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  1. Re: EC balance fix I see charcters in the Hero books all the time I would never allow. Heros that do not meet my standards (writeup with "non limiting limitations and disadvantages", horrible uses of "usable against others", and outrageous EC's). Some of you feel that EC represtents a tight group of special effects and others think an EC represents a single power with multiple effects. I think you are both right, but I would like to add this: I think of EC's as a limitation as well. #1 If a character is observer using some of the powers in the EC it should be reasonable for opponents to suspect or even predict other powers of the EC. An opponent witnessing a "human torch" style character that has a "fire shield" and fire based flight, would likely assume he has a fire based attack as well (and might be ready for it, even though he has never seen it). #2 You used the EC "limitation" to save points so don't complain when the power is not as good as seperate powers that didn't save points (don't complain when someone drains the crap out of it).
  2. Re: How do you get players to role play in genre? Ghost Angel had some good ideas. I would be very stingy on exp and tell them why. Also, so players just suck; maybe you should try to find some new ones (can be difficult). Or maybe let one of your players GM a game and see how they like it. The Mad Arab
  3. Re: Warning silly question, serious players beware I like Dust Raven's idea the best so far (as usual). I am curious about this: Who or what can "trigger" the "loading" of a "saved game". Can a single character do it, or do all the characters have to agree or is it majority decision? Do the characters have to be alive to make the decision? You might want to settle some of these points before getting too far into the game.
  4. Re: Dealing with Invisible Heroes Kinda of reminds me of the "somebody else's problem field" from the hitchhikers guide.
  5. Re: Concept using multiple characters This reminds me of the Dark Sun rules for character families or character trees. Here's and idea: If you want each character to have a pool of different characters to choose from you could experiment with giving regular exp to the character that played the adventure and 1/2 as much to the other 4 characters. Might reduce the tendency to continue playing the same character each game. Or you could run more than 1 adventure during the same "time period". Where during the first gaming session everyone's first charcter goes to mexico to fight vampires. Have the 2nd gaming session take place during the trip to mexico, using everyones second character to go "investigate that old farmhouse on the edge of town".
  6. Re: Telepathy and TK I think TK is an awsome power, but I don't think it is unbalanced... it is expensive for a reason.
  7. Re: Hero Character Portfolio -- What Do *You* Want To See? STEVE- If you want to go crazy you could include a special base and vehicle sections. Unfortunatly I have to agree with most of the other posters, that I too have become addicted to Hero Designer and might not be interested in the "Ulitimate Character Sheet" (hehehe). Although a custom export template for Hero Designer might be nice!
  8. Re: Killing stroke Thanks for the info everyone!
  9. When you opponent is down and recovering, haven't you wanted to just drop a big fat killing stoke on him sometimes? I know killing in many HERO games killing can be taboo, but I like my games a bit darker than most, and I've been toying around with creating a "killing stroke". Solution #1 Buy a large amount of STR or KA with several limitations on it like: extra time, only on 0 DCV targets, AVLD, Does body. I guess I don't like this solution because I don't want it to be a unique power, I want it to be more like a standard combat manouver (so everyone has access to it). Solution #2 Haymaker (lets say with a sword 1d6+1, with 15 Str character) to the head. That would be 3 1/2 d6 (x2 for the head) so about 24.5 body on average. You have a -8 to your OCV so you would have to have an 8 OCV to have an average chance to hit your opponent (assuming you are preforming the killing stroke on a 0 DCV target). This solution should kill the average person, but the 8 OCV could be a problem for some characters. Solution #3 Sweeping the opponent 4 times. The above character with his sword would inflict on average 7 body per hit, 4 hits would produce 28 body. But he would still have the -8 OCV problem, and since it is a sweep, even with an 8 OCV he would not likely hit all 4 times (therefore doing less damage than #2). Solution #4 Allowing all characters access to the Martial Choke manouver against 0 DCV opponents. This would allow a normal person to kill most superheros (if he was KO'ed), although it would take a LONG time. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas?
  10. Re: Limitation punishment maybe Cap should say he is an expert at keeping his shield or maybe it is strapped to his arm and he should buy it OIF. If you want access to the points all the time, don't buy the disadvantage.
  11. Re: Too many stats in Hero mhmfhasfsdmsaldhasdmn (<---- thats me eating my words)
  12. Re: Help name a character How about desert twister?
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