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Hand To Hand Attacks


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Question: If I have a 10 strength, and I buy 1d6 H2H attack, can I add my full strength (I.e, can I make a 3d6 total attack by adding my 10 strength to it, or am I limited to 2d6?)


What about when I am using a club in a heroic campaign? Would it be 1d6 for H2H + 2d6 for STR + 4d6N for Club?

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


Its your campaign, your rules. Just don't allow stupid abilities and powers. My rule is yes a person buying a 1D6 HA with a 10 STR will get a 3D6 HA. There is NOTHING wrong with that. However a club that is 1D6 for all intended and RL puposes is semi-fragile. So a character with a 10 str could only use 5 of his str to make it a 2D6 HA or he risks breaking the flimsy club. So the DC rule of you can't go over double the dice in my book only applies to objects. As for powers go a brick with 100str can buy a 1D6 HA if he really wants to. But I seem to be a paradox of beliefs to just about everyone so far on these boards. :P

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


The rule is:


For heroic campaigns - weapons cannot get more damage dice from STR than the HA they provide. So a 1D6 club can do a max of 2D6.


For superheroic - weapons generally just add damage like a normal HA. So a character with a 1D6 HA weapon in supers can do 8D6 with it if he has enough STR and such.

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


No, no... okay... let me try to explain.


I'm building a character with a normal strength - 10. But I want something to represent that while he isn't really strong, he knows how to fight, having grown up in back alleys. I want this to be represented by a 1d6 H2H attack, figuring that I can add my full strength to that (is this correct?) to get 3d6 total.


Now, if the character's brawl fighting, and picks up a wrench or something to work as a club for a 4d6N attack, do I use 4d6(Weapon)+1d6(H2H)+2d6(STR) or am I limited to 4d6+2d6?


This isn't a "your campaign" thing - I'd like to know what the actual rules say here.

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


No, no... okay... let me try to explain.


I'm building a character with a normal strength - 10. But I want something to represent that while he isn't really strong, he knows how to fight, having grown up in back alleys. I want this to be represented by a 1d6 H2H attack, figuring that I can add my full strength to that (is this correct?) to get 3d6 total.


Now, if the character's brawl fighting, and picks up a wrench or something to work as a club for a 4d6N attack, do I use 4d6(Weapon)+1d6(H2H)+2d6(STR) or am I limited to 4d6+2d6?


This isn't a "your campaign" thing - I'd like to know what the actual rules say here.


1) You can add your HA to your Strength attack. Treat HA as +Xd6 - it adds to your Strength.


2) You can't add HAs to your Weapon Attacks. And Weapons can only add Strength equal to Weapon Damage.


As far as I recall, them's the rules.

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


I wouldn't allow it. I'd either make you take a Hand Attack we I a GM. Actually' date=' in reality, I'd allow it as a GM, but I charge two points per point of Strength in Heroic games. Or maybe I'd only give you -1/4 for "Only for Figuring Damage".[/quote']


Would you give -1/2 for "no figured" (which is both more limiting and the official rule)?


If I did allow this, however, you could not affect ED instead of PD, so it would only be appropriate for a limited variety of special effects. -1/2 (or 3 points) is probably in the game anyway. I can buy DC's for martial arts for 4 points, and those affect maneuvers that do things othjer than pure normal damage (eg. NND, Grab, Escape and Shove maneuvers).

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


No, no... okay... let me try to explain.


I'm building a character with a normal strength - 10. But I want something to represent that while he isn't really strong, he knows how to fight, having grown up in back alleys. I want this to be represented by a 1d6 H2H attack, figuring that I can add my full strength to that (is this correct?) to get 3d6 total.


Now, if the character's brawl fighting, and picks up a wrench or something to work as a club for a 4d6N attack, do I use 4d6(Weapon)+1d6(H2H)+2d6(STR) or am I limited to 4d6+2d6?


This isn't a "your campaign" thing - I'd like to know what the actual rules say here.


