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How would you do this?


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Heya, folks.


I want to create a power for someone who can change their hands into any blade, similar to Warblade of the original WildCATS comic.


Essentially I want a person who can either create a lockpick from one finger, or shove a mini-trident through someone 1" away. They should be able to turn their hand/forearm into a knife, spear, sword, trident...whatever. Heck, maybe even a shovel or pick. VPP sounds like the way to go, but I might be missin' something. Also, I'm not sure what, if any, modifiers would be useful.


I'm overthinking this, I know, which is why I'm confusing myself. I'm hoping someone can KISS this idea and make me go, "Duh!"


So...any takers?

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Re: How would you do this?


How about:


An HKA, variable special effects (limited group: edged, stabbing, blunt), and maybe variable advantages?


Then, add a small multipower for additional effects (like 1" stretching, lockpicking skill, 1" tunneling, etc.)


That ought to cover most everything, and for small additional effects you could either allow a power skill roll, or allow the player to spend 1 xp to add another MP slot as needed.

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Re: How would you do this?


Sounds to me like a MP or VPP of "hand-changing powers". It can be Lockpicking bought as a Power (costs END, etc.), an HKA, a bit of Tunneling (for a shovel), etc. A longer blade (like a spear) might have 1" of Stretching in addition to a RKA. Sharper blades might be an AP RKA. How powerful you want the blades to be would determine the size of the MP/VPP.


In any case, the hand physically changing shape is just a special effect of the power.

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Re: How would you do this?


I did something like this before, but I didn't include the lockpicks or other tools (probably should have though...)


I did it using a Multipower with two slots: an HKA and an HA. One for sharp/edged weapons and one for blunt. Outside the MP he had a few inches of Stretching to simulate the ability to create polearms and lances and such, or even whips and flails which could reach around a shield or wall. Adding in a Lockpicking bonus or Skill as a Power for another slot is easy. For other tools, like a shovel (which really isn't Tunnelling unless he can use it like a speedster), pliers, a normal hammer or screwdriver or such, give him a Power: Hand Shaping Skill or somesuch. If you want more flexibility, buy a Limited form of Shapeshifting that only applies to his hands.

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Re: How would you do this?


I'd go with the Multipower. Here's a possible build ...


60 pt. Multipower

1u 3" Stretching (15)

4u 3d6 HKA

3u +9d6 HA, Hand-to-Hand attack (-1/2)

... etc, etc, etc. If you build all the other slots with only 45 active points, you can apply the stretching to any of them (or, later on, up them to 60 Active-point flexible-slots).

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Guest Champsguy

Re: How would you do this?


HKA. Lockpicking. That's all you need. Maybe an inch of stretching.


You don't need VSFX for different kinds of knives and stabbing weapons.

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Re: How would you do this?


RE: The Lockpicking Thing. I actually just finished writing up a shapeshifting NPC. There are several ways of doing this, depending on how your campaign handles skills. I use a somewhat complex and penalty heavy system, so these would be overkill for most campaigns.


1> "MacGuyver Levels" -- Penalty Skill Levels to a group of skills, versus the penalty for not having sufficient tools. Having PSL's for skills is an optional rule, not an official one as such -- the Environmental Movement talent on FREd pg 64 uses it. Of course this option is only applicable if your GM enforces a penalty for not having sufficient tools (I use -1 to -4 penalty depending on the importance of tools to that skill).


2> Overall levels, "Only when ability to shape hands into forms could matter" (-1/2). Since it's limited these would have to be defined as either OCV or DCV at creation; the NPC I mentioned earlier has two such levels, one defined as OCV the other DCV. I'm not 100% convinced of the -1/2 limitation since it will still affect a large number of things -- but there is a fair number of things it won't affect too.




Of course, the character should have the Lockpicking skill outright IMO -- no matter how good the tool, the character needs to know what they're doing for it to matter.

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