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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


don't quite know yet. Last time we had to replace the Power Supply. This time the secondary internal hard drive was makeing a clicking sound, and then there was power problems. The tech said the he removed this hard drive and booted it and it was working fine for a long period of time. a couple of hours later he said the primary hrd drive was now playing up and the computer went into a "kernal spasm" (I forget the correct term). Needless to say this old computer is having serious problems.


Also the first tech was unsure whether the initial problem was the power supply or the logic board was the cause of the problem. One replacement of the power supply and a good month later, as said above, the second hard drive was making clicking sounds and generally unusuable. So I'm suspicious that it may be the logic board after all. Which would make me not happy, particularly as we have already replaced the power supply.


If the first case if it was the logic board we would have bought new computer, now having bought a new power supply we could have used this towards the new computer.


Anyway, my hope it that it will last another year and a bit, until Apple brings out the Intel Macs. Considering that we got one month use last time, a whole 12 months is really stretching it. I hope it will last this long. :)


(and yeah, I have repeated some points I think, but hay, that is the way God programmed me. :P )

update: the new power supply is indeed dead and a replacement has been ordered. :rolleyes:
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Stinky stinky stinky!


You should store your carcasses in the freezer. They won't smell so bad.


I'll endorse that one. When we got back home Sunday after a week's absence the place stank ... really stank. My wife finally found the source the following morning. All I can think is that before we departed, while rooting around in the chest freezer downstairs, one of us pulled out the nondescript plastic bag that had some trout that my mom had given us, and left it in the heap of other (but empty) nondescript plastic bags next to the freezer. So the trout were left a week (at least) to, well, stink up the joint.

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Re: The Last Word


Had a bowl of Cantonese Chicken Wok in the fridge for three months before I was bothered enough to throw it away.


The bowl too.


"Red meat isn't bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you."

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