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Re: The New Circle


Well, before I do my writeup on the last member of the Black Tryangle (The Puppet), I should give you the 411 on who thay like and hate in The Mystical World (Warning: I only have Arcain Adversaries on me, but I will proably update this list when I get a chance).


Archmago (the rements of...): The Black Tryangle dosen't truly know what to think about Archmago. Shure, he is now long dead, but strange magical objects are still turning up with Archmago's handywork. Not to mention The Evil Eye and Frag (two of many people still around manipulated by Archmago). When Archmago was still alive, Lucifer was an aquantence of his, so there is something "friendly" between them. But one day, something could arive in the mail which would put something in motion things Lucifer would rather keep his hands out of.


Black Fang: Thay know nothing about him except for rumors about some 'wild animal attacks' durring the full moon.


Black Palidan And His Knights Of The Dark Raven: There is no real contact between theas two groups. The Black Tryangle sees them as evil, so thay leave them alone (unless there plans spoils the Black Tryangles plans).


Bromion: Thay would defently be at each other's necks. Lucifer will NOT wat a "control freek" working with them, and would rather have the New Circle win then have the control of the universe handed over to it. Bromion views The Black Tryangle as agents of order (since many demons, in spite living in constently changing enviroments, love the control of others), but hates to shair the planed control of the universe with other beings.


The Crowns Of Krim: Thay have a friendly attatude twords each other, othoe both sides knows it is a false face. Both teems plan on betraing each other, in good time. Lucifer knows Krim is a demon, and in a way, serves him, but Krim is only one of many demon lords he serves. As for Dark Serip, he aknolages Lucifer's ability to corupt people, and admiers it. But that is all he admiers about him.


The (New) Circle: Thay hate each other. It is that plain simple. The Black Tryangle exists to eradicate The Circle, and there good deeds. And The Circle looks upon The Black Tryangle as just one of the mystical evils of the world which humans need to be protective from. Simply put, thay will stop at nothing to at least hinder the team. Including spreading rumors about links between the group and the Circle of The Scarlet Moon, and rumors of unspekable rituals involviong children, sharp objects, and summoned demons.


The Circle Of The Scarlet Moon: The name is to simuler to The Circle for there taist. Beyond that, there are only small relationships between members and individual archdruids. Thay will join forces if it best suits them. And Lucifer can and will go agenst them, when it suits them. Thay are cairful about contact, thoe. Thay know thay can outpower an avrage archdruid, but all an archdruid needs is a bit of blood, some skin flakes, or anything simuler, and he can put an avrage member into a world of hurt.


DEMON: See The Kings Of Edom.


The Devil's Advocates: Thay are an intresting bunch. Lucifer cairs not about the Magical Renasonce The Demologest wants to start. The Demologest dosen't truly cair about The Circle, for even if thay defeat them, thay still win. Othoe The Demologest isjellous of Lucifer's higher standing in the ranks of demonkind. Lucifer, on the other hand, is jellous that The Demologest can act so freely, and dosen't have to kotow to demon masters. Lucifer is also intrested in Tartarus, especaly the fact that he has that kind of demon body without bartering up his soul.


Doctor Teneber: This is, prehaps the only living magic user thay fear (if only the fact that most of the members are souless, and he can reserect people by placing souls into souless bodies). Thay take great cair to avoid him. Thay eventuly plan on eliminating him, but that is further down the road, when the Circle has been taken cair of.


Doctor White And Doctor Black: Lucifer is on true name bases with the demon which opened them up to mystical power. Lucifer is lerrie of them and there goodness, but he knows the more thay use there mystical spells, the more the demon which gave them the powers takes advantage to break free of the hell he is imprisoned in. So, basicly, Lucifer takes no action agenst them.


Harpy: Oddly enougth, Lucifer is one of the names on the list The Harpy has. That dosen't mean that she would work for him, thoe.


Hell Rider: Depends on if Lucifer is one of the six or not. If so, Lucifer treats Hell Rider as an anoiance in his atempts to kill him. Lucifer can easly dismiss Brimstone (and even call up a Nightmair of his own), and his teamates can easly deflect Hell Rider's attacks. Lucifer would be more intrested in Mephistophelese. If Lucifer is not one of the six, it might be poseable that he might be indirectly responcable for granting Hell Rider his powers. Then, he might be able to intervean to extend the deadline for Hell Rider...if only he does some things for him first.


The Kings Of Edom: Simply put, thay want to eat mankind. And Lucifer's masters can't colect souls from an extenteced speces. So thay will help out any hero who fights agenst a portal opening ceromonie. Just remember, thoe, that dealing with them is exactly like dealing with the Devil, and should expect a bitten hand (at least) in the deal for help.


