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So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


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I'm obscenely proud to have dug up two of these buggers to use as first place prizes. Bill was kind enough to snap and send me a pic so I could show you guys what he got and what awaits the next winner of the forthcoming (Probably Feb?).....


Order of the Grand Golden Foxbat Painting and Modding competition!


My thoughts are that the groundwork is laid now, so hopefully we'll get more entries next go round, and I'm adding a new category that is exclusively for non-modded figures, only painted. I'll get things together in the meantime and I am really open to any and all suggestions.


One thing I was thinking of was a longer time frame from the get-go. The contest would run 2 months right out of the gate which should give anyone interested a chance to get in on the fun.


If you have a thought, please post it here and we'll see what works. :)


Anyway, enough of me blabbing on and on, without further adieu, I give you...




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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


If possible, it might be worth while to bring the contest to the attention of the guys on the Megacity site to enter considering the Champs clix content there.




Along similar lines, The Atomic Think Tank, Mutants and Masterminds site, has a miniature specific section. We might post there to further widen our possible contestants.



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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


That's a good idea RM. I'd prefer to keep it Hero-centric since...well, I'm a closet megalomaniac and that's what I want to do. :D Well, that and the whole Steve saying I could actually indulge my whims and run the first one.


You think with that condition staying it would still fly?

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Heh...since I supply the prizes and my only affiliation to Hero is buying product from them? No. ;) But by all means keep mentioning it, never know who's listening... :whistle:


EDIT: Not to imply that I know anything since AFAIK running this contest is still just my harmless way of dealing with my inability to control the world. Would I like free Hero product as prizes? Of course I would. BUT. I'm doing this on their good graces, so I'm very happy to give out the Foxbats and hopefully amuse some folk, and let others be amazed at the talented people we have here. :)

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Here's my Foxbat... along with new walls for Champions that I made today... the paint is still wet. I learned (am learning) how to do this from the Bruce Hirst modeling website... next best thing to having a group to get together with!




What do you think?

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


That's a good idea RM. I'd prefer to keep it Hero-centric since...well, I'm a closet megalomaniac and that's what I want to do. :D Well, that and the whole Steve saying I could actually indulge my whims and run the first one.


You think with that condition staying it would still fly?



I'd like to see it stay herocentric as well.



Well. we could try and see if we get any response. I'd like to see Doug Shuler or one of his group enter. As to the M&M site, Champs references come up reasonably often. If no one responds then we've lost, at worse, the time it takes to post a message. The bigger problem would be where to post on their site to get people actually interested in modding to see it.


The figure gallery is the obvious choice but it's been kind of dead for awhile.

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Don't forget to post to the HCRealms.com website as well for the contest once you finally kick it off Prod! There are several folks over there that make some wonderful mods that could get into making some mods for HERO as well.



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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Here's my Foxbat... along with new walls for Champions that I made today... the paint is still wet. I learned (am learning) how to do this from the Bruce Hirst modeling website... next best thing to having a group to get together with!


What do you think?



It's a great looking Foxbat. Did you do the wall section to?

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Yes I did! It's both easier and harder than expected. I'm using dental plaster, which is very easy to mix, lightweight, impact resistant, yet you can still modify the pieces!


I'm making a new mold with sections that have gunfire spray, an EB scorch, punch & cracking, and the impression of KB.


Once complete, they are about the size of Master Maze stuff. I even have the felt ready for them.

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Nice work CDad! A question though....when you say gunfire spray, you mean results of gunfire spray? (IE: Bulletholes) I'm only asking because I'm trying to come up with an easy way to do a ricocheting bullet on a figure's base and I wasn't sure if what you were making might be a good guide.


Back to the contest stuff for a sec: Yeah, I'd love to see Doug or Mark jump in, but I think they've gone City of Heroes pretty hard core. They used to update the site a lot more often. Still, it most definitely could not hurt to try. ;)


Okay, once we start getting closer, like after I get back from travelling in January, we can craft a post/e-mail explaining the contest and what not and get them on the M&M and HCRealms boards, and fire off a mail to the Shulers.


Any thoughts on the two categories (Painted and Modded) or does that sound good to you guys? Anything I might be missing? Should I leave the voting the way it is currently (Each modder gets a vote and the board gets a vote) or should I switch it up? I'll also be going back to the top 3 in each category as I might have a lot of old Super-minis, but it isn't quite endless. ;)

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


For the mod portion of the contest, does it make sense that the mods voting be based strictly on primed or unpainted versions of the figure only? The reason I bring it up is that Painting and Modding are two really different skills. While I think I do an OK job at Modding, Bill is going to kick my butt on painting each and every time. A fully painted figure presents a very different (and in the hands of a skilled painter) much more attractive figure to vote for.


Just a thought, and I'm cool with it going either way.


Something else to consider for the intial posts is a link or two to some good articles on Photographing your miniatures. I know for example that Bill does a fantastic job lighting and shooting his figures. It really brings out the best qualities for his efforts. My own photo skills are lacking severely, and it hurts my entry a little. Would love to get some tips on this even if it wasn't associated with the contest.



