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This is a concept for a villain to to go against several 350-point characters. The villain is actually three 350-point villains that have the ability to join together to make one mega-villain. I would like feedback to see how well they work and any improvements that can be made.


Overall Backstory:Reciently Ronald Wysco, Abby Geric, and Warren Wessinton were members of a five-man strike team trying to destroy a terrorist cell in South America. The terrorists captured the entire team. At first they usual manners of torture were enough for the terrorists. After awhile they decided to fo for more extreme methods. At first it was not so bad. Eventually things got to the point that two soldiers died and the remaining three were forever altered. Their powers appeared and they completely destroyed that cell and several more on their way back to the States. While doing so they discovered that they became psychically linked and possess the ability to merge into one powerful being possessing all their abilities. After returning to the USA they defected from the military and went solo.


Here is the first: :coach:



Abbigale "Abby" Geric



15**STR**12**3d6 damage; 200.00 kg lift

20**DEX**13**OCV 7**DCV 7



15**INT**12**Perception 12

25**EGO**14**ECV 8

20**PRE**13**Base Presence Attack 4d6


5**PD**rPD 0**PD 5

5**ED**rED 0**ED 5

4**SPD**Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12





Total Characteristics: 146



+25 Resistant Mental Defense (30 Total) "Psy Screen"

50% Resistant Mental Damage Reduction "Psy Screen"

Psy Link: Trinity Members

MP (60) Mentalism

-6d6 Ego Attack "Psy Knife"

-12d6 Mind Scan "Locator"

-4d6 Ego Drain: Ranged "Will Sapper"

-12d6 Mental Illusion: Set Effect - Relocate Myntec In Opponent's Mind "Displacer"


Total Power/Equipment: 164




-+3 HTH

-+2 Range

-+4 MP

-+3 MA

MA: Commando Training





-Joint Lock/Grab


-Knife Hand





-Common Melee

-Early Firearms

-Small Arms

-Emplaced Weapons

Absolute Range

Absolute Time


Total Skills: 98



Hunted: US Military: More Powerful, NCI, Public ID, 8-

Hunted: South American Terrists: More Powerful, Public ID, 11-

Psy Lim: Power Hungry: Very Common, Strong

Psy Lim: Protective of Trinity Members: Very Common, Total

DNPC: Andrew Geric (Brother): Normal, 8-

Psy Lim: Fear of Color Yellow: Common, Strong

Vulnerability: Acid: Common, x2

Susceptability: Teleportation: 3d6 Instant, Uncommon


Total Disadvantages: 155

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Re: Please Critique


Myntec's defenses seem a bit low. Maybe, he could wear protective armor or something. At the least, some binoculars would be helpful for him, so that he can psi-snipe more easily from a safe distance. Some levels to cancel range mods would be useful for the EGO Drain.

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Re: Please Critique


Myntec is ment to be the background sniper of the group and as a result does not generally come to the front of the conflict (there is another member for that). Her prefered tact is to remain in the background using the psy knife to knock them down and if they turn out to possess strong EGOs then she can zap them with her will sapper. Although getting a pair of binoculars would help overcome the effect of range, they would also tell everyone that there is another combatant mixed in the crowd (as usually happens during superhero/villain combat). As far as the Sun being yellow, all she notices and cares about in that line is that the sky is blue and one cannot look directly at the Sun. Scientists are able to study it through either indirect observation or by "dimming its light", either way they are not looking at it directly.

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Re: Please Critique


She looks fine for a villain. I allow villains to have a lot of quirks that I'd never let a PC slide with. Certain overly weakened defenses, weird psych lims are fine for an NPC sheet where things can be changed to suit your needs.


A few comments:

1. According to the background, she's part of a strike team working in South America. I see you've put in some skills to reflect that, but there are several others of note missing. 1 and 2 pt skills with the languages native to that part of the world. At least Spanish. A familiarity with Demolitions. Figure out why she was on the team besides kicking ass and shooting, did she have any other strengths? (Was she the Tactical Genius? The Scrounger? The Burly Mechanical Whiz? The Crazy Pilot?)


Being part of a strike team means she also had access to equipment. At the very least, if she needs it, she should be able to acquire some simple flak armor, and have a side arm. A high powered sniper scope would come in handy as well considering most of her powers are LOS.


2. Her powers are pretty straight forward. If I were building her I would make the Drain BOECV as well as Ranged so it acts like everything else. Actually, I'd change the Drain to a Suppress which is automatically Ranged, half the cost, and make it BOECV, but that's just me.


3. Characteristics. The only issue I have is the EGO, which is her primary stat. I'd either knock it up one or down one. Up one, your ECV goes up one and costs you two points. Down one, nothing changes and you save a couple of points. I mean, she's a villain, and points don't matter, but my Goodman senses are blaring at me every time I look at that.


4. Disads. Everything is fine except for (and you know what's coming) Fear of Color Yellow: Common, Strong. Captain Sunshine is going to kick her ass. Is there an actual rationalization here, or were you just fishing for points? If it's the former, I really want to hear it. Really. Really. However, if it's the latter, I can help with that. First, her two Hunteds say she has a Public ID, but she hasn't purchased the Social Lim for it. Then, build more of a personality than just Power Hungry and Protective of Teammates. If you are having trouble go here. Lots of ideas there.