Lamplighter: Lucifer will have nothing to do with the soul vampier, and Lamplighter knows it. So thay avoid each other. Nuff said.


The Monster: It depends on exactly what you say the Monster realy is. If the Monster is only a demon, then Lucifer treats him/it like a servent. If it is basicly the personification of the terror of sentient beings who would not enter Farie, then thay avoid him/it like the plage.


Morningstar: Lucifer has, on ocasion, hiered the posesed mercnarie in the past. While Lucifer is leary about his conections with DEMON, Lucifer knows his body is that of a real demon (as opose to an agent of the Kings Of Edon), and treats him acordently.


Mother Gothel: Lucifer is always cairful around beings from Faerie (being that thay are the third force, and a force between Angels and Demons at that), and Mother Gothel is no exception. He avoids her like the plage, and for good reasions. For her part, she has no intrest in what The Black Triangle does...unless there plans stept on her toes. Then she will curse them (or worse). The only member wich intrests her is The Puppet.


The Sylvestri Clan and The Vandaleurs: Thay deal with them on an individual bases, based on each member's goles. It helps that thay don't realy have much contact with eather clan.


The Slug: See The Kings Of Edom.


Takofans: Thay keep a wide breath between themselves and the Archlitch. Thay will band together with heros to stop him (for a world full of undead, with no living beings, is a world empty of souls which would of gone to Hell). Just remember that there is always a price for there help.


Talisman: Lucifer is intrested in her...not in her powers, but her. To make maters fair, so is his wife. So far, Tailsman has avoided the calls for a "Mystical Tantric Experment" from the both. Othoe she could take them up on the offer, if there is some mystical profet in it for her.


Tezcatlipoca: An evil god is still just that, a god. And seeing that The Black Tryangle members are mostly demons, thay resent gods. Even an evil god can insper the soul to purity. And that spoils the groups long term plans. So thay will help any hero who has to prevent the summing of Tezcatipoca. But remember, there is a price to pay.


The Trismegistus Council: Lucifer views them as just a bunch of noisy goodie-goodies who want to save the world, but lack the power to do so. Note: In a New Circle-less world, The Trismegistus Council becomes there target for hate. If this is the case, then see The (New) Circle.


Witchfinder: Witchfinder is viewed as an angry littel boy with broken toys which could not harm a fly. And, in the Black Tryangle's case, might be true. Now, if Witchfinder could learn some acual magic, thay would be afraid of him. In all it's worth, thay could easly manipulate him into destroying there rivals.


Witchcraft: The Black Tryangle rairly encounters the Champions, yet thay keep a close eye on Witchcraft. Thay know her protental is great, and her heart is pure, and that is what scairs Lucifer the most.

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Re: The New Circle


The being known by his comrades as Mister Mist began its life in the huge sprawl of Babylon. It had observed several heroes that had crossed the dimensional barriers to protect the material world. It decided to emulate those heroes and focused its efforts on battling the strange criminals in the Rookeries.


Mist scored a certain amount of success since no one had ever decided to use vigilante tactics in the ultimate city before. He was the thorn in the side of every villain he had ever unearthed. Normally divided against each other, they joined forces to combat the pest making their lives miserable. Out of that effort came exile to Earth for the foggy fighter.


Mister Mist wandered the world, helping those he could with his powers. Criminals began to fear his high pitched laugh and tendency to throw people off roofs. Everyone had heard of him, but few wanted to talk about meeting him in a dark alley.


Organizations in the mystic world took notice of the fog thing after a little time. DEMON and VIPER added it to their lists of superheroes needing to be killed or dealt with violently after several painful encounters.


Mister Mist had encountered Swithin during his wandering time away from Virginia. The two liked each other on first sight. When McGowrie returned to Fall Rivers, Mister Mist was at his side with a helping hand. That association led to the hero of Babylon to being recruited by the Trismegistus Council as one of their Dimensional Commandoes.


Mister Mist has even returned to the old neighborhood since then to remind his old enemies that he was still around and still capable of opposing them. It was just now that he had help in ruining things.




Hair/eye color- none/red-orange

Height/mass- variable.

