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A Cross-Game Superhero Game


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If I'm missing anything, the current four systems for superheroic RPGing are Hero 5th (Champions!), Silver Age Sentienls, Mutants&Marauders, and Marvel. So, in the great history of the Superheroic Genere, there's the CROSSOVER-where you get to slam everything together.


Why not do that here? THE UNILEVEL SANCTION is that game, split across FOUR books. Each game publisher publishes a book in the series, in order (or all at once, to the groans of fanboy wallets... :) ).


Book One, Shockwave Riders is when reality starts to fracture. Based off the Marvel RPG, players discover that four worlds are starting to be squeezed together-a player can be walking down a street in Liberty City, then wind up somewhere in Millenium City! It also introduces the main villian of the game arc, Impudent and his minions (incluiding some heavies from all four games). Also, conversion rules to convert SAS, M&M, and CU characters over to Marvell, and approved conversions of several characters of each.


Book Two, Darkest Before The Dawn is set in the SAS game system, where the Worlds' Greatest Heros (and your PCs) organize together to defeat Impudent, but Impudent is waiting for them and it is discovered that is he invulnerable. Technically. Near the end, the players learn of Impudent's vulnerablity, but not before losses are sustaned and Impudent unlocks the doors to the Beast Worlds. Conversion rules for M&M, Marvel, and CU characters to SAS are included.


Book Three, The Great Hunt is set with the Mutants&Marauders game system, as players both hunt for the tools needed to defeat Impudent and to stop the creatures coming from the Beast Worlds. Besides stopping monsters, supervillians take the opprotunity to wreck havoc (and some villians that normally wouldn't be a "threat" are now a danger) and players discover the increasing danger of Impudent's plans. Conversion rules for Marvel, SAS, and CU characters to Mutants&Marauders are included.


Book Four, The Last Sanction is set with the Champions! Universe game system, as the Players and various other groups confront Impudent in his home realm, ready to defeat him in the final, massive battle that will save all the Universes that Impudent's plans have roped in. Not only are there conversion (and approved conversions!) rules for Marvel, SAS, and M&M characters to CU, but there are also rules on handling "cast of thousands" fights with some level of player interaction and future game seeds for all four systems.

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Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game



if you paid attention to the notes Steve has been putting out you might have seen mention of this little blurb:

"The Storm Approaches...


We got word from our good friends at Guardians Of Order this that Reality Storm is just about ready to go to the printer! We’ve all been checking over it this week to make sure the Is are dotted and the Ts crossed, so I expect that by next week it’ll be in the printer’s hands. Barring disaster, that should mean it will ship sometime around mid-May."-Steve long.


and that is "our" little crossover with SAS working it's way to the printer.

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Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


I know, I'm getting it when it comes out. :)


I'm just thinking in terms of Tim "The Toolman" Taylor-MORE POWER! ARG! ARG! ARG!


Besides, there's just this scene in my mind of Iron Man and Defender arguing armor characteristics, when somebody asks them "how do you take a tinkle in the armor"? :)



if you paid attention to the notes Steve has been putting out you might have seen mention of this little blurb:

"The Storm Approaches...


We got word from our good friends at Guardians Of Order this that Reality Storm is just about ready to go to the printer! We’ve all been checking over it this week to make sure the Is are dotted and the Ts crossed, so I expect that by next week it’ll be in the printer’s hands. Barring disaster, that should mean it will ship sometime around mid-May."-Steve long.


and that is "our" little crossover with SAS working it's way to the printer.

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Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


I know, I'm getting it when it comes out. :)


I'm just thinking in terms of Tim "The Toolman" Taylor-MORE POWER! ARG! ARG! ARG!


Besides, there's just this scene in my mind of Iron Man and Defender arguing armor characteristics, when somebody asks them "how do you take a tinkle in the armor"? :)

Same way the astronauts do?

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Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


1991 OKC George Moses's Game. He set us up big time, we had gamed for about a month after our last big bad, Ryder (shiver!) when we noticed we had not had a combat in ages.


So we said to George, "George how about a combat?"


George said "Sure thing, next week!"


All week a little anticipation was building, I worked at the comic/gaming shop and a couple of other Champs players commented on a big event George had planned for our group. I was getting excited.


George calls on wednesday saying that the game is postponed, until Friday night, and he'll have to have the game at the shop because the apartment is being bug sprayed that day. I'm like cool no problem. Commence chewing fingernails.


Friday, Bryan and I go the Comic Shop. George is all like "Hi, guess what I have in store for you."


We go to the back and their are seven other players around the *other* side of the table. They were the Justifiers, George's Last gaming group. So it was set, Vanguard vs. the Justifiers. We just didn't know what George was planning to do.


Until, as the Team was at the base we hear a loud BOOM! Prime (the Justifier's Superman Clone) does a movethrough on our Base. Suddenly the Justifiers are coming out of the woodwork. In a few phases all the dance partners are sorted out. Prime vs. Omega, Laserlad vs. Z-man, etc.




The combat took two weeks of at least 10 hours of gaming to complete.


Z-man even used falling velocity to get DCV during a recovery because Laserlad's pentrating EB was eating him alive.


My most memorable moment was when Prime used his Sticky TK 165 STR (no range, only to lift) to Pick our base up and set it on its side.




In the end though we won... How I will never know, PC vs PC games are tough, and they were at least 100xp heavier than we were. It turns out that a advance alien invasion force had subverted the Justifiers to use them as shocktroops before the invasion began. It was not until our mentalist lauched a Mind Probe into one of them that he was able to precieve the hypnotic commands and use his mental EMP to wipe them out!


BTW Omega and Prime were the most twinked out PCs I have ever laid eyes on, crafted with loving care by the most experienced BBB rules rapists the New World School of Character Design has ever produced.



-Getting teary

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Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


That sounds Awesome! In our case, one of the players in star wars campaign A was GM of Campaign B. Campaign A fought a sith lord on a fabricated world, and wound up without a ship when all was said and done. So, next time, a ship showed up, as driven by campaign B. Highly entertaining.


You were right, though. two parties meeting each other is tricky.

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Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


Here's a thought. Have any of the GM's on this board tried to team up to make a 'crossover' episode? The two teams vs. each other, then team up to fight someone big?


We did it once in a Star Wars campaign. It was fun.


I tried something similar: I was running two separate groups on alternating Saturdays, right after 5th Ed came out. To save me some time on creating villains, I used each group as villains vs. the other group. I ran the same game for each team and had it be like a mirror universe. It would have worked out well, I think, had I continued along that line, but, real life got in the way and my experiment failed.


Maybe sometime in the future I will try it again.



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