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Help with team name


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Hi Guys,


I have a new party playing in a well established world and city. All of the players are new to Champions. The party is having a great deal of trouble naming their group, and I would like help.


A little background: We use in this game (and all of the games set in this universe) a convention that is a holdover from my old V+V days in Junior High. The players play themselves, just with super powers added. The main superhero team in the campaign city has almost always been called Avatar. There were three distinct teams that took this name over a period of eighty years. (In fact the new team's base is in Avatar II's refitted digs.) The group would very much not like to use Avatar as their name in order to assert their own identity.


The Four members of the group are:


Sigma- A density increasing brick


Chinook- An air-based heroine posessed of a Native American wind spirit, also married to Sigma.


Headgame- Mentalist who can directly control the pain an pleasure centers in people's brains.


Nightspike (yeah, I know)- 17 year old who can pull 'Darkmatter' out of his coat. Can create darkness fields and teleport.


We might also be getting a fifth member named Cobalt who is, more-or-less, a Green Lantern clone who needs no ring.


Anyway, I would love any ideas you good folks might have.




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Re: Help with team name


What you really need is something that ties them together...


The X-men were named for their "X-tra" abilities (and Xavier's initial). The Justice League was all about, well, justice.


Hey--the Champions genre book has a really great super-team generator in it, if you really can't decide. It's fun to play with. :)



Er... What's the name of the campaign city?

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Re: Help with team name


The Campaign is located in New Aukland Virginia, which is located where Norfolk should be. Don't ask me about the name. It sounded good when we were eighteen, but we have had to come up with a VERY convoluted story as to why it was called New Aukland.


Thanks for all of the ideas that we have already. I have decided to let the local press name the team. You know some hotshot reporter throw out a name and have it stick. Any Ideas along those lines?





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Re: Help with team name


Sigma got me thinking about fraternities...


how about the Fraternity of Freedom ?

Stange minds think alike?


The first thing that came to mind was something like Sigma Chi Huh?


That's not very helpful, though.


Sigma Flight! (Not any better).


This is kind of hard because there does not seem to be anything (from what has been mentioned) to link the characters together other than geographical location. They could be like a pro sports team and be the New Aukland Avatars (Didn't want to use Avatar, so that's out).


I haven't been able to think of anything decent with Virginia either. It was one of the original thirteen colonies, so maybe something like the Patriots or Freedom Fighters. Perhaps something with Liberty, Revolution, Revolutionaries, or Independence (Kind of long words for a Superteam name). Liberty Legion? Patriots, Inc.? Of course, they may not be patriotic supers.


Please provide some information about why they are together, who or what they fight, their motivations, etc... That may help people who reply come up with something more appropriate to what the team is about.



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Re: Help with team name


Virginia? They want to break into their own identity, leaving the already-made history behind? They're all about college age?


What about the "New Rebels?"

I do not know. One is age 17, but two of the others are married which implies that they are in their mid 20's or older.



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Re: Help with team name


Ok, some more information as requested.


Three of the party members are in college. 22, 21, and 21, I believe. the other is 17, and obviously still in high school. They got together for a couple of reasons. Sigma and Chinook are recently married both in the game and in real life. (A month ago yeasterday) Obviously, they have a reason to work together. They all have had run-ins with my big, bad, Viper-like group called CHESS. They agreed to band together because they had come out on the loosing end of all of their early encounters with the group. In addition, an NPC (My old character-Hopscotch) organized them together in the first place, after having watched them work as individuals. He provides them with a base and advice just as annother older hero did for my origional group fifteen years ago.


Their main goal right now seems to be to make New Aukland a better place for everyone and to find out what CHESS is up too. They are also looking to help the cause of the local homeless population after an encounter with a group of homeless supers called the Outcasts, with whom they have established friendly relations.


Also personality wise:


Sigma is a Physicist who also loves asian history and is a practicing Taoist. He is more concerned with right and wrong than the Law, and han no trouple bucking the system when he thinks it better. Sigma's powers come from a lab accident while working on dimensional transportation device. As a result, he can fold the mass of his higher dimensional selves into his third dimensional body. Sigma is the math symbol for summation, so he thought the name appropriate. At first, this player was not big on the idea of taking a Code vs. Killing, but after almost killing two CHESS agents, has vowed never to take a life.


Chinook was visiting family in Washington State, and they decided to go to a local Native American tribal demonstration that is usually aimed a tourists. The tribal performers demonstrated an ancient wind ritual that was supposed to summon the air spirits and ask for their aid in the comming growing season. A spirit did indeed come, and for some reason was bonded to the player's body. The wind spirit allows her to turn her body into air and command the air around her. The Spirit also talks to her from insider her own head, which can be very distracting at times.


Headgame is a mutant who can control the pain a pleasure centers in humans. He can disable his opponents by wracking them with pain from nowhere or let his allies literally feel no pain. He managed to take out a stray CHESS agent early on and steal his armor, and jump boots, which he has painted and modified for his own use. He is the Mechanical tinkerer of the group.