I would skip the HTH attack power alltogether and just use skills. If the Fx is that he is a skilled streetfigher then buy a martial arts style called "Back Ally Street Fighting". If you still dont have enough dammage with your martial strike then buy some additional dammage classes with your martial arts. You can then buy weapon elements for the marial arts to use them with clubs, knives, etc, as well as just your fist.


As others have said, you have to specifiy heroic or superheroic rules for weapons and adding dammage. From the power levels you are talking about it sounds heroic to me, however. In a heroic campaign weapons have a base damage and a strength minimum. Strength over the strength minimum may be added to dammage. Damage classes from marital arts may as well, provided you have the weapon element on your martial arts. Killing attack weapons get 1 DC from every 2 DC in your marial arts, normal attacks its one for one. You can also use two skill levels with the attack to increase a weapon attack 1 DC. The cardinal rule is that you can never more than double the original weapon dammage.


If you want to use HA anyway, the standard rule is that its 5pts per 1d6 (same as strength) with a manditory (-1/2) limitation on it. It just adds to your strength dammage. BUT. . . it has to be a campaign where you are allowed to buy powers, as HA is a power. In strict Heroic campaigns your GM my insist that you go the skills route.

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


I copied this from the FAQ:


Q: How can I make my character do more damage?

A: The first thing you should do is take a look at the Adding Damage section of the HERO System 5th Edition (pages 270-72). It describes the five ways you can add damage to an attack: Combat Skill Levels, STR, Haymaker, Martial Maneuvers, and movement (velocity). Any character who's willing to accept the penalties for doing so can perform a Haymaker. Combat Skill Levels, Martial Maneuvers, and increased STR are things you have to pay Character Points for.


All of these methods suffer from one significant restriction: no matter what you do, you cannot more than double the damage of the weapon or base attack (there are a couple of minor exceptions to this rule, but for the most part it's set in stone). That means, for example, that if you're using a dagger (HKA 1d6-1, or two Damage Classes), you can't more than double that damage (1d6+1, or four Damage Classes), no matter how you add damage. So there's an absolute restriction on your character in that respect - beyond a certain point, all you can do is pick a bigger weapon.


However, there are ways around this difficulty, if you have the Character Points to afford them. You have to buy the ability to do more damage with a weapon than you normally would. For example:


Lethal Warrior: HKA +1d6 (plus STR) (15 Active Points); OIF (any standard weapon; -1/2), Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2). Total cost: 7 points.


This ability represents the fact that the character who buys it is so skilled with weapons that any attack he makes strikes a vital part of the target (since the ability reflects his skill at "targeting," he can't make a Placed Shot when using it). This adds HKA +1d6 (three Damage Classes) to any weapon attack he makes - and that's base damage he's adding. (If the weapon has an Advantage on it, this ability adds to it at a lesser rate; see page 272 of the 5th Edition.) That increases his ability to add damage to the attack with STR. If you're willing to spend enough points on an ability like this (and your GM lets you!), you can create a character who can strike deadly blows with even the smallest weapons.


Now, based on this, I could make a similar ability using Hand Attack.


Skilled Brawler/Streetfighter: HA +1d6 (plus STR) (5 Active Points); Hand Attack (-1/2); Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2). Total cost: 2 points.


The character basically knows where to hit, so they do more damage than a lesser fighter, either armed or unarmed. So, you could keep adding dice in this ability and make your character that much more skilled in inflicting damage. Could you use a similar ability without the "Cannot Use Targeting" limitation? I don't believe it is strictly illegal, but since the ability would then cost about 3 points per level you would be better off buying some kind of martial arts skills instead, as was suggested by another poster.

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Re: Hand To Hand Attacks


Well, the crazy thing is that I already have an 11 in strength - I put those three points into strength, that gives me a 14, so, rounding, wouldn't I get 3d6 anyway?


I'm thinking that I may have made a mistake there.


A 14 STR will only give 2 1/2d6 of normal damage, or if you are using the expanded strength chart from Ultimate Brick, then you will be doing 3d6-1 in normal damage.

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