Nationality- Babylonian

Place of birth- Babylon

Date of birth- Unknown


STR (5 pts ) 15

DEX (60 pts) 30

CON (16 pts) 18

BODY (16 pts) 18

INT (15 pts) 25

EGO (40 pts) 30

PRE (15 pts) 25

COM (1 pt) 11

PD 3

ED 3



END 36




ECV 10

PHASES 3, 6, 9, 12



Body of Fog 50 pt Multipower

2U Body of Fog: Desolidfication (40 pts), only to protect against physical attacks(-1) 20 pts

2U Getting through cracks: Desolidification (40 pts), cannot pass through solid objects (-½) 27 pts

1U Poison Touch: HKA 2d6 (30 pts), does not work on nonliving organisms (-½), no STR bonus (-½), 15 pts

2U Stretching out: stretching 8" (40 pts) cannot do damage (-½), always direct (-1/4), 22 pts

3U Fog all over the place: Darkness to sight group 4" radius (40 pts) personal immunity (+1/4/ 50 pts), no range, (-½) 33 pts

3U Float on a cloud: flight 20" (40 pts), only in contact with a solid surface (-1/4) 32 pts


Telepathy 8d6 (40 pts) No range (-1/2), must follow grab (-½) 20 pts

INT Drain: 4d6 (40 pts) linked to telepathy (-1/2), no range (-½), must follow grab (-½) 16 pts


Mental Defense 10 pts


Life Support self contained breathing, does not have to eat, does not have to sleep, safe in low pressure/ vacuum/high pressure, immune to all terrestrial diseases and poisons. 39 pts


Cost Skill Roll

3 forensics 14-

3 interrogation 14-

3 stealth 15-

3 shadowing 15-

3 security systems 14-

3 streetwise 14-

3 survival 14-

3 tracking 14-

3 paramedics 14-

3 electronics 14-

3 analyze crime scenes 14-

3 AK: Babylon 14-

3 AK: Rookeries 14-

3 KS: the criminal world 14-

3 KS: law enforcement 14-

3 KS: major heroes and villains 14-

3 Navigation 14-

3 Martial grab

4 choke hold

4 killing strike

4 nerve strike

3 throw

40 + 8 levels with hth combat

20 Universal translator

5 member: Trismegistus Council


Disadvantages 150 pts

20 DF: orange cloud in a coat and hat (not concealable, is always noticed,)

10 DF: babylonian aura (not concealable, detectable by small group)

10 Hunted: Babylonian rogues gallery (as powerful, is limited to Babylon, PC is easy to find, want to kill) 8 -

35 Hunted: Demon (more powerful, NCI, PC is easy to find, wants to kill) 14-

15 Reputation: vigilante with violent tendencies (extreme) 11-

20 Honorable (common, total)

15 hates criminals (common, strong)

5 Rivalry with other vigilantes (professional, more powerful, seeks to out do rival, rival is unaware)

20 subject to orders


Characteristics Cost: 168

Powers Cost: 148

Skills Cost: 134

Total Cost: 450


Plot Hook 1) A bevy of Mr. Mist's old enemies have decided to invade the real world to look for it. Until they find the vigilante cloud, making the local heroes lives a misery is the next big thing on their list.


Plot Hook 2) Mr. Mist, and other living clouds, have been kidnaped for some unknown purpose. Hints and clues point to the forging of a giant cloud that could become a storm giant, an elemental capable of vast destructive impulses.


Plot Hook 3) Mr. Mist has been seen interrogating local criminals. All of his questions seem to be about a statue that has surfaced in the criminal underworld. Is it a Babylonian artifact, a magical item of some other origin, or a keepsake of a checkered past? Do the heroes interfere in its search?

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Re: The New Circle


Doh!!! I can't read it with the new board changes, but thanks. I'll wait for it.








I go away for a few months, and someone breaks the boards? ;)


You can find the rest of the New Circle here:




Meanwhile, here is The Master:



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Re: The New Circle


Cap Charlton smiled tightly as the Q-Man held the turtle ship in his giant hand. Moments later the craft was back in its home dimension thanks to the remote control the Scarab had rigged up. A glimpse in the future had shown him a very public execution taking place.


That wasn't any concern of his.


His concern stopped at the point of the invaders versus the Earth. Anything else was no concern of his. He waited for Q-Man to fly back on board before he headed back to base. Reports had to be written and filed, and the swamp bomb had a place in a secret warehouse waiting for it.


The plane banked gently as it headed for home.


Relations with other organizations:

The Dimensional Commandoes typically operate on missions dealing with extradimensional invasions. They have limited contact with other heroes, and have established good, but not excellent, relations with those teams and solo heroes they have crossed paths with since their inception.


They have helped foiled several plots by villains like Dr. Destroyer, Mechanon, and the Ultimates, but these are rare occurrences. Their main enemies are DEMON, and Istvatha V'han. A close third is the Sylvestris family of mystics.


The D-Commandoes represent a collection of skills and powers that could be used to hasten Luther Black's summoning of the Kings of Edom. Q-Man, by himself, is a large dose of Qliphothic essence that could be used to weaken the world if his armored shell was broken down. Swithin's luck could be harnessed to change things to go anyway that chance could alter things.


