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City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Just started playing CoV a couple days ago. So far, it's not as much as I'd hoped. It could be the archetypes I've tried, or it could be that I'm just sick of the MMO thing. I know that characters start off a bit slow and boring, but I'm not crazy about the idea of going through the exact same stuff again to try another archetype. Oh well, the month is paid for. We'll see what happens.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


New high level zone?? why?? How many charictors will someone have at these high leveles? I would imagine that even a dedidicated long time player will only have a small handfull of charictors at these levels. However howmany charictors will you have in the low and mid levels? Lots' date=' piticularly considering that all charictors begin low level. So to me it would make more sence to make new low level zones, and to revamp the low level dungions. You can only fight thugs in nearly identical office buildings or nearly identical warehouses so many times before it becomes dull. How hard would it be to put some new maps and textures into these? Wait, I need to somehow tell this to the COH people.[/quote']

There were no Villain zones over 40. As a result, I've had a villain who topped out months ago and has been sitting around resting on his laurels.


Now he gets to jump back into the game.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Hanve't tried my villain yet - but my VG is all but dead, and I am tired of trying to bring it back. I've been trying to finally get a toon to 50, and my Fire/Emp troller is up to 46, so it'll happen "soon".


TP got really buggy under I7 though - makes getting around a pain. I almost took a free respec to remove TP and take flight instead.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Hanve't tried my villain yet - but my VG is all but dead, and I am tired of trying to bring it back. I've been trying to finally get a toon to 50, and my Fire/Emp troller is up to 46, so it'll happen "soon".


TP got really buggy under I7 though - makes getting around a pain. I almost took a free respec to remove TP and take flight instead.

Yes. TP is a major pain right now, but it always is right after an update. Lots of lag is the reason with more people on. Though Grandville seems to be the worst. It's the Arachnos textures with lots of people, so my TP winds up dropping me from great heights into middle of mobs. ow ow ow.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


It's not lag related. There is some combination of range, angle and target texture which is screwing things up. I can TP normal range in mid-air, close range when I target the ground, but not middle range at the ground. Very odd. I do a lot of "TP up at 70 degree angle, then turn off hover, fall towards target, turn hover on so I don't go splat, turn off hover again" when it should be "TP to target directly".

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I'm definitely having lag-related TP issues. I'd tp. Long pause. Then I'd appear at the other end and already be falling. Or it would take so long to resolve a port that you port again and wind up double-porting to the same spot.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I was going to ask who was still playing CoV, but I've already cancelled after three days. I can't connect to their login servers this morning. I'm simply not paying for that kind of crap anymore. I still have three weeks on my free month. Maybe in two weeks I'll see if they've got their **** together yet.


I'm very pissed.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I'm definitely having lag-related TP issues. I'd tp. Long pause. Then I'd appear at the other end and already be falling. Or it would take so long to resolve a port that you port again and wind up double-porting to the same spot.

Yeah, I've had those too. Of course, I turn on Hover before I start my TP hops, so no falling for me. This is a wholly seperate issue - apparently it showed up when I7 went to the test server, and it never got fully resolved.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I was going to ask who was still playing CoV, but I've already cancelled after three days. I can't connect to their login servers this morning. I'm simply not paying for that kind of crap anymore. I still have three weeks on my free month. Maybe in two weeks I'll see if they've got their **** together yet.


I'm very pissed.


Usually you can't get on to the servers from 9am till 10 or 10:30 due to server maint. it is annoying tho since when I have off, thats the time I would normally play

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Usually you can't get on to the servers from 9am till 10 or 10:30 due to server maint. it is annoying tho since when I have off' date=' thats the time I would normally play[/font']

I should elaborate...I can't get on since I logged off last night. From this morning on I have not been able to connect with that useless ****ing updater. I've tried all of the suggested solutions. I'm through with MMOGs. I need to get RCTycoon 3 or something.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Great renditions of Champions villains above, there!


I've been playing one myself. Mechanon! (Or to use his in-game name - Mechanon Prime).