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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Dunno on the modding raw idea, lemme ponder it. The only problem I see is that some folk aren't good at connecting the pieces as it were. Some folks don't walk into an okay house and see all the possibilities, just where they wanna put the couch as an example.


As to the photography, I'd love a primer from Bill on how to photo better. My own stuff is marginal at best and I always always always have to adjust the light levels with Photoshop. I could put two Kleig lights around the mini and it would still be too dark. I'd also love some recommendations on cameras as the Digital I borrow seems to have a limit on how tight a picture you get without losing detail.

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Nice work CDad! A question though....when you say gunfire spray' date=' you mean results of gunfire spray? (IE: Bulletholes) I'm only asking because I'm trying to come up with an easy way to do a ricocheting bullet on a figure's base and I wasn't sure if what you were making might be a good guide.[/quote']

Yepper, I meant bulletholes... in the dental plaster you can use a dental probe to make a hole, and with a little rotation you can get extra plaster to break off... looks pretty good under a mag glasss... I'll have to see how the paint-job works out. I'd guess it will also work on metal figs and plastic bases as well (with a bit of experimenting).


Back to the contest stuff for a sec: Yeah, I'd love to see Doug or Mark jump in, but I think they've gone City of Heroes pretty hard core. They used to update the site a lot more often. Still, it most definitely could not hurt to try. ;)


Okay, once we start getting closer, like after I get back from travelling in January, we can craft a post/e-mail explaining the contest and what not and get them on the M&M and HCRealms boards, and fire off a mail to the Shulers.


Any thoughts on the two categories (Painted and Modded) or does that sound good to you guys? Anything I might be missing? Should I leave the voting the way it is currently (Each modder gets a vote and the board gets a vote) or should I switch it up? I'll also be going back to the top 3 in each category as I might have a lot of old Super-minis, but it isn't quite endless. ;)

You are a bigger an than I am... don't think I could part with my old minis... had someone walk off with an old Spiderman, Batman, and Superman - that was long before Heroclix.


I'd like to see both Mod and Paint categories... AND a diorama category as well (hmmm... bet you can't guess why?)


Got a mod question... what Heroclix character would you use to mod into the Tick? Also, what sites would you recommend for mod tutorials? I've seen a lot of them out there, but what are the best in your opinion?

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)




Here's what I came up with for bulletholes and an impression of minor KB..


Grond w/ KB impression... Marksman with autofire bulletholes... Dr. D for fun, and Sentinal from Silver Age Sentinals

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Cool stuff CDad, I should look into it as one of the many projects that swirls around my brain is to do a diorama of the Millenium City 8 (Already have half of them worked out, still pondering the others) and a big joint diorama base with holes cut for slottabases would be a nice way to display them when they aren't in use. Of course this might just be a pipe dream, more on that below.


Redmenace: I dunno. As a rule I don't enter contests where I'm a judge, even though I think the system for checking votes is pretty darn bulletproof.


And hey, why would I want to throw it into the ring with you and Bill? Right now some of you think my mods are hot stuff, so why should I invite a public ass beating? ;) (Kidding. I just haven't been able to get past planning a mod in months, so the beyond judging bit will really just have to wait to see if I get the desire back. Right now I have mock-ups, no work completed, on 50 mods. 50. All Champions BTW, no comic book guys. I just can't seem to hit the right level of motivation lately.)

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


Fair enough Prod, let us know if you want to change that. I'd be willing to sit out and judge if you wish to enter now or in the future.



CDad, the walls are looking great. Do you have a site displaying more?

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


It's about time I got back to doing this stuff. With the holidays I've been slacking on the "making" end of things but I've still been buying random boosters, so I've got potential parts stacked up.


I think I've got my next mini in mind and he'll be 4th edition. At least I think it's a he :)

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Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news)


As to the photography' date=' I'd love a primer from Bill on how to photo better. My own stuff is marginal at best and I always always always have to adjust the light levels with Photoshop. I could put two Kleig lights around the mini and it would still be too dark. I'd also love some recommendations on cameras as the Digital I borrow seems to have a limit on how tight a picture you get without losing detail.[/quote']


In case y'all are interested, I've been talking with "Digital" Dave Mattingly, and it looks like I'm going to start writing a semi-regular column in Digital Hero* about miniatures, especially with regard to using them in super hero games. Photographing them is one of the articles that I have planned. =:)


Prod, I think you should join the next contest. Maybe see if some neutral party will take care of the judging -- perhaps Steve, Ben, Darren, or Tina (if you ask them real nicely?). ;)


As for seperate painting and modding contests: Yes, definitely.

As for having the contestents get one vote each, and the board get another vote: Yes, it worked well last time.


And thanks again for hosting these things, Prod. We've got a lot of major talents here on this board. :yes:



*Unless Dave gets sick of me before then. Hopefully he won't. ;)

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