The problem is that Cap Charlton conducts preemptive raids on any DEMON lair that try to gear up to attack his team. His foresight circumvents any trap and allows his group to counter anything a morbane or brother can try to stop them. Several clashes with the Unholy Trinity has led Charlton to believe that DEMON was involved in the disappearance of his friend which has only fueled his obsessiveness to rip away any secret the group possesses.


V'han has become a regular enemy due to covert operations in parallel dimensions. That has led the Council to help set up resistance networks, and provide training for those other places to oppose the empress. This has in turn led to covert strikes into the gray areas surrounding the expanding empire.


These operations are intended to slow V'han's campaign, even though there is no hope of actually dethroning her at the moment. A secondary effect is to protect the Earth from any transdimensional flanking attack that could be used as a loophole in the agreement signed with the Champions.


The feud with the Sylvestris began over Council operatives being killed by Bocal MacFarlane. Ever since then, the Council has done what it could to disrupt any plans that it learns about, which means the D-Commandoes are expected to bear the brunt of this secret war. They haven't been able to strike a solid blow against the clan as a whole, but they have confiscated some valuable resources, and destroyed others. Mister Mist is especially hated by those of the clan who have dealt with him.


The rest of the mystic world have encountered the Commandoes, but this has not led to the enmity that they share with DEMON. It's only a matter of time.

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Re: The New Circle


That's the whole Charlton/ D-Commandoes team finally. I think I will stick with solo heroes from now on. A team is a pain and a half.


Cap Charlton is the Peacemaker with Johnny Smith vision. Q-Man is Captain Atom, an emitter of dangerous radiation. Scarlet Scarab a mystic Blue Beetle. Lily Veil is probably more like the Nightshade of today than when she first started out. Fu the kung fu master is a Chinese Judomaster. Mister Mist is the Question.


The last member Swithin is the direct opposite of Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt.


Cannon had to work for everything, undergoing years of training to become a physical and mental marvel that can focus his will to do amazing feats and be a reluctant hero.


Swithin is a hero because he would like to share his good fortune, and the world helps him do that as much as it can. Everything goes his way so he has no problem lending someone a helping hand. He just isn't ready to wear a costume.



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Re: The New Circle


Finaly, the last of the Black Tryangle, The Puppet (a Toyman analog). With him, there are twelve members. That is a lot, but remember, Lucifer wants thrirteen members.


The Puppet


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

25 STR 15 14- Lift: 800kg 3d6 [2]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8 DCV: 8

25 CON 30 14-

15 BODY 10 12-

16 INT 6 12- PER Roll: 12-

16 EGO 12 12- ECV: 5

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

10 COM 0 11-


5 PD 0 Total PD: 5 PD (0 rPD)

5 ED 0 Total ED: 5 ED (0 rED)

6 SPD 27 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

20 REC 20

50 END 0

50 STUN 10

Total Charatistic Cost: 189


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Swiming: 2"/4"

Swinging: 15"/30"

Teleportation: 20"/40"


Cost Power END

90 Demonic Powers Of A Giant Puppet: Multipower 90 points

18m Puppet Strings, Tangel: Entngel 6d6, 6DEF, Indirect (above, +1/2) 9

5m Puppet Stings, Control: Mind Control 10d6, Indirect (above, +1/2), Telepathic (+1/4), Based On CON (-1), Cannot Hide Control From Victom (-1/4), Lockout (-1/2), Visible (victom atached to puppet strings from above, -1/4), Physical Manuification (puppet strings can be targeted and destroyed, and doing so frees victom, any physical/energy attack will do, -1/4) 9

2u Puppet Strings, Swinging: Swinging 15" 3

11m Jerking The Strings: Teleportation 20", Usable As Attack (+1), Only Affects Self And/Or Thoes Affected By Puppet Strings, Tangle (-1/2) 4

8u Assuming A Roll: Shape Shift, Seight, Touch, Hearing, And Mental Sence Group, Imitation, Instant Change, Makeover, Limited Group Of Shapes (Any Humaoid), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2) 0


12 Demonicly Sharpened Wooden Hands: Killing Attack Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR), Reduced Penatration (-1/4) 2


10 Protection Properties Of Being A Giant Wooden Puppet: No Hit Location

15 Protection Properties Of Being A Giant Wooden Puppet: Cannot Be Stuned

15 Protection Properties Of Being A Giant Wooden Puppet: Does Not Bleed

20 Protection Properties Of Being A Giant Wooden Puppet: Damage Reduction 50%, Resistant, Not Agenst Cutting Attacks (-1/2)

