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Power questions


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I'm looking for suggestions for these two powers in Hero System terms.


1 Stopping Time. The character can stop time while he can move about normally. He can affect the time stopped objects normally, moving and even harming them if he so desires.


2. A force field that stops an entire attack, but weakens proportionally to the size of the attack, meaning a large enough attack can collaspe it all together. It would slowly regenate "energy" over time. Ex:The feild has 30 points of Def. Its hit for 15 body. The FF will stop 15 more points of damage before collasping.

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Second one first: isn't that Ablative? I believe so.


First one second...


This one is hard to answer, and requires GM cooperation to a degree.


You can..


buy a massive entangle with Personal Immunity added to it, centered on you.


Change Environment if the GM allows.


Extra-Dimensional Movement: Dimension with stopped time that is connected to the normal dimension in every way except that I'm not stopped.


Buy your SPD and Running to such psychotically high levels that you move so fast compared to everyone else that time effectively stops for them while you spend a second rearranging reality for them. (this last option is silly, really, but I thought I'd toss it out anyway).

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For the Force Field I see some different builds.


1) Force FIeld with Ablative


If it stops only PD and ED, it would be something like:


FF (30 PD /30 ED), AP = 60; Ablative -1 RP = 30


Obviuosly you should use the ablative in the second option as stated in FRED 78


2) Alternatively you can reason for effects, the only effect of every point in the FF you describe it's to stop some damage once. You could biuld it as Extra Body and Extra STUN, with a linked regeneration to heal them


something like:


Body (30) AP 60, Cost END -1/2, Limited Power (No counted as Body for the death) -1. RP 24


Stun (30) AP 30, Cost END -1/2, RP 20

Total Cost 44


If in you campaignyou you use the rules for stunning etc, etc, I would rule a +1/2 advantage Doeas not Count for Stunning similar effects bringing the costs to:


Body (30), Does Not Count against damage effects +1/2 AP 90, Cost END -1/2, Limited Power (No counted as Body for the death) -1, No Fig Chars -1/2. RP 30


Stun (30) AP 30, Does Not Count against damage effects +1/2 AP 45, Cost END -1/2, RP 30

Total Cost 60



Even if the second option is more costly, it can give you protection from every kind of attack which does body or STUN, if this is not the case you should use limited power to make it, or go with the canonical "Only Works Against Limited type Of Attack" as in FRED 78.

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Originally posted by nexus

Oh, I take it Abalative has been changed? It used to give the power an activation roll that got worse each time damage penetrated.


The standard Ablative has the activation roll. There's an option where the defense power start losing bits (5 AP) as BDY gets through.


We usually use the second option since it more realistically portrays armor getting weakened

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I've actually built a timestop power before. One day someone I "kinda" knew called me on the phone and asked if I would like to play Champions. I said sure how many points? The GM said 1500. Without laughing I managed to ask how many active points per power and the GM said he didn't care. I decieded to make a character to kill everyone in the group in 1 phase. I had 2 powers:


1) The Crow: Suppress speed 82d6 (standard effect: 246 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END), Uncontrolled, Area Of Effect (123" Radius), Continuous (1640 Active Points); Limited Power Not against childern


2) Magic Sword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END), Penetrating (x10) (97 Active Points); OAF


Basically the character was a rip off of Peter Pan.


The Mad Arab

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For the time stop power, buy Extradimensional Movement, to the "time stop" dimension (where time in the real world is stopped in relation to it). Buy your Strength, your senses, and all of your attacks Transdimensional to the real world. (Note: by "real world" I mean the real world of the game.)

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