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Extra Fast Thought

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Re: Extra Fast Thought


I'd just use Penalty Skill Levels verses Time with INT Skills.


That's exactly how I've ruled it -- one of my PC's, a hyper-intelligent gadgeteer, has two such levels ("Versus penalty for taking less than the recommended time, for all INT skills"). The same PC has two "McGuyver" levels, versus the penalty for using improper tools.


Note that applying PSL's to skills is not officially allowed (they're only supposed to apply vs OCV penalties) but they work well enough if you're careful to keep the penalty narrow.

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Re: Extra Fast Thought




Hail to Dust Raven and TheEmerged! This is a *great* mechanic. I tip my hat and say YOINK!



I have to say I've used stuff like this for years now for heros and villains in my campaign. I guess it always seemed so obvious to me to try this.

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Re: Extra Fast Thought


Note that applying PSL's to skills is not officially allowed (they're only supposed to apply vs OCV penalties) but they work well enough if you're careful to keep the penalty narrow.

True, but I've found that PSLs are easier to note and cost about the same. The only time I actually use Skill Levels with a Limitation is when they would affect something other than a penalty or otherwise have a chance to actually increase the roll.



Hail to Dust Raven and TheEmerged! This is a *great* mechanic. I tip my hat and say YOINK!


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Re: Extra Fast Thought


That's exactly how I've ruled it -- one of my PC's, a hyper-intelligent gadgeteer, has two such levels ("Versus penalty for taking less than the recommended time, for all INT skills"). The same PC has two "McGuyver" levels, versus the penalty for using improper tools.


Oh, Raven...


I can think of somebody who could make use of this stuff. By the way... how did you do this particular mechanic for me again? Or did I just buy a skill and a perk? I honestly can't remember...

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Re: Extra Fast Thought



Oh, Raven...


I can think of somebody who could make use of this stuff. By the way... how did you do this particular mechanic for me again? Or did I just buy a skill and a perk? I honestly can't remember...

Touchstone has the Power Skill (Jury Rig) as opposed to the above option. It allows you to do many tasks at a reduced amount of time or with a lack of tools, and the work temporary at best. You can't to everything that fast, only a quick fix is possible.

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