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Saw that episode.


At 30,000 rds/minute, that thing is firing 500 rds/second.


At 5 Turns in a Minute, Assuming the gunman has a 3 SPD, in order to unload 30,000 rds the gun would have to have Autofire that does 2,000 rds/phase. I think that's about a +6-1/2 Advantage.

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Originally posted by Blue

Saw that episode.


At 30,000 rds/minute, that thing is firing 500 rds/second.


At 5 Turns in a Minute, Assuming the gunman has a 3 SPD, in order to unload 30,000 rds the gun would have to have Autofire that does 2,000 rds/phase. I think that's about a +6-1/2 Advantage.


Don't forget the +1/2 advantage for all those charges


Seriously though, I'd make it a 5d6 Rka, aoe 1 hex, autofire 6

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Originally posted by Blue

Saw that episode.


At 30,000 rds/minute, that thing is firing 500 rds/second.


At 5 Turns in a Minute, Assuming the gunman has a 3 SPD, in order to unload 30,000 rds the gun would have to have Autofire that does 2,000 rds/phase. I think that's about a +6-1/2 Advantage.

Suppression Fire so he could fire each segment.

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Well, without trying to match bullet for bullet.


It looked just like a 3d6K Autofire(3 Shots), w/+4 OCV

+1 1/2 (0 END - Nearly endless supply of bullets)


Cars have only about 3 DEF and 10 BODY, so that will tear right though a car pretty fast. Unless it's suppose to go through Supers and tank armor as well, then by all means 5D6K (6 shot Autofire), 1 hex AoE (Accurate) :D

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I couldn't see the site in question but from the description it didn't seem to be this:




their 36 barrel box fires 1 million rounds per minute. None of the metal storm weapons have moving parts - they use electronic firing mechanisms. The weapons stacks the rounds one behind the other when firing the first round is "pushed" which increases it's kinetic energy, making the first round out of the barrel the most lethal.


To bad it doesn't hold 1 million rounds. A sustained minute of fire from that would scrap most things.

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Heh, so even the least of those is around 150 Active points, well beyond standard super-hero power limits.


If you do want to match it bullet for bullet, my version would be:

3d6 RKA, AP, Autofire (50), 0 End (lots of bullets)

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3d6 RKA, AP (+1/2), AE- Line (+1), No Range (Line begins directly in front of gun) (-1/2), Extended Area x4 (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2)

AP: 157, RC: 52


5d6 RKA, AE- Line (+1), No Range (Line begins directly in front of gun) (-1/2), Extended Area x2 (+1/4), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2)

AP: 206, RC: 69


2d6 RKA, AP+Penetrating (+1), AE-Line (+1), No Range (Line begins directly in front of gun) (-1/2), Extended Area x4 (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2)

AP: 120, RC: 40


2d6 RKA, AP (+1/2), AE-Line (+1), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2), Nor Range (-1/2)

AP: 90, RC: 30


I'd probably allow the last into my 60-75 AP cap game.

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Originally posted by sbarron

Not that it makes a lot of difference, but it only fires at 3000 rpm, not 30,000.

Sure it matters! Throws my whole figures down.


Hmm... 3000 rpm, 5 turns/minute, 3 phases/turn = 200 rpp.


That takes it from a +6-1/2 advantage down to a +3.5 Major cost difference.


Okay, so it didn't matter, but it let me kill another 3 minutes until work is over ;)

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Originally posted by Farkling

3d6 RKA, AP (+1/2), AE- Line (+1), No Range (Line begins directly in front of gun) (-1/2), Extended Area x4 (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2)

AP: 157, RC: 52


5d6 RKA, AE- Line (+1), No Range (Line begins directly in front of gun) (-1/2), Extended Area x2 (+1/4), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2)

AP: 206, RC: 69


2d6 RKA, AP+Penetrating (+1), AE-Line (+1), No Range (Line begins directly in front of gun) (-1/2), Extended Area x4 (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2)

AP: 120, RC: 40


2d6 RKA, AP (+1/2), AE-Line (+1), 0 END (+1/2), Side Effect - requires reloading after 12 phases of fire (-0), OAF (-1), Bulky (-1/2), Nor Range (-1/2)

AP: 90, RC: 30


I'd probably allow the last into my 60-75 AP cap game.


there's no way I'd allow No Range on an RKA, that's what HKA is for. I think you want Beam on these.


RKA: 2d6, AP (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), OAF bulky (-1 1/2), Beam (-1/4)

AP: 60, RC: 22


or to better represent a conitnuous rate of fire that doesn't turn off for 12 phases:


RKA: 2D6, AP (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Beam (-1/4), 1 Full Turn Continuous Only (-0).

AP: 90, RC: 33


At least, that's my take on it right now. I might have a better idea after sleep.

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