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Re: Please Critique


I appreciate everyone's comments. beauxdeigh's comment 4 mirrored something that I was wondering about. Concider it downed to moderate. I really ment that that was a childhood carryover. I also added a new disad (shall remain unstated at this time). I also thank you for the link.


Now for the next member: :coach:



Ronald Wysco



15**STR**12**3d6 Damage; 200.00kg Lift

20**DEX**13**7OCV**7 DCV



15**INT**12**Perception Roll 12

15**EGO**12**ECV 5

25**PRE**14**Base Presence Attack 5d6


3**PD**rPD 25**PD 68

5**ED**rED 39**ED 84

4**SPD** Phases 3, 6, 9, 12





Total Char: 110



IR Vision: Targeting; Discriminitory; Anayze

UV Vision: Targeting; Discriminitory; Anayze


Psy Link: Trinity Members

Flight 25" x16 NCM OHID

MP (60): OHID "Flame Powers"

-10d6 EB: Penetrating "Fire Blast"

-10/14 Rorce Wall "Fire Wall"

-11d6 Flash: Sight & Hearing "Blinder"

EC (20) OHID

-+40 PD

-+40 ED

-+40 STUN

-+20 STUN

-15/25 Armor

-100% Fire Resistant Damage Reduction

-75% Energy Resistant Damage Reduction

-50% Physical Resistant Damage Reduction


Powers Total: 398




-+5 HTH

-+5 Range

-+5 MP

-+5 MA


-+5 Targeting

-+5 Range

MA: Commando Training





-Joint Lock/Grab


-Knife Hand





-Common Melee

-Early Firearms

-Small Arms

-Emplaced Weapons

Absolute Range

Absolute Time

+6 Lightning Reflexes


Total Skills: 188



Hunted: US Military: More Powerful, NCI, Public ID, 8-

Hunted: South American Terrists: More Powerful, Public ID, 11-

Psy Lim: Protective of Trinity Members: Very Common, Total

Psy Lim: Arrogent: Common; Strong

Psy Lim: Vengeful: Common; Strong

Accidental Change: Frozen: Common 14-

DF: Firy Body: Not Concealable; Noticed; Common Senses

Villain Bonus

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Re: Please Critique


The mentalist, Myntec, needs more DEF just from the standpoint that sooner or later, she WILL get hit. And since only one 33 STUN hit(9 1/2 D6) would drop her to 0, well, that's just got to come up.


On the other hand, NO ONE needs the kind of PD and ED that the next guy has. He'd be immune to at least 95% of the published character's in terms of straight forward damage. And then damage reduction on top of it? It's just way too much overkill. You've got to be playing on a HUGE power level for this guy to balance, and 350 point characters, even a group of characters, who can take on this guy are going to have to be out of balance with published characters. Badly. I mean, Grond, who is the Champions Universe version of the Hulk, can't really hurt this guy. Pyron starts a major league arms race if he gets in the campaign, so before you put him in, make sure that is something that you want and can handle.

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Re: Please Critique


The Multipower should be increased to 75 points to handle the 10d6 EB with the Penetrating Advantage. Penetrating is a +1/2 Advantage. The 5 levels in Martial Arts seem excessive. Unless this is an important character feature and he has some DCs with Martial Arts, he won't need that many levels.


He would probably benefit from a higher Recovery. Flash Defense Sight seems appropriate for a fire-based character. I can't tell from the write up what his final STUN should be.


As has been previously mentioned, his defenses are disproportionately high unless you want him to be virtually immune to conventional attack.


You shouldn't need to buy targetting for the IR and UV. Sight is already a targetting power. Hope that this helps.

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Re: Please Critique


Your comments for PyRon were great. I didn't realize just how over-powered he really was. He now has lost A LOT of power (and points). The heros should be able to defeat him with little difficulty now.


Now for the muscle of the group: :coach:



Warren Wessinton



70**STR**23**14d6 Damage; 400.00 ton lift

20**DEX**13**OCV 7; DCV 7



10**INT**11**PER Roll 11

15**EGO**12**ECV 5

20**PRE**13**Presence Attack 4d6


15**PD**rPD 45**PD 45

10**ED**rED 40**ED 40

4**SPD**Phases 3, 6, 9, 12





Total Char: 167



30/30 Armor: x2 Hardened

15/10 Damage Resistance: x2 Hardened

25% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction

25% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction

Psy Link: Trinity Members

+30 STR: Only to Crush Things

5d6 STR Aid: Self Only; Full Phase


Total Powers: 238




-+4 HTH

-+4 Range

-+4 MA

MA: Commando Tranining





-Joint Lock/Grab


-Knife Hand





-Common Melee

-Early Firearms

-Small Arms

-Emplaced Weapons

Absolute Range

Absolute Time


Total Skills: 104



Hunted: US Military: More Powerful, NCI, Public ID, 8-

Hunted: South American Terrists: More Powerful, Public ID, 11-

Psy Lim: Protective of Trinity Members: Very Common, Total

Phys Lim: Heavey (6400 kg): All the Time; Great

DF: Organic Steel Bands: Not Conceal; Noticed; Common Senses

Vuln: Magnetics: Common; x2

Enraged: Injustice: Common; 14/8



Disadvantages: 209

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Re: Please Critique


Steel is a brick who knows martial arts and could be a little rough on your player's characters. 12d6 normal attacks (STR or EB) will do no or trivial damage to him. Unless the heroes have access to magnetic-based attacks, mental powers, NNDs, or Drains, he is going to be unreasonably tough to bring down. You may want to bring his Defenses down.


