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Bad Girl Hero


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Given that Dark Champion is on the horizon and DOJ is making a champions book centered around animated hero, do you think there is enough material to make a book centered around the Bad Girls of comics (like Shi, Witchblade and others) or would it at most be just an article in DH?



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Re: Bad Girl Hero


Given that Dark Champion is on the horizon and DOJ is making a champions book centered around animated hero, do you think there is enough material to make a book centered around the Bad Girls of comics (like Shi, Witchblade and others) or would it at most be just an article in DH?



I personally feel that the subject is at once too limited and too broad (if you'll excuse the bad pun).

Too limited in that you are essentially describing characters, not a true, fully developed genre.

Too broad in that there aren't enough tropes to unify the genre. Besides being tough women, do they have any genre conventions in common (besides barrage-balloon-sized anatomy)?


Keith "Vote against" Curtis

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Re: Bad Girl Hero


Given that Dark Champion is on the horizon and DOJ is making a champions book centered around animated hero, do you think there is enough material to make a book centered around the Bad Girls of comics (like Shi, Witchblade and others) or would it at most be just an article in DH?



Well personally if you took all the bad girls of every genre and wrote book on it in detail like the book of classic enemies you might have something. But I think there'd also be more filler (no pun intended) such as story seeds,mini-adventures and plot devices. I think such a book would be lacking without also the bad boys of heroism. Very likely this would be more intune with Dark Champions so it'll likely be a suppliment with adventures and NPC style heroes and villians all around that take bad to the extreme
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