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NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


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So this is my first attempt at building a high-powered hero *and* my first attempt at building a multi-power. Please feel free to suggest changes. The character was designed to conform to the following rules laid out by the GM.


Base Character Points: 600

Disadvantage points: 150

Maximum Disadvantages from one category: 75

Active points: 80

Dmg Classes: 16

Defense: Normal: 40/ resistant: 30

Combat value: 15 with levels



Hero Name: Hurricane OCV: 7 (12 w/lvls)

Civilian ID: Simon Cooper Windsor DCV: 7 (12 w/lvls)



Score Stat Cost Roll Notes

60 STR 50 21- lift 100 tons; 12d6 dmg; 12” leap

20 DEX 30 13-

30 CON 40 15-

30 BODY 40 15-

20 INT 10 13-

20 EGO 20 13-

20 PRE 10 13- 2d6 PRE attack

20 COM 5 13-

40 PD 26 30rPD/30rED

40 ED 30

8 SPD 50

20 REC 2

60 END 0


313 Characteristics Total Cost




Cost Name END


80 Power Of The Wind: Multi-power, 80-point reserve

6u 1) Can't Breathe: Energy Blast 3d6, NND (defense is Life Support [self-Contained Breathing]; +1), Continuous (+1) (45 Active Points) plus Drain REC 1d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Ranged (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (27 Active Points); Linked (Energy Blast; -1/2) 7


15m 2) Control Winds: Telekinesis (40 STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points) 3


6u 3) Flying Debris: RKA 1d6, Penetrating (+1/2), Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4) (41 Active Points); Requires Objects Of Opportunity (-1/4) plus Sight Group Flash 3d6, Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4) (34 Active Points); Linked (RKA; -1/2) 7


3u 4) Right Back At You: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target, Full Range (+1) (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Will Not Work Against Heavy Missiles (-1/4) 6


6u 5) Spin Me Right 'Round, Baby: Drain DEX 4d6, Ranged (+1/2) (60 Active Points) 6


16m 6) Wind Blast: Energy Blast 9d6, Double Knock-back (+3/4) (79 Active Points) 8


16m 7) Wind Riding: Flight 26", Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; Combat Acceleration/Deceleration, Rapid Non-combat Movement, Mega-Movement (1" = 1 km), No Turn Mode, Usable As Gliding, Usable Underwater; +1/2) (78 Active Points) 8



Multi-power Cost: 148


18 I Can Feel the Air Moving: Spatial Awareness; won’t work in a vacuum –¼, 0

45 Wind-toughened Skin: Damage Resistance (30 PD/30 ED), Hardened x2 0

10 The Wind at My Back: Knockback Resistance –5” 0

15 Just Fine the Way I Am, Thanks: Power Defense 0

10 No Thanks—I Brought My Own: LS: Self-Contained Breathing 0

3 I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead: LS: Needs no sleep 0

5 Hard Gear: Flash Defense, 8 points, OIF (Mask lenses) 0

260 Powers total cost




Cost Name Roll

3 Linguist

3 Scholar

3 Traveler

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Bureaucratics 13-

40 CSLs—5 levels, all combat

3 Conversation 13-

3 High Society 13-

2 KS: British History 13-

2 KS: Royal Family and Nobility of UK 13-

2 KS: English and American Literature 13-

2 KS: European and American Art History 13-

2 KS: Heroes and Villains 13-

2 AK: UK 13-

0 CK: London (home city) 13-

1 CK: Paris 11-

1 CK: Berlin 11-

1 CK: Rome 11-

1 CK: New York 11-

1 CK: San Francisco 11-

1 CK: Los Angeles 11-

1 CK: Boston 11-

0 English (Native)

1 Spanish (Fluent conversation)

1 German (Fluent conversation)

1 Italian (Fluent conversation)

1 Latin (Fluent conversation)

1 French (Fluent conversation)

1 Russian (Fluent conversation)

1 Ancient Greek (Fluent conversation)

1 Japanese (Fluent conversation)

3 Oratory 13-

3 Persuasion 13-

3 Seduction 13-

3 Riding (Horses) 13-

0 Everyman Skills (GM’s discretion)

103 Total Skills




Cost Name

5 Access to English and NATO military and government facilities

7 Computer link to English military and police systems

8 Contact 11-, extremely useful resources, major institutions, significant contacts of his/her own, good relationship. (NAME: GM Discretion)

