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Robin gets Robbed!


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I have been doing a little reading of back issues of Detective Comics.

Way back issues!

Like the first few years, around the time Robin was introduced.

All I can say is, Robin has gotten a really bad, and for the most part undeserved, rep for being "The Boy Hostage".

In the early days, when Batman was a detective with a few gadgets, before he became the God-like being that he is today, Robin saved Batman's bacon more times than the reverse.


Batman was constantly taking on groups of armed thugs.

But this was before Bat-Kevlar and 200 points worth of Martial Arts.

This was back when Batman was much more mortal.


And back then, it was nothing to see either a Villain (like in one of the numerous Joker appearances) or an everyday thug with a gun, about to blow the back of Batman's head off.


Suddenly, Robin would crash in to save the day! Knocking the thug's aim off at the last second, or getting Batman out of the latest deathtrap.


Batman wasn't being portrayed as stupid or weak, but I think they were actually writing him according to his Psych Lims.

He had to fight crime. Under any circumstances.

The odds being overwhelming did not enter in to the equation.


So, if there were too many thugs for him to take down, one of them would often get an unprotected shot at the back of his Cowl.


At which point Robin would provide a distraction, tackle the thug, or do something to spoil his aim.


Don't take me for some kind of huge Robin fan. In some ways I found him somewhat annoying, but you can't fault the job he did.

Between his young age, and his effectiveness as a crime fighter, he deserves the title of "Hero" every bit as much as his mentor.


Just my opinion,



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Re: Robin gets Robbed!


Hey, when my brother and I played Batman & Robin with towels pinned around our necks as capes*, I was always Robin... so I agree, Robin is waaaaaaay cooler than Batman. :D About time he gets his due!






*I was about 4 and my brother was 7 and we lived to watch Batman & Robin. :D

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Re: Robin gets Robbed!


I think the "Boy Hostage" bit as explained in the Dark Knight Returns is pretty apropriate. Robin is the distraction. The flurry of color that will distract an opponent and allow Batman to fight multiple or very powerful opponents easier. Along with this responsibility came the occupational hazard of sometimes getting captured while jumping in and using martial arts/acrobatics to distract the badguys.


I guess I just dont think Robin ever got it that bad. He's the sidekick of the world's greatest crimefighter and while the Boy Hostage bit may be annoying, everyone knows how useful he is.


If you wanna talk about sidekick-ish characters that got it bad, you should read Wild Cards. Poor Kid Dinosaur.

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Re: Robin gets Robbed!


Robin rules! The original is my favorite DC character. My favorite DC title is/was the 80's run of Teen Titans.


You've got to give Robin/Nightwing lots of credit. He is one of the most accomplished acrobats in the universe (according to DC rpg stats) and even a better martial artist than batman. (He says that somewhere, but I forget where!)


I think he is the most human of all the heroes in DC. (Tim Drake being a close second.)


And my second favorite DC character is his best friend The Flash!! What a team they make!

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Re: Robin gets Robbed!


If you wanna talk about sidekick-ish characters that got it bad' date=' you should read Wild Cards. Poor Kid Dinosaur.[/quote']


Alass, pore Kid Dinosaur...utterly destroyed by The Astrominer, just to stop an alien invasion only he (the Astrominer) knew about. And it diden't even work.

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