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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


I do get snarky, though not to those present in the room when I make the comments. But about others, yes. Some of the students draw the correct logical extension.


I am one of the "many cyncial friends" cited here, and I claim sole authorship to Part 2 Items 6 and 7 and Part 4 Item 5 in particular.

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Re: The Last Word


. . . Anyway. Me and the bro had a Firefly marathon this weekend. Ten hours of the best TV Sci-Fi ever, and a kick-ass movie afterwards.


Me: "What'cha say, one more episode?"


Bro: "Okay, but then I gotta sleep."


. . .


Bro: "One more episode?"


Me: "Yep. But it's the last one for tonight, right?"


Bro: "Right."


. . .


Bro: "How many episodes are there left?"


Me: "Just one."


Bro: "Well, if it's just one, then . . . No need to wait 'til tomorrow . . ."


. . .


Me and my brother aren't good influences on each other.

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Re: The Last Word


Sunday, 13th August.

I get off a flight from Moscow at 3.30am in Tyumen, Siberia. A driver awaits me. I've been travelling for 23 hours, I stink with sweat and various food odours, I dare not remove my trainers. We get to my apartment, I sign off his trip sheet. I get off the elevator and go through the triple locks that bar my apartments front doors. I enter the apartment, throw my bags on the floor. Carefully remove my laptop from the travel bag, plug in the power supply and hit the un-hibernate.


The laptop starts up and drops me straight back in a game of Civ III Complete - Ottoman Empire, 1926. There are 4 other nations left and I'm in the 2nd place. The Americans are bigger with more miltary but are a tech or 2 behind me. The Germans match me for tech but are smaller and they have Panzers to my Sherman tanks and Sipahi. The French are also rans and can be taken out with minimal difficulty anytime except that they're in a mutual protection pact with the Germans.



Did I turn it off and go to bed? Or did I stay awake until 8.00am playing the game out? YOU DECIDE.

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Re: The Last Word


. . . Anyway. Me and the bro had a Firefly marathon this weekend. Ten hours of the best TV Sci-Fi ever, and a kick-ass movie afterwards.


Me: "What'cha say, one more episode?"


Bro: "Okay, but then I gotta sleep."


. . .


Bro: "One more episode?"


Me: "Yep. But it's the last one for tonight, right?"


Bro: "Right."


. . .


Bro: "How many episodes are there left?"


Me: "Just one."


Bro: "Well, if it's just one, then . . . No need to wait 'til tomorrow . . ."


. . .


Me and my brother aren't good influences on each other.

Josh and I did the same, exact thing. ;)


I thought Bazza said he was starting a new thread for the winks . . .?

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