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Alien Wars?


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Re: Alien Wars?


Alien Wars is the Champions Universe (i.e., official) setting for the century prior to the Terran Empire setting.


Alien Wars chronicles the war against the Xenovores. It is primarily a military adventure setting, although there are plenty of options for other types of adventure, too.

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Re: Alien Wars?


I do intend to get it (I'm going for as many Hero books as I can get, esp. in the linked background/setting, to try and make up a 'family tree' like Farmer did for Tarzan and Doc Savage -- why should the Harmons be the only 'hero dynasty'?), but I would like to know in advance: does it say where the Xenovores came from?


I have a bet running with a gamer/SF fan buddy that they were originally engineered as some sort of cheap explorer species before turning conquerer. After all -- they can live on virtually anything organic, their tech base is very simple and easy to maintain (they just grow everything, as I recall), they are very aggressive and curious, and they seem to spawn like rabbits and grow to adulthood quickly. That can all spell 'explorer' as much as 'warrior'.

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Re: Alien Wars?


Yes the history of the Xeno's is probably my favorite part of the book. I have to say that, while I do like the book, it's not one of my favorites. I think Hero tried to stuff too much into it, and just gave everything a rough glossing over. I was hoping for a short general history of everything that happened and then focus on one period of time and really detail it out, but again JMHO.

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Re: Alien Wars?


IOW, something like they did with Terran Empire??


I agree, this hurt Alien Wars some, but OTOH, I think I see where they were coming from. There isn't any single era of the Xenovore War that encompasses all that is interesting in a military sci-fi setting, like how the reign of Marissa III provides for basically every space opera style. This is logical, since a good deal of what defines a given military sci-fi story is where it fits into the given military campaign. You simply can't do the same types of stories on the eve of the war as you can during Operation Guillotine.

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Re: Alien Wars?


You're right there are a lot of different avenues they could have taken, and you can never please everyone, but I was looking for something to take some of the work off of being a GM. This really only makes it so that you can fit your campaign into the "Official" time-line but doesn't really take away any of the work of making the campaign. You still have to come up with maps, most of the equipment and ships and stats for most of the NPC's.


Again you can't please everyone, and I understand this, but this is what I was looking for in this supplement.

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Re: Alien Wars?


Hypothetically speaking, thats the kind of material that could be expected in further sourcebooks for the setting. Much like Worlds of Empire will describe various planets of the Terran Empire setting in detail, there would be, say, a sourcebook/adventuring detailing a major battleground of the war.


Unfortunately, poor sales have pretty much doomed such books. . . :(

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Re: Alien Wars?


I don't think such books are altogether doomed. Going by comments Steve has made, we're just going to have to wait longer to see them.


I'll be happy when I can have Worlds Of Empire, Scourges Of The Galaxy, Star Hero Battlegrounds, and Galactic Federation on my shelf. Anything beyond that will be just gravy.... :D

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