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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I think at least a 7, maybe a 9. Only real problem was that the rug was hard on my knees.


She was actually younger but more experienced; however, she took a lot of convincing that I was not more experienced than I said. :) LOTS of research and study, I told her. ;)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Honestly, I think they are an attempt to make up a number that means nothing. :snicker:


As a number cruncher, it would be more interesting to run statistical data to determine the z-scores to find out which threads deviate from the norm. But that would involve someone running a spreadsheet to maintain.

Why not ask Ben to create another custom view where an extra colum beside Views to show WGAC? This being entirely optional, and as a default turned off. Those who want WGAC turn it on.


That could work.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


First, I apologize for reprinting this without permission. That said, I'm now pretty ticked off. From my friend's LJ:


So I just found out today that my brigade is being put on stop loss at the end of june.... How convenient right after we turn over power to The Iraqis. Stop loss means they won't let you get out of the army for a period of time.


What does this mean you ask? It means that in the not to distant future my unit will be going back to iraq. Iraq made me see things ALOT more differently than I used to, it mostly made me see things all fucked up and I'm starting to get over that. (its called post traumatic war syndrome) I did alot of things that people would deem "not right" and I was in situations that I didn't want to be in at all. So why in the hell would I want to go back?! I did my time for the army I fought a war for the army leave me the fark alone and let me get out!!!!


Just when you think that things will be going good soon the "uncle sam fairy" comes and ruins your day. (this fairy goes by many alias but mine is the uncle sam fairy)


WHY ME?!?!?!

Bold text editted for the censorship commity. :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I feel bad for your friend. However, I must say ...




I avoid political threads. Don't turn this thread into another one!



If someone tries to create a political deal out of this, I'll move it to a new thread. I was just commenting because I'm upset that a friend of mine has to go back when he was supposed to be discharged.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I feel bad for your friend. However, I must say ...




I avoid political threads. Don't turn this thread into another one!



With AA, sorry for your friend. War, regardless of what it's about IS hell and this is a sad reminder.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Super Squirrel,


I'm confused. You've stated that you want to make THIS THREAD the longest EVER (by number of posts). And yet you keep spawning off new threads that are competing with this thread.


Do you realize that you're sabotaging your own efforts?



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


My mom kicked me out of the womb in '69 - you aged compatriot ;)

Ach! You'll have to speak up, sonny, my ears ain't what they used'ter be ...


So while my kids are watching a kid's show and I'm waiting for the pizza to arrive, I decided to check the post rates of various champ threads. You know, to see how long it will take to catch up to the others.


The next highest non-game thread, Random Musings, posted 1604 replies in 162 days. That's 9.9 replies a day.


Right above that in total replies is the Catsuit thread. With 1636 replies in 392 days, its lifetime posting rate is a not-so-impressive 4.2 per day.


The next highest non-game thread is Random About Random: 3200 replies, 161 days, 19.9 posts per day. Wow.


For grins I calculated the all-time reply count king, WAG2: 8010 replies, 154 days, 52.0 replies per day. Criminy!


So I wondered how we stacked up. As of half an hour ago we had 693 replies in 10 days, for a post rate of ... drumroll ... 69.3!


We rule!


And my pizza's here now. Ciao.



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