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Paranoia Fun for One and All! Anyone seen any signs of the former Kara/Rachel ?


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Re: Paranoia Fun for One and All! Anyone seen any signs of the former Kara/Rachel ?


Really not trying to rub salt in old wounds.


Just wondering if, now that things have died down a bit, anyone has noticed any signs that this 'person' might be trying to slip under the radar with a new board persona.


Anyone who has a wild suspicion that they don't want to share with everyone is more than welcome to PM me.

(If for no other reason than being able to say "I told you so!" at some future date.)


Again, not trying to take the brass knuckles to an equine that has passed on.


But I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through that all crap again, somewhere down the road, because everyone forgot all about it, and this goober got themselves 'established' again.



And here I thought that by staying out of the NGD forum I could somehow remain blissfully ignorant of whatever the hell it is you people "talk" about in there. So much for that plan....

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Re: Paranoia Fun for One and All! Anyone seen any signs of the former Kara/Rachel ?


I won't go to the NGD so the NGD comes after me! Help!! Aaargggghhhhh!!!!!

I'll admit, I found the longer thread on this occurrence in the NGD forum and have been reading it, just because it's so bizarre. I never spoke to him/her/them on these boards, but as someone who used to be in a few GGU games, I have a general knowledge of who he/she/they "are" and their involvement in those games. So... yeah. Fascinating stuff, although what I saw of NGD while searching for the right thread was enough to convince me that I should continue to stay out of there. *shudder*

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