20 Protection Properties Of Being A Giant Wooden Puppet: Damage Reduction 50%, Resistant, Not Agenst Fire (-1/2)

50 Protection Properties Of Being A Giant Wooden Puppet: Life Suport, Full



9 Ambidexterity, Full

18 Combat Sence: 16-

4 Double Jointed

5 Eidetic Memory

3 Simulate Death

20 The Puppet Can Speak Whatever The Roll Demands: Universal Translator (basic roll)



13 Acting: 21-

9 Breakfall: 18-

13 Concealment: 18-

15 Contortionist: 21-

20 Craming, 4 slots

10 Defense Maneuver, all

13 Disguise: 18-

5 Power: Demonic "Puppet" Powers: 16-

5 Stealth: 16-

9 Ventriloquism: 16-


Total Power Cost: 442

Total Cost: 631


200+ Disavantages

10 Distinctive Feactures: Giant Living Wooden Puppet (Easly Concealed with powers, Cause Fear)

20 Hunted by The New Circle (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Capture)

20 Psychological Limitation: Extream Hatred Of Children (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Enjoys Killing (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Enjoys Acting (Common, Strong)

10 Social Limitation: "Living Puppet" With No Legal Rights (Occasionally, Major)

20 Vulnerability 2X BODY VS Fire

319 Experence


Background/History: The Earth Dimention is not the only demintion out there. And it is not the only dimention with magic, eather. One day, there was a friendly toy maker named Gatopetto. He enjoyed entertaining children. One day, he got an ideal...to make a giant puppet so that he can use it to put on puppet plays for the children of his home town. He studdied the magic it would take, and started the cairful work on making the puppet.


Unbenounced to Gatopetto, the old king, who was friendly twords magic, passed on. His oldest son took over, and saw any magic a threat to his rule. He eventuly learned of Gatopetto's small project, locked him up for high treasion, and locked the now finished but not used puppet into the deepest vaults of the land.


The Puppet layed, unused. Soon, more magical items were added to the vault. As more magic entered the vault, more magic entered him. Eventuly, he begain to think thoughts. And he begain to see his prison. Then, he started to move. Wishing he could excape the vault so that he could begin his mission to entertain children, he came across a magical mirror which was designed to be a portal to another dimention. Activating it, he entered the portal, not knowing that it lead to hell.


The Puppet started wandering the bleak landscape of hell as a pure thing. Unforcently, nothing pure lasts in hell. As it wondered, the joy for children soon turned into hate. It's love for life turned into a love for taking life. He soon found himself at the feat of some fell demon lord. The demon lord smiled, as he now has a tool to give to his servent.


Twelve years later after his birth, The Puppet found himself in the position of Lucifer Morningstar. His hands were recarved into a wicked sharpness. And it smiled as he was able to use them to pierce the body of a baby. He willenly joined The Black Tryangle with blood on his hands.


Quote: "I have the blood of children on my wooden hands. Oh deer, now I am going to have to whipe them off, in your speen."


Pensonality/Modivation: The Puppet use to be a being which existed only to bring joy to children. Now, with his trip through hell, his one joy has become twisted into hatred. He exists to destroy children...there loves...there lifes.


The only original "joy" left was his enjoyment of playing a part in a show...to act.


Powers/Tactics: The Puppet originaly was a man-size ("giant") wooden puppet who could move "on his own", with the asistance of a magical wooden puppet cross the puppetear would use to manipulate him. He also had a series of miner illusion spells casted upon him, which would allow him to fill any roll the puppet play requiers. His stay in the vault gave him the ability to think for itself, the ability to move for himself, and the ability to use his "strings". Once in hell, he learned to use thoes strings for vareous things.


Tacticly, The Puppet likes to use sneak attacks as much as posable. He knows he is not as "damage proof" as the other members of The Black Tryangle. Because of that, he likes to use his disguise ability, his string attacks, and to cause heros to attack each other.


Apperance: The Pupper looks like a man-size wooden puppet with strings above him atached to each limb which streach out to the stars. He is usaly dressed in a cloth jester suit. This is, of course, when he is not "assuming a roll" and using the minor illusions which have been weaved within him to appear as any other humaoid creater.


Campain Use: To make The Puppet more powerful, increse his dice in his pupper string powers, or even add a few more. To reduce his powers, remove some of his pupper strings powers, and let him relie of stealth and his personal illusions instead.


The Puppet hunts freely. His most prefered victoms are children and people accocate with children. He always attacks from cover of illusions and darkness, and always goes for the kill.


Plot Seeds


The Return Of Gatopetto: Gatopetto has finaly excaped his imprisoment by leaving his dimention. Learning about The Puppet, he wishes to take him home as a way to 'fix' him. Is it realy Gatopetto? If so, will he feal responcable for the crimes his creation did?


