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Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Just a little update from me. Using the "Who's Who in !mpact Comics"' date=' I've been tinkering with these characters and this is the best I've come up with so far. Included is the WEB Armor as a prefab package. These will no doubt change as I devote more time and thought to them.[/quote']


Ok, my interest is piqued...


...what do I need to do to be able to download and read HDC files?

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Hero Designer. They sell it here onsite and everything.


Aha, I see!


Ok, stupid question time:


There are normally a bunch of character writeups on the forum at any given file that appear to be HDC files, yet I can view those without Hero Designer. Why is that?


*Meanwhile, downloads the demo copy...*

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Just a little update from me. Using the "Who's Who in !mpact Comics"' date=' I've been tinkering with these characters and this is the best I've come up with so far. Included is the WEB Armor as a prefab package. These will no doubt change as I devote more time and thought to them.[/quote']

Great stuff! Thanks for contributing it. It's been a while since I've read these. Doesn't Jaguar have a greater leap? Anyway, I like that you used 150+100, that does fit generally.

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


You're probably right' date=' upon reflection, it should be Independent in an orthodox write-up for any individual character. However this might also be best written up with the Black Hood as its own character that possesses or transforms the wearer - I just bring up the possession as it seems to fit this running theme that perhaps HERO needs that as a Power.[/quote']


The "Purge" battle armor, from 4e Dark Champions Underworld Enemies, pretty much *IS* the Black Hood, only with an obsessive vengeance impulse instead of a "Must Do Good" impulse.


And yes, it went through a lot of owners.

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Hmm, well, I think Jaguar is a little tougher than Arac-4105 has written her up. No flames here, just a pile of the source material. Trick is, lots of the info and story in Impact is subjective and often contradicts what the comics themselves show. For example, Joe Higgens claims he isn't superstrong but he routinely performs feats that put the lie to that claim. He bends steel and lifts huge objects routinely.


Give me a little while and I can list off what I have on the other characters as well since I also have Black Hood 1-5, 7-11, Fly 2, 3, 5 & 10, Comet 1-7, 12 &17, Shield 1-15, the Web 2-10, 12 & 13, Crucible 1-6 & the annuals for Shield, Comet & Black Hood.


Anyway, here's what I can find of Jaguar's performance. As a side note, the only time she did not have a massive Dex advantage was during that robot thing in issue 13. She's definitely in the mid 20s or higher on PD & ED but I can't point to anythng that directly says she has resistant defenses. sure, it's likely she could shrug off a shot from a pistol but she herself doesn't seem to know the limits of her own powers, discovering facets of them in several issues.

Feats of Jaguar

Issue #1

Throws Maxx-13, a battlesuit character, a few dozen feet, demonstrates Breakfall, tosses adult male over her shoulder approx 6-8 ft with one hand, can smell machine oil and the chemicals running through Maxx-13's tech


Issue #2

punches through two brick walls, able to summon Jaguar costume from closet when switching forms


Issue #3

repeatedly regains footing between panels during fight with Maxx-13, they both casually crash through another brick wall, shoves (possible move-through) Maxx-13 into steel door, he and door both launch a few dozen feet backwards,takes a long drop from the flying Maxx-13 and gets right up, leaps up to the edge of a three story building, accidentially crumbles concrete in her hand, rips chestplate from Maxx-13 (it's artificial singularity power source is going to explode and is described as a titanium alloy that's "impossibly heavy", for whatever that's worth) and hurls it up into the air high enough to explode safely


Issue #4

displays enhanced hearing perception by hearing an old Rabbi being accosted by thugs several blocks away at a synagogue she'd visited earlier, the perspective this artist uses is pretty bad and she initially appears to be jumping into an alley rather than onto the lawn of the synagogue when returning


Issue #5

displays enhanced hearing in human form by overhearing both sides of a phone conversation 25 feet away and behind a closed door, survives energy bolts that liquify lunch trays (could be metal or plastic who can tell with this art) and burn through tables flung at him, is stunned but not even singed by these attacks


Issue #6

lifts one side of a jeep with no real effort and changes the tire without bothering with a wrench for the nuts (I will manfully avoid typing anything about bare hands and nuts), later picks jeep off ground after it's flipped over and rights it, displays Tracking Scent, does a very acrobatic looking jump kick that sends a 10 ft monster called the Doomster (presumably silicon-based as he apparently ate sand and ammonia for nourishment) flying, isn't appreciably affected by sub-freezing weather even though barefoot


I don't seem to have issues 7 or 8 right now


Issue #9

brawls with a mind-controlled Web agent in the Shield's armor, falls three stories trashing the car she hits but doesn't seem to really feel it, throws "the Shield" around and through windows and such, can't crack his force field


Issue #10, casually jumps from a WEB jet and lands easily from around a hundred feet or so, easily makes nontargeting roll to spot the Invisible Terror (apparently a foe from #8, later realizes she can see make herself switch to the IR spectrum and slaps him around, tearing apart his powered exoskeleton easily (again, described as made of titanium)


Issue #11

entire comic is a dream sequence, bah, no useful data


Issue #12

shoves the steel security grating tearing it apart and off the wall using one hand


Issue #13

I dunno, she fights a hatemongering robot inconclusively and then it blows itself up. Meh. I remember this story when they did it back in All-Star-Squadron in the 80's.


