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An odd talent


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I had an odd idea for a talent, and I had no idea how to write it up. I was thinking how useful it would be to be able to swallow small items, like lock picks or stolen jewels, and regurgitate them on command. or even just regurgitate on command. I knew a guy who could do the latter, and the former just seems cinematic and cool. any ideas?

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I cant remember exactly but I think an episode of the anime Cowboy Bebop, one character named Spike did this with a poker chip (actually a specially disguised computer chip that was important to the bad guys) and he later coughed it back up after the battle. Just an example of where it occurred before.;)


Though this "talent" will probably gross out certain PC and NPCs you might encounter.

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Originally posted by Badger

I cant remember exactly but I think an episode of the anime Cowboy Bebop, one character named Spike did this with a poker chip (actually a specially disguised computer chip that was important to the bad guys) and he later coughed it back up after the battle. Just an example of where it occurred before.;)


Though this "talent" will probably gross out certain PC and NPCs you might encounter.

IIRC Dr. Hannabal Lector also did this with a lock pick in Silence of the Lambs.


Conceal or SoH.

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Originally posted by McCoy

IIRC Dr. Hannabal Lector also did this with a lock pick in Silence of the Lambs.

Conceal or SoH.


Yea. I'm amazed that people can really do things like that. I've heard of other real world examples (not movies or anime), but I don't think that the item makes it as far as the stomach... then again I don't know how it really works. I would think it could get turned around in your stomach, making it hard to get out.



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I recall seeing this in a TV special on Houdini, and so I can't really speak to its authenticity, nor do I remember if he could speak. But he would have to be able to breathe regularly, and while the actor made plenty of cat-with-hairball noises when he produced the key, I can't remember if he was speaking.


However, a breif search on the web brought this:

At one of his engagements in Scranton, the police chief placed Houdini in handcuffs. Houdini escaped and explained that he did so by contracting his writst bones so small that the cuffs could be slid off. He also told him that he could swallow keys and lock picks the way he swallowed the needles in the needle threading in the mouth trick. Neither of these were in fact his method.


Which, maddeningly, still doesn't say if he COULD do it, just that he didn't in Scranton. Also this, as a side note:

Houdini has a remarkable anatomy anyway, besides his skill as a magician. Just as a bit of pastime he showed the committee a vanishing pencil trick that would beat the proverbial small boy with a bean up his nose. He takes a pencil two inches long, places it in his mouth and presto! the pencil has disappeared. This trick he kindly explained. The pencil really goes up the nose passage at the back of the throat and upon close examination the end can be seen hanging over the throat. The act is a reversed sword swallow.


I'd research it further but I'm starting to gag already.

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