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Building Computers


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One of the players in my Exiles campaign is the son of Quicksilver and Meltdown. As he is just starting out, he really doesn't have that many combat speed tricks, relying on his ability to throw bombs and his speed. The speed tricks he does have are superspeed computer hacking and programming (according to his background, computers are the only thing that could keep up with him).


Now the player has a few experience points and a computer would be very helpful for figuring out details of upcoming adventures (basic internet and some games and movie programs). How do you build a laptop or palmtop computer with wireless access to the internet. It almost seems like it would be a perk.


I looked through the rules and they didn't really seem to have much detail in them. Thanks for the help!

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Originally posted by ghost-angel

Buying a computer works exactly like buying a Vehicle or Base. check p312 of the rule book. It's a 1 to 5 cost (1 character point = 5 computer points).


As for the wireless net connection that's just High Range Radio Perception bought in the computer.

Well yes, that much is a given, but I think what Vex is asking what kind of stats would you give a laptop as built under the computer rules. If it was just a normal laptop with nothing special on it other that a DVD player, I'd say it's covered under the Everyman Rule and not worry about the stats too much. If it had special functions that had a significant effect on the campaign, I'd use the following as a benchmark for average computer stats:







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Wormhole has it


I am looking for the write up of a general computer. I think the computer will have a very large impact on the game. In the last night's Exile game, the mission was for the characters to find and stop Magneto and his Magnetic Men (yes from the Amalgam universe) from changing the magnetic poles of the earth. The character in question is the grandson of Magneto and knew that on his world Magneto's base of operation was in the Savage Land. After running down there (he clocks out at Mach1) he discovered that the base was empty. He then ran to Argentina and broke into a house to steal jewelery to pawn so he could afford an internet cafe. Someone noted that he should just buy a computer.


Now with his Computer Hacking abilites (augmented with 3 speed trick power - Telepathy, Mind Control and a Major Transform all for hacking) he can do a lot of things with a computer, possibly beyond the simple lead gathering and I want to make sure that this ability is fairly portrayed both for his character and in power points.

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Personally, if you're going to pay points for it then I'd go with actually building a machine. If you're just wanting the effect of having a computer available to him when he needs it, then I'd just give it to him. That way you won't feel as bad when you have the antagonist blow it to bits mid-adventure and they can't get a new one for a while...


but that's me. but as a perk "Computer Link" is what you're looking for most likely.

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