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Marvel Comic's "Secret Wars 2"


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Greetings HEROphiles, I was at the comic shop last week and saw a copy of "Secret Wars 2" issue two of six and picked it up and checked it out. WOW !!!. The art work is awesome and the story premise and writting are equally awesome.


The Premise: SHIELD has discovered that KillerShrike and several armoured costumed supervillians are being supplied their gear by the Tinkerer. Their equipment is worth millions of dollars, yet their crimes net them no where near what their gear is worth. From one supercriminal they learn that the Tinkerer is being sponsored by second party. SHIELD agent Natasha Romanova tracks the Tinkerer to Latervia where he is picked up by an Official Government Vehicle. Nick Fury goes to the President with the evidence, but they decide to pursue a diplomatic solution.


Fury decides the governmnet is wrong and pursues his own agenda. He gathers together a team inclueding; Captain America, Spiderman, DareDevil, Luke Cage(PowerMan), the BlackWidow, Wolverine, and an mystery woman. All with their own Viginetets.


Their mission to overthrough the new Latervian government.


This defeinitely needs to written into "Villiany Amok".


Too Cool for words.



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Re: Marvel Comic's "Secret Wars 2"


Actually I think it's just "Secret War." The story jumps between Luke Cage being hospitialized and the events in Latveria which took place a year ago in the story. The Luke Cage thing appears to be the result of some payback by an unknown assailant. It's pretty good.

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Re: Marvel Comic's "Secret Wars 2"


I notice Fury leans heavily towards hand to hand combat types. no mentalists, shape shifters, illusionists or energy projectors. Not even a flying character. Sloppy team building. I smell popularity contest. (lets get all the best selling marvel characters and make a temporary team out of 'em!)

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