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Drugs, man... Drugs...


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If we were to do some Drugs as Powers... Oops...


If we were to write up some Drugs as Powers... (That's better). We would need Gradual Effect, Charges, NND... what else? I have no experience at all with Recreational Pharmaceuticals... I've been drunk exactly ... 3 times? Never smoked anything or taken pills. But PCs might encounter folks who have.


Never seen the point, really... too messed up as it is.


Fantasy Drugs would be even more bizarre than their real world counterparts, and I've great ideas... but where to start?


Maybe some Images for Hallucinogenics, Aid for some drugs, side effect Killing Attacks, Drains... Long Term Suppress Effects. Should they also be Independent? I suppose they're like potions in a way. Here's one... Chew some Uralaac Root for a Strength Boost followed by crippling cell damage and maybe death.


Uralaac Root: Uralaac Root: (Total: 75 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) Aid STR 3d6 (30 Active Points); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), OAF (Uralaac Root; -1) (Real Cost: 5) plus HKA 3d6 (45 Active Points); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), Gradual Effect (6 Hours; -1 1/2), OAF (Uralaac Root; -1), No STR Bonus (-1/2) (Real Cost: 6)Total Real Cost: 11


What Fantasy Drugs do you use...Oops... What Drugs are used by folks in your campaign?

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Re: Drugs, man... Drugs...


None so far (but we've only had two sessions).

There potential for poisons and medicines, as one of the characters is carrying some. Small amount of alcohol use ;-p


Once they get back into settlements it may change. The one drug I would like to introduce is from Perdido Street Station - firstly because it has a cool effect, an interesting description in the book. But mainly because the players who have read the book would be freaked out that I may have included the source of the drug in my campaign world :)

I have already written up the source, but not yet the effects of the drug...


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Re: Drugs, man... Drugs...


I’d throw in side effects, or some other downer effect. Like Huey Lewis implied, all drugs have some bad effect, unless you find “one that makes me feel like I feel when I’m with you… when I’m alone with youâ€


The only drug like effects I've worked up were for more futuristic uses, when I hope they will have side effects fixed.

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Re: Drugs, man... Drugs...


"Is this Hagga?"

"Would I sell Hagga to slayers such as yourselves? Pure Scythian Black Lotus"

"Chew slowly... this is the good stuff!"


There are a lot of interesting ways to make drugs for a campaign. Lots of possible effects that culd be seen as beneficial, and quite a few more that wouldn't be. Basic benefical effects are well done as Aids. Other effects could include Damage Reduction, stun only ("feeling no pain"), Mental Defence, and some interesting perception bonuses. In some cases, if you're feeling a bit mystical, you could add Clairsentience, possibly even with Pre and/or Retrocog, for something like Ayahuasca or Peyote rituals.

Side effects are almost mandatory. I know taking multiple side effects can get sketchy, but honestly most drugs should have 3.

#1) Direct negative effects, depending on the drug. Mental Illusions, Ego based Entangle, Drained stats or movement, temporary Disads like Enraged, Berserk, or a new Psych Lim (Distinctive Features, "wasted" is probably a must), drained perception, Negative CL's,

#2) Addiction: Another transform, size depending on how addictive the drug is, healed with time. Character to Character with 5 pts Dependence. Add another 5 points to the dependence each time the character's body is exceeded after the inital transform has completed.

#3) Overdose: Gradual effect killing attack, if X # of doses are taken in Y amount of time. Add DC to the killing attack for each additional dose. Another option for the more dangerous drugs... base it off a Con roll, with a penalty to every dose after the first.


Bear in mind not all drugs will have this many side effects. As a real world example, LSD would have LOTS of direct effects, Mental Illusions foremost, but it's not known to be addictive, and its almost impossible to kill yourself with. An overdose would just send your head to pluto, where it might not come back. This is probably comparable with a campaigns 'Black Lotus"


Speed, on the other hand....lots of benefits to lure folk into using it, but WHOA nelly, you sure as hell want to avoid the side effects... its got them all in spades. This is your "hagga"... useful, strong, and cheap, but dangerous...perfect to market to the lower classes, unfortunately.


The last thing to consider is resistance. This builds up over time, and often leads addicts iinto overdoses, because they have to take so much to get that "feeling"This is probably modeled really well with a decreasing activation roll similar to the way Ablative works.


Have fun... But not too much :idjit:

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Re: Drugs, man... Drugs...


There's sufficient real-world, literary and RPG precedence for using drugs in a campaign.


The obvious r/l one would be the hashish allegedly fed to the Assassins to help mess with their minds - hallucinogenic and euphoric properties to assist in brainwashing. Another very obvious one would be the use of narcotics and hallucinogens by shaman types - peyote, psilocybin shrooms, aminita shrooms, pulque drinks, such practices occur in almost every corner of the globe.


Also look at the use of benzedrine by US Marines (for example) during WWII - strong stimulant helps in repetitive/strenuous tasks, obviates need for sleep, hefty comedown as with all such. Finally, the use of coca leaf as a stimulant by S. American natives - journeys on foot were often measured in the number of leaves required.


Literary examples would include pretty much everyone in the Thieves World stories doing their versions of speed and hash, Gandalf in LOTR doing the demon weed and the trippy fantasy tales of Lord Dunsanay and Clark Ashton Smith.


RPG wise the most serious cultural inclusion of drugs that I can think of occurs in Empire Of The Petal Throne. Recreational narcotics are woven into the fabric of the society and used in a manner similar to good whisky or liqueurs.

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Re: Drugs, man... Drugs...


My Champions character (I know, that's not FH) has a Multiform which is based on "Power Pills". His name is Mr. Terrific, and if you're not old enough to remember that very-short-term TV series, well, that's just another advantage of youth. He hasn't yet bumped up against an anti-drug campaigner, though that could be an interesting plot twist.

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