21 Contact 11-, whole organization, extremely useful resources, major institutions, significant contacts of its own, (NAME: GM Discretion)

5 International Police Power

7 Security Clearance

3 Reputation: England’s Greatest Hero and protector (most of world)

15 Wealth: Filthy Rich

71 Total Perks



Cost Name

3 Absolute Range Sense

3 Total Talents



5 Margaret Windsor (sister), DNPC: Normal, Infrequent 8-

5 “The girl of the moment”, DNPC: Normal, Infrequent 8-

5 Well-known costume, Distinctive Features: easily concealed.

20 Hunted (GM’s Choice)

5 Hunted: British Government (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

20 Psych Lim: Fearlessly Heroic: will risk life in obviously lethal circumstances; (Very common, strong)

10 Psych Lim: Must live up to reputation as “England’s greatest protector” (Uncommon, strong)

20 Psych Lim: Must protect innocents (common, total)

15 Social Lim: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

10 Social Lim: Famous (as Simon Cooper Windsor)

15 Reputation: famous hero who will help anyone who appears to be a victim, 14-

10 Reputation: playboy (as Simon Cooper Windsor) (frequently, 11-)

150 Total Disads


Background/History: Born into a normal, but fantastically wealthy family distantly related to England’s royal family, Simon Cooper Windsor grew up accustomed to a life of privilege. He received an exclusive education, attending the best boarding schools and excelling effortlessly. He was especially interested in languages and went on to Cambridge University, where he spent his years shuttling back and forth from the classroom to whatever vacation his family or friends were arranging for the weekend. Life was not all tea and crumpets for Simon, however. Simon’s widowed father took pains to make certain Simon understood what a burden he would inherit with his wealth, position, and fame. The Windsor family had a responsibility to pay the world back for their good fortune and to take care of those who were unable to take care of themselves. After Simon graduated from Cambridge with his First in modern languages, he spent a summer on the Mediterranean on one of the family’s yachts and it was during these weeks that his powers first manifested themselves. First, he found that he could fly and he would glide into a seaside town after dark each night to find dinner, drinks, and a beautiful woman to seduce. As the summer continued and the sun turned his skin dark, Simon began thinking back to his father’s remonstrations: “don’t waste your life; don’t fail your heritage.” As the extent of his powers became apparent, Simon began to understand just how grave the consequences to inaction could be. Others were beginning to appear and it became obvious that many of them had no such feelings of responsibility as they spread chaos and, in the most unfortunate cases, death. Acting to thwart minor crimes at first, Hurricane (as he began calling himself in the notes he left for the bobbies) eschewed the spotlight, preferring to act as an anonymous patron. After the quiet death of his aged father, Simon inherited the bulk of the family fortune, the care of his younger sister Margaret (still a teen and attending her own boarding school) and a feeling that he needed to be even more engaged in the fight to protect England. As he began to work harder to act as England’s premier champion, Hurricane also attracted the attention of the government; the authorities appreciated the help and Hurricane used their facilities to help him do his job. As he continues to act in Britain’s defense, it is normal for him to travel to other parts of the world, sometimes for long periods, and in order for him to accomplish his job, he has been granted international police powers.


Personality/Motivation: In his civilian life, Simon appears as the stereotypical rich playboy. His love-life is semi-scandalous and his photo is regularly on the cover of tabloid magazines whenever anyone compiles a list of ‘most eligible bachelors.’ This is not just an act for Simon. He sees this as a necessary contre-temps to his ‘professional’ life, which places him under an amazing strain. He is not a superhero because he enjoys it (though there are times when he does)—he is a superhero because he must be. He never betrays these feelings to the press or other ‘normal’ people, but he will sometimes confide in other heroes to see how they deal with their responsibilities. He is alternately surprised and envious when he encounters a hero who does what s/he does because s/he likes it. First impressions of Hurricane are usually of an incredibly earnest, serious young man.