The Damage Reduction seems unnecessary. If you use the STUN Lottery for Killing Attacks, you might want the Damage Reduction to apply only to Killing Attacks.


Steel is doing enormous amounts of damage when grabs and crushes: 20d6! Since he has martial grab, breaking out of his grip is going to be very hard for people without special powers like teleportation. Depending upon your campagin parameters, that may be too high. It would certainly pulverize many characters. Instead of having those levels in HTH and those levels in Martial Arts, you could just give him some Combat Levels. Currently, it looks like he has too many levels given the amount of damage that he is throwing. Let's not forget that his martial punch is 16d6!


Of course, the STR Aid makes him even more fearsome. Decide where the heart of the character is. If it is important that he be very strong, get rid of the martial punch and give him a couple of levels with punch. This will allow you to mimic a martial punch without the extra dice.


I'm guessing that he is fully armored like Colussus. You may want to give him Lack of Weakness or Life Support. Possible Life Support choices would include Immune to High Pressure and Vacuum.


The Enraged - Injustice seems like an odd choice for a supervillain can you clarify it?


Right now, his main movement is going to be leaping about because he only has 6" of Running.


Having a BODY of 10 seems a bit low for such a mighty brick. That Characteristic could be raised.


Hope this helps.

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Re: Please Critique


Also,it looks like Steel's Characteristics are bought through focii.Could you please show us exactly how Steel bought his Characteristics.

(And,yes Steel is too much of a powerhouse for the standard superheroic campaign.As written,he's effectively invulnerable,save for characters with Find Weakness,magnetic attacks,or attacks that bypass normal defenses).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Please Critique


Steel's abilities are natural. From the day that their powers manifested he has been extremely strong and almost impossible to injure. Although I did eliminate all Damage Reduction from all characters making it easier to injure them. The only member of this group who has dual IDs is PyRon. I basically modeled him after the Human Tourch. When he is in his villain form he has access to all powers, however when not in that form he has none of these powers (or when he is frozen which forces a change from villain to normal). If they feel that their individual power is insufficient they do have the ability to unite into one mega-villain. I do not really care for the name so please in addition to critiquing him please make suggestions for the name as well. With no further ado: :coach:



Amalgum of Steel, PyRon, & Myntec



100**STR**29**20d6 damage

20**DEX**13**7 OCV 7DCV



15**INT**12**Perception 12

25**EGO**14**8 ECV

25**PRE**14**PRE Attack 5d6









Total Char: 377



45/55 Armor x2 Hardened

20/20 Damage Resistance x2 Hardened

+30 STR: Crush Things Only

5d6 STR Aid: Self Only; Full Phase

100% Resistant Fire DR

+25 Resistant Mental Defense

Sight Flash Defense (30)

Hearing Flash Defense (30)

+20 REC

25" Flight x16 NCM

IR Vision

UV Vision


Fire MP (100)

-13d6 EB: Penetrating

-18/22 Force Wall

-19d6 Sight/Hearing Flash

Mentalism MP (100)

-10d6 Ego Attack

-20d6 Mind Scan

-6d6 EGO Drain: Ranged

-20d6 Mental Illusion: Set Effect (Relocates Trinity In Opponent's Mind)


Total Powers: 850



-+5 HTH

-+5 Range

-+5 MP

-+5 MA

MA: Commando Training





-Joint Lock/Grab


-Knife Hand





-Common Melee

-Early Firearms

-Small Arms

-Emplaced Weapons

Absolute Range

Absolute Time

+6 Lightning Reflexes


Total Skills: 136



Hunted: US Military: More Powerful, NCI, Public ID, 8-

Hunted: South American Terrists: More Powerful, Public ID, 11-

Psy Lim: Power Hungry: Very Common; Strong

Psy Lim: Rear of Yellow: Common; Moderate

Psy Lim: Ambitions & Manipulative: Common; Moderate

Psy LIm: Arrogant: Common; Strong

Psy Lim: Vengeful: Common; Strong

Psy LIm: Overconfident: Very Common; Moderate

x2 Acid: Common

x2 Cold/Ice: Common

x2 Magnetics: Common

3d6 Teleport: Instant; Uncommon

Accidental Change: Frozen: Common; 14- (Causes merger to split)

DF: Firy Body: Not Concealable; Noticed/ Roconized; Common Senses

DF: Organic Steel Bands: Not Concealable; Noticed; Common Senses

Enraged: Injustice: 14/8; Common

Phys LIm: Heavy (6400 kg): All Time; Great




Total Disadvantages: 1393

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