Naturally, I had to make him a mastermind. And here he is with his current coterie of robotic servants/cannon fodder. He is still researching a new, even more powerful robot that will be the capstone to his strike team. (in other words, I'm still not quite high enough level to get the Assault Bot).


Btw, good old "tuning fork head" here is at the absolute maximum height the game will allow. The legs stretched out and the antennae add a little bit more. He's almot as tall as the assault bot will be!


Tom Servo: "I'm HUGE!!!"


(Which looks darned impressive, but makes cave missions already more of a headache than they are. (Damn low ceilings... grumble).

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Sorry if this has already been covered, but this thread is really long and I don't feel like reading two years worth of posts.


I was wondering if it is possible to play CoH or CoV in single player mode without a monthly fee. Actually I am mainly interested in using the costume designer and doing screen shots that I can print out for a character sheet, put in a pdf/Word file, post on a website, etc.


So I guess my question is: Is it possible to use the costume designer without paying a fee?


And also: Does the costume designer in CoV include all the costume designing capabilities of CoH? In other words should I buy just CoV? Or should I buy both?

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


neither of the games can be used offline, tho you can solo most of the game.


and you only get both sets of costume elements if you have both games and they are on the same account.


There was a costume editor that you could use off line but it was a bootleg and dont know if it had all the villian stuff also.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


After the heinous beating you take on the $50 price of the basic game(s), the monthly fee is, frankly, chicken-feed. If you cant scrape together $15 a month, then you have higher priorities on your list of things to do than getting COH/COV.


While you can (or at least, used to, I havent played in a while) solo quite a lot, especially early on, it gets harder the higher level you get. You WILL get missions that require another person or two to complete.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I played COH from early beta to just after the COV beta ended. I never managed to get a character up to 50 but I played lots of different characters. Finally I got bored with the grind and cancelled my account. A few times since they have had "Come back and play for free" specials. I tried one or two and still had no interest.


I am utterly bored from lack of gaming. But I have not been able to really get into another game since then. I replayed Morrowind, but that is done. I was told my system is not good enough to play Morrowind 4. I have tried the WoW and D&D Online demos. They seemed like nothing new/more of the same. I have half a dozen PBEM characters in games, but PBEM is slow and games go in fits and starts. Nothing to keep a fellow busy on an otherwise unoccupied evening or weekend.


I need to know if it is worth it to try COH again. Or at least what you opinion is. Has the game changed/improved significantly in the last year? If so how? Is it still basically about the get mission-do mission-get another mission-all there is to do is bash opponents grind?


If going back to COX will not give me that rush, what game can you suggest?



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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I played COH from early beta to just after the COV beta ended. I never managed to get a character up to 50 but I played lots of different characters. Finally I got bored with the grind and cancelled my account. A few times since they have had "Come back and play for free" specials. I tried one or two and still had no interest.


I am utterly bored from lack of gaming. But I have not been able to really get into another game since then. I replayed Morrowind, but that is done. I was told my system is not good enough to play Morrowind 4. I have tried the WoW and D&D Online demos. They seemed like nothing new/more of the same. I have half a dozen PBEM characters in games, but PBEM is slow and games go in fits and starts. Nothing to keep a fellow busy on an otherwise unoccupied evening or weekend.


I need to know if it is worth it to try COH again. Or at least what you opinion is. Has the game changed/improved significantly in the last year? If so how? Is it still basically about the get mission-do mission-get another mission-all there is to do is bash opponents grind?


If going back to COX will not give me that rush, what game can you suggest?




I played CoH from early beta, cancelled my pre-order. Then when working part time at Best Buy, I won a copy in a contest. Every once in awhile I buy a game card to try it out again, and every time I have I quit long before the game card runs out.


My opinion, the game is exactly the same now as the day it went live. Sure they've added some costume stuff, and even 2 new power sets, but the game play is exactly the same. I even joined one of the best SG's I've ever seen, and even that wasn't enough to keep me around.


Right now I'm playing Oblivion (Morrowind 4) and it has to be the absolute best game I've every played. If your rig meets the minimum standards I would go buy that thing. Sure you'd have to turn the graphics way down and miss out on a lot visually, but dang, it would still be an awesome experience.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I played CoH, but really couldn't find a guild; all the game offered was SuperCombat, no interaction, the plots were cheezy...


