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Social Limitations for Computers


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In my FPCA Champions Campaign , the group is working on getting several team level items, one of which includes an AI (called SAL-9000, all credit on the name to Arthur C. Clark).


The question has arose, can/should an artificial intellegence have social limitations? They would like SAL to have the social lim "Subject to Orders" ("he" will already have a psych lim "Must Obey Orders from Humans (Very Common; Strong)").


Not sure that his is necessary, or even a disadvantage. Any and all feedback will be appreciated!





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Phys Lim


I had thought of the physical limitation. That would definately make things interesting.


Another idea I had, taking from the "real world" would be to have reduce the psych lim...


Psych Lim: Must Obey Orders from Authorized Users (Common, Strong) 15 points.




Phys Lim: Must Obey Orders from Authorized Users (Freq, maj) 15 points


Social limitation could still exist, and I am starting to think it would still give some value.



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Actually, I definitely think that AI's can have Social Limitations, particularly (or only?) in societies that class Artificial Intelligences as people and have laws (or expect the regular ones) that apply to them.


So if you have an AI who's part of the military, they have to obey orders, go where they're told, be called up out of the reserves, etc. (Hmmm, interesting character idea, a retired military AI.) Or say you have an AI who's responsible for traffic control in a major city -- they have to maintain the laws of the city, do their job and generally keep the trains running. Heck, you could even have an AI running around who has a Secret they don't want to get out ("I was programmed by a mass-murderer, but I'm really an OK entity!").


If you want an interesting take on it -- look at the Ship Who Sang stuff by Anne McAffrey. Although the Ships (and one city) are really technically cyborgs, they might as well be built as AIs (with some odd physical limitations). And boy do they have some Social Limitations. Not the least of which is that most unknowing people think they're really computers.


Does that help?

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