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REALLY visible power effects

Boll Weevil

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ok ok. Let's say I have a TK power. I know that when I use said power it is reasonably obvious to all around it is me. Let's say I have a red ruby affixed to my forehead. It glows a bit when I use my powers. That satisfies the inherent limitation that all powers are visible. I can buy it invisible. We know how much that costs.


Now then, what if my TK power caused big red lights to surround both me and the object I am TK'ing? Not only is the effect visible, it's REALLY visible. Is this worth, say, a 1/4 limitation?

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I wouldn't think so. I mean, then every fire guy and photon blaster or whatever would be taking the lim for free points.


For example, you can have the SFX "I jump up, grab the Sun out of the sky and throw it at you" and it's not worth anything, really, unless you want to start paying points for it.


For extra bright lights that can actually illuminate stuff... you're looking at Change Environment or flash linked to it.


Similarly, you could look at a possible disad (impossible to use powers covertly) making it impossible for you to conceal or stealth or anything while using the powers.

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All powers which use END must be visible to 3 Senses. So that the fact that you are using the TK is obvious to 3 senses. There is a contingency for Visible to be added to a normally visible power, but that is only if for some reason the power is visible above the norm. Just glowing red when you use TK seems like a normal usage to me.

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Re: REALLY visible power effects


Originally posted by Boll Weevil

ok ok. Let's say I have a TK power. I know that when I use said power it is reasonably obvious to all around it is me. Let's say I have a red ruby affixed to my forehead. It glows a bit when I use my powers. That satisfies the inherent limitation that all powers are visible. I can buy it invisible. We know how much that costs.


Actually, I would rate this as an obvious focus. Being visible means that it is easily apparent where the force is coming from. A fired laser can be traced back to its source. For TK visible effects, I require some sort of a glowly beam - such as Green lantern's ring.

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Re: Re: REALLY visible power effects


Originally posted by MarkusDark

Actually, I would rate this as an obvious focus. Being visible means that it is easily apparent where the force is coming from. A fired laser can be traced back to its source. For TK visible effects, I require some sort of a glowly beam - such as Green lantern's ring.


That's kind of intrinsic to the the whole SFX thing. You can be bullet-like (hard to see in transit) or phaser-like (a beam). No beam-ish powers get "visible" as a lim (which is most energy effects, really).

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Re: Re: Re: REALLY visible power effects


Originally posted by Acroyear

That's kind of intrinsic to the the whole SFX thing. You can be bullet-like (hard to see in transit) or phaser-like (a beam). No beam-ish powers get "visible" as a lim (which is most energy effects, really).


For the 'bullet in transit' thingy, I apply the visibility being the noise the gun makes when fired. Whereas a laser or TK can make almost no noise when used, the energy trail shows where it came from. A gun going off (in most normal circumstances) you may not SEE the bullet travel but your hearing will tell you where it came from. turn in the direction of the bang and you see the gunman holding the device. Now, you can argue the fact of 'well what if he had it in his coat, or folded up in a newspaper'. I would still allow them to see where the bullet came from in the manner that as they turned to look in the direction of the bang, other factors zero out the guy (such as everyone near him running away, some smoke coming from the concealed area, etc.)


Visible doesn't always mean 'to sight' ;)

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I believe that being exceptionally visible is listed as an option under the "visible" limitation. It is worth 1/4 if your GM allows it.


Originally posted by Derek Hiemforth

I actually would give you an extra -1/4 Limitation if the Power was exceptionally visible. It seems analogous to the Fantasy Hero Limitation, Noisy (-1/4).

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Re: Re: Re: Re: REALLY visible power effects


Originally posted by MarkusDark

Visible doesn't always mean 'to sight' ;)


No, but visible always indicates a power in use and the user to three sense groups (assuming you have one of those senses capable of observing that area).


The only way to conceal that you are using a power is invisible power effects.


Being able to follow the attack back to its source is already intrinsic in this and isn't worth a limitation. Mutiple kinds of special effects allow you to follow the attack back, bullet types, slow thrown objects, and glowy beams. They all allow you to do it exactly the same. Being a glowing beam of energy isn't any more of a limitation or disadvantage than a flamethrower, a laser beam, etc, etc (which we have countless examples of, none of which take the limitation "visible.")


To be extra visible, perhaps, you can been seen using the power from exceptionally far away (but now we're talking miles and, then, how is this limiting? Unless you have a lot of characters around who can attack you or something from a few miles away...I just fail to see how this is hindering in the least. YMMV


But, hey, if your GM allows it, go for it :)

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