Powers/Tactics: In combat, Hurricane first likes to make certain that innocents will not be harmed. He will usually use his telekinesis and flight to move potential victims to safety before engaging a villain unless he or she will get away to do more harm to others. He never hesitates to put himself between an innocent and danger and this has nearly gotten him killed on more than one occasion. When engaging the enemy, Hurricane prefers to use the most non-violent method available to incapacitate a foe—dex drain often does the trick—unless that person has proven to be a serious danger to innocents (or, God forbid, England), in which case he will soften his target up by blowing debris at him/her and following up with a move-through to end the fight as quickly as possible. Out of combat, Hurricane prefers to use his contacts, security clearance, and computer link to learn as much as possible about a situation before diving in—he still has a strong academic streak in him and he enjoys the research, since it lets him feel as though he’s doing his job while he’s enjoying himself at the same time


Appearance: Hurricane wears a full-body costume of olive green, with a red, white, and blue bull’s-eye as his chest insignia, like the World War II-era plane he named himself after—the Hawker Hurricane. When in his secret identity, Simon Cooper Windsor is an impeccably dressed, handsome twenty-five year old man. He always seems to have a healthy tan, even in the dead of winter, which sets him apart from most of his pasty countrymen. His hair is a dirty blonde, his eyes are a glowing hazel, and his teeth—in an unmistakable mark of his wealth—are both perfectly aligned and as white as snow.


Quotation: “you’re going to stop hurting people. You can do it voluntarily, or I can make you.”

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


My what a lot of points. I hardly ever spend this many, or play in games with this many points as a rule so I'm not in an ideal position to comment on how it will owrk in practive. I did note you can't use spacial awareness in a vacuum, but the same limitation doesn't apply to your multipower - I'd have thought it would. OTOH unless you are spending much time in space it is arguable that it isn't going to limit you at all so shouldn't be on the spacial awareness.


Have fun with Hurricane!

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


My what a lot of points. I hardly ever spend this many, or play in games with this many points as a rule so I'm not in an ideal position to comment on how it will owrk in practive. I did note you can't use spacial awareness in a vacuum, but the same limitation doesn't apply to your multipower - I'd have thought it would. OTOH unless you are spending much time in space it is arguable that it isn't going to limit you at all so shouldn't be on the spacial awareness.


Have fun with Hurricane!


You're right--it's a whole lot of points. I think that the 80AP cap avoids over-powered attacks, though. I don't know whether this was what part of the conscious design by the GM (we haven't started playing yet) or what, but I don't think of the character as being cosmically high powered, even though his point total would seem to indicate he is.


You make a good point about the vacuum limitation. I'll bring that up to the GM. Thanks!


Anyone else?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


You're right--it's a whole lot of points. I think that the 80AP cap avoids over-powered attacks, though. I don't know whether this was what part of the conscious design by the GM (we haven't started playing yet) or what, but I don't think of the character as being cosmically high powered, even though his point total would seem to indicate he is.


You make a good point about the vacuum limitation. I'll bring that up to the GM. Thanks!


Anyone else?


Actually I think, seeing as how (due to house rules) 80 means you can disintegrate a normal human being, and you can kill an entire crowd with a single AE: Radius blast (or an entire city with a megascale one), cosmic should be what you're at.


Or, you know, a single punch will insta-kill a BODY 8 PD 2 normal. Even a casual STR attack would put them on death's door (-2 BODY).

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


You're right, Whamme, though when I look at the damage the character will likely do against other superheroic characters, I don't see it as overwhelming. I guess I was just saying that I liked the 80 AP cap.


I would still love to hear suggestions for improvement, where others would take the chaaracter with XP, etc....


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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


You're right, Whamme, though when I look at the damage the character will likely do against other superheroic characters, I don't see it as overwhelming. I guess I was just saying that I liked the 80 AP cap.


I would still love to hear suggestions for improvement, where others would take the chaaracter with XP, etc....


I'd like to know why a windmaster has brick level strength and defenses; it doesn't really seem to fit the concept. I do like the "noblesse oblige" aspect. Very nice.
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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


I'd like to know why a windmaster has brick level strength and defenses; it doesn't really seem to fit the concept. I do like the "noblesse oblige" aspect. Very nice.


A fair question: part of it came from the GM's advice that we have high defenses, since there will be a lot of damage dice being thrown around. Part of it comes from a lack of mechanical knowledge of how to expand the multipower any more and part of it just wanting to play a split brick/EB.


oh--and thanks for the noblesse oblige comment. I thought he'd have a little Rudyard Kipling in him.

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


Im just wonder what the average damage you'll be taking is versus the average damage you're expected to dish out. I ask this because it seems to me that at a 12d6, your str damage won't do too much to someone who shares the same defense as you (40 PD/ED), and considering youre not a strictly "brick" based character, one that IS would probably take less damage (like 40 PD/ED with 75% Damage Reduc...ouch. Itll take ages to whittle that down). Now, you do always have the NND.... :bounce:

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With that many points and a multipower, you should have every darn wind power you can think of.


