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Newbie Question on XP Points


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I have been role playing for about 15 years now, and I have just come onto the Hero system. After playing my first session, I recieved 2 XP (or character points) and I am unsure as to how to use them.


My character is basically a "Brick" and though I am not a min/maxer or serious powergamer, I am not sure I understand how character progression works. I mean, what should I do with these points in order to ensure my character is not "left behind"?


Thank you.



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Re: Newbie Question on XP Points


You can go one of two routes...spend 'em as you get 'em, or save.


If you spend 'em, you're only gonna get small stuff, like a slightly increased Characteristic or a new skill. These are nothing to sneeze at though. Two points buys you two Familiarities, and two more makes one of them a full skill). And don't forget Combat Skill Levels. Upside: You are always worth all your points. Downside: You never/rarely get new powers and your old ones rarely improve.


If you save 'em, you can buy the big stuff, like power stunts (new powers) or special equipment you might want (a radio, a team vehicle, etc). Upside: Nothing is out of reach (baring GM consent). Downside: You will often be worth your full value with 5-20 points saved and not doing anything for you until you spend them later.

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Re: Newbie Question on XP Points


The best way I've used for spending Xp was pretty simple. Think of something you imagine you character can do that he /she can't currently manage and then begin to build that ability. Maybe the first time you "learn" this new stunt it'll have disads that limit its usefullness or availability but as you get more Xp you can buy it to how you finally envision it.


Hope this helps and Welcome to Hero.

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Re: Newbie Question on XP Points


Saving them is probably your best option now.


Most important thing to guide you in spending the XP is the concept of your character. Let's take Clossius as a prototype brick. It is in concept that Colossius would have Strength, high Defenses, Life Support. Maybe Collossius' player would want to make him stronger (add STR), or through training improve his DCV (levels with HtH), or maybe add an unusual defense like Power Defense. Or maybe the player would like to buy more END, or reduced END on the strength he already has. All of this is within the concept. However, the player would be hard pressed to explain how a brick with the power of changing into living metal would be able to read minds or fire lasers from his eyes.


Having said that, IMHO no brick can have too much CON, levels on OCV, or Mental Defense (every villian with mind control will try to turn the Brick agains their teammates). If you can justify it, combat sense is a lot more efficent than flash defense. If you have no other movement powers, an extra inch of running takes your half move from 3" to 4".


After 3 or 4 adventures, ask "Am I taking a lot of damage? Do I swing and miss a lot? Am I running out of END? Am I having to hit an opponent several times before they fall down?" Each yes will indicate a place where you may want to spend XP.


Finally, your teammates and GM are your best resources. As them if you should, for example, buy more END, buy more CON (which will increase you END, but only 25% as much as buying END directly), or buy reduced END on your STR (usually a Brick's most END intensive power).


Most important rule: Have fun!

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Re: Newbie Question on XP Points



The number one thing to do with XP, is to use them to STAY IN CONCEPT!

I don't mean to yell, but this cannot be stressed enough when you are a new player.

One of the "problems" with the flexibility of the Hero System is that, unless players and GM's keep an eye on things, all the characters can eventually look the same.

The Brick decides that he is "too slow" and starts adding SPD and DEX.

The Martial Artist "gets Stunned too easy" and starts adding Armor.

The Mentalist is "useless in combat" so he starts adding STR and Martial Arts.

A while down the road, everyone ends up with the same Characteristics, the same PD/ED, the same SPD, etc. etc.

Use your points to make your character a better Brick.

Don't try to remove every "weakness", those are the things that can make gameplay fun, and in genre.

If everyone is good at everything, why would you need a team?

When each character has its own specific capabilities, each player gets their turn in the spotlight.

With your RPG experience, this may not be a problem for you, but Hero can bring out the "tinkerer" in even the best of players.

It is all too easy to "fix" a few things in your character as you go along, until the Bricks are Fast, the Martial Artists are Tough, and the Mentalists are Combat Monsters.

Just wanted to give you a heads up before any damage was done.:)


Oh, and welcome to Hero!



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Re: Newbie Question on XP Points


I personally keep 2-4 XP in reserve just in case. Unless I'm going somewhere very specific with my character having some free floating points (and even then, having a point or two unusued) is helpful, it allows you to learn a familiarity mid-adventure (hey, sometimes reading those manuals while you're en route to the fight helps!) or if dramatic enough and the GM allows use it to gain "untapped" potential at that crucial moment mid session ... a life/death situation, if you only had just a few points in that one Skill/Stat/Etc you could do it! IF you've got the XP right there and the GM allows you might be able to spend it right away and gain that extra bit to save the day...


It's all in how you play the game.


And like others pointed out .. saving up XP allows you to purchase new powers that cost more than a few points .. if you're working towards something (like a gadgeteer who's working on his latest project) but need a bunch of points each session or between session is spent "working on the conecpt" (in the case of the gadeteer that means lab time) until you have enough XP to purchase the power and voila! There you go. New power.

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