The Coko D. Clown Show Massicer: After a tapeing of an intreview for TV, the heros are stoped by a young boy covered in blood. The boy says that the local kid show host, Coko D. Clown, has gone crazy and is murdering evey child in the audeance. Is this realy happening? Or was the boy realy The Puppet, leading the heros to attack a nice old clown?


A Puppet Cross To Bair...: At the local musem, on display with puppets from the yeas past, is an strange ornate puppet cross. The Puppet beleves that that cross was the one that use to control him, and may still have that power. Can the heros stop im before he steals it?

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Re: The New Circle


That puppet is going down.


(Grabs flamethrower.)


Um, you know, your going to have to detect for him first (since he does have Shapshift powers as a "I cover myself in an illusion" thing). And chances are, he is not going to be anywhere near a flamethrower. On the other hand, he dosen't need to be near a flame thrower, seeing that all he has to do is call down some puppet strings, and mind control the flamethrowing wielding loony.


Still, there is something gradifing in having a villian who can be taken out by that kid with a slingshot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


War and Peace 1


It was a house with a good view of the street, but surrounded by hedges to keep the neighbors from seeing what was going. They had numerous visitors at regular intervals. They passed that off as relatives coming by for parties and such.


Irregular visits at all hours tended to attract the notice of the police for many reasons.


Others had taken notice and decided to do something to the owners of the house with a view. After all they had been given gifts, and instructions to on how to use them.


"It's go time," said the bigger silhouette, cradling a massive rifle in his arms.


"Remember we need to be gentle," said the smaller silhouette, arms crossed.


"Gentle this," said the rifleman, taking aim at the house. He pulled the trigger on the rectangular rifle. A wall exploded a second later, causing the front of the house to fall in. Debris flipped outward in a lazy way from the impact.


"You call that gentle?," said the rifleman's partner, charging forward.


"Heck no," said the other, lights sparking on his costume as he walked forward. "That was my knock on the door. That way we know that they know that we mean business."


"You're incorrigible, War," said the smaller vigilante, halfway across the lawn. A visor lit as she scrambled to get to the opened side of the residence. Hopefully those inside had enough sense to give up after War's display of explosive firepower.


"I'll never change, Peace," said War, moving slower but steady to where he had blown the wall down.



Horatio and Deirdre Lyceum had been an ordinary married couple. Horatio was an accountant, working his way up in a local firm. Deirdre had taken leave from her job as a dental hygienist because she was expecting. Everything was going their way.


The night that Deirdre went into labor, Horatio was driving them to the hospital. Her doctor was on the way already. A room would be ready for them. A green fog swept over their car as they neared the medical center. When it had cleared away, it left them both wounded and the baby was gone.


The Lyceums spent time at the hospital trying to recover from the damage that had been done. More than once, they contemplated suicide since no one could help them. It was at this point, they heard voices.

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Re: The New Circle


A chorus of voices talked to the wounded Lyceums, telling them of the great wave of darkness that needed to be opposed. The arrival of Takofanes had stirred up forces, long dormant and half forgotten by men. Someone had to oppose those tidal changes. The couple agreed, seeing the hope of finding out what had happened to them and their baby.


Horatio became a master of weapons, demolitions, armed and armored with equipment from his own imagination.


Deirdre was a master of her own body, and how to use it to protect herself from harm. Things were clearer for her than when she was without the change.


They took the vow to help stop Takofanes and any other of his ilk, and became War and Peace.



Hair/eye color- Brown/brown

Height/mass- 5'9"/175 pounds

Nationality- American

Place of birth- Phoenix, AZ

Date of birth- December 20, 1977


STR (10 pts) 20/40

DEX (3 pts) 11/31

CON (10 pts) 15/35

BODY (10 pts) 15/35

INT (5 pts) 15

EGO (10 pts) 15

PRE (4 pts) 14

COM 10

PD 4/8

ED 3/7

SPD 2/4

REC 7/15

END 30/70

STUN 33/72


OCV/DCV 3/ 10


PHASES 6, 12/ 3,6,9,12



+ 20 str (20 pts), oihid (-1/4) 16 pts

+ 20 dex (60 pts), oihid (-1/4) 48 pts

+ 20 con, (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts

+ 20 body (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts


Armor 15 pd/ 15 ed (45 pts) oihid (-1/4) 36 pts

50% physical and energy Damage Reduction resistant (60 pts) oihid (-1/4) 48 pts


60 pt weapon multipower OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts

3U 8d6 Energy Blast (40 pts), Variable advantages (+1/2), OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate, Variable limitations (-1/4) 34 pts

2U 2d6 RKA (30 pts), Variable advantages (+1/2), OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4), Variable limitations (-1/4) 25 pts