You could certainly use some more AoE powers - AoE EB, AoE TK, AoE UBO Flight, AoE ranged Missile Deflection.


Aid and Suppress Flight would also be occasionally useful.


Change Environment is also a good one - particularly if you take the Long-Lasting adder. And Personal Immunity. Whip up a windstorm to mess with other flyers.


For that matter, Environmental Movement - High Winds, would be a good ~3 points to spend.


Your Flight is useable underwater - can he control water currents, as well? If so you might want to consider an Aid or Suppress Swimming, as well.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


Consideing the two odd things about his powers (they work underwater and in vaccuum' date=' apparently) was going to ask Speedball if Hurricane is more a Telekinetic with odd sfx?[/quote']


That would explain the STR.


Also, creepy new Avatar.

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


Consideing the two odd things about his powers (they work underwater and in vaccuum' date=' apparently) was going to ask Speedball if Hurricane is more a Telekinetic with odd sfx?[/quote']


I hadn't thought of him as a TK-based character and you're right that it seems odd that he can use his powers in a vacuum. Should I slap a -1/4 disad on his multipower and take the points, or should it be a -0 limitation, if the game won't deal with vacuums enough to justify the disad?


Underwater was just silly--I'll cop to that. I think that when I was designing the multipower and had asked for some help on it, that got stuck on. Should've spotted it.

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


Tack on a -1/4 and take the points. The Strength is ok. At this power level "I'm super" is ok justification for some things, IMO. Underwater is odd and I think dropping it is a good idea. You can always use your resource points to get Scuba gear. :)

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


Tack on a -1/4 and take the points. The Strength is ok. At this power level "I'm super" is ok justification for some things' date=' IMO. Underwater is odd and I think dropping it is a good idea. You can always use your resource points to get Scuba gear. :)[/quote']


OK--so can anyone help me out with the points? I don't have my FRed with me and I find the multipower rules a bit of a mystery anyway.


What's a -1/4 "won't work in a vacuum" going to get me, points-wise? As I understand it, the disad goes JUST on the multipower, not on the individual powers, is that correct?


And, of course, I'd love to hear suggestions on what to spend the points on...I thought about maybe getting him some piloting skills, but everyone on the boards seems more concerned with his battle-readiness.


(using the same logic, I tacked on a -1/4 to the knockback resistance, figuring there wouldn't be any wind at his back...)

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Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


That would explain the STR.


True, but it would kind of step on another PCs schtick. I'm willing to let him be superstrong just because.


Also, creepy new Avatar.


Thanks, she's a character of mine Keiko Marahachi when she's in a bad mood. :)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


OK--so can anyone help me out with the points? I don't have my FRed with me and I find the multipower rules a bit of a mystery anyway.


What's a -1/4 "won't work in a vacuum" going to get me, points-wise? As I understand it, the disad goes JUST on the multipower, not on the individual powers, is that correct?


And, of course, I'd love to hear suggestions on what to spend the points on...I thought about maybe getting him some piloting skills, but everyone on the boards seems more concerned with his battle-readiness.


(using the same logic, I tacked on a -1/4 to the knockback resistance, figuring there wouldn't be any wind at his back...)


No, it would be applied to the entirety of the multipower. Slots too. 27 points by my preliminary count (+- 1 pt).


I'd suggest expanding his power set. Powers/tactics actually gave NO description of what powers he has, but I'd assume that an uber weather controller could have (say) lightning [RKA, indirect], and maybe a few other options. Flexibility is good.


His battle readiness is fine, by the way. Given the limits for the game, he's doing fine.


Piloting skills wouldn't kill ya, either, mind... for a true 'I am just so good' moment, give him TF: Spaceships - he's such a good pilot, he can fly anything, even something totally outside his experience.


I'd almost suggest a vehicle. Or a base. Or maybe some followers, although that might be stretching loyalty to the money a bit.


Or extra resource points. After all, he can afford a lot of stuff, and he could carry around a LOT of stuff.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane


True' date=' but it would kind of step on another PCs schtick. I'm willing to let him be superstrong just because. [/quote']


Fair enough, I suppose. Btw, you never did tell me how much STR/DEX needed to be cut. (It's bugging me...)


Thanks, she's a character of mine Keiko Marahachi when she's in a bad mood. :)


You're welcome. That must be one hell of a bad mood though.

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