Nightspike is a teenager who, while attending a gaming convention found a very nice trenchcoat in the lost-and-found box at the convention hotel. He decided to take the coat and quickly found that it was not like any other garment that he had ever seen. He discovered that he could summon forth a cloud of darkness from the inside of the coat. He could also reach in and produce semi-phisical weapons made of "Shadowstuff." Right now he can produce shadow knives that do not cut physically, but cause tremendous pain, and shadow chains that can bind people for a time. Nightspike also has the ability to teleport by folding himself into the shadow dimension and coming back out somewhere else. He also found, the hard way, that if the coat is not being worn and is left in the dark, sometimes large demons made of shadowstuff come out and kill anyone they find. He is now VERY careful about what he does with the coat.


That is a little more detail on the party. One of the main reasons that they are having trouble with a name is that they seem to hate old school group names. Aegis was the most promissing contender, but ended up not being accepted.



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Guest rholio

Re: Help with team name


Seeing as the press is naming them, they don't really need to like the name, do they? It'd be a good incentive for them to do the work if the press started calling them The New Avatars, for instance.


I'd suggest New Rebels, or Freedom Force.

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Re: Help with team name


Hi Guys,


I have a new party playing in a well established world and city. All of the players are new to Champions. The party is having a great deal of trouble naming their group, and I would like help.


We might also be getting a fifth member named Cobalt who is, more-or-less, a Green Lantern clone who needs no ring.


A group name we had in a Dark Champions game that seems a bit appropriate here is Counterforce.


As for Cobalt, that was the name of my GL Guy Gardner clone!


Good luck on the team name, and let us know what you choose!

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Re: Help with team name


The Campaign is located in New Aukland Virginia,....

You know some hotshot reporter throw out a name and have it stick. Any Ideas along those lines?


Um, the Virginians. If they're liked of course (also, a play off of The Virginian).


As for the press/reporter throwing out the name, that's how our DC group caught on to the Counterforce name. The reporter went something like, "A new group of heroes has shown up as a counter force to the [villain group]'s recent crime spree." She then went on to ask who were these people and if anyone had their names to contact the station.


After that, the mayor of the city invited our group to a "private" reception (i.e. only the rich and high class were present) where we were thanked. Of course, the local villain group showed up and both figuratively and literally crashed the party. We captured them after much ado. If only it were that simple when Card Shark's organization took the reins.

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Re: Help with team name


Ok, some more information as requested.


Their main goal right now seems to be to make New Aukland a better place for everyone and to find out what CHESS is up too.


Also personality wise:

Hmm, well, is CHESS going to be a regular menace in your campaign city? If so, maybe a chess-related name like Gambit, with their base called the Rook.


Maybe a semi-silly name that relates to CHESS and homelessness: Pawnbrokers. And just because Checkmate is taken, doesn't mean you can't use it in your own game. I humbly admit that I made a character called Checkmate (in the same Dark Champions game we played; he was my second character after my first one died), based off the DC comic title itself. He was expensive, but worth it!


One additional suggestion is to have your news reporter(s) go through a list of names that you like (calling them 'team a' at one report, 'team b' the second, etc.) until they choose their own. Of course, if they are noncomittal and don't create one of their own, just go with the one you like and keep using it over and over until they do something about it. :yes:

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Re: Help with team name


What about the Check-ers?


Um, because they check on people...


And they're, uh, against CHESS...


Can I go back to my last suggestion? :fear:

lol! Well, chess is a thinking game that stimulates the brain. Another game that can be used for the same reason and represents four is Quarto! If you get the fifth though, you're either screwed, or the press jokes that the fifth person is the 'spare.' Which works if one person can't make it!

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Re: Help with team name


Okay, last offer now, really. I mean, five posts in a row, sheesh! :o What is the team's outlook as far as the law goes? Do they skip over laws that hinder crimefighting, or do they disregard the law completely?


If it is the latter and they don't care for image, but you want an Avatar-themed group name, go for Iconoclasts, plural, synonymous with nonconformist, rebel, dissenter, and radical.

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Re: Help with team name


ok just to empty out this thread...


I too the suggestion of letting the press start calling them different names. Knightwatch, Aegis, The New Angels, and some that you guys had suggested. This spurred them into taking some action on picking their own name. They pretty quickly settled on Southern Star. Not what I would have picked, but kinda nice. Tonight was a wierd session, but lotsa fun. sometimes a party takes a completely different direction from what you expect...




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Re: Help with team name


ok just to empty out this thread...


I too the suggestion of letting the press start calling them different names. Knightwatch, Aegis, The New Angels, and some that you guys had suggested. This spurred them into taking some action on picking their own name. They pretty quickly settled on Southern Star. Not what I would have picked, but kinda nice. Tonight was a wierd session, but lotsa fun. sometimes a party takes a completely different direction from what you expect...





Excellent, nothing scares folks like the media being put in charge of the details :eg:

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