4U 6d6 Entangle, 6 DEF (60 pts), OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4) 40 pts

2U 12 ed/ 12 pd Force Wall (60 pts), OIHID (-1/4), self only (-1/2), no range (-1/2), Gestures to activate (-1/4) 24 pts

4U 30" Flight (60 pts), only on contact with surface (-1/4) 48 pts


30 + 15 vpp OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4), only to simulate gadgets (-1/4), 25 pts


Mental Defense 10 pts


Find Weakness with powers 14- (35 pts) OIHID (-1/4) 28 pts


+ 4 with powered attacks (12 pts) OIHID (-1/4) 10 pts


Life Support: self contained breathing, all terrestrial diseases and poisons (30 points) OIHID (-1/4) 24 pts


Cost Skill Roll

3 KS: Accounting 12-

3 PS: Accounting 12-

3 systems operation 12-

3 computer programming 12-

3 cryptography 12-

3 deduction 12-

3 bureaucratics 11-

3 lightning calculator

2 TF: small ground vehicles 11-


Disadvantages 150 pts

10 Reputation: Trigger happy vigilante

20 Hunted by Demon 11-

15 Hunted by the Demonologist 11-

15 Hunting Takofanes

20 Protective of Peace

15 Hatred of exploiters of children

15 Enraged if Peace is hurt 11-, 11-

15 Secret Identity

5 DF: hidden power

20 Accidental Change in the presence of magic


Characteristics Cost: 52

Powers Cost: 372

Skills Cost: 26

Total Cost: 422


Plot Hook 1) War and Thunderbird have been seen chasing a man through the city. Neither has paused long enough to explain what they want with the man, or the strange globe he carries as he tries to escape the two masked vigilantes.


Plot Hook 2) Hundreds of similar but different Wars have appeared, plunging the city into chaos as they compete with each other, and causing massive collateral damage as they go. A friendly duplicate informs the PCs that this is a contest with the last man standing as the victor. No one knows what the prize is, and none have seen the original hero since the confusion started.

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Re: The New Circle


I was wondering, since I got to the end of my Black Tryangle thread, and I did ask for "how would you change charater x to fit your campain" in the past, well, how would you change the rest of the Black Tryangle to fit your campain?


The rest are...

...The Dark...

...The Devilfish...

...THe Fear...

...The Homouculse...

...The Mirror...

...and The Puppet.


Also, if you are new to the thread, the old members are also up for "what you would change" (Lucifer Morningstar, The Laff, The Brain, The Claw, The Cold, and The Corpse).


I did enjoy the last set of ideals which fluxed in the last time I asked. What is your ideals now?

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Re: The New Circle


I was wondering, since I got to the end of my Black Tryangle thread, and I did ask for "how would you change charater x to fit your campain" in the past, well, how would you change the rest of the Black Tryangle to fit your campain?


The rest are...

...The Dark...

...The Devilfish...

...THe Fear...

...The Homouculse...

...The Mirror...

...and The Puppet.


Also, if you are new to the thread, the old members are also up for "what you would change" (Lucifer Morningstar, The Laff, The Brain, The Claw, The Cold, and The Corpse).


I did enjoy the last set of ideals which fluxed in the last time I asked. What is your ideals now?


I can't really snatch any of your characters, S. I am only running a part of a champions game so I can't really throw a lot of NPCS in for the other GM to deal with.


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Re: The New Circle


Plot Hook 3: War has formed an army of mercenaries to accomplish some hidden goal. He refuses to talk to any heroes, and no has seen his partner, Peace, for some days.



Hair/eye color- Blond/Blue

Height/mass- 5'5"/ 125 pounds

Nationality- American

Place of birth- Phoenix, Arizona

Date of birth- December 20, 1977


STR (3 pts) 13/33

DEX (27 pts) 19/39

CON (18 pts) 19/39

BODY 10/30

INT (3 pts) 13

EGO (4 pts) 12

PRE (5 pts) 15

COM (2 pts) 14

PD 2/6

ED 3/7

SPD 2/4

REC 5/13

END 38/78

STUN 27/65


OCV/DCV 6/13


PHASES 6,12/3,6,9,12



+ 20 str (20 pts), oihid (-1/4) 16 pts

+ 20 dex (60 pts), oihid (-1/4) 48 pts

+ 20 con, (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts

+ 20 body (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts


Armor 15 pd/ 15 ed (45 pts) oihid (-1/4) 36 pts

50% physical and energy Damage Reduction resistant (60 pts) oihid (-1/4) 48 pts


60 pt agility multipower OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts

4U 30" flight (60 pts), only in contact with surface (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 40 pts

2U +8 DCV (40 pts), uses endurance (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 23 pts

