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Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


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Retractable Nanotech Force Armor


Trillions of nanotech machines made of non-ferrous alloys ooze to the surface of the skin. Covering the subject form head to toe in a smooth, fluid moving, dark metallic armor. This nanotech armor, while durable is the not the primary source of protection. All the Nanotech Machines are in constant contact with each other through a series of rapid energy pulses. All of these trillions of energy pulses intertwining inadvertently create a web of energy force that significantly strengthened the nanotech armor in to a kind of force armor.


This electro-force armor side effect as also has two other beneficial side effects. First it allows hyper conductive communications between the subject’s nerve centers increasing his reaction time and overall speed. And second the force created that covers the subjects body augments his already impressive strength by allowing the muscles to work at peak efficiency due to hyper communication. While working in conjunction with the strength of the force armors electro field.


This nanotech armor however impressive is not perfect. Exposure to significantly strong magnetic fields will interrupt the initial communications processes of the nanotech machines and not allow the armor to activate successfully. Oddly enough once the armor is active and in place these magnetic field have no effect on the armor. Finally, if significantly strong attacks are used against the armor holes can be created in the energy web, until the nanotech machines have time to regenerate and or repair the damaged nanotech machines.



Armor PDr20 EDr 20

+1/4 Hardened

-1/4 OIHID

-1/2 Ablative (Body)


Power Defense 10 points

-1/4 OIHID

-1/4 Linked to Armor (Ablative roll if any)


Knock back Defense -5 points

-1/4 OIHID

-1/4 Linked to Armor (Ablative roll if any)


Lack of Weakness 5 points

-1/4 OIHID

-1/4 Linked to Armor (Ablative roll if any)


Mental Defense 10 points

-1/4 OIHID

-1/4 Linked to Armor (Ablative roll if any)


Safe Environment Cold, Hot, Radiation

-1/4 OIHID


Stat increases will only have only the -1/4 OIHID Limitation



Well what do you think?

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


Nice write-up,

I am curious about the ablative aspect though. I don't have a rulebook handy right now to verify but I thought ablative only loses defenses if body damage is taken (that is, in EXCESS of the defense). IF this is correct then the level of attacks in your campaign would have to be huge for the linked limitation on all the secondary powers to be truly limiting and worth the additional points saved.


Those with access to the rulebook please correct me if I am wrong.

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


Nice write-up



I am curious about the ablative aspect though. I don't have a rulebook handy right now to verify but I thought ablative only loses defenses if body damage is taken (that is, in EXCESS of the defense). IF this is correct then the level of attacks in your campaign would have to be huge for the linked limitation on all the secondary powers to be truly limiting and worth the additional points saved.


From what I have seen a large number of campaigns have max powers set at 60 to 75 points. And that type of power set up could bust 20 PDr with out to much problem.


Double Penetrating

Double AP

Pen and AP

Any number of higher powered killing attack


And them there is the normal every day stuff. Military weapons have an disturbing tendency to show in Champions games. 6D6 RKA AP man portable Anti-tank weapons any one. :)


So in response to your question, yes it would have to be a higher powered attack to defeat the armor, but far from unheard of.


And why would you make a Tank with paper thin armor? :cool:

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


I see where your coming from but the main purpose of the link was to show the "link" between the ablative aspect of the armor to its other defenses. If there is a hole in the armor there is a hole in all the defenses of that armor as well. But beating the other defenses does not weaken the armor it self.


Thats my locic any way.


Am I making any since here? Or do I need to lay off the drugs? :cheers:

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


I see where your coming from but the main purpose of the link was to show the "link" between the ablative aspect of the armor to its other defenses. If there is a hole in the armor there is a hole in all the defenses of that armor as well. But beating the other defenses does not weaken the armor it self.


Thats my locic any way.


Am I making any since here? Or do I need to lay off the drugs? :cheers:

Oh, no need to lay off the drugs...not until you're tempted to seel you RPG books at any rate :doi:


Having Linked is fine. I like it with Linked and it makes perfect sense. It's the OIHID that bugs me. Because it has Linked, OIHID isn't at all limiting. With Linked, you've already made those Powers stop working if you don't have the Armor. If you put OIHID on the Armor, and aren't in HID, then you can't use the Armor. Since all of your other Powers are Linked to Armor, you can't use them because they're linked, and putting OIHID on them too would be redundant.

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


Oh, no need to lay off the drugs...not until you're tempted to seel you RPG books at any rate


Don’t even joke about such things. I might break done and cry right here. :weep:


Having Linked is fine. I like it with Linked and it makes perfect sense. It's the OIHID that bugs me. Because it has Linked, OIHID isn't at all limiting. With Linked, you've already made those Powers stop working if you don't have the Armor. If you put OIHID on the Armor, and aren't in HID, then you can't use the Armor. Since all of your other Powers are Linked to Armor, you can't use them because they're linked, and putting OIHID on them too would be redundant.


I guess I am still missing something. I don’t get it! :think:


OK its two disadvantages.


1- The powers only work in armored form.


2- If the armor becomes breached the other defensive power might mot work.


It not about the points cost because it’s only a few points saving. I am not saying your wrong. I just do not see how its redundant.

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


Isn't there already a rule for OIF powered armor characters that if the character and by default the armor itself suffer body damage that any other powers bought as part of the armor (linked or not) may have a chance of failing? I seem to remember seeing an example like this somewhere in FREd.


I agree, the points in this case do not add up to much difference either way,but it seems to be another case of trying to determine exactly what is considered the 'standard rule'.

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


Think about it this way:


OIHID only lets you use the power only when your covered in nanites.


Linked only lets you use the power when the power they are "attached" to is on.


OIHID is redundant in that you can't use the armor unless you activate the armor (which has the OIHID limitation). Saying you can't use the other aspects of the armor unless the armor is on and you're IHID is redundant, because you have to be in the second for the first to take place.


It's a GM call. Turning on one turns on the all the other w/o any choice, or can you lower them individually? If not then do this:


Linked, Greater Power is constat, Lesser Power can only be used when Greater Power is at Full Value. -1/2


That states you can only turn on the smaller defenses when you turn on the armor OIHID, and only when the armor is at full power. In that case I'd allow OIHID w/o much of a problem.


You could also take Visible for many of those as well, but that's a judgement call.

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


Ok I will buy that. It just takes a bit of work to get through this thick, opinionated head of mine sometimes.


Of course that means it will cost 4 points more. How ever will I survive? :winkgrin:

4 points?!?!?!?!


Why, that could have bought...Sunglasses Sight Group Flash Defense 8 points OAF! Or even Radio Handset HRRP Affected as Hearing Group OAF!


Or even a simple Martial Strike.

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


I don't think KB Resistance and Lack of Weakness are included in that though, must things like Power Defense and Flash Defense.


I do agree though, but he want's it Persistant, which is cheaper through Armor.

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Re: Retractable Nanotech Force Armor - Part 2


Actually .. it comes out to about the same really.


2pt rDEF Armor = 3pts

2pr rDEF FF w/ Persitant = 3pts


And buying them all under FF w. Hardened (ok, now it's more expensive) makes all of them hardened. And does what he wants with better effect really. All defenses come up when the FF is brought up. Making it Ablative will make all of them simulateously ablative as well, in a cleaner package.


After that you just have to buy the other stuff OIHID with the FF.


Nanotech Armor as FF:

20 rPD, 20rED, 10rPwrD, 10rMD (50pts)

Persistent, Hardened (87 Active Points)

OIHID, Ablative (50 Real Points)


and the only reason this is more expensive it because you don't have Linked on the PowerDef or MentalDef and they are now Hardened.

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