Here's the thing - I got much of the same from Guild Wars, but Guild Wars hasn't asked me to fork over $$ every month for the privledge. I like it alright, but there really isn't much -story- and interaction in many of these MMORPG games.


I've never gotten a big thrill out of combat; even now my favorite game is Battlefield 2, and I like that because it's an FPS with some brains; keep territory and hold it, use strategy and teamwork, organize and take out objectives. If I could play this game without the FPS context I would; in fact, if they could make an MMORPG with 1/2 of the roleplay elements and teamwork-style play of Battlefield 2... instead of just monsterkilling...



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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I need to know if it is worth it to try COH again. Or at least what you opinion is. Has the game changed/improved significantly in the last year? If so how? Is it still basically about the get mission-do mission-get another mission-all there is to do is bash opponents grind? HELP!


Firstly, I have to say that I have played CoH since Beta and love it, so that's where my bias is. Twice since it's release, I've become tired of the repetitive gameplay and cancelled for short times, but always end up coming back. I find it a welcome change from the typcial fantasy MMO. I find the battles in CoH to be just so much more interesting than most MMOs offer. I salute them for being willing to do things differently than the typical formula most MMO's follow.


Has it changed? I think the game is better balanced than it used to be. I enjoy PvP from time to time, but I've seen it done better in other games. I think their writing is much better than it used to be, and the more recently a story arc or task force was added, the better and more interesting it is.


However, doing missions is still the core of the gameplay. There are some new nuances to some missions(mayhem missions on the villain side are great fun), but nothing earth shattering. If it wasn't enough for you before, it probably won't be now. For me, I enjoy it, but I can easily see why many want more. Even as a big fan of the game, I know the time will come again that I'll tire of it and cancel a third time.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


However, doing missions is still the core of the gameplay. There are some new nuances to some missions(mayhem missions on the villain side are great fun), but nothing earth shattering. If it wasn't enough for you before, it probably won't be now. For me, I enjoy it, but I can easily see why many want more. Even as a big fan of the game, I know the time will come again that I'll tire of it and cancel a third time.


This is pretty much where I'm at as well - I've been playing since the week it came out, and I've canceled a couple of times. I enjoy the game, but it's gotten repetitive enough that I'll probably cancel once I get my 5th archtype up to 50. (I've got a blaster, defender, tank, and controller up there - I'm working on scrapper now). After this, I'll come back only if they add in stuff that significantly alters the game - gadgeteering and crafting, or skill-based stuff, most likely.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I briefly played D&D Online, but got bored and went back to what I enjoyed.


The Double-XP weekend was a nice surprise. I took a character that was impossible to level and put in a bit of time gaining about half a level (That character was just built all wrong, but I like it so I keep trying).


And just to see how far I'd get, I ran a villain from 0 to 11th level with a little spare time I had.


I can think of a couple changes that would make things better, should anyone have the ear of hte designers...


--Movement powers need to be moved from 14th level down to 8th or 10th. There's a real grind in having to run great distances at low speed that takes some of the joy out of the game.


--Some of the difficulty changers need to be better located. For example, In Talos Island, wouldn't the Tram where the Taskforce guys are makes more sense than Minotaur Island.


--Founders Falls and Talos are adjacent zones, but Pocket D connect to both. Pocket D would be more valuable it connected to Talos and Crey's Folley, which is same level as Founders. Crey's Folley seems to be the least used zone because of its location. Only reason people go there is because missions force them to.


I've also got an idea about buying a temporary pet to help you with a difficulty mission if you are solo, but I imagine it would irritate those that are running classes that have pets already. Heroes would basically be going to a Longbow Recruiter and buying a temp power (1 use "Pet" hero of the same level). Villains would be going to Arachnos for the like.


This just comes out of hating to beg for help when a villain is mopping up one of my weaker heroes. Should be accessible for a certain amount of influence and if you are dropped by a foe in the mission. And they should be gone when the mission ends or when they are defeated in combat.

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