 14-

4 KS: Criminal Law (INT-based) 14-

3 Oratory 13-

5 PS: Lawyer (INT-based) 15-

1 Security Systems 8-

3 Streetwise 13-

1 WF: Handguns

6 +2 with Handgun


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 102

Total Cost: 127


75+ Disadvantages

0 Normal Characteristic Maxima: No Age Restriction

10 Physical Limitation: Morbidly Obese (-2 on Most dexterity related task), Frequently, Slightly Impairing

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID as Mammon, Frequently (11-), Major

15 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful , Common, Strong

15 Psychological Limitation: Sensitive about her appearance, Uncommon, Total

15 Psychological Limitation: Loves to manipulate people, Common, Strong


Total Disadvantage Points: 127




Mammon numbered among the damned even before she joined the Church of Astaroth. She was lawyer. A good lawyer. A good, very rich lawyer. Manipulating people came easily for her, either in person, in court or over the Internet. She made it her hobby. And good for her, since at over 300 pounds it was the most pleasurable hobby she had.


Looking into online satanism on lark, Mammon was snared by the lure of cybersex. Entranced, she brought a black wardrobe and tried a few clubs. But a obese woman in her late 40s didn't get much favorable attention on the trendy S and M scene. After an encounter with Beltaine, Mammon formed her plan. "All right, you bastards," she thought, "I'll buy my own club and let you freaks run wild in it. Then, when its really getting good I'll blow the whistler, pull the whole thing down and watch you bastard squirm!"


With her money and connections it was easy to acquire the deed to the Black House, an infamous but decrepit monument to American satanism. During this time, she also met Astaroth and Belial and she knew suckers when she saw them. She contacted the two threw one of her proxies and got the ball rolling. Soon, the Church of Astaroth was up, running and enjoying a tax exempt status thanks to "his" legal manipulation.


For now, Mammon is content to hide behind her network of false fronts and enjoy the show. In a demented way, she's come to feel some genuine affection for the sick little family's she's created. In Belial she has keen partner for Cybersex, in Astaroth a forum for decades of bitterness. Does this mean she won't pull the whole thing apart when it suits her? Problably not, as she has "special" plans for Beltaine, for example. Mammon is completely unaware of Astaroth's insane plans but then again he has no idea who she really is.


Appearance:No one knows what Mammon looks like. Only Beltaine has met her personally and she had no idea the fat poser she humiliated would be a future Domitori. Mammon works only threw the internet and male proxies. She knows the disadvantages of being connected with a group of satanist fruitbats. None of her patsies have ever played "face" for her more than twice and most of them are dead now. The other Domitori haven't a clue as to her real identity or even that "he" is a she. And as long as the money and favors keep rolling in they couldn't care less.


And this complete the Church of Astaroth as it currently stands in 2008 in the canon Aberrant time line. A somewhat pathetic little group of losers that got lucky in the genetic lotto. Not really a supervillain team per se, but they might be of use in a magical campaign as low level opposition or something to get a DNPC mixed up in. For typical followers use gang member templates with a touch of (mostly bogus) occult knowledge. I hope everyone got some enjoyment out of them.


These characters are the property of White Wolf game studioes. No challenge is meant to that copyright. Characters sheets written by Kimble Foster.

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Very nice job on the loser boneheads.


You know, back when Reignofevil first came out, I exchanged some e-mails with the author, Phil Brucato. All he had to say about the book was (a) yes, real-life Satanists are as hopelessly pathetic a bunch of losers as he showed, and (B) every one of the cult's leaders was based, personality wise, on a real person.


Now that's disturbing.

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Originally posted by FenrisUlf

Very nice job on the loser boneheads.


You know, back when Reignofevil first came out, I exchanged some e-mails with the author, Phil Brucato. All he had to say about the book was (a) yes, real-life Satanists are as hopelessly pathetic a bunch of losers as he showed, and (B) every one of the cult's leaders was based, personality wise, on a real person.


Now that's disturbing.




The idea of a Beltaine running around on the lose...


And thanks for the compliment. They are kind of rough. Not nearly as good as Michael Surbrook's write up.

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Originally posted by Southern Cross

What really bothers me is that if these jerks are an example of "low-powered" novas in the Aberrant universe,how powerful are the "High-level" novas?


I'll probably be posting Ceastus Pax "The Fist of Peace" and some memebers of Team Tomorrow this weekend. They're considered high powered. So far Pax has a 50 Dexterity.

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Caestus Pax is one of the top ten or so powerful novas in the setting.


He's beyond nuke level in both durability and firepower. He can crush cities from orbit. He can lift mountains.


He's *NOT* the most powerful nova in the setting. The most powerful nova in the setting, Divis Mal, handed Caestus Pax his ass, effortlessly. Divis Mal could reduce the entire planet to a charred rock in roughly two seconds, if he wished.

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Originally posted by Metaphysician

Caestus Pax is one of the top ten or so powerful novas in the setting.


He's beyond nuke level in both durability and firepower. He can crush cities from orbit. He can lift mountains.


He's *NOT* the most powerful nova in the setting. The most powerful nova in the setting, Divis Mal, handed Caestus Pax his ass, effortlessly. Divis Mal could reduce the entire planet to a charred rock in roughly two seconds, if he wished.


Mal can litereally do anything. He has accuess to any power the GM sees fit when he sees fit. His typical schtick is creation and use of Plasma but he has gone far beyond that. His standard attack would be RKA, Continuous, AVLD, Does Body with enogh Range and Indirect to strike somene anywhere on the planet at will. Likely somewhere around 30d6 at least. He has accomplished such things interstellar teleportation, creating most of the superpowered beings on the planet and finally forming his own universe. His defenses are such the Pax was unable to even muss his hair in their "battle" and he could ignore strategic nuclear weapons.

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Aberrant never seemed *that* deadly to me. You just have to either purchase Armor/Force Field/MegaStamina, or MegaDex/Wits and prepare to dodge alot.


Its just that, under the Aberrant system, dodging is something you actively have to do, you don't get a free increase in difficulty to hit just because you have high Mega-Dex.


In addition, the system is very friendly to non-combatant character concepts, and unfriendly to "mundanes."

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Maybe I was a tad too harsh but not much. The game is far too heavily weighted towards bricks in combat damage. To be fair, some of this was inherent in the game design based on the world they wanted to model. But it still seems as though the designers never actually played the game. I can roleplay any system but a game that features combat should have a playable combat system.

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