1U desolid (40 pts), only versus entangles and grabs (-1), OIHID (-1/4), not through solid objects (-1/2), does not protect against damage (-1) 10 pts

3U 12d6 Hand Attack (60 pts) OIHID (-1/4), hand to hand attack (-½) 34 pts

3U 12d6 Energy Blast (60 pts), OIHID (-1/4), Gesture to activate (-1/4), Needs object to throw (-1/4) 34 pts

2U Missile deflection all physical missiles, reflect any target (50 pts), OIHID (-1/4), cost endurance (-½) 28 pts


30 + 15 vpp OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4), only to simulate skills and talents (-1/4), 25 pts


Mental Defense 10 pts


Find Weakness with powers 14- (35 pts) OIHID (-1/4) 28 pts


Life Support: self contained breathing, all terrestrial diseases and poisons (30 points) OIHID (-1/4) 24 pts


Cost Skill Roll

3 KS: dentistry

3 PS: dentistry

3 Forensic medicine

2 TF: small ground vehicles 11-

3 combat driving

3 paramedic

9 Lightning reflexes + 3 with all actions


Disadvantages 150 pts

15 Secret Identity

5 DF: hidden power

20 Accidental Change in the presence of magic

10 Reputation: Pacifist

20 Hunted by Demon 11-

15 Hunted by the Demonologist 11-

15 Hunting Takofanes

20 Code versus Killing

15 Hatred of violence

15 DNPC: Mrs. Carter (mother), normal, unaware of secret identity, 8-


Characteristics Cost: 62

Powers Cost: 362

Skills Cost: 26

Total Cost: 450


Plot Hook 1) Peace has decided to take a stand against gang violence in Phoenix. No one appreciates her position, or her constant interference on both sides of the law.


Plot Hook 2) Everyone knows Peace's reputation as a pacifist, and her restraint for using violence. The news agencies begin reporting her increasingly violent methods, including putting villains in the hospital. The fear is that she will kill someone in a berserker rage.


Plot Hook 3) War and Peace fall into a trap, but Peace escaped. She turns to the heroes for help in rescuing her husband.



War creates weapons and tools out of thin air. Peace relies on internal abilities and skills. They work well with other heroes who happen to cross into their home field. Their emphasis is on mystical crimes, and trying to devise a method to deal Takofanes once and for all. This quest is what has brought them to the attention of Demon as they compete against Black's forces.


An advantage for the duo is the fact that their mystic aura is only detectable when they are in heroic identity and their heroic identities activate when they are in the presence of magic. That gives them a warning when there is a certain danger around.


War and Peace rarely travel outside their city, but they can and will do anything to uphold their end of the bargain they made.

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Re: The New Circle


Ross Mulder 1

Ross Mulder sighed at the blood on his white tuxedo jacket. Blood on white cloth was bad. What made it worse, was that it was his blood from cuts on his face. He huddled against a fallen rock, noting that dust and dirt covered him in a small cloud.


"You shouldn't have pried into my business," said the masked man, standing in the clear, grinning ear to ear. He had evidently passed through enough of DEMON's twelve step plan to have some power on his own.


Mulder lit a cigarette, calmly smoking as he considered his next move.


"Come out so we can finish this like the magicians we are, meddler," said the DEMON brother.


"The name is Mulder," called the tuxedoed adventurer. "Ross Mulder."


The brother fired a bolt of lightning at the rocky shield in an irritable way, stalking forward into the wrecked hotel area. He would deal with this pest, then leave before anyone else arrived to hinder him. He already had what he had came to get.


He thought he heard the weaker magic user muttering in fear as he leveled his rod. All he needed was a clear shot, and it would all be over. He might get a promotion if he played the threat level right.


The brother rounded the broken column, weapon hissing in readiness. He was surprised to find that his quarry had flown. That was unexpected, and ruined his desire for a kill. Still the mission was complete, and he would be rewarded for accomplishing that much.


"I would like you to meet my little friend," said Mulder from behind the DEMON representative. He thumbed his lighter as the brother turned around. The flame came to life on the first try. Then a phoenix emerged from the small orange flame. It wrapped around the adventurer's enemy with a furious scream.


Mulder watched the struggle quietly, puffing on his cigarette. His surprise move had been a stroke of genius as far as he could tell. It was probably a good thing there was only one thief. He wondered if he should call off the hissing bird.


He gave the phoenix another minute before he called it off. It watched the brother from a perch high overhead. Mulder kicked the rod away, commanding the brother to be silent and go to sleep. It was a simple thing that would prevent more trouble before the police arrived on the scene.


Mulder took one last puff on his cigarette, watching the crowd applauding what must have been the best show they had ever seen.

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