I also lack issue #14, I do have the annual though & all the Crusaders issues


Annual #1

Jaguar scares the hell out of a local fence to get info, she's actually depicted as being rather high in Presence consistently through the series, she's able to beat up a gang of trained thugs, sweeping several of them, she grabs and uses a small safe that had been welded to the floor as a bludgeon,tearing it loose seems to be a use of casual Str like the Thing grabbing a lamp post to use as a bat, she tears the doors off the back of the thug's van only to have one of them take her out with his energy rifle, frankly it looked like a combo of boostable charges and a haymaker judging from the time it took to set up, she later ignores several hits at regular power from these guns while breaking out of steel bindings, falls 200+ feet and lands on her feet, claims the wind was knocked out of her



Issue #1

flings soldiers around like rag dolls, smacks Big Daddy Rothco back 20+ feet then picks up a jeep and smashes it over his head, snaps an M-16 in half, rips a robot's leg off, puts large cracks in reinforced concrete bunker


Issue #2

pulls van wedged through a bridge's railing to safety (with the 'aid' of Black Hood & Shield) though she did sink her hands into it for a grip, stops out of control bus by catching front end and digging her heels into the pavement leaving a 6 ft long trench before it stops, this didn't hurt her at all


Issue #3

mostly just punching the bad guy, since he's like a 20+ ft tall freak who can use tanks like clubs this isn't going too well, especially after the mental powers he has come into play, she seems to be able to hurt him but not severely


Issue #4

punches a hole in an ultrasonic transmitter & the treestump it sits on, the case is driven into the stump which is shattered as well, doesn't seem too pleased by the ultrasonics, but she can definitely hear in those frequencies


Issue #5

doesn't do anything impressive, does have to shift to human form to squeeze out of the wreckage of the ship she got trapped in during a crash, she lacked leverage in her larger form, she did however take no damage from the crash itself or the metal smashed into her, the Fly discovers her secret ID


Issue #6

unable to claw through Mann-X's armor, unsurprising since it's about as tough as the Sheild's armor then gets KOed by flung rock from Maxx-14, the next gen of the Maxx-13 armor


Issue #7

completely off-panel, Jaguar & Fly trash a Russian army unit, the panel shown has large vehicles overturned and lots of wreckage


Issue #8

Fly reveals he too is a kid transformed by magic, sabotaged teleporter transports the Crusaders, to another world, this makes a nice point to drop them into a campaign

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Thanks to everyone that's replied on my designs. I can say only three things in my defense: A) my designs always suck, B) I didn't have enough source material (especially on the Jaguar), and C) I was trying to design these as low-point value, low-power supers. Personally, I'm kinda tired of having 10-dice attack powers just bounce off the heroes.


I'll definitely be refining and updating these characters when I can get some better source material.


(BTW: big thanks to Superskrull for the info on the Jaguar) :)

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Wow, Superskrull, nice work on going thorugh all those details! I have all but a couple or so of the Impact! series but I have never done a study such as that. I think the Jaguars are complete, I'll try to make some time to add to the details you've provided so it's all here.


I have a few of the Impact! characters in my campaign world but have woefully under-utilized most of them, I'll have to remember to get them more into it. Comet has made a brief appearance way, way back, but the Fly should really be around for the Justice Squad to deal with once in a while. And it would be nice to have Jaguar in. Jaguar, Comet, Fly, and WEB are all major presences in the super world. Oh, so is Black Hood, but I put him in China, the others are still in America.


BTW, in my world Jaguar is an ongoing Hunted against the Hulk. I have to blow my own horn a bit and say I really liked that pairing. (And please, nobody complain about disparate power levels, after all they're my tweaked versions and are deliberately not intended to reflect the direct comic antecedents in level of power).

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Y'know' date=' it's kinda funny looking at this thread. Apparently it took me a year and a day to get around to measuring out the Jaguar comics. I'll see about summing up what I have of the others a lot faster.[/quote']


To help save a little time, I have the full run of the Black Hood series (I loved that character) and several issues of The Web, the Fly and the Comet. I think I'm gonna sit down and take notes on them tonight so I can rebuild my versions a bit better. :thumbup:

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


As an addendum regarding Jaguar, in one of the issues (I don't have them onhand right now, so I can't cite my source), I believe she *does* bounce a bullet off her body with no harm, so she should have some resistant defences.

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


As an addendum regarding Jaguar' date=' in one of the issues (I don't have them onhand right now, so I can't cite my source), I believe she *does* bounce a bullet off her body with no harm, so she should have some resistant defences.[/quote']


As long as that's not issue #11, that's great. #11 was a dream sequence. 'Cause it seems like it's as hard to find proof of her being bullet-proof or not as it is to prove about Thor. She keeps dodging and smacking people before they usually can strike her.

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Hmmm, I'll have to go back through soon, maybe Sunday, but I thought somewhere in the series Jaguar got shot and it hurt. Didn't stop her, didn't hurt the way it would you or I, but definitely hurt. I'll have to see - I could easily be thinking of someone else.

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


I never read the "Impact" comics versions of the characters; but I did read the older versions from when they were bought back in "Mighty" comics (which was the "Archie" superhero line) before the characters were bought by DC and put into the "Impact" imprint. I also remember Stan Lee at "Marvel" getting his knickers in a twist about the name "Mighty" which he seemed to think could be confused with "Marvel" back when the comics first appeared !

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Regarding Jaguar's defenses, she does has some resistance in that she took a bullet to the sternum. It HURT and I think knocked her down but she got away quickly. Later she reflected that it had hurt but didn't pierce the skin. She did wonder what a larger calibur would have done. Also, in her human form she had a pretty nasty bruise for a while.

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Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


Regarding Jaguar's defenses' date=' she does has some resistance in that she took a bullet to the sternum. It HURT and I think knocked her down but she got away quickly. Later she reflected that it had hurt but didn't pierce the skin. She did wonder what a larger calibur would have done. Also, in her human form she had a pretty nasty bruise for a while.[/quote']


Could somebody do me a favor and give me a rough idea what caliber bullet this was?

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